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Time management in an online world

Time Management in a Connected World Making a Telephone Call 1993  Look up Number in Rolladex  Call Person Send person email that you want to call them Person sends days and times that work for them Create calendar entry in Outlook for call, including When the day and time arrives, hopefully you Why Time Management ?  Lack of time causes stress  Life satisfaction  Mon

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Eliminating Chronic Acid Reflux & Indigestion Do you think your problem is too much stomach acid? If you still think your problem is too much acid, keep this in mind. The older people get the more likely they are to use antacids. This is interesting as stomach acid production decreases dramatically as people get older! We seem to forget that having stomach acid is both necessary and n


Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2004; 32 : 368–372 Original Article _____________________________________ Five-year follow up of selective laser trabeculoplasty in Chinese eyes Jimmy SM Lai FRCOphth, 1 John KH Chua FRCS, 2 Clement CY Tham FRCS 2 and Dennis SC Lam FRCOphth 2 1Department of Ophthalmology, United Christian Hospital, and 2Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sci


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Existing Fixture Proposed Fixture Manufacturer/Model Description Quantities 2 LAMP T8 RETROFIT KIT LOW PROFILE REFLECTOR Energy Planning Associates A1082/W/CS/T8/TL3 w/ Sylvania QHE2X32T8UNVISLSC & New LampholdersEnergy Planning Associates 1041/W/CS/T8/TL3 w/ Sylvania QHE1X32T8UNVISNSC Replace Lampholders as NeededEnergy Planning Associates 1041/W/CS/T8/TL3 w/ Sylvania QHE1


Formatting Your Paper for Evolutionary Computation B. A. Author Department of Science, My University, MyTown, Zip, Country D. C. Author2 Department of Science, My University, MyTown, Zip, Country Abstract The abstract goes here. It should be about 200 words and give the reader a summaryof the main contributions of the paper. Remember that readers may decide to read ornot to re

#4 LAS INICIATIVAS DE ESPAÑA Y MÉXICO PARA COMBATIR TERRORISMO COMPRENSIÓN ORAL 1. Antes de escuchar : a) ¿Ha escuchado usted del movimiento zapatista en México o del grupo juvenil Haïka en España?Utilice el vocabulario siguiente para escribir una definición de ellos: Grupo juvenil – País Vasco español – "cachorros de ETA" – dirigir y fiscalizar – banda


LECTURA 3.- MERCADOTECNIA DE PRIMERA. Seduce a tus clientes. ofréceles lo que están buscando. Encuentra el lado sexy de tu producto o servicio y verás subir tus ventas como la Te tengo dos noticias, una buena y una mala: la buena es que tienes un magnífico producto que vender. la mala: nadie lo comprará jamás. ¿Por qué estoy tan seguro? Porque los clientes no compran producto

Highlights of prescribing information

HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION Hepatic failure has been reported in patients with pre-existing liver These highlights do not include all the information needed to use disease. Use caution when treating patients with liver disease. (5.4) CANASA safely and effectively. See full prescribing information for ------------------------------ADVERSE REACTIONS--------------------------

CHHATTISGARH GRAMIN BANK (A Joint Venture of Govt. of India, Govt. of Chhattisgrah and State Bank of India)Head Office-15,Recreation Road, Choubey Colony, RAIPUR (C.G.)Chhattisgarh Gramin Bank invites applications from Indian Citizens, for the posts in OfficerMiddle Management Grade (Scale-III), Officer Middle Management Grade (Scale-II), OfficerJunior Management Grade (Scale-I) Cadre and fro

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University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Hațieganu” Cluj-Napoca, România HABILITATION THESIS TABLE OF CONTENT 1   ABSTRACT ________________________________________________________ 3   2   SCIENTIFIC, PROFESSIONAL AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS _______ 8   SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENTS IN THE FIELD OF PHARMACOKINETICS 8   Introduction ____________________________

Copyright Medinews (Cardiology) Limited Reproduction Prohibited Copyright Medinews (Cardiology) Limited Reproduction Prohibited The interest in the increasing overlap between cardiac and renal disease was shown by a wel -attended meeting, ‘The failing heart and kidney’, organised by the Cardiorenal rohibited F C orum. O o ver 1 p 00 ne y phrol r og i y an g d card h iolog t y co ns

CapacitaÇÃo de professores para uso de tecnologias de informaÇÃo e comunicaÇÃo como uma estratÉgia para reduzir a evasÃo em cursos de graduaÇÃo

O USO PEDAGÓGICO DE RECURSOS TECNOLÓGICOS COMO ESTRATÉGIA PARA QUALIFICAR O ENSINO E CONTRIBUIR PARA A REDUÇÃO DA EVASÃO NA EDUCAÇÃO SUPERIOR Línea Temática 2 . Prácticas para reducir el abandono: acceso a la educación superior, integración a las instituciones e intervenciones curriculares. Resumen. Atualmente, as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicaç�

Roskydal® 500 A Reactive, unsaturated polyester (wax-free) which cures to yield hard films Form supplied In the formulation of clear and pigmented, wax-free coatings for wood andfurniture, high-gloss to matt, with good chemical resistance and very goodflow properties and scratch resistance. Also in the formulation of spray andcurtain-coating fillers for wood, metal and plastic. Specific

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MA M T A E T R E I R A I L A L SA S F A E F T E Y T Y DA D T A A T A SH S EE E T E T Ji 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION MSDS data revised 27 Jan. 2011 232-8 Maesan-ri Opo-eup, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea 2. COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON THE COMPONENTS 93~97% This info


Caffeine in Sport MECHANISMS OF ACTION In this report: Caffeine consumption can affect the body in a number of ways, principally through the Key Points Sound evidence exists to demonstrate that adenosine receptors (2). Due to the complex caffeine has ergogenic effects on both short biochemistry and interacting responses, the and long term endurance as well as short ter

furunkeloiden, fast karbunkelartigenAbszessen in die Münchner Hautklinik(Abb. 2+3). Er hatte sich bereits vonmehr als zehn verschiedenen Hautärz-ten erfolglos behandeln lassen, bevorbriss leicht zu führen. Mit einer Metro-nidazol-Therapie (tägl. 3 mal 250 mgp.o.) für zwei Wochen gelang den Abb. 2+3: Furunkoloide Abszesse, ausgelöst durch Demodex-Milben. eine bislang über ein Jahr

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Generics First - A Step Therapy Program effective 10/1/13 Do you know that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires generic drugs to have the same strength and purity as brand-name drugs? Generic drugs can be just as effective as their brand-name counterparts at a fraction of the price, so why would you spend more than you have to on your prescription medications? Choose generics

Effect of valsartan on left ventricular anatomy and systolic function and aortic elasticity

Available online at www.sciencedirect.comMetabolism Clinical and Experimental 58 (2009) 682 – 688Effect of valsartan on left ventricular anatomy and systolic functionLalita Khaodhiara, Aoife M. Brennanb, Christina Limaa, Jean L. Chanb, Christos S. Mantzorosb,Warren J. Manningc, Peter G. Daniasd,e, Aristidis Vevesa,⁎aMicrocirculation Laboratory, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and

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Running head: GLUCOCORTICOID EFFECT ON BONE Glucocorticoid Effect on Bone and Glucose Levels in Glucocorticoids are among the most potent and widely used immunosuppressant drugs available but have many detrimental side effects; however, only limited data are available on intervention studies to prevent these life-long side effects from occurring. The purpose of this study was to test an exper

Emergency diagnosis and treatment of amphibian diseases


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Fathers Differ in Parenting 1. FATHERS -- DIFFERENT IDEAS COME TO MIND This week we begin a new series on Fathers--devoted to dads everywhere, but just as important for moms to read. In this new series, we'll explore the important and unique role dads play in the development of their children. We'll also look at tips dads can use for learning and growing together with their kids. Each per

Preliminary technical data sheet

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Feline chronic kidney failure

Kidney Disease in Cats Chronic kidney (renal) disease is a relatively common disorder in cats, especially geriatric cats. Renal insufficiency (CRI) or renal failure (CRF) occurs when the kidneys are no longer able to perform their normal function of removing waste products from the blood. The former is the early stage of the latter. Kidney failure is not the same as the inability to make ur

Campaign price competition – greater manchester meeting - 26th april 2013

Campaign against price competition – Greater Manchester meeting - 26th April 2013 Steering group meeting: Matthew Claughton – Olliers Solicitors Oliver Gardner – Howards Jeremy Moore – Carter Moore Richard Silver – Richard Silver Kerry Morgan – MBC Pat Harris – Clifford Johnston Dan Weed – Burton Copeland Louise Straw – Burton Copeland 1) We have identified additio

Microsoft word - about faculty_2.docx

Prof. Nilkanth R. Pawar I.D.D. (Dairy Tech.), B.Tech (Dairy Tech.), M.Tech. (Dairy Chemistry) [email protected] Tel. : +91-2385-254754 Research and Teaching Activities: Prof. Nilkanth Pawar joined this Department in 2011 as an Assistant Professor and since involved in teaching various subjects of Dairy Chemistry to the B. Tech. (Dairy Technology) students. So far he is activel


Scientific Contributions Isolated Systolic Hypertension Prognostic Information Provided by Pulse Pressure Michael J. Domanski, Barry R. Davis, Marc A. Pfeffer, Mark Kastantin, Gary F. Mitchell Abstract —Increased arterial stiffness results in increased characteristic impedance of the aorta and increased pulse wave velocity, which increases systolic and pulse pressures. An associatio

INFORMATION FOR VASCULAR LESION LASER The Candela Vascular Laser is state-of-the-art technology to safely and effectively target unwanted facial veins and vascular lesions and benign epidermal pigmented lesions. Laser is light that produces intense heat or energy. As the laser light passes through the epidermis to target vessels, it is absorbed by the target and converted into heat

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A4916 Modulo di Farmacologia Speciale (Corso integrato: Farmacologia speciale, Biotecnologie farmacologiche, Tossicologia) Docente Corso di studi Laurea triennale in Informatore Medico Scientifico Tipologia Anno Accademico 2013/2014 Periodo didattico Propedeuticità Farmacologia Generale, Patologia generale. È consentito il passaggio da un anno al successivo esclu

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cosmetica Dr. Ronald Feiner MBBS DRCOG FFMACCS LIPOSCULPTURE Facial Liposuction is designed to remove or diminish regional accumulations of fat that have often proved to be resistant to diet and exercise. The abnormal layer wil have been permanently removed. Only significant weight gain wil make the area appear to re-accumulate. “Tumescent” liposuction is a safe and effective m

Pii: s0959-8049(98)00260-3

European Journal of Cancer, Vol. 34, No. 12, pp. 1894±1901, 1998# 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reservedCost-eVectiveness Analysis of Paclitaxel and Cisplatin VersusCyclophosphamide and Cisplatin as First-line Therapy inAdvanced Ovarian Cancer. A European Perspective1Medical Economics Research Group, Prinzregentenst. 72, D-81675 Munich, Germany; and 2Centre forPharmacoeconomics, S

A randomized trial comparing fluconazole with clotrimazole troches for the prevention of fungal infections in patients with advanced human immunodeficiency virus infection



treatments for tinnitus: facts from fictionMichael D. Seidman, MDa,*, Seilesh Babu, MDbaDepartment of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, Henry Ford Health System,2799 West Grand Boulevard, Detroit, MI 48202, USAbProvidence Hospital, 22279 Arbor Lane, Farmington Hills, MI 48336, USASince the dawn of human existence, nutritional supplements, herbs, andphytonutrients have been used to

Hiv positive women and their babies

A Service of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services HIV Positive Women and Their Babies After Birth I am an HIV positive pregnant woman, and Terms Used in This Fact Sheet: I am currently on an HIV regimen. Will my Adherence: how closely you follow, or adhere to, your regimen change after I give birth? treatment regimen. This includes taking the correct dose

FORMULA NUMBER: 823 FORMULA NAME: Ciprofloxacin Suspension in Syrup NF DOSAGE FORM: Suspension FORMULA (Rx): Ingredients For: 100 mL RPh Initials Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride [Monohydrate] SYNONYMS: Cipro USE/TYPE: CATEGORY: NOTES: Ciprofloxacin tablets may be used for this preparation. Other flavored commercial vehicles may be substituted for the S

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VERDADES E I EXACTITUDES RESPECTO DE LA ACTUAL EPIDEMIA DE Se está produciendo durante 2009 una pandemia gripal del tipo de virus influenza A. Verdadero. Reúne las condiciones que establece la OMS para considerar este brote gripal en fase VI (pandémico). Todos los virus influenza son de este tipo A. Inexacto. Hay un grupo de virus (Orthomyxovirus), con una familia (Orthomyxoviridae) que posee

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CNA International Life Informacion General Escribir toda la información en letra deimprenta o en máquina de escribir 1. Nombre del asegurado propuesto 2. Dirección residencial del asegurado propuesto 3. Pagador de las primas (si es distinto al asegurado propuesto) 4. Plan de seguro Si es Universal Life, y beneficio por fallecimiento (Si es Universal Life) El primer pago de

Delibera di consiglio comunale n. 44 del 28-11-2009

COMUNE DI VILLA ESTENSE Deliberazione N . 44 O R I G I N A L E VERBALE DI DELIBERAZIONE DEL CONSIGLIO COMUNALE Adunanza Straordinaria di PRIMA convocazione seduta PUBBLICA OGGETTO: Riconoscimento debiti fuori bilancio. L’anno Duemilanove addì Ventotto del mese di Novembre alle ore 10,15 nella Residenza Municipale, per chiamata con avvisi scritti protocollo n


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Scenarios & Case Studies Scenario 1 An intervention has just been done on this 45 year old Dr. He/she has been given the option of termination and being reported to the police for diversion of narcotics “a criminal action” or taking leave time and going to treatment. The Dr. chose the latter. He/she is escorted to the treatment facility at which you are doing the screening /inta

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Saint Francis Xavier University, School of Nursing Bridging the osteoporosis treatment gap Abstract Osteoporosis is a very common problem affecting over 2 million Canadians (Osteoporosis Canada, 2008). One in 3 women and 1 in 5 men will suffer an osteoporotic fracture (Osteoporosis Canada, 2011). This currently costs the Canadian health care system 1.9 billion dollars annually (Wiktoro

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ARCHDIOCESE OF BALTIMORE DIVISION OF YOUTH & YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY PERMISSION FORM AND RELEASE Youth Name: Home Phone:________________ Parent Name: Work Phone: __________________ Other number where Parent can be reached: ______________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________ City/State/Zip ______________________ Grade_____

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Product Name: CALTRATE ® PLUS (Complementary Medicine) HCR: Pfizer Laboratories (Pty) Ltd Dosage form: Film-coated and chewable tablets PROPOSED PATIENT INFORMATION LEAFLET This leaflet tells you about CALTRATE® PLUS. Read the contents of this leaflet carefully before you start using CALTRATE® PLUS, because it contains important information for you. CALTRATE® PLUS is

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EDUCACIÓN PARA LA CIUDADANÍA Las manifestaciones de la violencia en los ambientes de aprendizaje: El caso del manejo mediático de la violencia escolar en la ciudad de Tijuana, B.C. México                                                             1 UABC México. [email protected]  El propósito de esta in

PALOMA YASMIN RESORT (5 STAR), ULTRA ALL INCLUSIVE Preturile includ reducerea EarlyBooking %15 pentru rezervari facute de la 01.10.2011 pana la 31.03.2012 MYNDOS ROOM opti 11.05 25.05 8.06 15.06 29.06 06.07 13.07 20.07 03.08 24.08 31.08 07.09 14.09 21.09 28.09 05.10 12.10 Primul copil in DBL (2.00-12.99) Pret pe Camera 1.636 1.561 1.475 1.386 1.232 1.122 1.005SINGLE ROOM - 1 Adl+

