Microsoft word - publist_e_hb_2013_06_04.docx

Publicationlist Barbara Hasse-Fuhrer
Original articles
1 Zuber JP, Calmy A, Evison JM, Hasse B, Schiffer V, Wagels T, Nuesch R, Ma-
genta L, Ledergerber B, Jenni R, Speich R, Opravil M, Swiss HIV Cohort Study group (2004). Pulmonary arterial hypertension related to HIV-infection: improved hemodynamics and survival associated with antiretroviral therapy. 2 Hasse B, Ledergerber B, Egger M, Flepp M, Bachmann S, Bernasconi E, Egger
M, Guyot S, Hirschel B, Weber R, Guenthard HF, Swiss HIV Cohort Study (2005). Antiretroviral treatment and Osteonecrosis in patients of the Swiss HIV Cohort Aids Research and Human Retroviruses; 20: 909-915 3 Hasse B, Moll C, Oehy K, Roethlin M, Krause M (2005). Anti-infectious prophylax-
is after splenectomy: current practice in an eastern region of Switzerland. 4 Aceto L, Karrer U, Grube Ch, Oberholzer R, Hasse B, Presterl E, Böni J, Kuster
H, Trkola A, Weber R, Günthard HF (2005). Primary HIV-1 infection in Zurich: 5 Franceschi S., Polesel J, Rickenbach M, Dal Maso L, Probst-Hensch NM, Fux C, Cavassini M, Hasse B, Kofler A, Ledergerber B, Erb P, Clifford GM. Hepatitis C
Virus and Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: findings from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study 6 Wolbers M, Battegay M, Hirschel B, Furrer HJ, Cavassini M, Hasse B, Vernazza
PL, Bernasconi E, Kaufmann G, Bucher HC, Swiss HIV Cohort Study (2007). Pre- dictors for CD4 cell count increase for treatment naïve patients with sustained viral load suppression within one year after start of cART. 7 Poelsel J, Clifford GM, Rickenbach M, Dal Maso L, Battegay M, Bouchardy Ch, Furrer HJ, Hasse B, Levi F, Probst-Hensch NM, Schmid P, Franceschi S, Swiss
HIV Cohort Study (2008). Non-Hodgkin lymphoma incidence in the Swiss HIV Co- hort Study before and after Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. 8 1Scherrer A, 1Hasse B (1contributed equally), von Wyl V, Yerly S, Böni J, Bür-
gisser Ph, Klimkait Th, Bucher HC, Ledergerber B, Günthard HF, Swiss HIV Co- hort Study (2009). Genotypic Activity of ETV in patients on Efavirenz or Nevirap- 9 Keiser O, Spoerri A, Brinkhof MWG, Hasse B, Gayet-Ageron A, Tissot F, Furrer H,
Battegay M, Schmid P, Bernasconi E, Egger M, Swiss HIV Cohort Study (2010). Trends over time and risk factors for suicide in HIV-infected individuals and the 10 1Kuster SP, 1Hasse B, 1Hübner V (1contributed equally), Bansal V, Zbinden R,
Ruef Ch, Ledergerber B, Weber R (2010). Risk factors for infections with extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae at a tertiary care university hospital in Switzerland 2005-2007. 11 Hasse B, Ledergerber B, Hirschel B, Vernazza P, Glass TR, Jeannin A, Evison
JM, Elzi L, Cavassini M, Bernasconi E, Nicca D, Weber R (2010). Frequency and determinants of unprotected sex among HIV-infected persons: The Swiss HIV Co- 12 Magenta L, Dell-Kuster S, Richter WO, Young J, Hasse B, Flepp M, Hirschel B,
Vernazza P, Evison J, Cavassini M, Decosterd LA, Bucher HC, Bernasconi E; the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (2011). Lipid and Lipoprotein Profile in HIV-Infected Pa- tients Treated with Lopinavir/Ritonavir as a Component of the First Combination 13 Boffi El Amari E, Combesecure C, Yerly S, Calmy A, Kaiser L, Hasse B, Furrer H,
Cavassini M, Vernazza P, Hirsch HH, Bernasconi E, Hirschel B, Swiss HIV Cohort Study (2011). Clinical relevance of cytomegalovirus viraemia. 14 Meier S, Weber R, Zbinden R, Ruef C, Hasse B (2011). Extended-spectrum β-
lactamase-producing Gram negative pathogens in community acquired urinary tract infections: an increasing challenge for antimicrobial therapy. 15 Hasse B, Ledergerber B, Egger M, Vernazza P, Furrer H, Battegay M, Hirschel B,
