Microsoft powerpoint - cbre_viewpoint_pharma_final.171109.ppt
Global ViewPoint
Global Research and
Nick Compton, Head of Life Sciences, Global Corporate Services, EMEA
INTRODUCTION As a truly global consumer of the widest range of property asset types and the most expensive buildings, the pharmaceutical sector is of significant importance to the real estate industry. The sector faces wide ranging structural challenges that wil lead to unprecedented levels of portfolio activity in the coming years in both mature and emerging markets. This report aims to highlight these challenges, identify the approaches industry is adopting to address them, and provide some commentary on the likely implications for real estate.
To help validate assumptions and provide depth to our analysis, CB Richard Ellis (CBRE) undertook a benchmarking survey with the leading companies in the sector. We invited real estate leaders in each of the top ten global pharmaceutical companies to participate in a questionnaire based survey, focused on the issues facing the industry. The results indicate strong potential for changes within the industry to generate a range of real estate activity in the coming years.
CBRE’s survey of key industry decision makers
Manufacturing overcapacity in mature economies,
demonstrates that the top ten global pharmaceutical
coupled with growth in lower cost economies, will lead
(pharma) companies occupy at least 430m sq ft of
to ongoing closures and dispositions. Some sites wil be
office, manufacturing and specialist research space
sold to contract manufacturing organisations (CMOs)
around the world, of which approximately 75% is
owned - one of the highest ownership ratios of any corporate sector.
R&D optimisation wil lead to the opening of established research sites to external parties and the
Significant change is already being seen and is likely to
acquisition of facilities in established open innovation
accelerate as companies address the challenges of
maintaining product pipelines, and improving both margins and return on investment. Our survey shows
The survey endorses our experience that shareholders
the immediate and ongoing impact on real estate as
and business leaders in the pharma sector expect rapid
companies respond through increased M&A activity,
advancement of these activities. This is leading to a
partnering and collaboration, and by seeking to
change in both the organisational structure of internal
optimise both the location of business activities and
real estate teams and their relationship with global real
The key real estate trends illustrated by our survey include:
Significant levels of post-merger real estate consolidation; firstly with offices followed by R&D and manufacturing space
Increased monetisation of owned assets; again led by the office portfolios but also likely to include specialist assets
When we see pharma companies participating in the
Although technological breakthroughs such as high
property market, this is usual y a response to a long
throughput screening and the new research methods
chain of events that started as an attempt to address
developed by the biotechnology sector have
the challenges facing the industry, as well as their
delivered efficiency improvements to the drug
discovery process, the costs of maintaining a new product pipeline has continued to increase. At the
same time, the largest customers for drugs –
The 20 year period of exclusivity that a patent
State/Federal healthcare agencies that ultimately pay
provides is typically consumed by ten years of
for or subsidise prescriptions – have become much
development before a product receives regulatory
more aggressively focused on getting value for
approval and sales can commence. Before turning
money and cutting budgets as they address the
a profit, the revenue generated for the remaining
period of the patent must recoup both the costs of
development and manufacturing and also the costs
It is expected that the pressure on margins from
of the numerous other potential products that wil
higher development costs and reduced healthcare
have inevitably failed during the earlier stages of
budgets wil continue and pharma companies wil
development. At patent expiry, the producer loses its
step up cost reduction/containment strategies to
exclusivity and the drug becomes a generic
counteract this effect, including an increase in the
commodity that can be manufactured by generic
use of contract research and contract manufacturing
specialists that have no drug discovery pipeline to
fund and operate a minimum cost/low margin business model. SECTOR TRENDS – RESPONSE TO INDUSTRY
As widely reported in the press, in the next five years
The sector is addressing the challenges it faces with
approximately €90bn (US$135bn) in annual
revenues from patent expiries. In 2010, this wil include many global blockbusters including for
example Lipitor, which currently generates c.
M&A activity in recent decades has occurred via
several well-spaced steps, starting with the creation of AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi-Aventis
in the mid to late 90s; followed by Pfizer’s
Historically pharma companies have been able to
acquisition frenzy in the early 2000s (absorbing
maintain a pipeline of new products that have come
Upjohn, Pharmacia and Warner Lambert); and the
to the market in time to replace revenue lost from
recent period characterised by piecemeal strategic
patent expiries. This is no longer the case, as a
acquisitions, including Roche’s acquisition of
combination of late-stage new product failures and
Genentech and the mega-mergers of Merck with
poor returns from R&D spend have reduced the
Schering Plough and Pfizer with Wyeth.
number of high revenue generating products due to come to market.