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OSTEOPOROSI: UN PROGETTO PILOTA PER LA PREVENZIONE Divulgare quanto più possibile fra le persone anziane della nostra regione i pericoli e i danni che derivano da una malattia particolarmente insidiosa e che comporta un percorso fortemente invalidante: l'osteoporosi. E' questo è il motivo fondamentale del nostro incontro con i giornalisti. Fondamentale per la sua organizzazione è stato il

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Countervail Corporation 1 Greentree Center DR. EDSON ALBUQUERQUE TO PRESENT RESEARCH DATA SUPPORTING USE OF GALANTAMINE AS A NOVEL NERVE GAS ANTIDOTE COUNTERMEASURE AT BARDA INDUSTRY DAY Washington DC, Thursday, August 2, 2007 – Countervail Corporation announces that Dr. Edson Albuquerque, Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapy at the University of Maryland School o

Revision Date: 01/04/2011Revision: 1Supersedes Date: 24/03/2011SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheetTHE CARBON GROUPRINGASKIDDYCORKIRELANDTel: +353 21 4378988Fax: +353 21 4378950E-mail: [email protected] Contact: DCM

diagnostiek en behandeling van de psychische gevolgen van psychotraumatische gebeurtenissenBegeleiding en behandeling van patiënten met een posttraumatische stressstoornis, deel 2 r.a. jongedijk, psychiater Stichting Centrum ’45, Oegstgeest/Diemen I n een vorig artikel werd de diagnostiek van het Een belangrijke reactiverende factor kan zijn een medisch psychotrauma en van de postt


Clinical audit of the management of patients in an anticoagulant primary care clinic in Ireland Sarah Molony1, Dr. David Molony2 , Dr. Aisling O’Leary1. 1. School of Pharmacy, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland. 2. The Red House Family Practice, Mallow Primary Healthcare Centre. Introduction • 778,973 prescriptions for warfarin in Ireland (2008) Aim of study Audit to assess

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Position Statement of Concerned NGOs on the Malaria Epidemic Introduction Recently a number of NGOs took the initiative of meeting to discuss the current epidemic of malaria in Ethiopia and have agreed upon the following analysis of the current situation and recognition of the challenges, which remain to be addressed. Ethiopia's health care structure & the malaria epidemic &

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NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Void where prohibited. * Promotion open to legal residents of the United States (excluding Rhode Island) and who are of legal age of majority (where they reside) at the time of entry. * Entries may be submitted from 12:00 a.m. Pacific Time on September 1, 2013 until 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time on September 28, 2013. * There are eleven ten (10) prizes offered: 1 ticket to each Sta


Señor Alcalde, señor Presidente del Club Ancares, señoras y señores Elijo por título de esta conferencia el de “El Linaje de los Saavedra: Historia y Leyenda de los Ascendientes de don Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Los Saavedra de las Casas de Balgos y Vilarello en Cervantes” Por don Manuel Julio Platero Campo L a intención es llevarlos brevemente al origen de este lin

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• The most important action for a person to take when considering entering into treatment for hepatitis C is to talk over the options with a person that they can trust. For people who do not feel able to talk to their doctor, contacting a help line or speaking to another person living with hepatitis C is a great start. • Before a person can access treatment they will need to find out (f


National Express Aberhonddu - Caerdydd - Birmingham / Llundain National Express 322 CYFYNGIAD AROSFANNAU : AROS YN Y MANNAU A NODIR YN UNIGLIMITED STOP SERVICE : ONLY STOPS AT THE POINTS SHOWN Aberhonddu , Cyfnewidfa gad/dep Brecon, Interchange Llundain, Gorsaf Fysiau Victoria gad/dep London, Victoria Coach Stn Aberdâr , Gorsaf Fysiau Duke St. Aberdare, Duke Street Bus Stn.

Cives Centro de Informação em Saúde para Viajantes Dengue: perguntas & respostas Fernando S. V. Martins & Terezinha Marta P.P. Castiñeiras 1. O que é dengue? • É uma virose transmitida por um tipo de mosquito ( Aëdes aegypti ) que pica apenas durante o dia, ao contrário do mosquito comum ( Culex ), que pica de noite. A infecção pode ser causada por qualque

Conducting performance reviews (second edition)

PMI Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP®) Your ability as a project risk manager to identify project risks along with plans to mitigate threats and capitalize on opportunities both on the job and through professional certification is becoming a necessary part of project management in today's fast-paced and highly technical workplace filled with risks. In this course, you will apply the ge

“MÚSICA ZERO COSTA RICA COCA-COLA ZERO” Primera. Del Patrocinador, organizador, participantes y marcas 1.1- El patrocinador y organizador de la promoción es la compañía FTZ Coca-Cola Industrias Ltda ., con cédula de persona jurídica número 3-102-365167, con domicilio en La Uruca, 150mts este de la Plaza de Deportes. 1.2- La promoción está dirigida únicamente a personas mayores

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PHYLLOCONTIN  CONTINUS  Tablets TRADE NAME OF MEDICINAL PRODUCT PHYLLOCONTIN CONTINUS tablets 225 mg QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION Tablets containing 225 mg of aminophylline hydrate Ph Eur. PHARMACEUTICAL FORM Contraindications Pale yellow, film-coated, modified-release tablet with the Napp logo on one side and SA on Should not be given concomitantly

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Publications for Robert Clarke 1991 1 Clarke R , Daly L, Robinson K, Naughton E, Cahalane S, Fowler B, Graham I. Hyperhomocysteinemia: an independent risk factor for vascular disease. N Engl J Med 1991;324:1149-55. 2 Clarke R , Mayo G, Price P, FitzGerald G. Suppression of thromboxane A2 but not of systemic prostacyclin by controlled-release aspirin. N Engl J Med 1991;325:1137-4

Submission to

SUBMISSION TO AUSTRALIAN SECURITIES AND INVESTMENTS COMMISSION ASIC POLICY PROPOSAL: Licensing: Financial product advisers – conduct and disclosure February 2003 Contact: Liz Goddard, Head of Research TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 BACKGROUND. 3 The Corporate Super Association . 3 Abbreviations used in this submission . 3 1.3 Other terms used in this

V. LA ENSEÑANZA DEL ESPAÑOL EN LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS La narrativa mexicana y centroamericana La producción narrativa puertorriqueña Narrativa cubana: el cuento y el relato. La novela de los cubanos José Abreu Felippe, Luis de la Paz y Uva de Aragón La narrativa dominicana Otros narradores hispanoamericanos La narrativa española Las primeras manifestaciones La narrativa mex


SAFETY DATA SHEET Tetracycline (hydrochloride) according to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 as amended by (EC) No. 1272/2008Section 1. Identification of the Substance/Mixture and of the Company/Undertaking 1.1 Product Code: Product Name: Synonyms: (4S,4aS,5aS,6S,12aS)-4-(dimethylamino)-1,4,4a,5,5a,6,11,12a-octahydro-3,6,10,12,12a-pentahydroxy-6-methyl-1,11-dioxo-2-naphthacene

Pokhara mission 2008

Pokhara 2008 Sponsored by C.H.A.N.C.E for Nepal I Introduction At the end of October 2008 a Medical Checks for Children team lead by Kees Donkervoort head of the Bethesda Hospital of Hoogeveen and Thea Teertstra paediatrician/ Intensivist checked and treated 830 children, free of cost, at 7 different locations 100 miles west of Kathmandu around Pokhara. The medical checks are organ

Role of multimodality treatment for lung cancer

Seminars in Surgical Oncology 2000; 18:143–151 Role of Multimodality Treatment for Lung Cancer RAFAEL ROSELL, MD,1* AND ENRIQUETA FELIP, MD2 1Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona, Barcelona, Spain 2Hospital Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, Spain Locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is, in fact, a systemic disease requir- ing a multimodality approach for optimal tr


R.D. 18 giugno 1931, n. 773 (Gazz. Uff. 26 giugno 1931, n. 146): Approvazione del testo unico delle leggi di pubblica sicurezza. Articolo unico. E' approvato l'unito testo unico delle leggi di pubblica sicurezza, visto, d'ordine nostro, dal Ministro proponente e che avrà esecuzione dal 1° luglio 1931. Testo unico delle leggi di pubblica sicurezza Dei provvedimenti di p

A Description of the Therapeutic Uses of Aconite by the Ming Dynasty Scholar-Physician Zhang Jingyue (1583-1640) The flavor of Fuzi is pungent and sweet, and becomes extremely salty if immersed in brine. Its qi is very hot. This herb, therefore, carries within the energy of yang within yang. It is described as toxic. Its (toxic) effect is controlled by Renshen (ginseng), Huangqi (astragalus)

NAME YOUR TEAM CONTEST Ontario Pro Soccer, LLC "Name the Team" Contest OFFICIAL RULES NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. The object of the "Name the Team" contest ("Contest") is to submit a name for a professional indoor soccer team in Ontario, California ("Team Name"). Ontario Pro Soccer, LLC ownership and management ("Judges") will e

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THE CONFESSIONAL EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CONFERENCE Make Known God’s Manifold Wisdom! “His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms according to his eternal purpose which he accomplished in Holy Scripture: The Source of Our Outreach Message Rev. Yuriy Fizer Ukraine “Eu

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Instructions for In-Lab Sleep Study Procedures Please refer to the font of this booklet or email for the test you have been scheduled for Description Procedure Code Please arrive at the Sleep Center ON TIME! Your technologist will have other patients to set up. ON THE DAY OF STUDY: ‰ Do not eat or drink caffeine after 12:00 noon. The following foods and drinks contai

NATIVES FOR PLANTING IN MENOMINEE COUNTY, WISCONSIN *see publication "Wisconsin Native Plant Sources" also**for more information and photos, go to SCIENTIFIC NAME MATURE SIZE CHARACTERISTICS decent ash for wetter areas, shade tolerantbeautiful, long lived ash that has hard woodpretty tree, but attacked by many insectspretty tree, but at

Review: Current Perspective Principles for National and Regional Guidelines on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention A Scientific Statement From the World Heart and Stroke Forum* Sidney C. Smith, Jr, MD; Rod Jackson, MBChB, PhD; Thomas A. Pearson, MD, MPH, PhD;Valentin Fuster, MD, PhD; Salim Yusuf, MBBS, DPhil; Ole Faergeman, MD, DMSc;David A. Wood, MSc; Michael Alderman, MD; John Horgan

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GENK 8 december 2007 (E. Deutscher AU) jeugdklas Beste jeugdhond + 1 U Tussenklas RCAC + RCACIB Open klas CAC + CACIB Kampioenklas Jeugdklas Tussenklas Open klas Res.CACIB A Foolish Love von der Hoghenzollernfeste Kampioenklas CAC + CACIB Charleroi 14 oktober 2007 (M. Van Brempt) jeugdklas Beste jeugdhond Tussenklas CACIB

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SUMMARY. Women’s health has received greater attention with the rec- ognition of significant differences in disease expression and drug action in men and women. Multiple sclerosis is a neurological disorder with impor- tant gender differences. MS patients have employed cannabis to treat a number of symptoms associated with the disease including spasticity, pain, tremor, fatigue, and autonomic

Emergency Case – Asthma P.1 Asthma Facts P.1 An Essential First Aid Product P.2 When should my child see a Doctor P.2 Emergency Case – Asthma (First Presentation) A 2-year old child has been playing happily outside in the cool autumn air for an hour. However, his parents notice that he suddenly appears to be tiring and at the same time begins to cough repeatedly.

Rpertoire des artisants et commerants

Répertoire des artisants et commerçants P.xx - P.xx Abattoir Agences de voyages Agence hippique Agences immobilières Agriculture (Matériel - Produits) Alarmes Alimentation - Petits commerces Alimentation diététique, herboristerie Aliments pour bétail Animation musicale Antiquités Antiquités - Restauration Architecture paysagère Articles pour bébé - Puériculture Assurances Au


It’s a quality and safety program that promotes the safe use of medications. The program limits the amount of some medications that we cover. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved some drugs only for short-term use. And The pharmacist enters your prescription information some drugs may not work as well or can even be into the computer system. If the drug has a limit on t

Tris(4-bromophenyl)aminium Hexachloroantimonate : A Versatile Radical Cation Catalyst for Olefin Tris(4-bromophenyl)aminium Hexachloroantimonate : A Versatile Radical Cation Catalyst for Olefin Addition Reactions ? The title compound , which I’ll refer to as “tris” throughout this report , is a type of Wurster Blue salt , with an organic radical cation and the accompanying hexachlo

Know before you go: guidelines for quarterly monitoring

SAFETY We make this Chapter 1 because it’s Job 1 . Please keep the following points in mind: • Safety is a group effort: We recommend that you don’t go out alone (depending on circumstances) and make sure somebody knows where you’re going and when you expect to be back. Emphasize safety with your entire group, and watch out for each other. • Precautionary principle: If

(type de caractère : century gothic en 10 pour le texte, 16 pour le titre)

List of Publications Original articles, peer-reviewed 1. Steffens S , Thiel H-J, Behrens S-E (1999). The RNA-dependent RNA polymerases of different members of the family Flaviviridae exhibit similar properties in vitro. Journal of General Virology, 80(Pt 10): 2583-90 2. Steffens S , Frank S, Fischer U, Heuser C, Meyer KL, Dobberstein K-U, Rainov NG, Kramm CM (2000). EGFP fusion pr

Activities You have 12 cubes, each with sides 1 cm long. How many different cuboids can youmake using all the cubes for each one?Two are shown here, but these are essentially the same, and could be described as3 × 2 × 2 cuboids. There are 3 other different cuboids that can be made from 12How many different cuboids can you make using:Without drawing them or using cubes, decide how many dif

Secretary's stationary

TROPICAL STORM ISAAC STILL LEAVES RISK IN ITS WAKE TAKE PRECAUTIONS TO AVOID MOSQUITO BITES! PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL –Palm Beach County has experienced heavy rainfall as a result of Tropical Storm Isaac which could signal an increase in mosquito activity. The Palm Beach County Health Department is urging residents to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes and prevent mosquito-borne illness. Pr

Basic anti-ageing_strategy

Basic Anti-Ageing Strategy for Cognitive Decline Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine that can help neurodegeneration and neuroimmune disorders, including some types of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / ME, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases We age because of evolutionary design There are two reasons for this:- 1 Physical programming via suc

Cystinosis and its treatment

ARTICLES CYSTINOSIS AND ITS TREATMENT By D. Cairns, PhD, MRPharmS, R. J. Anderson, PhD, MRSC, M. Coulthard, MB ChB, and J. Terry Cystinosis is a rare inherited disease with an incidence, in developed countries, of about one case in every 200,000 live births. In the past, it was rare for cystinosis sufferers to survive into adulthood. The disease occurs when the mechanism that


Presentación La Cámara de Comercio de Barrancabermeja a través del Observatorio Económico, entrega el Sondeo de Percepción Empresarial correspondiente al segundo semestre del año 2007, cuyo objetivo es orientar a empresarios y comunidad en general, sobre el comportamiento de la actividad empresarial en la ciudad de Barrancabermeja durante el segundo semestre de 2007. Para

OFI RZB EUROPE DE l’EST POINT SPECIFIQUE PORTEFEUILLE SUR LES VALEURS TURQUES ET ENERGIES RUSSES GROUPE OFIVALMO – 1 rue Vernier 75017 Paris – Tél. : 01 40 68 17 17 – Fax : 01 40 68 17 18 – Synthèse sur les actions pétrole & gaz en Russie Nous envisageons toujours des perspectives positives pour le marché actions russes dans son ensemble, le pays se

