Although response interruption and redirection (RIRD) has been shown to be successful inreducing vocal stereotypy, recent reports have suggested that selective serotonin reuptakeinhibitors (SSRIs) may also reduce these behaviors. The purpose of the current investigation wasto examine the effects of RIRD with and without sertraline on automatically maintained vocalstereotypy of a 4-year-old boy with autism. Results suggested that vocal stereotypy decreasedwhen RIRD was implemented and that sertraline did not affect the participant’s vocal stereotypy.
autism, response interruption, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors,
Serotonin dysfunction has been hypothesized
showed improvement on self-injury as mea-
as being implicated in a variety of behaviors
sured by a clinical rating scale (Hellings, Kelley,
displayed by individuals with autism, including
Gabrielli, Kilgore, & Shah, 1996). In the third
stereotypy (e.g., McDougle et al., 1996). Recent
case study, 9 children with autism (6 to 12 years
reports have suggested that selective serotonin
old) received 25- to 50-mg daily doses of
reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which have been
sertraline for the treatment of anxiety and
prescribed for individuals with obsessive com-
agitation (Steingard, Zimnitzky, DeMaso, Bau-
pulsive disorder, may also serve to reduce
man, & Bucci, 1997). The authors reported
repetitive behaviors displayed by individuals
that 8 of 9 participants showed improvement
with autism. Sertraline (Zoloft), which has
based solely on uncontrolled clinical observa-
dopamine uptake-blocking properties, has been
tions. Despite limited data on its effectiveness
evaluated as a treatment for repetitive behavior
for reducing repetitive behaviors, sertraline (and
in individuals with autism in three open-label
other SSRI medications) has been frequently
studies. Results from one study conducted with
prescribed for children with autism (Soorya,
42 adults with pervasive developmental disorder
suggested that 50 to 200 mg of sertraline per
Applied behavior-analytic procedures are an
day resulted in improvement on measures of
alternative to SSRIs that have been researched
repetitive thoughts and aggression (McDougle
and effectively used to reduce both motor and
et al., 1998). Another study suggested that after
vocal stereotypy (e.g., Ahearn, Clark, Mac-
28 days of treatment, 8 of 9 adults diagnosed
Donald, & Chung, 2007; Piazza, Adelinis,
with mental retardation, 5 of whom had autism,
Hanley, Goh, & Delia, 2000). Most recently,Ahearn et al. evaluated the effectiveness of
We thank Rebecca McDonald and the staff in the
response interruption and redirection (RIRD)
Intensive Instruction Program at NECC for their on-sitesupport, as well as Linda Copeland, Danielle LaFrance,
on automatically maintained vocal stereotypy in
and Becky Penrod for their comments on a previous
4 children (7 to 11 years old) diagnosed with
version of this manuscript. Lisa Tereshko is now at Area
autism. The procedure involved interrupting
Address correspondence to Caio Miguel, who is now at
vocal stereotypy and redirecting it to appropri-
the Department of Psychology, California State Univer-
ate vocalizations. An ABAB design was used to
sity, Sacramento, 6000 J St., Sacramento, California
determine the effectiveness of RIRD on vocal
stereotypy. Vocal demands (e.g., social ques-
tions) were presented following the occurrence
toys that presumably did not match the sensory
of vocal stereotypy and were continuously
consequence that maintained the stereotypic
presented until the child complied with three
behavior. Moderately preferred toys were se-
consecutively issued demands without stereoty-
lected and were present during sessions.
py. In addition, if participants independentlyvocalized appropriately (e.g., asked for an item),
Response Measurement, Experimental Design, and
the teacher delivered praise and the requested
item (if applicable). For each child, RIRD
Vocal stereotypy was defined as any instance of
decreased rates of vocal stereotypy substantially
noncontextual or nonfunctional speech and
more than those observed in baseline. For 3 of
included sustained vowel sounds, varying pitch-
the children, an increase in appropriate com-
es of a sound, and spit swooshing at an audible
munication (e.g., mands and tacts) was also
level. Examples included ‘‘ee, ee, ee, ee’’ outside
the context of a vocal imitation task. Non-
examples included repeating a sound immedi-
effects of RIRD with and without sertraline in
ately after the experimenter, making a request,
the treatment of automatically reinforced vocal
or labeling items. An appropriate vocalization
stereotypy displayed by a young child diagnosed
was defined as the emission of a verbal utterance
known to function as a mand or a tact (e.g., ‘‘alldone,’’ ‘‘toy’’).