Cavassini M, Bernasconi E, Weber R (2011). Morbidity and aging among HIV- positive persons: The Swiss HIV Cohort Study. 16 Schüpbach J, Bisset LR, Regenass S, Bürgisser P, Gorgievski M, Steffen I, Andreutti C, Martinetti G, Shah C, Yerly S, Klimkait T, Gebhardt M, Schöni-Affolter F, Rickenbach M; Swiss HIV Cohort Study, Barth J, Battegay M, Bernascon E, Böni J, Bucher HC, Bürgisser P, Burton-Jeangros C, Calmy A, Cavassini M, Dubs R, Egger M, Elzi L, Fehr J, Fischer M, Flepp M, Francioli P, Furrer H, Fux CA, Gorgievski M, Günthard H, Hasse B, Hirsch HH, Hirschel B, Hösli I, Kahlert C,
Kaiser L, Keiser O, Kind C, Klimkait T, Kovari H, Ledergerber B, Martinetti G, Mar- tinez de Tejada B, Müller N, Nadal D, Pantaleo G, Rauch A, Regenass S, Ricken- bach M, Rudin C, Schmid P, Schultze D, Schöni-Affolter F, Schüpbach J, Speck R, Taffé P, Telenti A, Trkola A, Vernazza P, von Wyl V, Weber R, Yerly S (2011). High specificity of line-immunoassay based algorithms for recent HIV-1 infection independent of viral subtype and stage of disease. 17 Mayer D, Hasse B, Koelliker J, Enzler M, Veith FJ, Rancic Z, Lachat M (2011).
Vascular graft and artery preserving treatment with negative wound pressure ther- apy in Szilagyi grade III infections: long term results justify a paradigm shift. 18 Achermann Y, Rössle M, Hoffmann M, Deggim V, Kuster S, Zimmermann D, Blo- emberg G, Hombach M, Hasse B (2013). Prosthetic valve endocarditis and blood
stream infection due to Mycobacterium chimaera. J Clin Microbiol. 2013, Mar 27. Epub ahead of print. Case reports
1. Hasse B, Hummel Y, Böni J, Schüpbach J, Flepp M, Günthard HF (2003).
25jähriger therapienaiver Patient mit einem dreiklassenresistenten HI-Virus. 2. Hasse B, Kronenberg A (2003). African Immigrant with weight loss and dissemi-
3. Hasse B, Günthard HF, Bleiber G, Krause M (2005). Efavirenz Intoxication due to
4. 1Schraner C, 1Hasse B (1contributed equally), Hasse U, Baumann D, Faeh A,
Burg G, Grimm F, Mathis A, Weber R, Günthard HF (2005). Successful treatment with miltefosine of disseminated cutaneous leishmaniasis in a severely immuno- compromised patient infected with HIV-1. 5. Hasse B, Strebel B, Thurnheer R, Uhlmann F, Krause M (2005). Chronic necrotiz-
ing pulmonary aspergillosis after tuberculosis in a HIV-positive woman: an unusual 6. Braun D, Hasse B, Stricker J, Fehr J (2013). Prosthetic valve endocarditis caused
by Propionibacterium species successfully treated with rifampin in combination with intravenous penicillin: report of two cases. BMC Case reports.10.1136/ bcr-2012-007204 1. Hasse B, Husmann L, Zinkernagel A, Weber R, Lachat M, Mayer D (2013). Vas-
Supervision of doctoral work
1. Volker Hübner. Risk factors for and clinical outcome of infections with extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing E. coli and Klebsiella Pneumoniae at a ter- tiary care university hospital in Switzerland 2005-2007 2. Jeannette Kölliker. Bei Szilagyi Grad III Infekten können vaskuläre Grafts durch eine VAC-Therapie erhalten werden: Langzeitresultate Universitätsspital Zürich 3. Silvan Meier. Extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Gram-negative patho- gens in community-acquired urinary tract infections: An increasing challenge for


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Ziet u links géén menu, klik dan Handout bij presentatie behandeling van pemphigus en pemfigoïd drs Annemarie van Houten Behandeling per groep van blaarziekten: Pemphigus (PV,PF, drug-induced pemphigus, PNP, IgA-pemphigus) o Systemische lokale therapie (steroïden, mondspoeling) o Doxycycline/minocycline + Nicotinamide o Prednison (profylaxe maag + botontkalking) o Pr

Microsoft word - lecturas ii.doc

EL COSTE SOCIAL DE LAS PATENTES. 1. El coste social de las patentes1 “There is some evidence that monopoly pricing is much more of a concern with regard to pharmaceutical products. For example, F.M. Scherer has noted: <<From 1956 through the mid- 1960s, the Pfizer Company and its four licensees sold the antibiotic tetracycline to druggists at a wholesale price of $30.60 p

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