ColÉgio militar feliciano nunes pires

COLÉGIO MILITAR FELICIANO NUNES PIRES Técnicas de Redação Professora Michela Ribeiro Espíndola Material de apoio de estudo Série: 6ª série Evite a 'ressaca' de chocolate nesta Páscoa Evite os males do exagero do chocolate neste feriado Foto: Getty Images O período favorito do ano de todo chocólatra chegou: a Páscoa! Porém, se você já está temendo o pós

Microsoft word - lcarl220.doc

ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean UNITED NATIONS POPULATION FUND Latin American and the Caribbean Regional Office Caribbean Subregional Office Subregional Meeting to assess the implementation of the Programme of LIMITED Action of the International Conference on Population and Development 15 years after its adoption RE


FINALIZED SEER SINQ’S MARCH 2012 Question: 20120033 Status Final Question Multiple primaries--Heme & Lymphoid Neoplasms: Is this a single primary (Essential thrombocyhemia)? The patient was originally diagnosed in 2007 with essential thrombocythemia and treated with Hydrea. On 12/4/09 the patient had a bone marrow biopsy showing primary myelofibrosis which the physician

Microsoft word - 42037d01-1ade-186193.doc

PARTICIPANT CONSENT, RELEASE AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK CAMPTOWN adventure programs involve a variety of activities. Some programs may include rigorous physical activities such as backpacking, paddling, climbing, biking, whitewater rafting, swimming or hiking. These activities are designed to be within the physical, mental and emotional limits of a person in reasonably good health. The level


Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 38 (2005) 781–784Stable isotopic composition of the active pharmaceuticalA.M. Wokovich , J.A. Spencer , B.J. Westenberger , L.F. Buhse , J.P. Jasper a Food and Drug Administration, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis, St. Louis, MO 63101, USA b Molecular Isotope Technologies, LLC, 8 Old Oak Lane, Nia


Een kwart eeuw wiegendood in Nederland De incidentie van wiegendood is in ons land vanaf oktoberde statistiek van doodsoorzaken van het CBS. De preva-1987 sterk afgenomen, parallel aan de bestrijding van delenties van risicofactoren bij wiegendoodkinderen (0–23gewoonte om zuigelingen op hun buik te laten slapen. maanden) en in de algemene bevolking bij zuigelingen vanSinds 1987 zijn mee

Camelot Rhodesian Ridgebacks Clayton Heathcock & Cheri Hadley Puppy Health Record (Chloe) Birthday: Worming: September 12, 1998 [5 weeks] (piperazine) (no worms found)September 19, 1998 [6 weeks] (piperazine) (no worms found) Vaccinations: September 26, 1998 [7 weeks] (Vanguard 5, DA2P+CPV, modified live)October 17, 1998 [10 weeks] (

Iplb vol 21 no 5 - bmail.pdf

When will an IP valuation be helpful in inform-Tim Heberden BRAND FINANCE AUSTRALIA Tax planning Intellectual property valuations can inform a range of legalMany multinationals are structuring their IP in spe-issues, including commercialisation, licensing, litigation,cialist IP-holding companies (IPCos) for commercialtransfer pricing, IP audits and mergers and acquisitionsand tax re


Microsoft powerpoint - cbre_viewpoint_pharma_final.171109.ppt

Global ViewPoint Global Research and THE PHARMACEUTICAL SECTOR: REAL ESTATE IMPLICATIONS OF INDUSTRY-WIDE CHANGE Nick Compton, Head of Life Sciences, Global Corporate Services, EMEA INTRODUCTION As a truly global consumer of the widest range of property asset types and the most expensive buildings, the pharmaceutical sector is of significant importanc

Medical complications of psychiatric illness/treatment

expectancy compared to the general population • Majority of this is due to cardiovascular • 80% of schizophrenics worldwide smoke • 30% of known diabetics, 62% of hypertensives and 88% of hyperlipidemics were not receiving treatment at enrollment in CATIE trial. • 20% SMI are infected with HCV • Between 1988 and 2002 rates of obesity and diabetes in schizophrenics increased 6%

Roskydal® 500 A Reactive, unsaturated polyester (wax-free) which cures to yield hard films Form supplied In the formulation of clear and pigmented, wax-free coatings for wood andfurniture, high-gloss to matt, with good chemical resistance and very goodflow properties and scratch resistance. Also in the formulation of spray andcurtain-coating fillers for wood, metal and plastic. Specific


vuqnku la[;k 7 & jlk;u vkSj isVªks&jlk;u foHkkx GRANT No. 7–DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICALS AND PETRO-CHEMICALS Revenue: iwathxr% Capital: Notes and comments In the revenue section of the grant, savingsvuqnku ds jktLo Hkkx esa] cprsa fuEufyf[kr eq[;occurred under the following major heads:-2090.00 yk[k #- dk izkoèkku eq[; 'kh"kZ ^^2552**wholly unutilised in two case


PUBLIKATIONEN ALS ERSTAUTHOUR ORIGINAL ARTIKEL, ABSTRAKTS UND KAPITEL IN BÜCHER 1. Dysrhythythmias and conduction disturbances after mustard operation for complete transposition of great arteries and their management. HP Weber; H Wesselhoeft, and PG Kirchhoff. In “Troubles du Rythme et Electrostimulation” pp. 223-239 Société de la Nouvelle Imprimerie Fournie Toulouse/F 19772. The infl

March 2, 2005

Health and Human Services Building 1805 Ford Avenue North, Suite 100 (320) 484-4330 (Toll-Free from Hutchinson, MN) April 3, 2013 RE: Request for Proposal Dear Provider: McLeod County Social Services is currently requesting proposals for a 2-bed corporate Foster Care site to be licensed in McLeod County, preferably in Hutchinson. The home will be required to be licensed for Child Foster

Awh223 2031.2038

The influence of genetic and cardiovascular riskfactors on the CADASIL phenotypeSumeet Singhal,1 Steve Bevan,1 Tom Barrick,1 Philip Rich2 and Hugh S. Markus11Clinical Neuroscience, St George’s Hospital MedicalCorrespondence to: Professor Hugh Markus, ClinicalSchool and 2Neuroradiology, Atkinson MorleyNeuroscience, St George’s Hospital Medical School,Neuroscience Centre, St George’s Hos

Ob antibiotic labor sub plan_2.20.12

Unique Plan Description: OB Antibiotic Labor Sub Plan Plan Selection Display: OB Antibiotic Labor Sub Plan PlanType: Medical Version: 3 Begin Effective Date: 2/20/2012 14:25 End Effective Date: Current Available at: ASHEVILLE SPECI COPESTONE McDowell Hosp Mission Cancer Mission Hosp Z-Test OB Antibiotic Labor Sub Plan Medications GBS+/Pr

Le trouble déficitaire d’attention avec hyperactivité : un facteur significatif de violence Michel Parisien Si le trouble déficitaire d’attention avec hyperacti- vité (TDA-H) est un facteur significatif de violence, c’est à cause de son essence même : un déficit du contrôle de soi. C’est d’ailleurs non seulement un problème majeur parce qu’il peut générer la vio

Codelink 1278feb.pdf

President’s Report With another festive season behind us it’s hard to believe another year has passed and all of us will soon be looking forward to the 4th edition of ICD-10-AM training in the earlier part of 2004. For the past year I had the opportunity of working at the Sheikh Khalifa Medical Center (SKMC) in Abu Dhabi, one of the United Arab Emirates. That year gave me the opportunit

Gender issues in international trade

GENDER ISSUES IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE by Marina Fe B. Durano 1. Introduction Trade policies have different consequences on women and men because women and men differ in their economic and social status. Women and men respond differently to economic and trade policies because they have different sets of private resources and levels of access to public ones. Status and control over resour

Microsoft word - cfsinfo2010.doc

GENERAL INFORMATION BROCHURE ON ORTHOSTATIC INTOLERANCE AND ITS TREATMENT Orthostatic intolerance is an umbrella term for several conditions in which symptoms are made worse by upright posture and improve with recumbency. This document provides further information about neurally mediated hypotension (NMH) and postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS), two common forms of chronic orthostatic

Hospital pharmacies combined.pdf

Certain hospital wastes are regulated under Part 111, Hazardous Waste Management, Michigan CompiledLaws (MCL) 324.11101 et seq. (Part 111) of Michigan’s Natural Resources and Environmental ProtectionAct; 1994 PA 451, as amended, and Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976,as amended (RCRA), and any administrative rules or regulations promulgated pursuant to these act

Microsoft word - publicationscic-fr-2004.doc

IBANEZ P., BONNET A.M., DEBARGES B., LOHMANN E., TISON F., POLLAK P., AGID Y., DURR A., BRICE A. and the French Parkinson’s Disease Genetics Study Group. Causal relation between -synuclein gene duplication and familial Parkinson’s disease. MALTETE D., NAVARRO S., WELTER M.L., ROCHE S., BONNET A.M., HOUETO J.L., PIDOUX B., Subthalamic stimulation in Parki

Microsoft word - imp information sheet _my edit_.doc

IMP Information Sheet Put simply, it is inflammation within multiple joints caused by an invasion of white cells from the immune system flooding the joints. This process causes pain and sometimes fever • Your Cavalier may be reluctant to stand and may cry when getting up, or walking. They will usually not stretch upon waking and may not bark as normal • Your Cavalier may walk very gent

Lezione 8 - RAZIONALE PER LA TERAPIA FARMACOLOGICA NEL DIABETE DI TIPO 2Iniziamo questa lezione sul razionale della terapia con farmaci nel diabete di tipo 2, con una grande verità, venuta alla ribalta in questi ultimi anni, della quale è molto difficile rendersi pienamente conto, a causa di consuetudini fortemente consolidate che si basano sull’assunto che il diabete di tipo 2 si cura con

Microsoft word - 14-07-10_en.doc

International Morning News Wednesday, 14 July 2010 Market Commentary: U.S. stocks surged on Tuesday, extending the longest rally for the S&P 500 in 3 months, as improving outlook from Al- coa bolstered confidence in the economy. Alcoa gained 1.2% as sales and profit exceeded analysts’ estimates and the company forecast stronger global demand. Chevron led gains in energy companies,


British Journal of Anaesthesia 102 (4): 503–5 (2009)Intraoperative cardiac arrest in acquired long QT syndromeDepartment of Anaesthetics, William Harvey Hospital, Kennington Road, Ashford, Kent TN24 8NU, UKA healthy female sustained a life-threatening arrhythmia and cardiac arrest while undergoingroutine surgery under general anaesthesia. Resuscitation was prolonged but successful, with aco

Chiro oostakker op facebook 4

Chirojongens Sint-Amandus Oostakker - OJ/1201 Adres: Christiaan Brosteauxstraat 12 Adres: 9041 Oostakker (Gent) E-mail: [email protected] Website: MEDISCHE FICHE Ouders! Deze steekkaart moet door u of een arts zorgvuldig ingevuld worden. Zo kan de leiding rekening houden met de behoeften en mogelijkheden van uw kind tijdens het kamp. A. Identiteit v

Microsoft word - medication deferral list.doc

MEDICATION DEFERRAL LIST FOR BLOOD DONATIONS Please tell us if you are now taking, or if you have EVER taken, any of the following medications: ‰ Proscar© (finasteride) —usually given for prostate gland enlargement (1 month deferral) ‰ Avodart© (dutasteride) —usually given for prostate enlargement (6 month deferral) ‰ Propecia© (finasteride) —usually given for bal

Vitamina D O termo “vitamina D”, usualmente se refere a duas moléculas distintas, a vitamina D2(ergocalciferol)e a vitamina D3(colecalciferol), estruturalmente similares aos hormônios esteroidais clássicos, como o estradiol e o cortisol. A vitamina D é bastante conhecida pela sua função no desenvolvimento e na manutenção do tecido ósseo, bem como pela manutenção da homeostase

Nursing booklet

N AT I O N A L C O N S E N S U S S TA N DA R D S F O R T H E N U R S I N G M A N AG E M E N T O F C YS T I C F I B R O S I S U K C y s t i c F i b r o s i s May 2001 N u r s e S p e c i a l i s t G r o u p C y s t i c F i b r o s i s T r u s t R e g C h a r i t y N o 1 0 7 9 0 4 9 R e g C o m p a n y N o 3 8 8 0 2 1 3 UK Cystic Fibrosis Nurse Specialist Group Workin

Desalojo centro historico-vf

FESPAD a la comunidad nacional e internacional, ante las acciones del Alcalde de San Salvador que llevaron al desalojo de las y los vendedores del centro histórico. I. Antecedentes. El conflicto armado, pero principalmente el proceso de desestructuración del aparato productivo iniciado con las políticas de corte neoliberal, que han llevado a desmontar la capacidad de economía sa


POLICY BRIEF: ESTROGENS IN WASTEWATER By Mindy Criser, Presented to Diane Henshel, Ph.D., School of Public and Environmental Affairs, November 15, 2001 I. Introduction Estrogens are imperative for human growth and development. Both naturally produced estrogens and those that are synthetically made and introduced into the body significantly affect human health. Since estrogens are prod

Dr.mohmmad hassan adel

E-mail: • Date of birth: 24 August,1963 • Place of birth: Tehran, Iran • Citizenship: Iranian • Marital Status: Married PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: • Joundi Shapour University of Medical Sciences is one of the famous and old medical university with 40 year history.This university is located in southwest of Iran in Ahvaz city. • Job Title: • Chief of Card

Anaphylaxis contract for self-medication.1-9-07

ANAPHYLAXIS HEALTH MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT NOTE: This form is to be completed annually, in addition to district forms for the administration of prescription drug medication at school. Pursuant to C.R.S. 22-1-119.5, a student with asthma, severe allergies, or other related, life-threatening conditions may possess and self- administer medication to treat the condition if the student has an app

Parallel Translations as Sense Discriminatorsmeans to distinguish word senses, at least to the Abstract degree that they are useful for natural languagedocument retrieval, and machine translation. equivalents in four languages from differentexploited to automatically determine the senselanguage families, extracted from an on-lineof a word in context (see Ide and Véronis, 1998),parallel

Microsoft word - sassafras farms plant list 2011 may.doc

Sassafras F arm – 2011 R etail Plant L ist Phone (804)642-0923 [email protected] ~most plants available in 6” containers @ $7.00 each; some require larger containers and are priced accordingly~ Please call or email for availability – open by appointment only Common Name Amsonia hubrectii Anemonella thalictroides Aquilegia canadensis ‘Corbett’ Y

Paramedic technical certificate program

The information in this document is informational only and not intended to be contractual in nature. The college reserves the right to change, modify or alter without notice all fees, charges, tuition, expenses and costs of any kind; or any statement, written or verbal, in accordance with unforeseen conditions. The rules, regulations, and policies in this packet are based on present conditions an

100_8743 a1000 9_09 digi_4

2009 Three-Tier Prescription Drug List Reference Guide Your UnitedHealthcare pharmacy benefit Tier 1 – Your Lowest-Cost Option offers flexibility and choice in finding the right This is your lowest copayment option. For the medication for you. always consider Tier 1 medications if you andyour doctor decide they are right for yourchoices and make informed decisions. Tier 2 – You

Microsoft word - attydiversion-juvbrochure_sp_us_

Las 10 principales razones para apoyar el Programa Educativo o PROGRAMA de Trabajo para Menores EDUCATIVO legales relacionados con el comportamiento prender de de su hijo. En muchos casos, el Programa res mediant e la int ervención O DE TRABAJO Educativo o de Trabajo es el primer contacto temprana. que tienen las familias con los funcionarios