vocalizations were collected using a data sheet
with continuous 1-s intervals. Vocal stereotypy
James was a 4-year-old child with autism and
is reported as percentage of intervals, and
communication delay. He was enrolled in an
appropriate vocalizations are reported as a
intensive applied behavior-analytic preschool
frequency measure because they were discrete
program during the course of the study. He had
and varied little in duration. Observers recorded
sertraline for his vocal and motor stereotypy
implementations. Observers did not record data
for 3 months prior to the beginning of the
on vocal stereotypy or appropriate vocalizations
study. Stereotypic behavior was reported by his
when the experimenter implemented RIRD.
clinical team and parents to occur at unaccept-
Furthermore, the experimenter stopped the
able levels despite the medication. This high
session clock each time he or she implemented
level of stereotypy was not only interfering with
the procedure and restarted it following delivery
his learning, but it also prevented James from
of social praise to ensure that time spent
participating in a variety of activities with his
implementing RIRD was taken out of the 5-
peers. Although response blocking was being
used to redirect motor stereotypy, no treatment
The effects of RIRD and sertraline removal
other than medication was in place for vocal
were evaluated using an ABABC reversal design
in which A was sertraline only, B was RIRD
Experimental sessions were conducted once
plus sertraline, and C was RIRD only.
per day in a room in James’ school (1.5 m by
Interobserver agreement data were collected by
3 m) equipped with a wide-angle video camera,
an independent rater during approximately 31%
microphone, video recording equipment, mate-
of treatment sessions across conditions. Mean
rials for the session, and a table with two chairs.
interobserver agreement was 99% (range, 98% to
A paired-stimulus preference assessment (Fisher
100%) for vocal stereotypy and 91% (range, 75%
et al., 1992) was conducted with a variety of
to 100%) for appropriate vocalizations.
A functional analysis of vocal stereotypy was
Figure 1 (middle) depicts the percentage of
conducted as described by Ahearn et al. (2007).
vocal stereotypy and frequency of appropriate
Vocal stereotypy occurred across all conditions
vocalizations across all conditions. During the
of the functional analysis and most frequently
sertraline-only phase, mean percentage of
during the alone condition, suggesting that
intervals with vocal stereotypy was 49%, and
vocal stereotypy was maintained by automatic
the mean number of appropriate vocalizations
was 6.3 per session. When the experimenterimplemented RIRD, the mean percentage of
intervals with vocal stereotypy decreased to
Sertraline. The experimenter was present,
and moderately preferred toys were in sight but
(M 5 11.6% across the last 12 sessions). The
out of reach. The experimenter interrupted
total number of appropriate vocalizations per
every instance of vocal stereotypy by removing
any item with which James was engaged.
condition (M 5 22.4). During the reversal
Mands were followed by social praise and the
item. James took a daily dose of 10 mg of
vocalizations returned to original levels. When
RIRD plus sertraline. This condition was the
the experimenter reintroduced RIRD, there
same as the sertraline-only condition except
was an immediate decrease in vocal stereotypy
that the experimenter interrupted every in-
(M 5 8.8%) and an increase in appropriate
stance of vocal stereotypy by removing any
vocalizations (M 5 15.8).When sertraline was
item and presenting vocal demands, consisting
of a series of vocal imitation tasks involving
sounds that James had already mastered (e.g.,
percentage of vocal stereotypy or frequency
‘‘ah,’’ ‘‘ma,’’ ‘‘mo,’’ ‘‘ee,’’ ‘‘oh,’’ and ‘‘bee’’).
None of his appropriate vocalizations were
Figure 1 (bottom) depicts the length of time
experimenter presented vocal demands until
implementing RIRD and frequency of imple-
James responded correctly three times in the
mentations across treatment sessions. When
absence of vocal stereotypy. Social praise
the experimenter first introduced RIRD, the
followed correct responses. Appropriate mands
time spent implementing the procedure de-
again resulted in delivery of social praise and
(Session 18), 35 and 20 implementations per
session, respectively. During the second intro-
faded across 5 days while RIRD continued to
duction of RIRD, the time spent implement-
be implemented. The fading dosages of 6 mg,
ing the procedure decreased from 156 s to 33 s
(Session 37), 31 and 10 implementations per
developmental pediatrician who had originally
These results replicate those of Ahearn et al.
