Many companies are now marketing DHEA. Be aware of
products that are labeled “natural”�� or that claim to contain
EUROHEALTH® is a leading supplier of revolutionary
“actual extracts of the Mexican wild yam”�� as this cannot be
and unique natural products for achieving optimal
health�� longevity as well as inner and outer beauty.
Carrying the traditions of its American�� Asian and
Supplemental DHEA must be synthetically produced. It is
European affiliations�� having developed�� produced
molecularly identical to the naturally occurring hormone��
and marketed innovative�� state-of-the-art�� effective
produced in our bodies�� and has many benefits. Synthetic
supplemental DHEA is made from pharmaceutical grade
and natural alternative products since the mid 1980’s��
EUROHEALTH® has taken these innovations to global
markets and recently into “Cyberhealth”. Hundreds of
There are significant differences in the purity and
thousands of satisfied users can bear witness to the
production of DHEA preparations on the market. Not
quality and the efficacy of its products.
only is it very important�� that the active ingredients and
other raw material/components used�� are of the highest
pharmaceutical grade/quality available�� but also that the
production of the finished dosage form be performed
according to approved standards�� valid for pharmaceutical
As a dietary supplement�� take one (1) capsule daily in the
products�� prescription drugs�� as well as “OTC” (Over-
morning�� or as recommended by your health care professional.
the-Counter) drugs – adhering to Good Manufacturing
Do not exceed recommended dosage. For long-term continuous
Practices (“GMP”). Preferably�� there should be a “DMF”
usage�� consult your physician. Check your blood hormone levels
(Drug Master File)-number for all active ingredients�� as
issued by the “FDA” (Food & Drug Administration).
Although this product is NOT A DRUG (no medical
claims are being made)�� it is considered to be a Dietary
Supplement�� no compromises on the quality of the
.Nature’s own “Fountain of Youth”
ingredients�� or on the production of the final dosage form
(Gelatin approved by European Directorate for the Quality of
Medicines�� Council of Europe (EU)�� Strasbourg�� France)
While the US market does NOT demand adherence to
these strict rules�� other markets�� e.g. Europe and Asia��
ONLY accept products according to these standards�� rules
Available in tamper proof blister packs, 30 capsules to blister:
and regulations. As a result many products manufactured
in the US�� or abroad for the US market�� do NOT MEET
THESE CRITERIA and STANDARDS and must�� therefore�� be
considered as inferior or even fraudulent.
International Liaison Communication Numbers/Address:
e-mail: Visit Homepages like www.:
DHEA should not be taken by children�� teenagers�� adults
under 40�� pregnant women and nursing mothers. Individuals
taking multiple prescription medication or suffering from
serious and chronic disease states are advised to consult a
physician before taking this product. Dämman LightHouse
In search of new “magic bullets”/products to market�� certain
For Improved Vitality, Energy, Immune Function,
manufacturers and distributors indiscriminately state�� that
Latitude 57° 3.0’ N, Longitude: 16° 40.5’ E
Memory, Mood, Well-being Quality-of-Life and
the 7-Keto version of DHEA would be much more effective/
efficacious. No scientific proofs are - yet, at least - at enhanced Sexual Performance (converts in the hand�� supporting these claims whatsoever! However�� body to Testoster one and Estrogens) and Longevity.
with these unsubstantiated claims from non-serious vendors�� also comes a price tag�� which normally is several
times that of normal/straight DHEA. Beware of fraudulent claims and products. cancer, diabetes, heart attack and osteoporosis, all promoting an • Autoimmune disorders increased life span. Further human studies are required in order to
In clinical trials DHEA has shown to be effective in treating Systemic
know the exact extent of these effects on human beings. • Burns DHEA - “The Fountain of Youth”
DHEA also seems to have a valuable potential in the healing of DHEA – “The Mother Hormone” burns. The risk of infections associated with burns�� is not only DHEA – “The Feel-Good Hormone”!
due to the open skin�� but also to a negative impact on the immune
system�� because of an extremely high level of stress hormones
• Energi
secreted in connection with the burn. If DHEA is given within three to
DHEA seems to reverse the downward spiral of aging by helping
four hours�� the burn heals faster.