Microsoft word - 251108report_2.doc

The Role of Podiatry in the Treatment of Leprosy Catherine Waller, a final year Podiatry student at the University of Brighton, was awarded the Cosyfeet Study Award 2008.The £1000 grant helped to fund her voluntary research trip to Nepal, looking into the role of Podiatry in the treatment of Leprosy. Her report is published here. In August 2008, after completing the second year of a Bsc (Hons

Clasificacin de actos administrativos

LA PLATA, 27 de Julio de 2011 VISTO que esta Agencia Platense de Recaudación (APR) tiene entre sus funciones diseñar y ejecutar la política en materia de habilitaciones y permisos en aplicación de la normativa vigente en la materia, mejorando las condiciones objetivas de seguridad en la Ciudad a través del cumplimiento voluntario de la normativa vigente, la participación acti

Microsoft word - oddino - graminicidas y viruela ok

EFECTO DE LA APLICACIÓN DE GRAMINICIDAS SOBRE LA INTENSIDAD DE LA VIRUELA DEL MANÍ Oddino, C. 1; García, J. 2; March, G. 1,3; Marinelli, A. 1; Ferrari , S. 2 y Taditti, L. 2 1-FAV-UNRC 2- Oro Verde Servicios Fitosanitarios 3- IFFIVE-INTA - [email protected] Introducción La viruela es la enfermedad foliar más importante que afecta al maní ( Arachis hypogaea L.) en toda


Virbamec® Oral is a highly effective oral ML drench for sheep. It contains abamectin which is a short acting highly potent member of the ML drench family. Abamectin is the reference molecule for the Virbac range. WHAT IS VIRBAMEC® ORAL? Virbamec® Oral is the responsible macrocyclic lactone (ML) drench. ✔ Contains abamectin ✔ Controls all susceptible roundworms ✔ H

Organophosphorus_and_carbamate poisoning

Dr. R. S. Verster BVSc, BVSc (Hons), MSc e-mail [email protected] are used on a massive scale worldwide and it is thus inevitable thataccidental poisoning of humans and animals will occur. Organophosphors andcarbamates are responsible for a substantial number of poisoning cases. Intentionalpoisonings are often committed by criminals, who insert aldicarb granules inside meatbaits.

Microsoft word - décret exécutif 2004-86.doc

Décret exécutif n° 2004-86 du 26 Moharram 1425 correspondant au 18 mars 2004 fixant les tailles minimales marchandes des ressources biologiques, p. 4. Le Chef du Gouvernement, Sur le rapport du ministre de la pêche et des ressources halieutiques, Vu la Constitution, notamment ses articles 85-4° et 125 (alinéa 2); Vu la loi n° 2001-11 du 11 Rabie Ethani 1422 correspondant au

(article_133_liste récap 2012)

CENTRE HOSPITALIER DE TROYES Article 133 : liste des marchés conclus en 2012 en application de l'arrêté du 26 décembre 2007 modifié par Arrêté du 21 juillet 2011 (article 133 du code des marchés publics) Publication de cette liste sur MARCHES DE TRAVAUX MARCHES DE 15 000 à 89 999,99 EUROS HT Travaux d'entretien plomberie sanitaire -cha

08918646ipm, r.6

Patient Information LEVITRA® (Luh-VEE-Trah) (vardenafil HCl) Tablets HOW SHOULD YOU TAKE LEVITRA? Take LEVITRA exactly as your doctor prescribes. LEVITRA comes in different doses (2.5 mg, 5 mg, 10 mg, and Read the Patient Information about LEVITRA before you start taking it and again each time you get a refill. There may20 mg). For most men, the recommended starting dose is 10 mg.

Title Incremental Cost-Effectiveness (ICE) Statistical Inference from Two Unbiased SamplesAuthor Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>Maintainer Bob Obenchain <[email protected]>Description Given two unbiased samples of patient level data on costand effectiveness for a pair of treatments, make head-to-headtreatment comparisons by (i) generating the bivariate bootstrapresampling distribution

Clr 2009 v9i2 side effects may include headache and eye strain shannon grace stevens

“Side Effects May Include Headache and Eye Strain” Talk to Your Doctor about Prescription Drug Advertising: A Suggestion for Revision of Prescription Drug Advertising Table of Contents Because of the protection of the learned intermediary doctrine and in light of reduced disclosure requirements for television and radio advertisements, advertisers of prescription drugs in print publicat

Microsoft word - 08ca1374-pd

COLORADO COURT OF APPEALS 2012 COA 89 ______________________________________________________________________________ Court of Appeals No. 08CA1374 El Paso County District Court No. 03CR3375 Honorable Richard Hall, Judge Honorable Larry E. Schwartz, Judge ______________________________________________________________________________ The People of the State of Colorado, Plaintiff-Appellee,

Patrimonio cultural inmaterial

PATRIMONIO CULTURAL INMATERIAL 1)Introducción: La intervención de la UNESCO para salvaguardar el Patrimonio Cultural inmaterial –PCI-, a través de políticas de preservación y ayuda a revitalizado la posición de los pueblos que conservaron a través del tiempo sus conocimientos, tradiciones ancestrales y a su vez ha legado conocimientos, en beneficio de la humanidad, basados en

3-10-35-60-20% 3x o2 _ppo_.doc

PRESCRIPTION DRUG RIDER This Prescription Drug Rider (“Rider”) is made a part of Coventry Health and Life Insurance Company’s Certificate of Coverage (“COC”). The benefits provided by this Rider become effective on the date Coverage under the COC is effective. PRESCRIPTION DRUG BENEFITS Subject to the terms, conditions and scope of coverage, including all Exclusions, Limitati

Medical/Surgical Competency Self Assessment Experience Directions Please circle a value for each question to provide us and the interested facilities with an assessment of your clinical experience. These values confirm your strengths within your specialty and assist the facility in 3 Intermittent Experience (May Require Assistance)the selection process of the healthcare professional.

Corrlube grease.indd

VpCI™ Corr Lube ® Grease TYPICAL APPLICATIONS • Metal-to-metal • Lubricating sleeves • Ball and roller bearings • Vehicle / equipment chassis • Fans • Areas greases are applied • Bushings • Pulley bearings • Sliding high-friction areas • Generator end bearings PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ADVANTAGES VpCI CorrLube is a lithium complex grease formulated • Cleaner

Microsoft word - stress management information sheet.doc

What is Stress? When you are stressed you may feel Stress is the way you feel when you're under too some of the following things: much pressure. A moderate amount of pressure can be positive, making us more alert, keeping us motivated and improving our performance. However, • Feeling like you can’t keep stil - too much pressure, or prolonged pressure, can lead to stress.

Microsoft word - glosario terminolÓgico-2006.doc

Ilustre Consejo General de Colegios de Odontólogos y Estomatólogos de España CÓDIGO DE TRATAMIENTOS, ACTOS DENTALES Y NOMENCLÁTOR: GLOSARIO MAYO 2006 Presentación y Notas aclaratorias El precedente El Consejo General había elaborado un Nomenclator en el año 1992, destinado a unificar las denominaciones de los procedimientos odontológicos/estomatológicos y los c

Ophthalmic emergencies- glaucomas and globe perforation

Ophthalmic Emergencies: Glaucomas and Globe Ruptures West Coast Veterinary Eye Specialists: (604)777-4448, [email protected] Glaucoma Elevated intraocular pressure beyond what is compatible with the health of the retina and optic nerve, resulting in ocular pain and vision loss Determining the underlying cause and chronicity is important to guide treatment - Primary Glaucomas

No job name

NOVARTIS AG ADR Trailing: RELATIVE NYSE-NVS 55.47 RATIO 11.2 P/E RATIO 0.87 YLD 3.7% LINE Target Price Range TIMELINESS 2 Raised 4/29/11 2014 2015 2016 1 Raised 10/26/01 BETA .65 (1.00 = Market) 2014-16 PROJECTIONS Ann’l Total 14% 10% Insider Decisions N D J F M A M J J % TOT. RETURN 9/11 Institutional Decisions VL ARITH.* Hld�

Alzheimer’s disease

5. Drugs and Medications Anderson, L., Morath, R., & Light, E. (2004). Estimating the dollar utility of changes in job performance due to seasonal Allergic Rhinitis and its treatment. Human Performance, 17 (1), 43-69. Gottschalk, L. A., Bechtel, R. J., Maguire, G. A., Harrington, D. E., Levinson, D. M., Franklin, D. L., et al. (2000). Computerized measurement of cognitive impairment an


What are cold sores? Cold sores are annoying, small, painful blisters on the lips and nearby skin, including in the nose and mouth. They usually appear when you are sick or stressed. They are also called fever blisters. How do they occur? Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus. This virus also causes genital herpes. The fluid in the blisters contains live virus. The virus in th

Weiping yu1, xingguo mei2, qinwei jiang2 and christopher d

THERMOSENSITIVE DOCETAXEL LIPOSOMES Xingguo Mei1, Qinwei Jiang1, Weiping Yu2 and Christopher D.V. Black21Beijing Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 27, Taiping Road, Beijing, PRC 100850 2Celsion Corporation, 10220-L Old Columbia Road, Columbia, MD 21046. USA. We have developed a liposome preparation containing docetaxel that is designed to release its contents when subjected to mild

Microsoft word - ohio pharmacy release final.doc

WAL-MART BRINGS $4 GENERIC PROGRAM TO OHIO Customer demand leads to $4 prescription program launching in 12 new states today – three months earlier than projected BENTONVILLE, Ark. – Oct. 26, 2006 – Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE: WMT) announced that its 158 stores in Ohio will begin participating in Wal-Mart’s $4 generic prescription program starting today. “No one in Ohio should

Microsoft word - blastomycosis in dogs.docx

Blastomycosis in Dogs: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention Blastomycosis, called blasto for short, is caused by fungus blastomyces dermatitidis . Simply put, blastomycosis is a very serious and potentially deadly illness that's caused by a fungus typically found in the soil near water ways or swampy areas. The spore that causes the infection is airborne, so soil that has been disturbed

Los valores organizacionales presentes en la pyme metalmecánica venezolana. Un estudio comparado. The organizational values present in the Venezuelan metalworking SMEs Yngrid Velásquez de Naime1, Miguel Núñez Bottini2 1 Universidad Nacional Experimental de Guayana, UNEG. Puerto Ordaz, Bolívar. Email: [email protected] 2 Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica, UNE

Barriers to rheumatoid arthritis treatment access in europe

A Survey of Barriers to Treatment Access in Rheumatoid Arthritis Country Annex Report: Argentina August 2010 Barriers to RA treatment access across Latin America: Argentina Barriers to RA treatment access across Latin America: Argentina 1 Interviews Six respondents were interviewed in the Argentinean part of the study. Four of the respondents were doctors whilst t

Material safety data sheet

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Lithium Shock Section 01 - Product And Company Information Product Identifier ……………………. Lithium Shock Product Use …………………………. Bacteria and algae control in swimming pools Supplier Name ……………………….…. ClearTech Industries Inc. Prepared By .…………….…. ClearTech Industries Inc. Technic

Microsoft word - bomba_baclofeno_pc.doc

TEMA Dudosos resultados funcionales sobre la implantación de la bomba de baclofeno intratecal en niños con parálisis cerebral (PC). PREGUNTA Tras una mala experiencia a propósito de la implantación de una bomba de baclofeno intratecal en un niño con PC, y ante la posibilidad de implantársela a más pacientes, surge la duda de su efectividad. Interesa conocer más experiencias. Pregunta: ¿

Exclusion work - last 2 yrs of direct v 1st 2 yrs of cfo _2_

INITIAL IMPACT OF CO-FINANCING ON THE INCLUSION POLICY FIELD OF ESF In the East Midlands, led by CEFET, a variety of tools have been forged to ensure Social Inclusion Action involves, empowers and genuinely reaches excluded communities. Although these are inscribed in various Programmes (principal y Policy Field Two of ESF Objective 3), are designed for specifical y East Midlands conditions

Microsoft word - male grooming 201

Do males do more than shave, shower and put on an antiperspirant or deodorant?Apparently yes, and some do far more than use their partner’s moisturiser. A quicklook at the web sites of major brands reveals face washes and cleansers, numerousmoisturisers, exfoliating products, eye creams andmore. A common theme is sport related with Alban Muller products promising to turbo boost energy level

Carolina digestive diseases, pa

Miralax and Dulcolax Colonoscopy Prep To help determine your medical treatment, you have been scheduled for a colonoscopy, which is an examination of your large intestine using a flexible tube while you are given intravenous sedation. To obtain the best possible exam, your colon must be free of stool. You will need to buy Miralax in large bottle (8.3 ounces or 238 grams) and four (4) D

Bnews febbraio 2012

Prossima tappa nazionale: 21° Città di Torino – 9-11 marzo 2012 Come ogni anno dalla notte dei tempi (la prima edizione si è svolta nel precedente millennio), l’a.s.d. Backgammon Point Torino (affiliata UISP) ha organizzato il Torneo “Città di Torino”, che si svolgerà nel week-end del 9/11 marzo nel cuore del capoluogo piemontese e che sarà la seconda tappa nazionale

Microsoft word - evr-konv-anti doping.doc

Council of Europe Conseil de l’Europe Savjet Evrope EVROPSKA KONVENCIJA PROTIV DOPINGOVANJA U SPORTU EVROPSKA KONVENCIJA PROTIV DOPINGOVANJA U SPORTU Dr`ave ~lanice Savjeta Evrope, ostale dr`ave potpisnice Konvencije o evropskoj kutlurnoj saradnji i ostale potpisnice ovog dokumenta; Smatraju}i da je cilj Savjeta Evrope da postigne jedinstvo me|u ~lanicama radi o~uv

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BRIAN JEFFREY TAYLOR 5918 Jefferson Park Drive Tampa, FL 33625 (813) 957-2614 EDUCATION MASTER OF SCIENCE, SPORT MANAGEMENT University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Amherst, MA BACHELOR OF SCIENCE, MARKETING Hampton University, Hampton, VA WORK EXPERIENCE NOVO NORDISK, SR. MANAGER FIELD FORCE EXECUTION Novo Nordisk is a pharmaceutical company dedicated to c


Publication of its own policy rate path boosts the effectiveness of central bank monetary policy “For not only do expectations about policy matter, but, at least under current conditions, very little else matters.” 1. IntroductionMajor changes have taken place in the way that central banks organise and present their monetary policy decisions in recent years. Most cen-tral banks now emphasi


Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement. (Incorporated in Bermuda

Microsoft word - alerta varicela 20110517.doc

ALERTA Nº 1 VARICELA Provincia de Buenos Aires Año 2011 Semana Epidemiológica : 20 Fecha del Informe : 16 de Mayo 2011 Código CIE - 10 Redacción informe Dirección de Epidemiología de la Provincia de Bs. As. Antecedentes: Varicela CIE 10 – B01.B02 Durante el año 2010 la Provincia de Buenos Aires notificó a través del sistema SNV

Regulamento interno

1. tem como finalidade completar e especificar aspectos que estão estabelecidos nos Estatutos, para operacionalizar a sua implementação; 2. vigora a partir da data da sua aprovação em Assembleia Geral até que esta delibere a sua alteração ou anulação. 1. As Comissões previstas no número 2 do Art.º 12º dos Estatutos: a. São constituídas por associados e em casos justificados,


