Copyright Medinews (Cardiology) Limited Reproduction Prohibited Copyright Medinews (Cardiology) Limited Reproduction Prohibited
The interest in the increasing overlap between cardiac and renal disease was shown by a wel -attended meeting, ‘The failing heart and kidney’, organised by the Cardiorenal
rohibited F C
orum. Oover 1p00 neyphrolrogiy angd cardhiologty co nsulM
tants/train eees, sdpecialiisn
t nurse es FORUM
and other health personnel with a special interest in this field attended the meeting at the British Academy, London, on 11 July 2008.
Cause or effect Neurohormones
The evidence is not as clear in heart failure
eproduction P
with preserved ejection fraction, and the
e meeting s a
Dr Mike Schacter (Senior Lecturer, Department
question arises: what are we treating? Some
with Dr Alan Jardine (Consultant Nephrolol
f Clinica y
s Hospital, it
tudies hd ited R Western Infirmary, Glasgow) providing an
London) went on to explore in detail the role
suspected heart failure and preserved left
terestin e
miologicral oo
of neurohormonal activation in heart failure
ventricular systolic function suffer from diastolic
cardiorenal disease. The increasing prevale u
nce and a systematic overview of the natriuretic
heart failure or from misdiagnosis. While there
re is not r
is unequi i
al evidenc te
e in heart f d
hand-in-hand with a growing cardiovascular
pump failure, but a systemic syndrome with
RAAS inhibition in the presence of impaired
left ventricular systolic function, this is currently
progressive renal disease are known to have
metabolic responses. Al drug interventions that much less convincing in heart failure with
have improved outcomes in heart failure have
Cardiology) L
preserved left ventricular systolic function.
pattern of outcomes and the relationship
interacted with these neurohumoral responses.
s ( with risk factors are somewhat different from Activation of the renin–angiotensin system Control ing risk factors
the general population. CVD accounts for
(RAS) results in structural (loss of proximal
50% of mortality in endstage renal disease
convoluted tubules [PCT] and fibrosis) and
Dr Philip Kalra (Consultant Nephrologist,
edinew (ESRD). While there have been several
functional (reduction of PCT flow/oxidative
Salford Royal Hospital, Salford) proceeded to
tudies as osessinp
g the im ypact orf rediucged stress) changes leading to hypoxia of the demystify the kidney and the classifications of
estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)
kidney and subsequent ESRD as a result of
CKD currently available. The prevalence of CVD
on cardiovascular outcome, the key questio h
in CKD dramatical y worsens once the eGFR
fal s below 60 ml/minute. Studies have clearly
Dr Iain Squire (Senior Lecturer, Cardiovascular
shown that the rates of death and cardiovascular
, Leicester) sh e
her ligh i Copyright M Pr(eviC
ous view a
d that th ie eo
death rose with the decline of renal function,
importance of renin–angiotensin–aldosterone
of common risk factors like hypertension,
with cardiovascular mortality rates being much
system (RAAS) blockade in heart failure by
smoking and hyperlipidaemia explained the
higher among dialysis patients. Left ventricular
separately analysing their roles in reduced
close association between CVD and CKD, bu o
hypertrophy, calcification of coronary arteries,
raction. i
ost of the ited
idence n e
nts towrardo
uraemic arteriopathy/atherosclerosis were all
evidence base is undoubtedly in heart failure
relationship between the two entities. ESRD
earmarked as contributing factors. The most
with reduced ejection fraction. Data from several
leads to hyperlipidaemia, inflammation and
significant risk factors associated with the
long-term randomised-control ed trials (SAVE,
malnutrition, all of which may contribute to
progression of CKD include hypertension and
equivoca r ohibited
atheromatous coronary artery disease. ESRD
benefit with the use of angiotensin-converting
proteinuria, and as such, treatment should be
in itself also causes uraemic cardiomyopathy,
enzyme (ACE) inhibitor therapy resulting in
left ventricular hypertrophy, myocardial
reduction in mortality and re-admission, as well
Meta-analysis of several randomised-control ed
as re-infarction. The wealth of evidence led to
trials have highlighted the relationship between
the National Institute for Health and Clinical
systolic blood pressure and increased risk of
association between chronic heart failure and
Excel ence (NICE) spel ing out in its heart failure
CKD, with evidence of slower decline in renal
CKD. Neurohormonal activation secondary to
