Microsoft word - proofed h2q2 men 20-69.doc

HUNT 2 Questionnaire 2
Men aged 20-69 years

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Thank you for taking part in this study!
We ask that you complete this questionnaire as well. The information will be used in research for
preventive health care. Some of the questions are similar to questions you answered on the
questionnaire that you completed at home and took with you when you attended the health
examination. It is important that you answer all the questions on this questionnaire. The completed
questionnaire should be returned in the enclosed pre-stamped envelope.
All information will be treated in strict confidence.
The Norwegian Institute of Public Health If you do not wish to answer the questionnaire, put an X here and return the form. As a result, you will not receive a reminder. COMPLETION Date of completion of the questionnaire: ___/___ 19___
What town did you live in when you were 1 year old?
If you were not living in Norway, write the country instead of the town.
If you are or have been gainfully employed, please specify which of the following categories
your occupation best falls under.
(If you are not currently employed, give your last occupation.)(Two
answer columns: you and your spouse/partner)
Semi-skilled, unskilled worker
Skilled worker, artisan, foreman
Non-professional occupation (shop, office, public service)
Lower professional occupation (e.g. nurse, technician, teacher)
Management position in public or private enterprise
Farmer or forest owner
Self-employed professional (e.g. dentist, lawyer)
Self-employed businessperson
Have not been gainfully employed
If your spouse/partner is or has been gainfully employed, please specify which occupational
category his/her work falls under.
(If not currently employed, give last occupation.)
Semi-skilled, unskilled worker
Skilled worker, artisan, foreman
Non-professional occupation (shop, office, public service)
Lower professional occupation (e.g. nurse, technician, teacher)
Management position in public or private enterprise
Farmer or forest owner Fisherman Self-employed professional (e.g. dentist, lawyer) Self-employed businessperson Have not been gainfully employed If you are not CURRENTLY gainfully employed or you do not do full-time housework, then go to HOUSING. During the last 12 months, have you been on sick leave: <yes, no>
without a medical certificate
with a medical certificate
If YES: How long altogether?
Only one X
2 weeks or less
2-8 weeks
More than 8 weeks
During the last 12 months, have you considered changing your career or job? <yes, no>
Is your work so physically demanding that you are often physically worn out after a day’s
Only one X
Yes, nearly always
Quite often
Never, or almost never
Does your work require so much concentration and attention that you often feel worn out after
a day’s work?
Yes, nearly always
Quite often
Never, or almost never
All things considered, how much do you enjoy your work?
A great deal
A fair amount
Not much
Not at all  
Who do you live with?
Put an X for each line and write in the number
Spouse/partner <yes, no>
Other people over the age of 18 <yes, no> Number ____
People below the age of 18 <yes, no> Number ____
How many of the children attend day care? Number ____
What type of housing do you live in? X one box only
Single-family house/villa
Flat in block or terraced block of flats
Terraced house/2-4 family housing
Other accommodations
How large is your home? <Square metres ____>
Are there fitted carpets in the living room? <yes, no>
Are there fitted carpets in your bedroom? <yes, no>
Is there a cat in the home? <yes, no>
Is there a dog in the home <yes, no>
Are there other animals with fur or birds in the home? <yes, no>
Do you receive any of the following public welfare benefits? <yes, no>
Sick pay/rehabilitation benefits
Retraining benefits
Disability pension
Retirement/old age pension
Family income supplement
Unemployment benefits
Transitional benefits
Widow’s pension
Other benefits
During the last year, has it at any time been difficult to meet the costs of food, transportation,
housing and such?
Only one X
Yes, often
Yes, sometimes
Yes, though seldom
No, never
How many good friends do you have? Number ____
Count those with whom you can confidentially talk and who can help you when you are in need.
Do not include those with whom you live, but include other relatives.
Do you feel that you have enough good friends? <yes, no>
How often do you usually participate in social activities such as a sewing club, athletic club,
political association, religious or other groups?
Never, or only a few times a year
1-2 times a month
About once a week
More than once a week
Page 2
Answer with regard to your environment, i.e. neighbourhood/group of farms. One X for each statement
<Strongly agree, Somewhat agree, Not sure, Somewhat disagree, Strongly disagree>
I feel a strong sense of community with the people who live here
Even if someone takes the initiative, no one participates in the things going on here
If I move from here, I will want to return
We do not trust each other here
If something has to be done here, it is easy to get people involved
It is difficult to get to know people here
There is a sense of unity here
Nobody bothers to take initiative here anymore
People like living here
People here can have major problems without the neighbours knowing anything about it
Somebody always takes the initiative to do what needs to be done here
People here don’t talk much to each other