FACULTE DE MEDECINE Bulletin d’information trimestriel sur l’actuali té du Centre de Recherche Clinique (CRC) neurological or psychological illness. Patients were also excluded if they had a history of depression necessitating hospitalisation, two or more recurrent episodes of depression, or suicide Mettez-vous dans la peau d’un cadre d’une firme pharmaceutique, respons


Published Ahead of Print on January 2, 2008, as 10.2105/AJPH.2007.114249 Characteristics of Recipients of Free Prescription Drug Samples: A Nationally Representative Analysis| Sarah L. Cutrona, MD, MPH, Steffie Woolhandler, MD, MPH, Karen E. Lasser, MD, MPH, David H. Bor, MD, Danny McCormick, MD, MPH, and DavidFree prescription drug samples are used widelyObjectives. Free prescription drug s


Journal of Andrology, Vol. 33, No. 2, March/April 2012Copyright E American Society of AndrologyVaricocelectomy Does Not Impact Pregnancy Outcomes FollowingIntracytoplasmic Sperm Injection ProceduresFABIO F. PASQUALOTTO, DANIELA P. A. F. BRAGA, RITA C. S. FIGUEIRA, AMANDA S. SETTI,ASSUMPTO IACONELLI JR, AND EDSON BORGES JRFrom the Fertility-Assisted Fertilization Center, Sao Paulo, and the Insti

Inducible and tissue-specific gene targeting to cholinergic neurons Division of Molecular Neurobiology, Department of Neuroscience,Karolinska Institute, S-171 77 Stockholm, SwedenKeywords: gene regulation, transgenic mice, choline acetyltransferase, tetracycline, enhancer,We have devised a strategy for cell type-specific and regulatable targetedexpression of genes to cholinergic neurons. A

QA Quality Assurance Quality Assurance: Practice Assessment Guide 2013 Pub. No. 44046Copyright © College of Nurses of Ontario, 2013. Commercial or for-profit distribution of this document in part or in whole is prohibited except with the written consent of the College. This document may be reproduced in part or in whole for personal or educational use without permission, provided that: • d

Preservação da fertilidade: a importância de oferecer esta possibilidade às pacientes com doenças neoplásicas Preservation of fertility: the importance of providing this possibility Segundo o Instituto Nacional do Câncer (INCA)1, as estimativas para o ano de 2010 previam a ocorrência de 500 mil novos casos de câncer no Brasil, sendo que praticamente metade seria em mulheres, das quai

exelon leverages metrics that matter\256 to evaluate and test\205)

Exelon Leverages Metrics that Matter® to Evaluate and Test Thousands of Employees Company Overview : Exelon, through its subsidiaries, operates in three business segments: Energy Delivery, Generation, and Enterprises. Exelon employs nearly 25,000 people and is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. Description of Learning Program : Exelon made a strategic investment in a new Enterprise Reso


Chemical Building Products Limited FREEPOST SWB21219 WIMBORNE BH21 3BR Tel: 01202 601701 Fax: 01202 604300 PRODUCT DATA & HEALTH & SAFETY INFORMATION Revision: 1 IDENTIFICATION OF SUBSTANCE AND SUPPLIER Product Name: MICROEMULSION INSECTICIDE WOOD PRESERVATIVE Product Description: Supplier: Chemical Building Products Limi

National Specialised Commissioning Group Ref 20/11 Commissioning Policy Targeted therapies for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension in adults September 2011 September 2012 - Targeted therapies for pulmonary hypertension COMMISSSIONING POLICY TARGETED THERAPIES FOR THE TREATMENT OF PULMONAR

Microsoft word - nanuli-doreuli-eng.doc

Levetiracetam and piracetam provide inhibitory action on epileptiform discharges in CA-1 Biology Department, Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, University str., 0143 Tbilisi, Georgia Epilepsy is one of the most common serious neurological disorders affecting, approximately 1% of the world population. Despite of the great variety of antiepileptic drugs, they are effective in only about


วารสารประชากรศาสตร ปที่ 25 ฉบับที่ 1 มีนาคม 2552 Work morale of health center staff in Krabi province, Thailand Sanya Raksarat* Prathurng Hongsranagon** Piyalamporn Havanond*** Background Morale has been defined by a number of researchers. Mendel (1987) defined it as a feeling, a state of mind, a ment

Microsoft word - swine flu - oi #11 2009.doc

Edition #11 Swine flu - pandemic or just another flu pandemonium? Key points between September 1918 and March 1919 (with possibly a • Swine flu deaths in Mexico and the spread of cases double peak), but cases were still reported as late as 1920. around the world have lead to fears of a global flu In Australia, the disease hit in January 1919, infected over 30% of Sydney’s


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Anne-Marie Lizin Report on Guantanamo Bay1 Introduction In 2003, the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE (OSCE PA) emphasized the importance of reconciling the fight against terrorism with democratic values and respect for human rights. In its “Resolution on the Prisoners De-tained by the United States at the Guantanamo Base”, which it adopted in July 2003 during its Rotterdam Annual Sess


“I was about 50 meters away when it blew up. The blast knocked me off my feet and into the side of a Humvee. I must have blacked out for a minute or two, but when I came to there was nothing left of the vehicle. No remnants; just char and a crater.” When 28-year-old Christopher Harmon was discharged on May 26,2006, after eight years in the Marine Corps, he had a chestful of dec-oration

2009-0721 364.37

doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2009.0721HEALTH AFFAIRS 29,NO. 3 (2010): 364 – 371©2010 Project HOPE—The People-to-People HealthFoundation, Inc. ABSTRACT In the past few decades, obesity rates among American is an associate professorin the Department of Policyhave skyrocketed. Although many factors have played a part in thisAnalysis and Management atCornell University in Ithaca,unhea

Microsoft word - section on emission scenarios.doc

Overview on emission scenarios From the SRES family of emission scenarios (IPCC 2000, Nakicenovic et al. 2000), only three were used in the CMIP3 climate change simulation runs for the IPCC Fourth Assessment report: SRES-B1, SRES-A1B and SRES-A2. The following information is from the Special Report on Emission Scenarios (Nakicenovic et al. 2000): Figure 1: Schematic illustration of

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Thursday, April 12th, 2012 Dear Grade 7 Parents To complement our grade 7 science and outdoor education curriculum and to conduct a grade 7 leadership retreat, a visit to Gambier Island has been planned for Tuesday May 8th to Friday May 11th. Located in Howe Sound, off the coast of Gibsons, the Sea to Sky Outdoor School at Camp Fircom offers the optimum environment in which your daughte


Informazioni in merito alla legalizzazione e traduzione degli atti e certificati originali di stato civile e/o anagrafe formati all'estero da autorità estere Per essere validamente prodotti in Italia, i documenti formati all'estero da autorità estere devono essere legalizzati, a meno che non siano rilasciati da un paese con cui vigono accordi internazionali che prevedono l'esenzione dalla leg

ersatility reativity Knowledge Training Application TABLE OF CONTENTS About Cameron Jane Make-up Designery Welcome to Cameron Jane Make-up Designery (CJMD). CJMD is one of Australia’s leading make- up schools headed by Director/Principal Cameron-Jane Thomas. CJMD is situated on Cleveland St, Surry Hills – a ten minute walk from Central Train Station a

Rates 5 cities diagnostic.xlsx

CGHS RATES 2010 OFFERED TO DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORIES AND IMAGING CENTRES UNDER CGHS IN BENGALURU , CHENNAI , HYDERABAD , KOLKATA MUMBAI Lowest Rates NAME OF INVESTIGATION Bengaluru Chennai Hyderabad 4 Lung Ventilation & Perfusion Scan (V/Q Scan) 8 Brain Perfusion SPECT Scan with Technetium 99m radiopharmaceuticals. 9 Radionuclide Cisternography for CSF leak 10 Ga


T wo Decades of Progress in Treating C h e m ot h e r a p y I n d u c e d E m e s i s particularly when extrapyramidal reactions prevent the use ofprochloperazine and metoclopramide7. Even cannabinoids weretried because of anecdotal reports from young patients whosmoked marijuana that it alleviated their vomiting afterchemotherapy. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol was less activethan high-dose

SLEEP DISORDERED BREATHING UPDATES ABSTRACTS March 2013 Table of Contents Formatted A4, Arial 8. Search by page or Section 1. Reviews . 1 2. Physiology . 3 3. Consequences & Comorbidities . 5 4. Cardiovascular . 7 5. Diagnosis . 11 6. Applications . 13 7. Bilevel & NIV . 16 8. Computer control . 19 9. Surgery . 20 10. Oral Appliances . 22 11. Other Methods . 23 12. Obesity . 2

INTRODUCCIÓN ¿Qué debo contarle a otras personas sobre mi epilepsia? Este folleto está diseñado para orientar a mujeres con epilepsia conTen una actitud positiva, la epilepsia sólo es una parte de lo que tú una vida sexualmente activa para que manejen de una maneraeres y no debes sentirte avergonzada por ello. práctica y sencilla el control natal. Sin embargo, en ningún momentoi

Market Access in the Wake of NICE: BioPharma’s Friend or Foe? Joshua Cohen at the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development reviews the impact of NICE on drug development, considering the effect it has had on the biopharmaceutical industry on a global, as well as national, scale reaching implications as the establishment perspective, to ensure efficient resourceincreased by close t


Correspondence Letters to the Editor must not exceed 400 words in length and may be subject to editing or abridgment. Letters must be limited to threeauthors and five references. They should not have tables or figures and should relate solely to an article published in Circulation withinthe preceding 12 weeks. Only some letters will be published. Authors of those selected for publication wil

Vous allez avoir un SCANNER Votre médecin vous a proposé un examen radiologique. Il sera pratiqué avec votre consentement. Vous avez en effet, la liberté de l’accepter ou de le refuser. Une information vous est fournie sur le déroulement de l’examen et de ses suites. Le médecin radiologue est qualifié pour juger de l’utilité de cet examen pour répondre au problème diagnostique

Conditions générales de transport pour le transport ferroviaire des voyageurs (GCC- CIV/PRR) Applicables à partir du 1er octobre 2013 Préambule Les Conditions générales de transport pour le transport ferroviaire des voyageurs (GCC-CIV/PRR) ont pour but de garantir l’appli- cation de conditions contractuelles uniformes dans le transport national et international des voyageurs par chem

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Coming back from the dead isn’t as easy as they make it seem in the movies. In real life it takes forever to do little things like pry open your eyes. You spend excruciating ages trying to bend your left middle finger down far enough to feel the rope around your wrists. Even longer figuring out that the cold hard thing poking you in the cheek is one of the handles of a pair of jumper cable

Pages from j301v04n02_sample-10.pdf

ABSTRACT. Research was conducted to understand the effect of har- vesting method and postharvest temperature on fruit quality of ‘Bright- well’ and ‘Tifblue’ rabbiteye blueberries ( Vaccinium ashei Reade). Mass loss, firmness and fruit respiration were measured under refriger- ated (1°C) and ambient (22°C) conditions for both machine harvested (MH) and hand harvested (HH) berries of e

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Improving CVD Risk in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A Multifactorial Approach Session 2: Managing Dyslipidemia and the Prevention of Macrovascular Disease References Boyle PJ. Diabetes mellitus and macrovascular disease: mechanisms and mediators. Am J Med . 2007;120(9 suppl 2):S12-S17. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention. National diabetes fact sheet: general information a

MEMORANDUM All Faculty at the University of Colorado Denver (UCD); all Members of the University of Colorado Cancer Center; and Faculty at the Medical University of South Carolina Lung SPORE Career Development Committee: York Miller MD, Chair; Anna Barón PhD; Daniel Chan PhD; Robert Gemmill PhD; Mark Geraci MD; Marileila Varella-Garcia PhD; Robert Winn MD; Robert Sclafani PhD; and Laurie G

THE MEDICALISATION OF SEXUALITY : THE CASE OF VIAGRA. Reply to the Secretary of State for Health N°62 - November 18, 1999 Sexual activity, well-being and medicalisationThe Secretary of State for Health, Bernard KOUCHNER, on June 23, 1998, referred to theFrench National Consultative Ethics Committee (CCNE) consideration of an innovative drugfor the purpose of alleviating human erectile dysf

Microsoft word - ar009 ferreira pag135-138.doc

Anim. Reprod., v.2, n.2, p.135-138, April/June, 2005 Feed intake restriction, conception rate and parturition to conception interval in crossbred Gir-Holstein cows1 A.M. Ferreira2,5, W.F. Sá2, J.H.M. Viana2, L.S.A. Camargo2, P.A.C. Pereira3, C.A.C. Fernandes4 ²Embrapa Dairy Cattle Research Center, R. Eugênio do Nascimento 610, Juiz de Fora, MG, ZC 36038-330 Brazil ³Federal Uni

innovatie onze kracht! Eindcongres van de Regieraad Bouw 12 november 2009 Evenementenlocatie De Fabrique informatiemarkt informatiemarkt ‘Anders nog iets.?’ gaan. Het Netwerk brengt opdrachtgevers en conceptaanbieders met elkaar in contact. Op de informatiemarkt konden de congresgangers ideeën, Andere organisaties die zich presenteerden op de informatie-inspirat

Copeland veterinary surgeons _ post op care for dogs

Today your dog has had a general anaesthetic and surgery. Hopefully this has not been to stressful for either of you. Once you get your dog home if you are unsure of anything or have any worries about your dog, ring us at the practice,that’s what we are here for. I am sure no matter how silly you think you are being you won’t be the first person to havethe same worryPractice telephone01642

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Cod FPO 7.3.1 2/ 10 First Romanian rapid tests manufacturer ! Holding the sample dropper vertically, add 5 drops (0.2 ml) of specimen “See Now” Amphetamine Strip/Cassette Test without air bubbles into the sample well . For strip test, immerse the strip into the urine cup and take out the strip For in vitro Diagnosis Use after 10 sec. Lay the strip on a flat, clean,

The six links of survival

The Six Links of Survival™ Reference Guide Larry J. Sangrik, DDS, Director, Medical Emergency Preparedness P.O. Box 65581, Virginia Beach, VA 23467 Background: The average response time for medical emergency services (EMS) to respond to a 911 call can be 9 minutes in an urban setting and 15 minutes in a rural setting. These times were based on the primary EMS unit being avail

Getting to Know Me My Name: Elena Nickname: Ellie Date of Birth: 4/19/98 Date: March 2007 A Little About Me: I am a 9 year old 3rd grader. I really like school, playing with my sister and doing physical things like running, swimming, climbing, etc. (even though my body doesn’t always coordinate the way I would like it to). I love animals especially sea otters. When I gr

Administration of medication (00439482-6).doc

BOARD OF EDUCATION Policy 5141.21 ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION (POLICIES AND PROCEDURES CONCERNING ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION CODE PURSUANT TO N.J.S.A. 18A:11-1, 18A:40-4, 40-12.3 et seq. , N.J.S.A. 45:11-23, N.J.A.C. 6A:16) The Board of Education recognizes that the administration of medication during the school day may be necessary if failure to take such medication would jeopa

SPECIAL REPORT T H E M E M O R Y B U L L E T I N MEDICATIONS AND THE BRAIN Majid Fotuhi, M.D., M.P.H., Forgetting things is common among people of all ages; however, 75percent of people over age 50 report having problems with memor yin the past year. It turns out that some of these memor y failure prob-lems are directly caused by medication. Many of the patients I see at Jo



Microsoft word - pofparte_b_2013_2014

Il tempo-scuola in vigore nell’a.s. 2013-2014 Pagg. 6 Informazioni relative al servizio scolastico Progetti avviati nell’attuale anno scolastico Collaborazioni e incarichi nell’Istituto Incarichi Consigli di classe scuola secondaria Scuola Primaria “A. Borgato” via Bachelet 12/A - Saonara Scuola Primaria “G. Galilei” via Don Milani - Villatora Scuola Secondaria di primo grado

Evaluation of Canadian Bee Mortalities that Coincided with Corn Planting in Spring 2012 In the spring and summer of 2012, Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) received a significant number of honey bee mortality reports from the provinces of Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, Quebec and Ontario. A portion of these mortalities were determined to be asso

Admit to: observation

Admission Order Set Page 1 of 2 Status: OUTPATIENT OBSERVATION & SERVICES Level of Care: Med Surg (3 South 4 North) IMC/DOU (2 North 2 South) Tele (2 North 2 South)  ICU  CCU Can be transported w/o RN unless otherwise stated Needs to be transported w/ RN Respiratory isolation (place in neg pressure room) DIAGNOSIS : _____________


Serviço Público Federal Ministério da Educação Fundação Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul PROGRAMAS DE RESIDÊNCIA MÉDICA DO HOSPITAL UNIVERSITÁRIO PROVA TESTE PEDIATRIA 31 de Outubro de 2010 INSTRUÇÕES 1 . Não manuseie este caderno e o cartão-resposta até receber a autorização do fiscal. 2 . Ao receber autorização, verifique, neste

Viagra für alle?

