Allegheny Valley School District 2010 - 2011 District Goals
Athletics Goal #1: Develop and adopt a Student Athletic Manual. Goal #2: Clarify, improve, and communicate the weekly process for monitoring student academic eligibility for athletics and activities. Board Policy/Administrative Procedures Goal #1: Develop Section 300 (employees) of the School Board Policy Manual. Goal #2: Determine and create regulations needed to complement policies already approved. Goal #3: Continue to refine and expand the Board Policy Manual. Communication Goal #1: Improve external communications, focusing on a comprehensive marketing plan for the District. Goal #2: Enhance internal communications, focusing on improving communication among staff members. Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment Goal #1: Develop and refine a comprehensive program with aligned curriculum, instruction and assessment for all learners to achieve success in the 21st Century.
Goal #2: Explore on-line learning opportunities for all students with local districts and education providers. Goal #3: Plan and implement co-teaching/inclusion as appropriate throughout the K-12 system. Goal #4: Plan and deliver professional learning opportunities associated with program goals and focused on growth for individuals. Facilities Goal #1: Work toward further implementation and awareness of the Safety Committee. Goal #2: Continue the implementation and coordination of the Springdale Jr-Sr High School Renova- tion Project. Goal #3: Finalize and approve a Five-Year Facilities Plan that will ensure continuous, focused mainte- nance and fiscal responsibility. Finance Goal #1: Focus on enhanced communication throughout the District on financial information. Goal #2: Enhance the efficiency of the Business Office by cross-training and providing continuous professional development for support staff. Goal #3: Implement and expand the use of the on-line archiving system for records management. Food Service
Goal #1: Revise and promote breakfast and lunch programs to meet changes in market trends and nutrition standards. Goal #2: Implement a plan for continuation of service during the renovation project. Personnel Goal #1: Finalize the comprehensive District Hiring Procedure Manual. Goal #2: Complete and approve the employee agreements. Goal #3: Offer learning opportunities for all employees to meet District and individual needs. Goal #4: Encourage and support a Professional Leadership Series program for all employee
Goal #5: Develop and adopt a differentiated professional growth model for teacher supervision and evaluation.
Technology Goal #1: Oversee and promote the Laserfiche Archival Program. Goal #2: Maximize usage of the CSIU software. Goal #3: Enhance communication and cooperation among the Technology Department Staff. Goal #4: Promote District technology efforts. Transportation Goal #1: Implement the transportation component of the CSIU system. Goal #2: Focus on increased student transportation safety.
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Important information about your prescription benefits Effective July 1, 2013 Within the Prescription Drug List (PDL), medications are grouped by tier. The tier indicates the amount you pay when you fill a prescription. Your lower-cost options are found in Tier 1. Medications moving to a lower tier Medications may move from a higher tier to a lower