guidelines that al patients with heart failure
function with lower blood pressure goals. The
diminished renal perfusion and subsequent
due to left ventricular dysfunction should be
drugs of choice for blood pressure control in
impaired function resulting in the entity of
considered for treatment with an ACE inhibitor,
CKD would be ACE inhibitors, angiotensin
cardiorenal syndrome in heart failure was
with emphasis on the need to achieve optimal
receptor blockers (ARBs) and selective renin
inhibitors, like aliskiren, aiming to achieve
290 | The British Journal of Cardiology | November/December 2008 | Volume 15 Issue 6 Copyright Medinews (Cardiology) Limited Reproduction Prohibited Copyright Medinews (Cardiology) Limited Reproduction Prohibited
target blood pressures of 125/75 mmHg in patients with proteinuria and 130/80 mmHg in al others. In patients with diabetes, suboptimal blood pressure control results in GFR loss of 8–16 ml/min/year and with tight blood pressure control, this fal s to as little as 1–2 ml/min/year. (Age-related decline in GFR in a normal individual is 1 ml/min/1.73 m2 after 30 C
Dr Kalra em o
phasise p
t is co rmmoig
see deterioration in renal function with RAAS
blockade in patients with congestive heart
hiStockphott Medinews rohibited
failu (re, C
o 25% rincred
ase in icreo
atinine lis
acceptable. Higher values may be acceptable in patients with severe congestive cardiac
The onset of microalbuminuria and proteinuria in patients with type 2 diabetes increases the risk
failure. If significant changes occur, reducing
ogof progyressio)n to e ndstLage renail dim eproduction P
e diuretic d eose ap
nd repeartino
g bioche d
>10 suggests persistent microalbuminuria and
Global risk reduction
>30 nephropathy. Once CKD stage 3 sets in,
functional y significant atherosclerotic
The keynote lecture delivered by Dr Kausik
quired a r
nd ohibited
renovascular disease (ARVD). It was interesting
Ray (BHF International Fel ow and Consultant
to note that at Salford Royal Hospital, 51%
Cardiologist at Addenbrooke’s Hospital)
of 527 ARVD patients receiving or previously
The progression of renal disease in type
focused on the global risk reduction of CVD.
2 diabetes is accelerated by the onset of
While cardiovascular mortality has declined in
were intolerant, thus breaking the myth that
the UK, with improved survival in myocardial
Cardiology) L
microalbuminuria with the onset of proteinuria
the presence of ARVD is a contraindication
infarctions and acute coronary syndromes,
marking a steep decline of renal function and
the burden of coronary heart disease (CHD) is
progression to ESRD. Cardiovascular mortality
increasing. On a global scale, by 2020, CHD
Diabetic nephropathy
correlates with the severity of microalbuminuria and stroke are projected to become the leading
in type 2 diabetes. Preventing renal disease
Dr Marc Eva ons (Cop
nsultan yt diabertoloigist,g
cause of death and disability worldwide, with
in diabetes by tighter glycaemic control and
mortality from CVD increasing to 20 mil ion.
Atherosclerosis is believed to begin as early
diabetic nephropathy, highlighting the need
as in teenage years. Low-density lipoprotein
for col aborative combined care of patients
hmictrova sculM
ar end point e is mucnh in e(LDLw
) increase s
young adulthood, and with age, high-density
by d(iabC
etologist a
s and n rephrd
ologists i. To
macrovascular complications. The management lipoprotein (HDL) becomes less protective.
chal enge of diabetes is ever rising with
about one mil ion patients with diabetes still
meticulous blood glucose control, regular
The added protective effect of HDL seen in
being undiagnosed national y and diabetic logy) Limited Copyright M
measurement of renal function (eGFR), lifestyle
women is lost after the age of 70. Even when
hropath e
y contri p rg to 50o% of nedw changes, aspirin, and tight blood pressure, as high-risk primary prevention patients are
dialysis patients. Managing diabetics costs
treated, two thirds of events are still missed.
the National Health Service (NHS) about £5 billion per annum (8–10% of total healthcare u
l bloo ion
l often roh
Dr Ray the i
roceeded t te
o explore e d
costs) and 80% of the costs are related to
require combination therapy. However, the
diabetes complications. Dr Evans highlighted
strongest data for improving outcomes (both
strategies available. Meta-analyses of intensive
the superiority of albumin–creatinine ratio
statin therapy studies and dyslipidaemia
mortality and renal) are with RAS antagonists
(ACR) over protein–creatinine ratio (PCR).