The mergers of the early 2000s have not generally delivered the lasting solution that was hoped for at
Pharma companies have responded to pipeline
the time and in some cases margin performance has
deficiencies by developing partnerships with
been weaker post-merger. It is clear though that key
younger, more entrepreneurial companies, agreeing
lessons have been learnt from earlier acquisitions
licensing deals with the owners of IP (intellectual
and subsequent restructuring that have dictated a
property) and by significant levels of M&A activity.
different approach for the current crop of mergers.
At the same time, internal R&D models are being
It is expected that the merged organisations will be
reviewed and changed to improve return on
brought together much more rapidly this time round
with consolidation being accelerated, particularly amongst the predominantly office based sales and marketing/administrative functions.
Merging R&D and manufacturing remains a complex challenge that demands a more measured and careful approach; but in many cases the merger will act as a catalyst for the wholesale reorganisations of these functions that has been ongoing in the pre-merged entities.
Rather than advocating the mega-merger, some top
ten companies have approached the need to fill the
These sector challenges will have a direct impact on
product pipeline through a series of much smaller
the global property market and addressing these
acquisitions of younger, smaller biotechnology
challenges will be demanding; requiring CRE
companies, which, in addition to securing IP, has
leadership to be proactive and prepared, ensuring
exposed these companies to a different, more agile
advanced planning and financial capability.
operating and product development model, and a different approach to property.
The first wave of activity during the next 12 months
will see the consolidation of office accommodation
Many pharma companies can trace their history
as post-merged entities drive efficiency savings
back to the early part of the 20th century – and
through the least complex part of their business,
many still occupy sites that were acquired decades
eliminating the numerous duplicated sales and
ago or during the early years of their existence.
administration offices that wil be present in most
Some of these sites evolved to become all-purpose
campuses containing manufacturing, R&D, sales, marketing and administration functions. It is
common to find that these individual functions are
We may also see the sector accelerating the
operating in locations that are sub-optimal for their
deployment of space efficiency initiatives that are
particular needs, although the costs and disruption
well established in other sectors, such as global
of a move have often prevented a viable relocation.
workplace standards and alternative work programming.
It is certainly true that companies created during the biotechnology boom in the late 90s have chosen
markedly different locations than those established
At the same time the high proportion of owned
by the pharma companies. The pharma sector is
assets that are typical of mature pharma companies
beginning to gravitate towards these more optimal
may be monetised either through sale and
leaseback or vacant sale – 80% of our respondents confirmed that they are considering or already
The pressure to reduce cost and improve margins,
undertaking monetisation projects for generic assets
and the desire to improve returns from R&D,
(offices, warehouses etc). This will free up funds to
amongst many other factors, have driven the trend
help offset merger costs and pay down debt. Initially
to move different functions to locations that are
this is most likely to be generic office space but we
may see specialist assets (such as laboratories and production plant), and perhaps whole campuses
Location Preferences by Function, Nov 2009
being monetised via the same routes or through joint ventures.
Few respondents thought that specialist assets would be considered for monetisation, while this perhaps
Generally moving to locations with a fair
confirms the view that the benefits of ownership for
balance of low cost, technical capability
this asset type are still worth more than the cash that
and reliable utilities. Robust could potentially be released, it probably also points
demographics, favourable tax and to a lack of demand for specialised assets from the
availability of local incentives are also
mainstream investment market. This may change as
the number of landlords that understand the
Favour established R&D clusters that
dynamics of specialist assets increases.
show strong success criteria, such as; existence of a skilled workforce, Manufacturing Disposals/Relocation:
presence of other R&D entities, Post M&A re-structuring will lead to over-capacity of
established science networks, active manufacturing and the closure of surplus sites.