Kardiovaskuläre Medizin 2008;11(3):99–101 Evidence-based cardiology Johannes Jehlea,b, Jens P. Hellermannb Viagra® für alle? Sildenafil bei Herzinsuffizienz Universität im Fürstentum Liechtenstein mit sekundärer pulmonaler Hypertonie [1] Spitalregion Rheintal, Werdenberg, Sarganserland Hintergrund sekundärer pulmonaler Hypertonie gegen-über Plazebo untersucht hat. Mehr

DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS CENTRAL PHARMACY FORMULARY PREFACE The formulary is a listing of the therapeutic agents which have approved for use in the Alaska correctional system and which are routinely stocked by the Central Pharmacy. Physicians, dentist, and medical staff should use formulary items when possible. Non-formulary items, if justified, can be ordered through the

Session 4 - hinze.pdf

4-01 Expanding the Utility and Understanding of Room Temperature Ionic Liquids: Including Micelle Formation and Interactions with Gold Nano-particles DANIEL W. ARMSTRONG, Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011, [email protected]. Room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) cannot be adequately characterized on the basis of polarity or any single parameter scale.


Hemolymphatic/Oncology Blood Parasites in the Dog and Cat: Haemobartonellosis: Haemobartonella sp. are gram negative, non-acid fast, epicellular parasites of erythrocytes. Haemobartonella canis and Haemobartonella felis are the species that affect dogs and cats, respectively. Experimentally, cats have been reported to have a subclinical infection with H. canis . Haemobartonella organi


The Pacific War in Relation to Japanese Settlers in Papua and New Guinea Abstract The Pacific War ended the presence of Japanese settlers in Papua and New Guinea. It was a tragedy, as theywere forced to leave when the war began and were never allowed to return. They lost all they had assets, proper-ties, friends and families. This tragedy was caused by imperial and colonial policies of


electronic reprint Two square-pyramidal chromium(V)–nitride complexes: bis(2-methylquinolin-8-olato)nitridochromium(V) and nitridobis(2-sulfidopyridine N-oxide)chromium(V) Torben Birk, Henning Osholm Sørensen and Jesper Bendix Copyright © International Union of CrystallographyAuthor(s) of this paper may load this reprint on their own web site provided that this cover page is retained

Multi-analyte assay of 23 Anti Epileptic Drugs (AEDs) in human plasma Renata Lagewaard, Ronald Vermunt, Toos de Mooy, Jos vd Elshout, Robert vd Wegen, Robert Wortelboer and Rudi Segers Introduction Until the early 1990s, the choice of antiepileptic medication was limited to traditional drugs such as phenobarbital, primidone, phenytoin, carbamazepine and valproate. Although th

United States Patent 5,576,375 Olsen , et al. * November 19, 1996 Poly (phenylene-vinylene) resins from vinylethynylbenzene and diethynylbenzene Abstract A novel resin is formed by the copolymerization of vinylethynylbenzene and diethynylbenzene. Polymerization is carried out under conditions which result in the retention of both unreacted vinyl groups from the vinylethynyl

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FINAL PROGRAM Friday April 19th, 2013 14:00 Herbert Frank (Tulln, Austria) 14:10 – 15:00 Session I IMAGING PROTOCOLS Chair: Herbert Frank (Tulln, Austria) Udo Hoffmann (Boston, USA) State of the art CT Image Protocols and Postprocessing Koen Nieman (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) State of the art CMR Image Protocols and Postprocessing Holg


Patient information from the BMJ Group Erection problems Erection problems If you have problems getting an erection, you're not on your own. More than 2 million men in the UK have erection problems. Doctors see men with this problem all the time. And once you see your doctor, there are good treatments that can help. What are erection problems? Most men have trouble getting an erec

LE BULLETIN DU NEPTUNE - N°17 MERCREDI 28 JANVIER 2008 Grand Concours Retour le règlement Nous vous rappelons que le NCF organise un grand concours sur la natation dont le premier prix est une combinaison de natation de marque Speedo (ou un iPod au choix du lauréat). Chaque semaine une question est publiée dans le bulletin. Le lauréat est celui qui aura répondu

Swots corner: what is an odds ratio? Swots Corner: What is an odds ratio? Bandolier readers wil know that we favour the number-needed-to-treat (NNT) as a way of describing the benefits (or harms) of treatments, both in individual trials and in systematic reviews. Few papers report results using this easily interpretable measure, so Bandolier has had to get its head around how to do the calculations. NNT cal

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INTERNATIONAL MOUNTAIN GUIDES HIGH ALTITUDE TREKKING PERSONAL EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST The equipment list is meant to help you compile your personal gear for a high altitude trekking trip likeKilimanjaro or Everest Base Camp. Most items are required, while a few are optional. Please considereach item carefully and be sure you understand the function of each piece of equipment before yousubstitute or

Leadership matters - and the iod is doing its bit

Publication : Yes, and… Publication date : What’s going on? – Communicating in times of change All organisations should have a communication strategy but during times of change it becomes vital. There are several reasons why this is so important: Change or the prospect of change affects people in different ways, but to many it can be profou

Pii: s0955-0674(00)00280-5

Mammalian G1- and S-phase checkpoints in response to DNA damage Jiri Bartek* and Jiri Lukas The ability to preserve genomic integrity is a fundamentalirreparable, checkpoints eliminate such potentiallyfeature of life. Recent findings regarding the molecular basis hazardous cells by permanent cell-cycle arrest or cell death. of the cell-cycle checkpoint responses of mammalian cells togenotox

Publikationen (original articles 2002 - 2005)

PUBLIKATIONSLISTE - Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für COPD 1.) Publikationen (Originalarbeiten) 1. Valipour A, Koller H, Kreuzer A, Kössler W, Csokay A, Burghuber OC. A case of primary tularemic pneumonia presenting with necrotizing mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes WiKliWo 2003, 115/196-199, IF: 0.9 2. Petkov V, Mosgöller W, Ziesche R, Raderer M, Stiebellehner L, Vonbank K, Funk GC

"Culebrilla" (herpes zóster);mitos y realidades El herpes zoster, llamado también "culebrilla", es una erupción vesicular aguda muy dolorosa, limitada a la región de la piel inervada por un solo ganglio sensitivo, producida por la activación endógena del virus varicela-zoster (VVZ) , el mismo que causa la varicela, que había permanecido latente después de un ataqu

CODIGO DE ETICA CAPITULO I DISPOSICIONES GENERALES ARTÍCULO 1.- OBJETIVO. El presente Código tiene por objeto establecer el conjunto de normas y principios que regulan laconducta individual y colectiva de todas las Trabajadoras y Trabajadores de la Caja Petrolera deSalud en el ejercicio de sus funciones. ARTÍCULO 2º.- ÁMBITO DE APLICACIÓN. Su aplicación es de carácter o

Microsoft word - bcs_report.doc

Bayer Garden SAFETY DATA SHEET according to EC Directive 2001/58/EC BIO SLUG & SNAIL KILLER 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Product information 230 Cambridge Science Park Milton Road Cambridge Cambridgeshire CB4 0WB Great Britain Emergency telephone number 0800-220876 (UK 24 hr) 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Che

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Microsoft word - article59-useofantipsychoticsinchildreniscriticized.doc

November 19, 2008 Use of Antipsychotics in Children Is Criticized WASHINGTON — Powerful antipsychotic medicines are being used far too cavalierly in children, and federal drug regulators must do more to warn doctors of their substantial risks, a panel of federal drug experts said Tuesday. More than 389,000 children and teenagers were treated last year with Risperdal, one of five popul

Microsoft word - cor 014 maria del carmen cerutti

PROYECTO DE CÓDIGO CIVIL Y COMERCIAL DE LA NACIÓN Reuniones de estudio realizadas durante el presente año 2012, en el Departamento de Derecho Civil de la Facultad de Derecho y Cs.Ss. de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Sesiones de los días 23 y 30 de agosto: Se inició el análisis del Libro I, Título IV, relativo a los Hechos y Actos Jurídicos, a cargo de la Prof. Marí

Market movement

Compiled by Corporate Catalyst (India) Pvt Ltd Period: September 1 – September 7, 2012 MARKET MOVEMENT Major Indices August 31, 2012 September 7, 2012 % Change Change POLICY WATCH  Commerce Ministry in favour of unrestricted exports of processed foods  Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor project gets approval to access ECB  India seeks Japan's support for

(Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability) (Stock Code : 291) Letter to New Shareholders – Election of Means of Receipt of Corporate Communications In order to protect the environment, China Resources Enterprise, Limited (the “Company”) proposes that as a shareholderof the Company you may choose to receive its corporate communications (i) by electronic means through the Comp

Microsoft word - chicken pox in the nursery

Chicken pox in the Nursery Chicken pox has been confirmed in the nursery. In accordance with school policy those that present with Chicken Pox – may return to school no sooner than 5 days after the first spots appeared, and not until the child feels well. Below is a fact sheet for chicken pox. Chickenpox in Children Under 12 Chickenpox causes a rash and can make a child feel

Pcfc annual 2002.pdf

PORTLAND COMMUNITY FREE CLINIC The 2002 Annual Update 9 Years of Service The Portland Community Free Clinic (PCFC) is a private-public partnership between Mercy Hospital, the City of Portland Department of Health and Human Services’ Public Health Division, community volunteers, and contributors. The mission of the PCFC is to provide free, comprehensive health care to low-income, uni

Microsoft word - 09-nuclear.doc

Juniata County Appendix C Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Hazard Profiles Nuclear Failure Following the accident at Three Mile Island in 1979, the NRC reexamined the role of emergency planning for protection of the public in the vicinity of nuclear power plants. The NRC issued regulations requiring that before a plant could be licensed to operate, the NRC mu


PIN3 STUDY - Medication Codes (listed by code numbers) Last updated 9/01 MEDICATIONS Analgesics/Anesthetics/Muscle Relaxants (1001-1675) Anacin, ASA, aspirin, Aspergum, Bayer, Bufferin, Ecotrin, St. Joseph’s, Zorprinbaby aspirin, St. Joseph’s baby aspirinAdvil, Anaprox, ibuprofen, Motrin, NuprinPyridium, phenazopyridine, Azo Standard, Uristatbutalbital/acetaminophen, Phrenilin, Bu

VOTING OPENS FOR THE COSTA SHORT STORY AWARD! Over 1800 entries received Submissions were judged anonymously Winner to be voted for by public at and announced at Costa Book Awards ceremony Voting opens today and closes at midday on Wednesday 23rd January 2013 Tuesday 27th November 2012 : Voting has opened today for the inaugural Costa Short Story

Microsoft word - regulament campanie fulare_caciuli.doc

Regulament Oficial al Concursului de Fidelizare ORGANIZATORUL SI REGULAMENTUL OFICIAL AL CONCURSULUI Campania este organizata de S.C. Catena Management SRL Participantii la concurs sunt obligati sa respecte termenii si conditiile regulamentului oficial al acestuia, potrivit celor mentionate in prezentul Regulament (denumit in continuare "Regulament Oficial"). Regulamentul Ofi

Microsoft word - monografiafinal


When I encountered the Corpora in Si(gh)te project for the first time (in fact, the photos of the structure, named Corpora so arbitrarily and wittily by biologist Beáta Oborny, author of one of these texts), the image came into my mind of a house I had seen in a small Italian village on the banks of Lake Como. I spent a good part of my summers here, year in year out, obsessively taking refuge a


C&G Environmental Protection Holdings Limited NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at Sheraton Towers Singapore, 39 Scotts Road, Level 2, Topaz Room, Singapore 228230 on Tuesday, 24 April 2012 at 9:30am to transact the following business: AS ORDINARY BUSINESS To receive and adopt the Directors’ Report and

Fda warns asians about crestor

FDA Warns Asians About Crestor Source: U.S. Food and Drug Administration Published: March 04, 2005 Asian American patients taking Crestor, a cholesterol-lowering drug made by AstraZeneca, may be at greater risk of muscle injury because of Crestor than the general public, the Food and Drug Administration warned on Tuesday. The announcement comes after AstraZeneca revised the package insert

Part 1/section

BIOMARKERS IN EEL TO EVALUATE EFFECTS OF DIQUAT IN A CHRISTCHURCH RIVERL A TremblayLandcare Research, CENTOX, PO Box 69, Lincoln 8152, New Zealand. E-mail: [email protected] received, 30/5/03; resubmitted, 4/12/03; accepted, 8/12/03. ABSTRACTChristchurch City Council uses herbicides for the control of exotic plant species in and around the waterways throughout Christchu

Untitled document

Diplom a di Mat urità Classica, Liceo Classico G. Berchet, Milano Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia (110/ 110 con lode), Università di Milano Tirocinio in Psichiatria, Unità di Ricerca e Clinica, Centro Dist urbi d’Ansia, Dipart im ent o di Scienze Neuropsichiche (Dir. Prof. L. Bellodi), Università di Milano, Ospedale S.Raffaele Specializzazione in Psichiatria (1999), (70/ 70 con lode) , Un

Basic facts on tobacco cessation

Basic Facts on Tobacco Cessation • There are approximately 46 million adult, and five million youth, smokers in the United States • Smoking currently costs the U.S. economy approximately $150 billion annually, in health care costs, lost wages, and reduced productivity • More than premature 400,000 deaths, in the U.S. alone are caused by tobacco, many of which could be prevented by quittin


Causes severe irritation of eyes, skin and mucous membranes. Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquaticAvoid breathing vapors or mists of this product. Inhalation of vapors or mists of the productmay be irritating to the respiratory system. Ingestion is not expected to be a primary route of exposure for this product under normal usePotential routes of e

importance in patients treated for diabetes. Very rare: fever, allergic inflammation of smalltance in patients with myasthenia gravis (ablood vessels or allergic lung reactions. attacks of porphyria in patients with porphyriarare disease of the nervous system). ACTIVE SUBSTANCE AND EXCIPIENTS MARKETING AUTHORIZATION HOLDER (a very rare metabolic disease). This might Isolated cases:


53. gmds-Jahrstagung Brückenschlag von Medizinischer Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie zur Medizintechnik 3.1 Aufnahme eines Patienten Aufgabe Vorgegebene Daten Erwartete Leistung / Funktionalität Vorname : Helga Geb.-D.: Einweisungsdiagnose L40.5 Psoriasisarthritis Nebendiagnosen M07.39 sonstige psoriatrische Arthritis E03.0 Hypothyreose mit