Put an X for the relatives who have or have had any of the following illnesses. If none of your
relatives has had a particular disease, put an X in the box for Nobody on that line.
several Xs on each line
<Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Child, Nobody>
Stroke or cerebral haemorrhage
Heart attack before the age of 60
High blood pressure
Mental health problems
Age when he/she got diabetes Years old____
Do you have hay fever or nasal allergies? <yes, no>
During the last 12 months, have you visited any of the following: <yes, no>
One X for each line
General practitioner (community doctor, private doctor, intern)
Company physician
Doctor at hospital (without being hospitalized)
Another doctor
Other treatment provider (naturopath, reflexologist, laying on of hands, healer, psychic, etc.)
Have you been hospitalized during the last 5 years? <yes, no>
If you are a non-drinker, go to DIET
One X for each question
Have you ever felt that you should reduce your alcohol intake? <yes, no>
Have other people ever criticised your use of alcohol? <yes, no>
Have you ever felt bad or guilty because of your use of alcohol? <yes, no>
Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning as a pick-me-up or to calm your nerves or
to cure a hangover?
<yes, no>
How many meals do you usually eat a day (dinner and meals with bread)? Number ____
How many days a week do you have a warm dinner? Number ____
What kind of bread (bought or homemade) do you usually eat? No more than two Xs
The bread type is most like… <White, White multigrain (finely ground), Wholemeal (medium ground),
Multigrain wholemeal (coarsely ground), Crispbread>
What kind of fat is usually used in your household?
One X for cooking and one X for bread < For cooking, On bread>
Do not use butter or margarine
Dairy butter
Hard margarine
Soft margarine
Butter/margarine blend
Low fat margarine

During the last 12 months, have you taken any medicines daily or almost daily? <yes, no>
Indicate for how many months you used the following medicines:
Write 0 if you have not used these medicines. No. of months ____
Analgesics (pain relief medicine)
Sleep medicine
Medicine for depression
Allergy medicine
Asthma medicine
Heart medicine (not blood pressure medicine)
Other medicine
Dietary supplements:
Iron tablets
Vitamin supplements
Cod liver oil/fish oil
How often have you taken tranquilizers/sedatives or sleep medication in the last month?
Weekly, but not every day
Not as often as every week
Page 3
Have you had headaches in the last 12 months?
Yes, in attacks (migraines)
Yes, other types of headaches
Number of headaches in the last 12 months ____
About how many days per month do you have a headache?
Less than 7 days
7 to 14 days
More than 14 days
How long do the headaches last each time?
Less than 4 hours
4 hours - 3 days
More than 3 days
How often is the headache characterised by or accompanied by:
One X for each line <Seldom or never, Now and again, Often>
Throbbing, thumping pain
Pressing pain
Pain on one side of the head, always the same side
Pain on one side of the head, alternating left and right sides
Pain in entire head
Hypersensitivity to light and/or noise
Worsening with physical activity
Visual disturbance before onset of headache
How many tablets/suppositories of these medicines have you used altogether in the last
Put 0 of you have not used any of these medicines

Have you had discomfort (pain, aching) in your muscles/limbs in the last month? <yes, no>
Where did you have the discomfort (one or more Xs) and for about how many days altogether
were you troubled?
Number of days ____
Discomfort/pain (put a cross):
Shoulders/upper arms
Upper back
Lower back
If there are several Xs, put a ring around the X for the area that bothered you the most.
Did the discomfort hinder you in carrying out your everyday activities in the last month? <yes,
At work
During leisure time

