JOURNAL OF WOMEN’S HEALTH Volume 15, Number 10, 2006 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Treatment Considerations in Women with Schizophrenia
ABSTRACT Schizophrenia is a challenging and complex psychiatric disorder. It is a chronic disorder of thought, affect, and cognition that significantly disturbs the individual’s ability to function in society and develop interpersonal relationships. The clinical presentation can be extremely varied, with symptoms including delusional thinking, disorganized thoughts and speech, hal- lucinatory behavior, and negative symptoms (e.g., blunted affect, avolition, alogia, anhedo- nia). Approximately 1% of the population is affected by schizophrenia worldwide, and wo- men may experience different symptoms, have a later age of onset, may respond to different treatments, and may be more concerned about specific side effects than men. Women with schizophrenia traditionally have been treated in the same way as men and have generally had poorer comprehensive medical care. With the introduction of many new antipsychotic med- ications in recent years, this review focuses on sex differences in schizophrenia, with an em- phasis on differences in treatment and side effects. Additionally, it presents patient counsel- ing issues in sexuality and health outcomes. INTRODUCTION
cooperative and hostile, have impairments in self-care, and have difficulty initiating or maintaining
SCHIZOPHRENIA IS A CHALLENGING and complex employment. Nevertheless, a woman with schizo-
psychiatric disorder. It is a chronic disorder
phrenia must not be defined in terms of her dis-
of thought, affect, and cognition that significantly
ease; she requires and deserves comprehensive,
disturbs the individual’s ability to function in so-
ciety and develop interpersonal relationships.
The formal diagnostic criteria for schizophre-
The clinical presentation can be extremely varied,
and despite attempts in the media to portray astereotype, the stereotypic individual with schiz-ophrenia does not exist. It is a markedly hetero-
geneous disorder, with symptoms includingdelusional thinking, disorganized thoughts and
speech, hallucinatory behavior, and negativesymptoms (e.g., blunted affect, avolition, alogia,
Considerable and convincing evidence sug-
anhedonia). People with this disorder may be un-
gests that there are sex differences in schizo-
Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, University of Maryland, Bal-
A. Characteristic symptoms: Two (or more) of the following, each present for a significant portion of time during a 1-
month period (or less if successfully treated)a:• Delusions• Hallucinations• Disorganized speech (e.g., frequent derailment/incoherence)• Grossly disorganized/catatonic behavior• Negative symptoms (e.g., flat affect, alogia, avolition)
B. Social/occupational dysfunction: For a significant portion of the time since the onset of the disturbance, one or
more major areas of functioning, such as work, interpersonal relations, or self-care, are markedly below the levelachieved prior to onset (when onset is in childhood or adolescence, failure to achieve expected level ofinterpersonal, academic, or occupational achievement).
C. Duration: Continuous signs of disturbance persist for at least 6 months. This 6-month period must include at least
1 month of symptoms (or less if successfully treated) that meet criterion A (i.e., active-phase symptoms) and mayinclude periods of prodromal or residual symptoms. During these prodromal or residual periods, the signs of dis-turbance may be manifested by only negative symptoms or by two or more symptoms listed in category Apresent in an attenuated form (e.g., odd beliefs, unusual perceptual experiences).
• Schizoaffective and mood disorder exclusion: Schizoaffective disorder and mood disorder with psychotic fea-
tures have been ruled out because either (1) no major depressive, manic, or mixed episodes have occurred con-currently with the active-phase symptoms or (2) if mood episodes have occurred during active-phasesymptoms, their total duration has been brief relative to the duration of the active and residual periods.
• Substance/general medical condition exclusion: The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of
a substance (e.g., drug of abuse, medication) or a general medical condition.
• Pervasive developmental disorder: If there is a history of autistic disorder or another pervasive
developmental disorder, the additional diagnosis of schizophrenia is made only if prominent delusions orhallucinations are also present for at least a month (or less if successfully treated).
Adapted from American Psychiatric Association.1
aOnly one symptom from category A is required if delusions are bizarre or hallucinations consist of a voice main-
taining a running commentary on the person’s behavior or thoughts or two or more voices conversing.