the body to regain more youthful energy. DHEA has shown in clinic
• Weight-loss DHEA is a natural hormone�� produced predominately by the adrenal
studies to be a fatigue fighter�� increasing the perceived physical
In animal studies�� DHEA appears to be an appetite suppressant�� gland. It circulates the body in its watersoluable form�� called DHEA- and physiological well-being for both men and women taking DHEA��
changing the food preference�� potentially blocking the formation of
sulfate. In the body DHEA is converted into the male and female sex
compared to the placebo. They also reported increased energy,
acids that are stored as fat in the body. Minimal effect on obesity
hormones Androgens (e.g. Testosterone and Estrogens) and it is known
better sleep, better ability to handle stress and no side effects.
in humans has been seen so far. For DHEA to be used as a human
to be an essential component in many physiological functions of the
• Memory
weight reduction tool�� it would have to be effective in lower doses.
body. It is also well known that DHEA has an inverse relationship
In studies supplemental DHEA brought improvement in memory and • Cancer, Diabetes and Increased Lifespan to the production of stress hormones�� as levels of stress hormones
a significant relief from depression. Currently two larger studies are
Several animal studies have indicated that administration of
(e.g. cortisol) rise�� levels of DHEA drop�� and vice-versa. A large number
being conducted to determine whether DHEA can effect the outcome
DHEA may be beneficial in preventing cancer and diabetes and
of vital hormones are synthesized in the body from DHEA and as
of Alzheimer’s disease. increasing lifespan�� but the relevance to humans is still clinically
such it is a part of “The Symphony of Hormones”�� which equals “The Symphony of Life”.
In both men and women DHEA is converted into testosterone�� which
is known to enhance libido in both sexes. DHEA’s effect on male Regardless of to what extent DHEA lengthens the lifespan,
sexual funtion has been well documented – it was found that DHEA
it is evident that it does have some important therapeutic
shows consistent correlation with impotence. As DHEA levels declined��
applications, and used wisely, it may improve the quality of life
DHEA is referred to as “The Mother Hormone”�� being converted in the
the incidence of impotence increased. It is possible that the mood and and postpone some signs of aging.
body to a vast range of vital hormones. DHEA was first synthesized in
energy-enhancing effects of DHEA may be just as important as the
1934�� and was for long considered to be of little importance. It is the
hormonal effects. Recent studies indicate�� that DHEA may actually be
a “Natural Viagra” for women (September�� 2000). Backed by scientific
reports and clinical results�� Professor Bolieux from France�� has strongly
No serious side effects or risks have been reported in association
confirmed DHEA’s very important role and beneficial effects as a
with taking supplemental DHEA in recommended doses (see below).
Neither has any toxicity been seen even in dosages several times
• Immune system and Stress
greater than the generally recommended dosages�� given over a long
Research is suggesting that the condition
period of time. DHEA seems to be compatible with – and causes no
cortisol�� DHEA-levels then begin
of our immune system is a reflection of how
negative (drug-)reactions whatsoever – all and any prescription drug��
to decline sharply with age��
well or how poorly we are aging. As we age
other dietary supplement�� natural products and foods�� when taken in
and our DHEA levels decline�� we become
more susceptible to the harmful effects of
process itself. Already by the age of 50�� DHEA-levels are very often
corticosteroids�� the stress hormones�� which
less than half of the optimal levels. Also levels of enzymes�� converting
hormones “downstream”�� seem to be declining sharply with age��
One of the main functions of DHEA,
further depriving the body of vital hormones�� negatively affecting the
seems to be the maintenance of a
aging process. Healthy individuals normally seem to have noticeably
strong and youthful immune system, by
Although Pregnenolone is a precursor to Progesterone and DHEA��
higher levels of DHEA than their not-so-healthy counterparts. More
buffering or antagonizing the action of
which in turns is a precursor to several other hormones�� e.g. all
than 5.000 research reports have been published to date on DHEA�� in
of our sex hormones (Testosterone�� Estrogen�� only to name a
conjunction with a healthy aging process. In several clinical studies��
• Antioxidant Properties
few)�� it is important to understand�� that the conversion rate of
DHEA has proven to be a “natural Viagra”�� increasing the libido�� Pregnenolone to these hormones is slowed down even more
vitality�� sex drive and potency in men – and even more so in women.
