Bitte beantworten Sie folgende Fragen auf der Vorder- und Rückseite Alle Angaben unterliegen der ärztlichen Schweigepflicht Patient/in ______________________________________________________ ________________ _____________________ Versicherte/r:____________________________________________________ _________________ Anschrift: ____________________________________________________ _______
THIS CIRCULAR IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION If you are in any doubt as to any aspect of this circular or as to the action to be taken, you should consult your licensed securities dealer, bank manager, solicitor, professional accountant or other professional adviser. If you have sold or transferred all your shares in Nam Fong International Holdings Limited (the “Compa
The Place of Nuclear Power in an Energy Portfolio Ian Fells “Are these the shadows of things that Will be, or are they the shadows ofthings that May be only?”Charles Dickens, A Christmas CarolIn the heady days of the 1960s the residents of Seaton Carew in CountyDurham, UK demanded to know why they were to have a new coal-firedpower station built close to their small town; “Why can’t
Schweine-Grippe: erhöhtes Risiko für Schwangere / Europäische Arzneimittelbehörde gibt Tamiflu und Relenza für Schwangere und Stillende frei . In der vergangenen Woche meldete das Robert Koch Institut insgesamt 1469 laborbestätigte Fälle der „Schweine-Grippe“. In der Wissenschaft wird das neue Grippevirus mit dem Erreger A/H1N1 „Neue Grippe“ genannt. BabyCare gibt T
DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS for Dr. ZEE KHAN LUMBAR DECOMPRESSION AND FUSION SURGERY INCISION • Please make sure your incision is checked at least once daily for signs and symptoms of infection: If any of the below should occur, please call the office. Drainage (continued or increased) from incision Flu-like symptoms Increased redness and/or tenderness around your incision
ZON-MULTIMÉDIA – SERVIÇOS DE TELECOMUNICAÇÕES E MULTIMÉDIA, SGPS, S.A. (“ZON Multimédia” ou “Sociedade”) (Deliberar sobre a declaração da Comissão de Vencimentos sobre a política de remunerações dos membros dos órgãos sociais de administração e fiscalização) Considerando: - O disposto no artigo 2.º da Lei n.º 28/2009, de 19 de Junho, no sentido de a Comiss�
RESEARCH ARTICLE Dehydration Effects on the Risk of Severe Decompression Sickness in a Swine Model FAHLMAN A, DROMSKY DM. Dehydration effects on the risk of randomly may well contain physically or biologically severe decompression sickness in a swine model. Aviat Space Envi- definable variables that have not yet been identified as ron Med 2006; 77:102– 6. important factors,
Guidance Document Transport of Lithium Metal and Lithium Ion Batteries 16 December 2008 Introduction This document is based on the provisions set out in the 2009/2010 Edition of the ICAO Technical Instruction for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air and the 50th Edition (2009) of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR). The purpose of this document is to provide guidanc
Programma Duindigt 2 juni 2013 GRATIS INFORMATIE In deze programmafolder treft u gegevens aan over de paarden die vandaag starten. Veel meer informatie vindt u in het ook op de baan verkrijgbare magazine Draf & Rensport, waar de laatste verrichtingen van de paarden duidelijk zijn vermeld. In onze folder vindt u geen uitgebreide tips; die vindt u wel in Draf & Rensport. Dat blad b
Join Us For Week of Wild Adventure at August 18-23 August 25-30 Camp Schedule: A Zootopia week runs from Monday morning at 9am until Saturday at 10am. Currently Zootopia does not have transportation options so you must drop off and pick up your camper. Age Groups: Campers will be divided into two age groups: 7-11 and 12-14. The two groups participate separate and together at various
88.92%, 72.73%, 61.12% and 50%, respectively. In group-II ofpigeons have 2000 EPG before treatment drug efficacy was 90%, CHEMOTHERAPY OF NEMATODIASIS IN 75%, 60% and 55%, after 7, 14, 21 and 30 days post treatment, ZOO PIGEONS respectively. The egg load reduced to 88.89% in albendazole treatedgroup and 90 percent in fenbendazole treated group after seven daysof treatment and egg load r
mMESSAGE mMACHINE® T7 Ultra Synthesis of Translation Enhanced Capped Transcripts Catalog #1345 Protocol version 0306 page 1 of 8 Background Synthesis of capped Ambion’s mMESSAGE mMACHINE® T7 Ultra Kit (US patents issued and pending) is designed forthe in vitro synthesis of large amounts of efficiently and correctly capped RNA. In addition, this kitincludes reagents f