ADULT PATIENT HISTORY FORM Kamini Ramani, M.D., P.C. Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine 99 E State Street Gloversville, NY 12078 Telephone: (518) 725-6080.
NAME: ______________________________ DOB: ___/___/___ DATE COMPLETED: ___/___/___ Referred by: (Primary Care Physician’s Name): ___________________________________________ Occupation: _______________________________________ Gender : F_____ M _____ Do you have any children? : N_____ Y_____, How many : ______ Boys _____ Girls______ People in household apart from self : ______________ _______________________________________ What is the main complaint for which you are referred? : ____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ In general, how would you say your health is : [] Excellent [] Very Good [] Good [] Fair [] Poor
Please mark if you ever had any of the fol owing symptoms.
[] Trouble swallowing [] Pain after meals
Please check if you have or had the following medical problems.
Cancer : ____________________________________________________________________
Site of cancer: ________________________________________________________________
Please check if you had the fol owing operations:
Any other surgeries not listed above: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ RECENT HOSPITALIZATION:
RECENT TESTING: Abdominal Ultrasound: ________________________________________________________
Abdominal CT : ______________________________________________________________
Abdominal MRI: ______________________________________________________________
Any other tests: ______________________________________________________________________________
COLONOSCOPY: _______________________________________________________________ GASTROSCOPY: ________________________________________________________________ CURRENT MEDICATION LIST: Check if you're taking the following medications. [] Coumadin: _____________________________________________________
[] Aspirin: _____________________________________________________
[] Plavix: _____________________________________________________
[] Anti-inflammatory medications like Advil, ibuprofen, Aleve: _______________
[] Lovenox: _____________________________________________________
LIST ALL YOUR MEDICATIONS HERE: Please write name and dosage. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ALLERGIES: Check the drugs you have al ergies to:
[] Penicillin [] Demerol [] Iodine dye [] Sulfa drugs [] Valium / Versed Latex
What type of reaction did you have to above medications? : ____________________________
Any other allergies to any other medications: _______________________________________
Are you advised to have antibiotics before (dental) procedures? : Yes / No Any problems with anesthesia or sedation for prior procedures? : Yes / No ADVANCE DIRECTIVES
Do you have Advanced Directies: Yes_______No_____________ Please provide a copy
Living Will: _______________ Healthcare Proxy: _________ DNR: _______________
Last Pnumococcal Vaccine: ___________________________________________________
Last Flu shot: ______________________________________________________________
HEALTH HABITS: PERSONAL HISTORY SMOKING: Do you smoke cigarettes/cigar pipe: Yes________ No________
Amount per day____________________ Per week____________________
Age at onset of smoking________________ Years of smoking___________________
Smokeless Yes_______________ No____________________
Former smoker: Yes: _________________ No: __________________________
How much did you smoke: _______For how long: __________ When did you quit: _________
ALCOHOL: Yes: _________________ No: _____________________
Amount used daily : _____________________ Weekly: ______________________
Have you ever felt that you had a problem with alcohol: Yes ___________ No ____________
Former drinker: Yes _______________ No __________________
How much did you drink: ______ For how long: ____ Date when quit: _____________
Use of recreational drugs: Never_______________ Yes____________________
If yes please list: _______________________________________________________________
Coffee/Tea – Caffeinated soda: Yes_____ No________ How much a day: _____________ FAMILY MEDICAL HISTORY:
Is your Mother alive or deceased? ________________________________________________________________ If alive, please list age and any medical problems. If deceased, please list age at death and any
medical problems associated. : ____________________________________________________ Is your Father alive or deceased? ________________________________________________________________ If alive, please list age and any medical problems. If deceased, please list age at death and any
medical problems associated. : ____________________________________________________
If you answered yes to siblings - please list how many brothers and/or sisters you have,
whether they are alive or deceased, their ages, and any medical problems. :
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any children? [] Y [] N
Colon polyps ___________________________________________________________________