Scarlett Phan-Weston RRASC Summer Internship NYU School of Medicine Reproductive Choice at Bellevue Hospital My ten-week internship was based in New York at Bellevue Hospital and I worked closely with my supervisor, Dr. Miriam Cremer, on a chapter review on New Formulations of Oral Contraception for the journal, Seminars in Reproductive Medicine. This research project was a huge component

Connecticut Parkinson's Working Group Newsletter Special Edition October 2003 ===================================================================Support for this newsletter comes from Pfizer Corporation and the donors to CPWG. Editor: Stan Wertheimer stan.wertheimeratgmail.comInterview Editor: Jeff Lincoln===================================================================This special edition of

Microsoft word - 2_premio_3_colocado_monografia.doc

Monografia – 3º colocado Título do Trabalho: O cirurgião-dentista como peça fundamental na qualidade de vida do paciente irradiado Autor (a): Drª. Denize Rachel Nogueira Vasconcellos Orientador (a): Profª. Drª. Ellen Brilhante de Albuquerque Instituição Educacional: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ O CIRURGIÃO-DENTISTA COMO PEÇA FUNDAMENTAL NA QUALIDADE

Microsoft word - summerschoolcontentfinal.doc

Linking educational research, policy and practice Background and Rationale Prior to the transition the practice of education policy was based on experience with the regulations in place and the certainty of particular philosophic principles. There were few if any universities with degree programs in the field. There were no consulting firms or research institutes available. Methodologies

Microsoft word - supporting someone_final.doc

Information Sheet: Supporting someone with a mental health problem to address their smoking The smoking rate of the general Australian population is just less than 17%1 however for people with a mental health problem the rate is about 32%2. In some cases this rate is much higher, such as for people with schizophrenia for who the smoking rate is about 62%.* While the relationship between sm

En el nombre de Allah, Clemente, Misericordioso acorde al viernes 25 de Septiembre de 2009 pronunciada por el Sheij Muhammad Alruwaili en la Mezquita del Centro Cultural Islámico "Custodio de las Dos Sagradas Mezquitas, Rey Fahd" LA CONTINUIDAD EN LOS ACTOS DE OBEDIENCIA labado sea Allah (swt) Quien nos guió [agraciándonos con la fe] y no hubiéramos podido A enc

Arius 13-2.pmd

Revista de Ciências Humanas e Artes ISSN 0103-9253 Literatura brasileira na formação docente*Este trabalho analisa o distanciamento entre o ensino de Literatura Brasileira nos cursosde Licenciatura em Letras-Português e a prática docente que se exige na Educação Bá-sica, especialmente no Ensino Médio. Apresenta-se um esboço de panorama histórico, apartir dos anos de ditadura mi

(microsoft word - bellini_bar- und getr\344nkekarte aktuell ab september 2012.docx)

ALKOHOLFREIE GETRÄNKE Allegra - Mineralwasser ohne Kohlensäure Passuger - Mineralwasser mit Kohlensäure Henniez - Mineralwasser mit wenig Kohlensäure Légère Knutwiler - Mineralwasser MIT oder OHNE Kohlensäure Zitrone, Mandarin, Heidelbeere, Grapefruit, Bitterorange, Himbeere Ramseier Süssmost - Apfelsaft Schweppes - Bitter Lemon, Tonic Water oder Ginger Ale Tomaten, Orangen, Grapef

Lógica de programação para engenharia

Unidade 1 6: Exerccios com Estruturas de Repetição Objetivo : Capacitar para a criação de programas com estrutura de repetição. Bibliografia : ASCENCIO, 2007; MEDINA, 2006; SILVA, 2010; SILVA, 2006. INTRODUÇÃO Na aula anterior vimos como fazer repetições com diversos comandos diferentes. Nesta aula veremos que qualquer uma das formas são possíveis para resolver um mesmoproble

Microsoft word - clarus pm english.doc


Selection of automatic samplers to ensure sample integrity

Selection of Automatic Samplers to Ensure Sample Integrity Traditional manual sampling techniques are often unacceptable for collecting wastewater samples for monitoring because of intricate routines required by permit or regulatory programs. Automatic samplers have resolved some issues about sample acceptability, but samplers offered in the marketplace differ in their ability to coll

Multi-drug resistance in rough collies (mdr1)

Multi-drug Resistance in Rough Collies (MDR1) Link to EACA'S MDR1 Health Imformation. It is now widely accepted that some Collies appear to be hypersensitive to certain toxins (natural or drug-induced) and are more prone to stress-related problems. The problem first came to light in 1983 when several Collies died from Ivermectin poisoning and, since then, the veterinary profession has acce

Microsoft word - version dos word 2013 claret.doc

Curso de Inglés Irlanda-Agosto 2013 “4 to 1” Intensivo Dirigidos por: COLEGIO CLARET Organización Técnica: AVANTYA in Education Avda. Padre Claret, 3 C/ Santa Bernardita 3 40003 Segovia - Tel.: 921 420 300 28023 Madrid - Tel.: 91 435 25 22 CENTRO DE ENSEÑANZA CENTRE FOR ENGLISH STUDIES Mercy College St. Brendan’s Drive Tel. 00-353 1 8480

Castle chemicals letter updated

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Chloroprene GW 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND COMPANY Castle Chemicals Ltd, Peak House6 Oxford Road, Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 2DY 2. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION The product is not classified as dangerous according to Directive 1999/45/EC and its amendments. See section 11 and 12 for more detailed information on health and ecological effects.

Name: ________________ ( ) Chem!stry Class: _______ Date: ____ / ____ / ____ Masses of Reacting Solids Two essential things to remember: Converting a mass in grams into a number of moles: Converting a number of moles into a mass in grams: mass of substance (g) = amount of substance (in moles) × relative molecular mass of substance The diagram shown below i

6. literaturverzeichnis

6. Literaturverzeichnis Akaike T, Suga M, Maeda H ( 1998 ): Free radicals in viral pathogenesis: molecular mechanisms involving superoxide and NO; Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 217(1): 64-73. Akama KT, Albanese C, Pestell RG, Van Eldik LJ ( 1998 ): Amyloid beta-peptide stimulates nitric oxide production in astrocytes through an NFkappaB-dependent mechanism; ProcNatl Acad Sci U S A 95(10): 5795-800.

Updates to your prescription benefits Effective January 1, 2013 Within the Prescription Drug List (PDL), medications are grouped by tier. The tier indicates the amount you pay when you fill a prescription. Please reference this chart as you review the following updates. Most options listed are available in Tier 1, your lowest cost option. If your medication is listed below,

Ccg fact sheet aug 2013

MEDIA CONTACTS Neva Geisler, [email protected], 208.860.7043 Tony Harrison, [email protected], 208.880.9814 Nonprofit social enterprise uses food to change lives • Create Common Good is a nonprofit social enterprise that provides training and work to refugees Social enterprise and others with barriers to employment. Based in Boise, Idaho, the 501(c)(3) organization


ANTIBIOTIKAMEDIUM Nr. 23 Zum Nachweis und zur Untersuchung der Wirkung von Antibiotika CL54 Zusammensetzung in g/l (angenähert): Glucose. 10,0 Hefeextrakt . 2,5 di-Kaliumhydrogenphosphat . 0,69 Kaliumhydrogenphosphat . 0,45 Agar . 13,5 pH-Wert. 5,6 ± 0,1 HERSTELLUNG 27,1 g des Mediums werden in einem Liter destillierten Wasser suspendiert. Man mische gut, erhitze unter häufigem Rüh


Charles Fairbanks photographer / filmmaker t. 308.785.2659 education Master of Fine Arts, School of Art & Design, University of Michigan, 2010Bachelor of Arts in Art and STS (Science, Technology, and Society), Stanford, 2003Werner Herzog’s Rogue Film School, 2010Sound Image Culture (SIC) Master Class, Brussels, 2008-09 filmography Tumü Musokyuy: The Modern Jungle (2013) length T

Microsoft word - fiches techniques assemblées maj au 14 09 2009

Plan national « Pandémie grippale » - Fiches techniques Fiche C.5 – Stratégie et modalités d’utilisation des antiviraux Fiche C.5 - Stratégie et modalités d’utilisation des antiviraux Cette fiche concerne la pandémie grippale en cours à virus A (H1N1)v. Elle nécessite des travaux permanents. Elle est actualisée au fur et à mesure de leurs évolutions 1. Les médicament

Microsoft word - ncaa banned[1].doc

ATTACHMENT NCAA Banned-Drug Classes 2007-2008 other anabolic agents The NCAA list of banned-drug classes is subject to change by the NCAA Executive Committee. Contact NCAA education services or for the current list. The term “related (c) Substances Banned for Specific Sports: compounds” comprises substances that are included in the class by

Material Safety Data Sheet Clotrimazole MSDS Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification Product Name: Clotrimazole Contact Information: Catalog Codes: SLC2323, Inc. 14025 Smith Rd. CAS#: 23593-75-1 RTECS: NI4377000 US Sales: 1-800-901-7247 International Sales: 1-281-441-4400 TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: No products were found. CI#: No

Revista de psicología n 2 universidad de antioquia. medellín, 2010

Revista de Psicología N 2 Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín, 2010 ¿Qué pasa por el cuerpo en la depresión?1 What Happen to the Depressed? Natalia Molina Jaramillo2 Resumen La pregunta por la corporalidad en la depresión ha sido una constante en los estudios sobre este fenómeno, especialmente cuando se interroga su etiología y sus manifestaciones sintomáticas. En la in

Microsoft word - 5.6 dobutamine stress test 2008.doc

This is a type of test used to see if your heart muscle is getting the blood supply it needs. You will be given medicine through an intravenous tube (IV). The medicine is called Dobutamine. Just like exercise, Dobutamine increases the work your heart does, and increases your heart rate. Once you get to a target heart rate, a radioactive material called Cardiolite is given through the IV. This ma

Pdf template (pages) copy

Antibiotics - Some Facts When bacteria invade the body, a bacterial infection is present. Often, the bacteria are removed by our own immune system before there are any obvious signs of disease. But if bacteria multiply faster than our immune system can destroy them, an infectious disease develops. An infectious disease is treated by drugs that harm the bacteria, either by killing them or by

Clinical care guideline template

Croup Clinical Care Guideline: Age 6 Months to 3 Years* Posted: 8/1/2011 *Always check intranet for latest version Table of Contents Target Population Key Treatment Principles Intended for patients with: Indicated: Principal diagnosis: croup Not intended for patients with: Suspicion of tracheitis (laryngotracheal-bronchitis or –pneumonitis) or epig


British Columbia Reproductive Care Program Newborn Guideline 11 EYE CARE AND PREVENTION OF OPHTHALMIA NEONATORUM INTRODUCTION Ophthalmia neonatorum presents as an inflammation of the conjunctiva in an infant younger than 30 days of age.1 Most ophthalmia infections in the neonatal period are acquired during vaginal delivery and reflect the sexually transmitted diseases


Los productos de la industria de los pesticidas controlan el desarrollo de insectos, roedores o moluscos. Se emplean en áreas urbanas, suburbanas y rurales; en el hogar y en los jardines. La industria utiliza herbicidas, alguicidas, funguicidas y bactericidas y los ferrocarriles usan herbicidas para mantener las vías libres de vegetación. La necesidad de un nombre genérico que englobe la gra

Viagra could perk up jet lagged travellers-News-UK-Science-TimesOnline BUSINESS LIFE & STYLE ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT PDF created with pdfFactory trial version Viagra could perk up jet lagged travellers-News-UK-Science-TimesOnlineMay 22, 2007 Viagra could perk up jet lagged travellers Travellers flying across the Atlantic could beat jet lag by taking Viagra, research on ham

Hyundai oil refinery co

KOREA HYDRO & NUCLEAR POWER CO., LTD. Notes to Financial Statements Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) was established on April 2, 2001 through a corporate split from Korea Electric Power Corporation (“KEPCO”) in accordance with the Restructuring Plan of the Electric Industry in the Republic of Korea announced by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy

Microsoft word - my pca experience.doc

My Prostate Cancer Experience and Lessons Learned • Share this with anyone who might find it useful. • This is a living document that I often update. If you would like the latest version, or more information on any issue, do not hesitate to contact me. • I would greatly appreciate comments to help make this document more useful. My Experience In January 2002

Art 15 cb 1 (72,09) dariel (89-90)okok.pmd

Centro Agrícola, 36(3): 89-90; julio-septiembre, 2009ISSN papel: 0253-5785 ISSN on line: 2072-2001 CE: 72,09 CF: cag162091694 COMUNICACIONES BREVES Empleo de inhibidores virales para el control de Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) en Carica papaya L Use of virals inhibitors to control of Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) in Carica papaya L Marlene Pérez López1, Ricar

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MARIO MEJORADO, JR., MPA, CMR [email protected] • • 845.855.1999 h • 914.475.8265 c PHARMACEUTICAL SPECIALTY SALES EXECUTIVE Strategic Leadership & Planning / Key Customer Relationships / Formulary Acceptance High-performing pharmaceutical sales professional with 11 years of progressive success and stellar contributions in sales , market share

5.2 Strategies to Optimize Delivery and Minimize risks of EN: Motility agents January 31st 2009 Recommendation: Based on 1 level 1 study and 5 level 2 studies, in critically ill patients who experience feed intolerance (high gastric residuals, emesis), we recommend the use of a promotility agent. Given the safety concerns associated with erythromycin, the recommendation is made fo

Microsoft word - introductory pages 2006

Inaugural Edition Canadian Journal of Aboriginal Community-Based HIV/AIDS Research Volume 1, Summer 2006 THE CANADIAN ABORIGINAL AIDS NETWORK (CAAN) OVERVIEW The Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network is a national, not-for profit organization: • Established in 1997 • Represents over 200 member organizations and individuals • Governed by a National thirteen m

Microsoft word - cjp nov 11 final.doc

MEDIA RELEASE EMBARGOED UNTIL WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2009 Youth on antipsychotics at increased risk of metabolic side effects such as obesity and Type 2 diabetes Provincial Mental Health Metabolic Clinic to assess and treat youth, provide education (Vancouver – November 11, 2009) – Youth taking certain types of anti-psychotic medications have three times the ris

Microsoft word - how to .doc

"How To?" How to? Don't know what I want, but I know how to get it. — Sex Pistols, "Anarchy in the UK" I TWENTY YEARS. Twenty years of counter-revolution. Of preventive counter-revolution. In Italy. And elsewhere. Twenty years of a sleep behind security gates, haunted with security guards. A sleep of the bodies, imposed by curfew. Twenty years. The past does not pass. Because war

Microsoft word - irb renova e amplia sua principal apólice - valor - 9 dez –

IRB renova e amplia sua principal apólice Data: 09/12/2005 Janes Rocha A estatal IRB-Brasil Re concluiu ontem a renovação de sua principal apólice de resseguro, o "Property" (propriedades) no exterior, com uma ampliação de US$ 100 milhões no valor de cobertura por risco, num total de US$ 300 milhões. Em comparação com a apólice atual, vencida dia 30 de novembro e prorrogada p


Thalamic Pain Syndrome(Central Post-Stroke Pain) in a patientpresenting with right upper limb pain:a case reportJeffrey R Tuling, BSc, DC*Eldon Tunks, MD, FRCP(C)** In the elderly, pain of a widespread nature can often be Les douleurs irradiantes, chez les personnes âgées, debilitating. It is not uncommon to attribute this peuvent souvent devenir incapacitantes. Il est fréquent widesp