trials all point towards the benefit of lowering
and in particular ARBs. Dr Evans highlighted
ACR is seen as the gold-standard testing for
cholesterol with statins, irrespective of
that in Irbesartan in Diabetic Nephropathy
urinary albumin and although PCR measures
total protein and is useful for patients with
(IDNT) and Irbesartan in Type 2 Diabetics with
Ongoing data analysis by Dr Ray highlights
proteinuria, it is not accurate enough to
Microalbuminuria (IRMA-2), treatment with
that higher HDL is associated with a reduction
determine microalbuminuria. ACR should be
irbesartan was associated with a reduction
measured annual y in diabetics, cut-offs being
in primary end points independent of blood-
strategies for increasing HDL and reducing
>2.5 in males and >3.5 in females. An ACR
triglycerides include smoking cessation, regular
Volume 15 Issue 6 | November/December 2008 | The British Journal of Cardiology | 291 Copyright Medinews (Cardiology) Limited Reproduction Prohibited
aerobic exercise, weight reduction and optimal
proposed the motion based on the similar
heterogeneity of response, benefits seen
diabetes control, as well as the use of drugs
like statins, fibrates, niacin, metformin, etc.
drugs, as well as the absence of difference in
suggest that the two drugs have different
outcome in studies where both drugs were
cholesterol/LDL is certainly applicable to blood
used together. ACE inhibitors in addition to
pressure as wel . The risk of CHD mortality
preventing the conversion of angiotensin I to
speakers, a final show of hands proved a tilt
doubles with every 20 mmHg rise in blood
II also prevent the breakdown of bradykinin
in audience opinion and a clear win in favour
rohibited pr
to inactive peptides. ARBs on the other hand
essure a ot any apge. Datya frorm a nuimgber of
trials have suggested that perhaps the mode
selectively block the AT receptors, leaving AT
of lowering blood pressure is also important.
unopposed. Studies have shown bradykinin
informative and enlightening day was that
NICE recommend ACE inhibitors for patients h
eft ventricul e
ertroph i
problem and it is, thus, the need of the hour
cardiovascular effect, suggesting no added
younger than 55 years and calcium channel
that general practitioners, nephrologists,
blockers/diuretics in those older than 55 or
benefit by inhibiting the bradykinin breakdown
eproduction P
diabetologists, cardiologists and whoever else
Caribbea a
pathway. According to Dr Ferro, no significant
may be involved in patient care, work in close
monotherapy fails, a drug from the other g l
e mortalit i
r primary it
outcome was seen in the Valsartan in Acute
ited R is added and many patients require al three
may vary, but the unifying factor remains
drugs in combination. The keynote lecture ended Myocardial Infarction (VALIANT) trial (captopril,
the predisposition to vascular disease and its
t a multifa r
valsartan and the combination) or the Ongoing
subsequent complications. By maintaining a
the need of the hour in the drive to combat the
ation wit r
vigilant a i
roach and ote
ptimising t d
Ramipril Global Endpoint (ONTARGET) trial,
hence ruling out superiority of either class
ACE inhibitors versus ARBs
cardiovascular complications held at bay •
of drug. While ARBs certainly cause less angioedema, in his opinion, that certainly was
Conflict of interest Cardiology) L The day’s session, punctuated by informative
not a strong enough reason to prevent them
The meeting was supported by an unrestricted
s ( discussions between talks and good audience
educational grant from Sanofi-Aventis and Bristol-Myers
with the motion ‘ACE inhibitors and ARBs
are interchangeable in cardiorenal disease’.
Donah Zachariah, edinew Dr Albert Ferro (Reader Cardiovascular
convincing counter argument on the grounds
Cardiology Specialist Registrar,
that, in addition to there being an inter-patient
Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth
NCE yright Medinews Copyright M
ce) Limited thors’ r r Dear Sirs eplyohibited
I felt that ‘10 steps before you refer for hypertension’ was a good
This is a well-made point and you are, of course, quite right.
article but given that point 1 was “check that the measurement
The picture was chosen for visual impact rather than as a
is correct”, why on earth would you have a picture of an aneroid
recommendation. Aneroid sphygmomanometers are only accurate
sphygmomanometer on the front cover when these are known
when new or after recalibration, which is recommended every six months. They rely on a coiled spring which loosens with each use. The authors do not recommend their routine use in practice. Yours faithfully Terry McCormack Peter Sever
Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Imperial Col ege London
Francesco Cappuccio Warwick Medical School, Coventry 292 | The British Journal of Cardiology | November/December 2008 | Volume 15 Issue 6
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