DHEA is a powerful antioxidant. It appears with age�� than the actual production in the body of these hormones
Supplemental DHEA is not negatively affecting the body’s own ability
to prevent the formation of free radicals�� by
themselves. When we age�� the enzymes secreted by the body
to produce DHEA�� lacking a “hormone feed-back-loop”. One of DHEA’s
disarming NADPH�� a body substance that is known to generate free
governing the conversion of Pregnenolone to DHEA�� is secreted
main functions is to maintain a strong, effective and youthful
radicals and convert dormant carcinogens into active ones. at an even slower rate�� than the applicable hormone secretions immune system�� the body thereby showing less susceptibility to • Heart
themselves. Therefore a “Hormone Cocktail”/a mix of these
disease�� thus slowing down the aging process.
Several studies have indicated that higher levels of DHEA protect
hormones is preferable�� as we age. Both Pregnenolone (mainly against heart disease�� the mechanisms of which may be a
for “its own” function as Pregnenolone – memory/mental alertness��
combination of the prevention of excess blood clot formation��
mood/well-being�� arthritis and for nerve/spine cell stimulation/
the lowering of blood cholesterol (DHL)�� the decrease of insulin
regeneration) and DHEA (for its many well known important and
Clinical research has shown DHEA to be important in age and resistance and the reduction of free radical formation.
beneficial physiological functions) can – and in most cases should stress-related low vitality and fatigue�� in individuals aged 45 and • Menopause – be taken together in recommended dosages.
over�� in reducing menopausal discomfort�� in promoting a strong
After menopause�� when the ovaries stop making estrogen�� small
immune function�� in protecting against autoimmune disorders��
amounts of estrogen continue to be manufactured in the adrenal
in enhancing and improving cardiovascular health, memory,
glands by DHEA�� which is a precursor to estrogen. Supplementation
sexual performance, sleep quality and in the maintenance of
with DHEA in post-menopausal women�� therefore�� appears to be a
Unless otherwise prescribed by a physician�� only individuals over muscle mass and bone density. Animal studies indicate beneficial
way of increasing estrogen levels naturally. In Europe DHEA has the age of 40 should be taking this product�� as the levels of
effects on burns, overweight, aging and a decreased risk of
been used for more than fifteen years to treat menopause-related
DHEA prior to that age are usually sufficient. Take 10-50 mg daily��
discomfort�� such as depression and hot flashes. Several clinical
or according to doctor’s prescription. Take capsule in the morning
Guiding YOU To Good Health studies of DHEA’s potential as a substitute for Estrogen/Hormone
on an empty stomach. For long-term continuous usage�� a physician
Available in: Replacement Therapy (“ERT/HRT”) have shown positive results.
should be consulted�� to establish the correct daily dosage. For DHHighPEotency
Preliminary findings indicate that DHEA offers many of the same
healthy adults�� 10 mg is recommended for people of 40 years of
benefits as estrogen replacement without the harmful side effects��
age�� 25 mg for people over 50 years of age and 50 mg for people
over 60 years of age�� as general guidelines. For therapeutic usage�� (DeHydroEpiAndrostA
- Reduction of insulin�� glucose and cholesterol levels in the
blood levels of DHEA should be measured regularly – especially in
blood�� suggesting protection for heart disease.
younger subjects – to determine if supplementation is appropriate
- A marked increase in bone density�� particularly in the hip and
and a physician should monitor the dosages and achieved hormone
spinal area�� indicating reduction of osteoporosis.
Carcinogenicity of Lipid-lowering Drugs Journal of the American Medical Association January 3, 1996;275(1):55-60 Newman TB, Hulley SB. Department of Laboratory Medicine, School of Medicine, University of California,San Francisco, USA. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Fibrates: Bezafibrate (e.g. Bezalip) Ciprofibrate (e.g. Modalim) Gemfibrozil (e.g. Lopid) Fenofibrate (e.g. TriCor) Statin Bran