Continental investit dans Enax pour étendre sa propre technologie lithium-ion (Ratisbonne/Berlin) L’équipementier automobile international Continental a acquis desparts dans le groupe japonais Enax, spécialiste des batteries lithium-ion. Enax est un experttechnologique hautement reconnu pour le développement et la production d’élémentslithium-ion à haute capacité énergétique

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement. (Incorporated in Bermuda wit

Transtorno Obsessivo-Compulsivo Diagnóstico e Tratamento Aristides Volpato Cordioli Luciana Nerung Sandra Machado 1. Conceito (DSM-IV) O Transtorno Obsessivo-compulsivo (TOC), caracteriza-se pela presença de obsessões ou compulsões recorrentes, suficientemente severas para ocupar parte significativa do tempo do paciente, causando desconforto ou comprometimento Obses

619.295.2202 • www.completedentalhealth.comAccurate answers wil help us provide you the safest treatment experience. Al information you provide is confidential. If you need assistance or have a question, please ask. Patient’s Name _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________Your PHYSICIAN’S name and phone #Yes ❏ No ❏Have you ever

Copyright Medinews (Cardiology) Limited Reproduction Prohibited Copyright Medinews (Cardiology) Limited Reproduction Prohibited The interest in the increasing overlap between cardiac and renal disease was shown by a wel -attended meeting, ‘The failing heart and kidney’, organised by the Cardiorenal rohibited F C orum. O o ver 1 p 00 ne y phrol r og i y an g d card h iolog t y co ns


PEG-Empfehlungen Rationaler Einsatz oraler Antibiotika bei Kindern und Jugendlichen Empfehlungen einer Expertenkommission der Paul-Ehrlich-Gesellschaft für Chemotherapie e. V. erlags! Horst Scholz, Berlin, und Friedrich Vogel, Hofheim,unter Mitarbeit von M. Abele-Horn, D. Adam, B. H. Belohradsky, lation sind die Gesamtkosten der Krank-W. Handrick, U. Heininger, H. Luckhaupt, R. Noa

Microsoft word - case_study_drug_combinations.doc

Exploring the molecular basis of combination drugs using ToxWiz For further information: Email: [email protected] Tel: +44 1223 703 137 Fax: +44 1223 858 794 Drug combinations represent intriguing possibilities for new therapies. The basic principle is that two active compounds can lead to effects that are more than the sum of their parts, possibly by simultaneously blocking

Microsoft word - cter - regulamento _versão 2013-1_

Formando agentes da restauração do Corpo do Mashiach Curso de Teologia da Restauração (CTER) - Regulamento Apêndice 1 – Ementário do CTER Apresentamos abaixo a ementa de cada uma das 31 (trinta e uma) disciplinas obrigatórias do CTER. Este ementário está sujeito a alterações. O aluno deve permanecer atento, pois, caso elas aconteçam, será informado via e-mail e(ou) em

Codexis may 08.qxp

Hydroxylation reactions with P450 enzymes Hydroxylation reactions catalysed using P450 enzymes have a range ofapplications in drug metabolite production and lead diversificationFacilitating the identification of toxicmetabolites early in the drug developmentprocess and enabling the diversification ofidentification and preliminary toxicity andlead compounds through the generation of aacti

risultati clinici insperati I BAMBINI DEL MEYERAffrontare una malattia, specialmente in età infantile non Niente più creme o farmaci, grazie al Laser ad Eccimeri, solo sedute di pochi secondi è assolutamente facile, e questo lo sappiamo. Quel o che non sappiamo è che possiamo offrire tutto il nostro aiuto ai bambini affetti da forme di tumori e leucemie, pur non Alcune malattie della

The world

LA LISTA DE PROHIBICIONES 2011 ESTÁNDAR INTERNACIONAL El texto oficial de la Lista de Prohibiciones será mantenido por la AMA y será publicado en inglés y francés. En caso de discrepancia entre la versión inglesa y las traducciones, la versión inglesa publicada eprevalecerá. Esta Lista entrará en vigor el 1 de enero de 2011. Lista de Prohibiciones 2011 18 de sep

Microsoft word - draft mh services plan cact draft submission.doc

Indigenous Carers and Community Wellbeing A Response to the Draft Mental Health Services Plan 2008-2013 Enquiries on this submission may be directed to: Dee McGrath Chief Executive Officer Carers ACT Telephone: (02) 6296 9900 Fax: (02) 6296 9999 Email: [email protected] This document was prepared by: Annemarie Ashton, Policy Advisor Carers ACT sincerely thanks the following Indigenous C

Microsoft word - kivumb~1.doc

Constraints in Seeking Treatment at Public Health Units for Children with Severe Malaria: a District Case Study in Uganda. Kivumbi George .W, Mortensen Erik.L, Whyte Susan.R, Bybjerg Ib.C. Draft_16-May-02 Introduction Malaria is still a major cause of death and severe illness among children in many parts of tropical Africa, Uganda inclusive. It is responsible for betw

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1. Graham, J. A., Ruiz, M. T. 1974 "The RR Lyrae stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud cluster NGC 18352" Astronomical Journal 79, 363 M T. 1975 "Scattering by dust and the photographic appearance of eta Carinae" Astrophysical Joural 202, 421 . ., Schwarzschild, M. 1976"An Approximate Dynamical Model for Spheroidal Stellar Systems" Astrophysical Journal 207, 376 . . 1976

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Conference Programme Pre-Conference Sessions: 29th February 2012 Conference: 1st - 2nd March 2012 Venue: Clontarf Castle, Castle Avenue, Clontarf, Dublin 3 Day 1: Wednesday, Feb 29th 2012 8.15 - 9.00: REGISTRATION COURSE ONE COURSE TWO COURSE THREE 9.00 - 17.00 9.00 - 17.00 9.00 - 17.00 LOCATION: Central LOCATION: Clontarf Castle LOCATION: Clontarf Ca

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ADHD e psicofarmaci: bambini diversamente attivi In America ci sono 13 milioni di bambini che fanno uso di psicofarmaci come Ritalin e affini, e numeri simili si stanno raggiungendo in paesi come la Germania, l’Inghilterra e la Francia. E in Italia? Corriamo anche noi il rischio di avere tra pochi anni una generazione di giovani adulti cresciuta a psicofarmaci?

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Convergent Software & ISO 28560-2 Conformance Document The bit and byte ordering discussed in the ISO 28560-2 Guidelines for development of ISO 28560-2 conformant devices (direct link: explains that there is a complex relationship between the various components between the application (for example the Library Management System)

Revista ix

OBTENCIÓN DE PLANTAS A PARTIR DE ANTERAS DE ESPÁRRAGO ( Asparagus officinalis L.) MUÑOZ , Sebastián ; ESPÓSITO , María Andrea ; CRAVERO , Vanina ; GARCÍA , Stella ; LÓPEZ ANIDO, Fernando ; COINTRY , Enrique Docentes de la Cátedra GenéticaDocentes de la Cátedra de HorticulturaFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias. UNRC.C. Nº 14 (S2125ZAA) Zavalla Santa Fe - ArgentinaE-mail: sebaj


Case Report Een metastatisch epithelioma op L6 als oorzaak van manken en ataxie bij een hond Dr. K. Vandendriessche1, Dr. P. Weyts2 en Dr. M. Logghe1 1 Praktijkdierenartsen, Westkerksestraat 20, 8460 Oudenburg 2 Praktijkdierenarts, Rijselstraat 31, 8200 Sint-Michiels Brugge Samenvatting Er wordt een geval beschreven van manken en ataxie bij een hond. De diagnose die volgde uit ra

Geriatrics and telemedicine

University of California, Irvine School of Medicine• Mr. C is a 92 year old man who lives in an apartment adjacent to his daughter’s house, with the assistance of a paid caregiver– Atrial fibrillation– Prostatic hypertrophy and an indwelling catheter– Osteoarthritis – Glaucoma– Congestive Heart Failure• He is responsible for taking his own Rx• Recently the CHF worsened and i


Cited in BIOBASE – BIOSYS Preview – Current Contents/Clinical Medicine – Current Contents/Life Science – Elsevier BIOBASE/CurrentAwareness in Biological Sciences – EMBASE/Excerpta Medica – MEDLINE – PsycINFO – Science Citation Index – SciVerse ScopusÒFull text available in SciVerse ScienceDirectÒOriginal articlesA long-term, clinical study on symptomatic infantile spasms

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Eine vision für den mittleren osten

COMPASS-Infodienst für christlich-jüdische und deutsch-israelische Tagesthemen im Web ONLINE-EXTRA Nr. 74 Juni 2008 EINE VISION FÜR DEN MITTLEREN OSTEN Chaim Noll © 2008 Copyright beim Autor online exklusiv für ONLINE-EXTRA Nachfolgender Beitrag ist in gekürzter Fassung erschienen in: MUT – FORUM FÜR KULTUR, POLITIK UND GESCHICHTE Juni 2008 © - magazine article Careers The 10 Hardest Jobs To Fill In America Tara Weiss, 06.03.09, 6:00 PM ET For the second year in a row, engineer is the hardest job to fill in America. Why are engineers so hard to find? "We have whole generations of people loving liberal arts, not going into science and math," saysLarry Jacobson, executi

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DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE 2 Lifestyle modification as part of initial management Measure HbA1c every 3 months depending on Have lifestyle modifications been successful? Consider oral hypoglycaemic agents Is there renal and/or cardiac dysfunctionConsider either metformin or a sulphonylurea Optimise dose of oral hypoglycaemic agent If patient on sulphonylurea and has normal renal

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AUS DER REGION WALDDÖRFER/ALSTERTALER MARKT NR.4 - MITTWOCH, 21. JANUAR 2009Erfolgreiches Gemeinschaftsprojekt mit staatlicher Jugendmusikschule Wohldorf-Ohlstedt (am/le). schließend gibt es für alle Sasel (khl). Im Rahmen des Musikherbstes, einem neuen Projekt des Sasel-Hauses, hat ein Instrumentenschnupperkursus im Naturschutzbund einen gemeinsamen Imbiss. Zentrums

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CITTÀ DI FERMO Settore Servizi Sociali AVVISO PUBBLICO L.R. n. 30 del 10 AGOSTO 1998 INTERVENTI A FAVORE DELLA FAMIGLIA. ANNO 2012 IL DIRIGENTE venti di cui ai punti 1) e 2) e pari a E 100,00 e comunque non superiore all’ammontare della polizza, per l’in- Vista la Legge Regionale del 10 agosto 1998 n. 30;Vista la deliberazione della Giunta della Regione Marche n. 1758 d

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What You Should Know Before You Start A Weight Loss Plan The measurements that count Know your Body Mass Index (BMI) Over the past twenty years, Americans have become more familiar with specific measurements related to health, such as cholesterol levels and blood pressure readings. When it comes to weight-related health risks, there are three important numbers that you should know. The

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2:07-cv-02046-HAB-DGB # 413 Page 1 of 11 ORDER REGARDING PLAINTIFFS’ APPLICATION FOR ATTORNEYS’ FEES AND REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES THIS MATTER is before the Court in connection with Plaintiffs’ Application for Attorneys’ Fees and Reimbursement of Expenses and for Case Contribution Awards for Named Plaintiffs. Doc. 406. In their Application, Class Counsel, the law firm of Schlic


The Genetics of Vector-Host Interactions: Alternative Strategies for Genetic Engineering for Malaria Control Willem Takken* and Carlo Costantini As long as behavioural genetics remains a scientific backwater, much of the genome sequence willlook like uninterruptible gibberish. —Of Flies and Men , by Dean H. Hamer, Scientific American , June 1999 Abstract Malaria transmission is accompl


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Anexo 1 da Proposta nº 160/2013 Minuta do CONTRATO PROGRAMA O Município de Lisboa aprovou e está em curso o Plano de Investimentos Prioritários em Acções de Reabilitação Urbana (PIPARU), que vem sendo financiado por empréstimos contratados junto do Instituto da Habitação e da Reabilitação Urbana, IP, e do Banco BPI, SA e 1. A GEBALIS – Gestão dos Bairros Municipais de Li


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REVISTA DE LASOCIEDAD CHILENA DEOBSTETRICIA Y GINECOLOGIAINFANTIL Y DE LA ADOLESCENCIAPolycystic Ovary Syndrome In Teenagers: Clinical, Laboratory and Ultrasound Evaluation and Treatment. / Sotomayor Karina y cols. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome In Teenagers: Clinical, Laboratory and Ultrasound Evaluation and Treatment. p.024 Sotomayor Karina, Barrera C., Flández J. Centro de Docencia de Atenci�

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PURPOSE OF THE EXPERIMENT: Demonstrate the regioselectivity of electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions for monosubstituted aromatic compounds. BACKGROUND REQUIRED: You should be familiar with vacuum filtration, melting point measurement, and recrystallization techniques. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Most substitution reactions at aliphatic carbon atoms are nucleophilic. Howeve

Powerpoint presentation

TRABALHO DE GRUPO Integrantes: Alan Allex André Bruno Célio Igor João Carlos É uma doença que aparece e desaparece sozinha, de tempos em tempos, dependendo de certos fatores como estresse, cansaço, esforço exagerado, febre, exposição ao sol, traumatismo e menstruação. Nas mulheres, o herpes pode também se localizar nas partes internas do corpo. Uma vez infectada pelo vírus da He


Pain-free investment for city Bill Jackson, Times Staff December 14, 2011 People across the globe who undergo a pain-free dental procedure will likely have a local company in Cambridge to thank. Septodont’s Novocol Pharmaceutical facility on Wolseley Court “will be by far the biggest and most modern dental anesthetic production centre in the world”, according to Olivier Schiller

Medicinal Benefits of Marijuana Introduction/Background Cannabis preparations have been used as medicinal agents for thousands of years described in a medical context by the Chinese emperor Shen Nung in 2700 BCE to treat beriberi, gout, malaria, rheumatism and numerous other conditions.1 Cannabis was cultivated in Europe and Asia as a fiber plant and ultimately became a central nonc

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Schizophrenia Teaching and Research office of Psychiatry, West China medical school S.U. What is it? n Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and What is it? n Research is gradually leading to new and safer medications and unraveling the complex causes of the disease General Considerations n Eugen Bleuler: a more appropriate name than dementia praecox( autism, ambivalence, flat


Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee Decisions March 19, 2010 Drug/Therapeutic Class P&T Decision Bepreve® (bepotastine besilate ophthalmic solution) • Non-formulary Medications – Treatment of Allergic Conjunctivitis Effient® (prasugrel) – Platelet Aggregation Inhibitor • Formulary Multaq® (dronedarone) – Treatment of Arrhythmias • Non-formulary

Declaración de los derechos del hombre y del ciudadano de 1789

Declaración de los Derechos del Hombre y del Ciudadano de 1789 Los Representantes del Pueblo Francés, constituidos en Asamblea Nacional, considerando que la ignorancia, el olvido o el menosprecio de los derechos del Hombre son las únicas causas de las calamidades públicas y de la corrupción de los Gobiernos, han resuelto exponer, en una Declaración solemne, los derechos naturales, in

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Citocromo P450 e interazioni tra farmaci Gabriella Facciolà, Maria Gabriella ScordoIstituto di Farmacologia - Università degli Studi di Messina 1. Introduzione 2. Citocromo P450 3. Polimorfismo genetico 4. Interazioni tra farmaci 5. Conclusioni 6. Esempi di polimorfismo genetico 7. Esempi di interazioni tra farmaci 8. Citocromo P450 2D6 (CYP2D6) 9. Citocromo P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) 10. Citocrom

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