Closures will be predominantly in mature markets in
opportunities to collaborate with Europe and North America – a small number of
academic/institutional research entities.
such sites will continue in use either by being acquired by other companies in the sector, by CMOs
Sales & Moving to mainstream office locations
that wil continue production under contract or be
converted to manufacture different non-pharma
government entities, international products. The majority will be sold and redeveloped
Successful Disposal Routes for Manufacturing
For R&D, the trend that favours locations that
Sites (04-09)
facilitate open innovation and collaboration with third parties as opposed to the more traditional
closed single occupier sites will accelerate. Pharma
companies are already making use of science/
innovation park environments either directly by
acquiring space for their own occupation or
indirectly by the purchase of smaller biotechnology
Ranked Criteria for R&D Location Optimisation
Criteria for R&D Location Optimisation
80% of respondents confirmed that whilst their
Availability of/ability to attract skilled labour
manufacturing capacity was not in optimal locations, the huge cost and timescales associated with these
Effective scientific networks/infrastructure
assets presented a significant challenge to overcome before a relocation can be undertaken. Ranked Criteria for Manufacturing Location Optimisation
Skilled labour / availability to attract skilled labour
Presence of robust legislation / regulation
Given the huge cost of laboratory buildings and
associated specialist facilities, pharma companies will also continue to look to remodel existing closed
campuses to encourage third party occupation –making an expensive move unnecessary and
effectively converting these sites to science parks. For smaller enterprises in the sector these parks may
provide access to specialist facilities, scientific services and other amenities that they could not
An increasing proportion of pharma products will be
otherwise afford and are often not available at more
manufactured in lower cost economies such as
Eastern Europe, India and China, accelerating a trend already started by the big generic
Preferred Medium to Long Term R&D Strategy
manufacturers. The scale-up process from laboratory to mass production (making use of pilot
plants) and some smaller scale highly complex
manufacturing will remain in mature economies.
State drug regulations may also necessitate retaining
Turn single occupier Close single occupier
located science parks to co-located science
Our survey firmly illustrated a desire for a more
CB Richard Ellis' Life Sciences Group provide advice
centralised, fully mandated real estate team in order
specifically tailored for occupiers of life sciences
to facilitate the demanding program of change and
related commercial real estate who are seeking to
escalate the importance of real estate within these
maximise the value from property expenditure.
companies. Most respondents admitted to not
having an established real estate component to their
We are staffed throughout the major life science
M&A process and many had a strong view that real
regions in the United States and Europe. Our people
estate was not sufficiently catered for when
pay attention to the local, regional and global
bioscience environment and anticipate how these business and economic drivers will affect your business as well as how facilities and real estate
decisions support your business objectives. We are passionate about solving the unique real estate
High levels of disposition activity in mainstream
challenges faced by life science firms.
office locations globally Increasing levels of monetisation of generic assets in mature/developed markets
Selective monetisation of specialist assets where
Senior DirectorGlobal Corporate Services
Creation of JVs of large campuses in some
Significant levels of manufacturing site dispositions
Increasing levels of demand for manufacturing capacity and sites in emerging markets/low cost
Nick has over 20 years’ experience working with
multi-national corporates, investors and the public sector. In particular his expertise extends across the
Transfer of sites via business sales and outsourcing
global pharmaceutical sector, providing advice to
the full spectrum of the industry from global
Increasing use of specialist R&D environments such
pharmaceutical clients to UK public sector
organisations. In recent years Nick has been
Creation of open, multi-occupied science parks
involved in the creation of new R&D environments
from existing closed single occupier campuses
including leading the creation of the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus and Colworth Park Joint Ventures as wel as the monetisation of specialist assets such as manufacturing plant, laboratories and infrastructure.
Darcy Mackay Senior Managing DirectorGlobal Corporate Services CBRE Consulting, USAt: + 1 415 772 0249e: [email protected]
Darcy leads the Global Corporate Services consulting practice in North America, specialising in corporate strategic planning, organisational change and design, and portfolio optimisation for both private and public sector clients. She has extensive experience advising Pharmaceutical sector corporates, such as Pfizer and Merck, on technical
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Sri Adichunchanagiri College of Pharmacy Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Adichunchanagiri Hospital & Research Centre, B.G.Nagara, Karnataka- 571448 , [email protected]; Phone: 08234 287055 Ext: 250; 08234 287590 (SACCP) DRUG INFOS- Online Drug Information Center; 08234-290234, [email protected] Editorial Board: Dr. B Ramesh, Dr. Rajesh Venkataraman, Mr. B.P Satish