Two versions were given: one had VISION section instead of LEG PAIN section
Have you ever had any of the following eye conditions? <Yes, No, Don’t know>
Glaucoma (raised eye pressure)
Do you wear glasses? <yes, no>
Do you wear contact lenses? <yes, no>
Are you able to read small print (such as this text): <yes, no>
without glasses/contact lenses/magnifying glass
with glasses/contact lenses/magnifying glass
Are you able to see quite far: <Yes, No, Don’t know>
without glasses/contact lenses
with glasses/contact lenses
If you wear glasses or contact lenses, is this because:
Shortsightedness/myopia (minus glasses)
Farsightedness/hyperopia (plus glasses)
Old age (reading glasses)
How old were you the first time that you were prescribed glasses or contact lenses? Years old
LEG PAIN 2ND version sent out had LEG PAIN section instead of VISION
Do you have an ulcer(s) on your toes, foot or ankle that will not heal? <yes, no>
Do you have pain in one or both legs when you walk? <yes, no>
Have you seen a doctor because of pain in your legs? <yes, no>
If you answered NO to the above questions, then skip to URINARY TRACT AND PROSTATE PROBLEMS Can you walk further than 50 metres? <yes, no>
Does the pain go away if you stand still a while? <yes, no>
Do you have to sit down so that the pain passes? <yes, no>
Where does it hurt the most?
Do you have pain in your legs when you are resting? <yes, no>
Is the pain worse when you lay in bed? <yes, no>
Is your sleep disturbed because of the pain? <yes, no>
Do you have less pain when you elevate your legs? <yes, no>
Do you have less pain if you have your legs lower, such as over the edge of the bed? <yes, no>
Does it lessen the pain if you get up and walk a little? <yes, no>
URINARY TRACT AND PROSTATE PROBLEMS One X for each line Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have: <yes, no>
An enlarged prostate
Prostate cancer
Have you had any of the following procedures done: <yes, no>
A tissue sample (biopsy) of the prostate taken
Prostatectomy (prostate removal - whole or partial)
The next questions apply to the last month
Only one X for each question
How often have you had the feeling that your bladder is not completely empty after you have
finished urinating?
About 1 out of 5 times
About 1 out of 3 times
About every other time
About 2 out of 3 times
Almost always
How often have you had to urinate again less than 2 hours after urinating?
About 1 out of 5 times
About 1 out of 3 times
About every other time
About 2 out of 3 times
Almost always
How often have you had to stop and start several times when urinating?
About 1 out of 5 times
About 1 out of 3 times
About every other time
About 2 out of 3 times
Almost always
How often has it been difficult to hold back when you felt the need to urinate?
About 1 out of 5 times
About 1 out of 3 times
About every other time
About 2 out of 3 times
Almost always
How often have you had a weak urine flow?
About 1 out of 5 times
About 1 out of 3 times
About every other time
About 2 out of 3 times
Almost always
How often have you had to push or press to start urinating?
About 1 out of 5 times
About 1 out of 3 times
About every other time
About 2 out of 3 times
Almost always
How many times do you usually get up during the night to urinate?
4 times
5 times or more
If you had to live the rest of your life with the urination problems that you have now, how would
you feel about it?
Very satisfied
Mostly satisfied
Mixed feelings
Mostly dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied

Page 4
One X for each line
How you have felt in the last month?
<Never, Sometimes, Quite often, Mostly>
in a good mood
in a bad mood
Are you quick to understand that something is funny?
Very slow
Quite slow
Quite quick
Very quick
Do you agree that there is something irresponsible about people who constantly try to be
No, not at all
To some extent
Quite agree
Yes, absolutely
Are you a cheerful person?
No, not at all
To some extent
Quite cheerful
Yes, absolutely
TEMPER Put an X by the answer that best describes you in regards to the two statements below: I express my anger, and other people know that I am angry.
Almost never
Quite often
Almost always
I boil with anger, but I don’t show it to others.
Almost never
Quite often
Almost always

How many hours do you usually spend lying down during a 24 hour period?
How many hours do you usually spend sitting down during a 24 hour period?
Work, mealtimes, TV, car, etc., Number of hours ____
How often do you suffer from insomnia?
Never or a few times a year
1-2 times a month
About once a week
More than once a week
During the last year, have you been troubled by insomnia to such a degree that it affected your
<yes, no>
Have you had difficulty falling asleep in the last month? Only one X
Almost every night
Now and again
During the last month, have you woken too early and not been able to get back to sleep? Only
one X
Almost every night
Now and again
During the last month, have you felt nervous (irritable, anxious, tense or restless)?
Almost all the time
Now and again
During your life, have there been periods of 2 consecutive weeks or more when you: <yes, no>
Felt depressed, sad and down
Had appetite problems or ate too little
Felt weak (adynamic) or lacked extra energy
Really reproached yourself and felt worthless
Had problems concentrating or had difficulty making decisions
Had at least three of the above mentioned problems simultaneously

People see themselves in different ways. For each statement, put an X to indicate how much or how
little you agree with it. One X for each line
<Strongly agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly disagree>
I have a positive opinion of myself.
I feel really useless at times.
I feel that I do not have much to be proud of.
I feel that I am a valuable person, at least equal to others.

Do you feel that you have a meaningful life? <yes, no>
Do you feel that you live life to its fullest? <yes, no>

Put an X in the box by the answer that best describes your feelings last week. Only one X
Would you say you are usually cheerful or downhearted?
Very downhearted
Somewhat downhearted
Some of both
Somewhat cheerful
Very cheerful 
Do you by and large feel calm and good?
Almost all the time
Do you feel, for the most part, strong and fit or tired and worn out?
Very strong and fit
Strong and fit
Somewhat strong and fit
Somewhat in between
Somewhat tired and worn out
Tired and worn out
Very tired and worn out
Place the completed questionnaire in the enclosed reply envelope and post it as soon as
The postage is paid.
Many thanks for your help!


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