Follow-up. Follow-up sessions were conduct-
(2007) in that vocal stereotypy decreased with
the introduction of RIRD, while appropriate
sertraline to no longer be physiologically
vocalizations (mands) increased. In addition,
when sertraline was removed, the participant’s
Percentage of intervals with vocal stereotypy for James during functional analysis sessions (top). Percentage
of intervals with vocal stereotypy (left axis) and total number of appropriate vocalizations (right axis) during responseinterruption and redirection intervention (RIRD) with and without sertraline (middle). Length of time (seconds) spentimplementing RIRD (left axis) and frequency of RIRD implementations across treatment sessions (right axis) across allconditions (bottom).
reducing repetitive behaviors in children with
autism to assist in providing that empirical
evidence necessary to develop dosage guide-
Of note, the results of the current study were
collected during school hours suggested that
relevant only to the participant evaluated.
the procedure was initially being implemented
However, the procedures employed could be
as often as 100 times per day. Future research
expanded for the study of other individuals
should evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility
receiving similar interventions and with similar
of an RIRD-based procedure conducted across
topographies of behavior. We believe that the
the entire day under naturalistic conditions.
current investigation provides a practical meth-
The current study is the first to evaluate
od for determining the effects of specific
medications on problem behaviors in clinical
combination with a behavioral intervention
settings. Single-subject research designs can be
in the treatment of vocal stereotypy displayed
used to monitor the effects of medications on
by an individual with autism. Although no
problem behaviors in the same manner that
decreases in motor stereotypy were observed
these designs are used to evaluate behavioral
as a function of this intervention, future
interventions. The evaluation of drug–behavior
research should evaluate the effects of sertra-
interactions in the clinical setting is an area in
which behavior analysts have much to contrib-
Although these results support the effective-
ness of RIRD, it suggests that sertraline was
not effective in treating vocal stereotypy
Ahearn, W. H., Clark, K. M., MacDonald, R. P. F., &
displayed by this participant. Had sertraline
Chung, B. I. (2007). Assessing and treating vocal
been exerting suppressive effects on the target
stereotypy in children with autism. Journal of Applied
behavior, its removal should have resulted in
Fisher, W., Piazza, C. C., Bowman, L. G., Hagopian,
an increase in vocal stereotypy. An important
L. P., Owens, J. C., & Slevin, I. (1992). A
limitation of the study is that sertraline
comparison of two approaches for identifying
reinforcers for persons with severe and profounddisabilities. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis,
reversal design to demonstrate experimental
Hellings, J. A., Kelley, L. A., Gabrielli, W. F., Kilgore, E.,
vocal stereotypy remained low, James’ family
& Shah, P. (1996). Sertraline response in adults with
did not want to reintroduce it. Future studies
mental retardation and autistic disorder. Journal ofClinical Psychiatry, 57, 333–336.
should attempt to alternate introduction and
Martin, A., Scahill, L., Charney, D. S., & Leckman,
removal of medications systematically using
J. F. (2003). Pediatric psychopharmacology: Princi-
reversal or crossover designs. Another possible
ples and practice. New York: Oxford UniversityPress.
limitation is that the 10-mg dose may have
McDougle, C. J., Brodkin, E. S., Naylor, S. T., Carlson,
D. C., Cohen, D. J., & Price, L. H. (1998). Sertraline
effect. There are currently no objective dosage
in adults with pervasive developmental disorders: Aprospective open-label investigation. Journal of Clin-
guidelines for the use of psychotropic medi-
ical Psychopharmacology, 18, 62–66.
cations in children, especially those with
McDougle, C. J., Naylor, S. T., Cohen, D. J., Volkmar, F.
autism (Martin, Scahill, Charney, & Leckman,
R., Heninger, G. R., & Price, L. H. (1996). A
double-blind, placebo-controlled study of fluvoxa-mine in adults with autistic disorder. Archives of
effectiveness of different doses of sertraline in
General Psychiatry, 53, 1001–1008.
Piazza, C. C., Adelinis, J. D., Hanley, G. P., Goh, H., &
Steingard, R. J., Zimnitzky, B., DeMaso, D. R., Bauman,
Delia, M. D. (2000). An evaluation of the effects of
M. L., & Bucci, J. P. (1997). Sertraline treatment of
matched stimuli on behaviors maintained by auto-
transition-associated anxiety and agitation in children
matic reinforcement. Journal of Applied Behavior
with autistic disorder. Journal of Child and Adolescent
Soorya, L., Kiarashi, J., & Hollander, E. (2008). Psycho-
pharmacologic interventions for repetitive behaviors in
autism spectrum disorders. Child and Adolescent
Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 17, 753–771.
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