Colon cancer___________________________________________________________________
Pancreas cancer ________________________________________________________________
Stomach cancer_________________________________________________________________
Liver disease___________________________________________________________________
Pancreatitis ___________________________________________________________________
PLEASE CIRCLE ANY CONDITIONS IN ANY BLOOD RELATIVE: (INCLUDE PARENTS, BROTHER, SISTER, GRANDPARENTS AND CHILDREN) Please name the relationship (e.g.) father, sister and the age of onset, if known,
Heart Disease_________ High Blood Pressure________ High Cholesterol__________ Diabetes__________ Emphysema (COPD) ________ Stroke_____________ Asthma____________ Anemia (low blood count) _______ Blood Clots_______ Thyroid problems_______ Breast Cancer _________ Prostate Cancer______ Arthritis_____________ Skin disease____________ Hepatitis_______ Alcoholism____________ Psychological problems (anxiety – depression) _______ Other_________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
GENERAL : Anemia____, Excessive hair growth ____, Change in sleep____, Easy bruising ___, Fatigue____, Weight loss (unexplained) ____, Shakiness____, Hair loss____, Sweating____, Intolerance to heat/cold ____, Night sweats____, Weight problem__. SKIN: Acne____, Eczema____, New lesions/moles____, Change in skin mole____, Rash____, Skin cancer____, Sensitive to sun____, Nail changes____. EYES, EARS, NOSE, THROAT : Blurry vision____, Change in vision____, Glaucoma____, Ringing in the ears____, Hearing difficulty____, Al ergies/hay fever____, Sinus infections____, Hoarseness____, Swollen lymph glands____, Runny nose/congestion____. RESPIRATORY/LUNG: Asthma____, Swol en lymph glands____. Excessive Hoarseness____ Cough____, Coughing blood____, Shortness of breath____, CARDIOVASCULAR/HEART: Irregular heart beat____, Murmur____, Ankle Swelling____, Palpitations____, Chest pain/pressure____, Blood clots/phlebitis____, Cholesterol problem____, Lightheaded spells____, Mitral Valve Prolapse ____. GASTROINTESTINAL: Abdominal distention____, abdominal pain & cramping____, Blood in stool____, Constipation____, Change in bowel habits/stool____, Diarrhea____, Difficulty swallowing____, Loss of stool control____, Nausea____, Excessive gas/bloating____, Heartburn____, Ulcers in the stomach____, Hemorrhoids____, Jaundice____, Rectal Bleeding____, Vomiting____, Change in appetite____. URINARY SYSTEM: Frequent urination____, Burning on urination____, Infections____, Blood in urine____, Urgency to urinate____, Urinary hesitancy____, Kidney stones____, Venereal warts____, Urinary incontinence____, Frequent bladder ______. GYNECOLOGICAL: Irregular periods____, Painful periods____, Menopausal concerns____, Hot flashes____, Infertility____, Vaginal infections____, Sexual y transmitted disease____. MUSCULOSKELETAL: Arthritis____, Back pain____, Gout____, Joint pain/stiffness____, Leg pain____, Muscle weakness____. NEUROLOGICAL: Memory Loss____, Loss of sensation____, Seizures____, Headaches/severe____, Paralysis____, Tremors____, Dizziness____, Numbness/tingling____. MENTAL HEALTH: Difficulty concentrating____, Anxiety____, Chronic fatigue____, Emotional crying excessively____, Guilty feelings____, Hearing voices____, Loss of interest in work____, Insomnia____, Loss of sexual drive____, Feeling of hopelessness____, Nervousness____, Panic attacks____, Social withdrawal____, Stress, severe____, Thoughts of suicide____, Depressed mood____, Visual hal ucinations____. SCREENING FOR DEPRESSION: Have you often been bothered by feeling down, depressed or hopeless? Yes____ No____ Have you been bothered by little interest or pleasure in doing things? Yes____ No____ SCREENING FOR ALCOHOL USE DISORDER:
When was the last time you had more than four drinks in a day?
Never_______ In past 3 months______ Over 3 months ago ____________
Anything else you would like to mentions: ___________________________________________
Reviewed with Patient: _______________________ MD signature: _____________________
Signature : _____________________________________
Print Name : ______________________Date: ___/__/_____
The Role of Podiatry in the Treatment of Leprosy Catherine Waller, a final year Podiatry student at the University of Brighton, was awarded the Cosyfeet Study Award 2008.The £1000 grant helped to fund her voluntary research trip to Nepal, looking into the role of Podiatry in the treatment of Leprosy. Her report is published here. In August 2008, after completing the second year of a Bsc (Hons
Publikationsverzeichnis Dr. Thomas Schenk Dr. THOMAS SCHENK A) Originalarbeiten 1. Schenk TM. Vom richtigen Zeitpunkt: Die Entscheidung zur Imago hominis. 2003;10:29-35 2. Schenk TM, Keyhani A, Bottcher S, Kliche KO, Goodacre A, Guo JQ, Arlinghaus RB, Kantarjian HM, Andreeff M. Multilineage involvement of Philadelphia chromosome positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Leukemia