FORMULA NUMBER: 823 FORMULA NAME: Ciprofloxacin Suspension in Syrup NF DOSAGE FORM: Suspension FORMULA (Rx): Ingredients For: 100 mL RPh Initials
Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride [Monohydrate]
SYNONYMS: Cipro USE/TYPE: CATEGORY: NOTES: Ciprofloxacin tablets may be used for this preparation. Other flavored commercial vehicles may be substituted for the Syrup NF, flavor and stevia powder. The strength may be varied according to the clinician's request. SPECIALIZED EQUIPMENT: METHOD OF PREPARATION:
1. Calculate the required quantity of each ingredient for the total amount to be prepared.
2. Accurately weigh and/or measure each ingredient.
3. Comminute the ciprofloxacin tablets, stevia powder, xanthan gum and mix well.
4. Mix powders with about 5−mL glycerin to make a paste.
5. Add 90−mL of Syrup NF, in portions, with thorough mixing after each addition.
6. Add the desired flavor and mix well. Add sufficient simple syrup to volume and mix well. Ciprofloxacin Suspension in Syrup NF LABELING: PRESERVATION, PACKAGING AND STORAGE:
Store at Room Temperature Away from Excessive Heat
STABILITY: A beyond−use date of 30 days can be used for this preparation, or for intended duration of therapy, whichever is earlier. One study indicated the preparation could be stored for up to 56 days whether stored at 4°C or 24°C. Mixing with chocolate syrup blunted the bitter taste of the ciprofloxacin. ENDOTOXIN ASSESSMENT: USE: For oral use when a tablet cannot be swallowed. STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE FOR QUALITY CONTROL: Assessments include weight and volume, pH, specific gravity, active drug assay, color, clarity, rheological properties such as pourability, physical observation and physical stability such as discoloration, foreign materials, gas formation and mold growth. REGULATORY CONTROL: Ciprofloxacin Suspension in Syrup NF REFERENCES:
1. Allen Loyd V Jr. Quality Assessment of Oral and Topical Liquids. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding.
2. Ashworth Lisa D. Quality Control: Standard Operating Procedures−−An Essential Tool for Developing Quality Preparations.
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding. 11(3); 2007:226.
3. Allen Loyd V Jr. Ciprofloxacin Oral Suspension. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding. 7(2); 2003:131. 4. Allen Loyd V Jr. Basics of Compounding for Terrorist Attacks, Part 2. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding.
5. Sammarco Domenic A. Compounding for the Effects of Weapons of Mass Destruction. International Journal of
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6. Allen Loyd V Jr. Basics of Compounding for Terrorist Attacks, Part 1. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding.
7. United States Pharmacopeial Convention. United States Pharmacopeia 31−National Formulary 26. Chapter <795> United
States Pharmacopeia, Rockville MD; 2008.
8. Trissel, Lawrence A. Trissel's Stability of Compounded Formulations. 2nd Ed. American Pharmaceutical Association,
9. Strong DL. Ciprofloxazin: Suppressing the bitterness − A project for pharmaceutics compounding laboratory. American
Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting SanDiego.; 2006.
10. The United States Pharmacopeial Convention. USP−Pharmacists' Pharmacopeia. 2nd Ed., Rockville MD; 2008:775−779.
The International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding Inc., the parent of, does not sponsor orinitiate clinical investigations nor does it represent any agency, corporation or private individual.
While a great deal of effort has been expended to ensure the accuracy of the formulations contained here, IJPC accepts noliability for loss or damage arising from reliance on the information. Compounding pharmacists using this formula take fullresponsibility for the formulations and hold IJPC and its officers, directors and employees harmless from any claim arising fromuse of or reliance on information contained therein.
2009 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding, Inc.
Insights on Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome, by Dr Olin Balch … this is a subject that I extensively investigated in the last year and wrote about with Truman Prevatt for the EN. Frankly, in the process of co-writing that article, I learned a great deal. I learned even more when I asked internal medicine specialists Gary Magdesian, Todd Holbrook, Hal Schott, Trisha Dowling, and others to review t
BIOINFORMATICS APPLICATIONS NOTE Vol. 21 no. 8 2005, pages 1699–1700 HESAS: HERVs Expression and Structure Analysis System Tae-Hyung Kim1, Yeo-Jin Jeon1, Woo-Yeon Kim1 and Heui-Soo Kim1,2,∗1PBBRC, Interdisciplinary Research Program of Bioinformatics and 2Division of Biological Sciences,College of Natural Sciences, Pusan National University, Busan 609–735, KoreaReceived on October 21