phrenia. There has recently been a resurgence in
count for the lower rates of inpatient hospital-
attention to sex differences in schizophrenia, re-
ization in women than men for treatment of
flecting the important contribution of these dif-
ferences to the heterogeneity of schizophreniaphenomenology.2 Most data have focused on sex
differences in the epidemiology and clinical ex-pression of schizophrenia. Many studies note an
Another area of study addressing sex differ-
overall prevalence of schizophrenia at approxi-
ences in schizophrenia involves biological and
mately 1%, consistently reporting a 2–3-fold
neuroanatomical deficits. It is believed that male
higher incidence of schizophrenia with an onset
subjects with schizophrenia exhibit more struc-
before age 45 years in men vs. women.3 Men with
tural brain abnormalities than do women with
schizophrenia also exhibit more negative symp-
schizophrenia. Key neuroanatomical abnormali-
tomatology than do women,4 whereas women of-
ties include larger ventricle/brain ratios,11 re-
ten experience more depressive and paranoid
duced gray matter volume (particularly in tem-
symptoms.5 Men typically experience their first
porolimbic structures),6 and a lack of normal
psychotic symptoms by 17–20 years of age,
asymmetry.7 Males with schizophrenia also dis-
whereas women may not experience symptoms
play a higher rate of minor physical anomalies
until 20 years of age (3–5 years later).6–8 Onset can
and neurological soft signs than do female pa-
also occur in postmenopausal women, although
tients.8 In general, men show a greater disad-
new cases typically do not occur in older men.
vantage than do women across neuropsycholog-
Schizophrenia is still primarily a disease of the
ical tests of cognitive function.12 More recent
reproductive years.9 Women generally have bet-
reports, however, have determined that women
ter clinical outcomes than do men, that is, higher
with schizophrenia have poorer verbal/spatial
levels of social functioning, shorter hospital stays,
memory and visual processing and more con-
and lower relapse rates, and this may partially ac-
ceptual impairments than men.13,14 Most impor-
tant, however, are the differences in therapy and
which are both metabolized primarily by the
side effects that apply to the management of this
cytochrome (CY) P450-1A2 enzyme. This enzyme
is known to be less active in women than inmen.23,24 Additionally, smoking affects plasmalevels of clozapine and olanzapine, and smokers
may have 40% lower plasma levels because of theinduction of liver enzymes from cigarette
smoke.25 Plasma levels of the newer antipsy-chotics do not appear to differ significantly with
As early as the 1960s, significant sex differences
monotherapy in men vs. women, but women may
need lower doses of clozapine and olanzapine.
noted.15 Other studies continued to suggest a su-
Women are more likely than men to be using
perior response in women taking conventional
antidepressants and mood stabilizers that may in-
antipsychotic medications, such as chlorpro-
teract with antipsychotic metabolism, potentially
mazine and haloperidol,16,17 although these early
leading to increased/decreased antipsychotic
studies did not generally take into account base-
plasma levels. For example, antiepileptic drugs
line differences, such as age of onset, when re-
porting results, and diagnostic misclassifications
haloperidol levels that are almost 30% lower than
were likely. A more recent double-blind, ran-
values in those not taking antiseizure drugs.26
domized study that matched clinical and demo-
Carbamazepine has been found to reduce the
graphic variables between men and women failed
concentration/dose ratio of olanzapine by almost
to find any differences in outcomes between the
40%.27 Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
sexes when treating with conventional antipsy-
(SSRIs) may lead to 4-fold increases in plasma
chotics.18 In contrast, other studies that controlled
levels of risperidone via competitive inhibition of
for baseline variables have reported that women
the CYP450-2D6 enzyme.28 Because no therapeu-
are more likely to respond to these medica-
tic range has been established for plasma con-
tions,4,9,19 so women may have some benefits
centrations of newer antipsychotics (except for
over men in this area. No consensus has been
clozapine at Ͼ350 ng/mL), sex-based dosage ad-
reached. The second-generation antipsychotics
justments are not always pertinent. However, ad-
(SGAs) risperidone, olanzapine, quetiapine,
justment may be required if side effects are evi-
ziprasidone, and aripiprazole are now recom-
dent in women that may be due to higher plasma
mended as first-line therapy for both men and
levels. Lower doses may be appropriate for wo-
women, but none of these antipsychotics has
men who are nonsmokers, or in the presence of
demonstrated an advantage over the others in
interacting medications that inhibit metabolism.
comparative clinical trials to date. One study
Adipose tissue may lead to drug accumulation,
showed no appreciable gender differences in ef-
and adult women generally have an average adi-
ficacy for risperidone,20 and another trial with
posity of 33% compared with 20% in men. As
olanzapine found a significantly greater response
most antipsychotics are lipophilic and have large
in women than in men.21 Thus, antipsychotic ef-
volumes of distribution, maintenance depot in-
ficacy is not generally different between the sexes.
jections of conventional antipsychotics should be
Although women may have a more robust re-
used less frequently in women than in men.29
sponse than men independent of the specificdrug, the most important consideration is the side
effect profiles of the individual antipsychotics.
Such factors as genetics, height, weight, age,
Women may be at increased risk of adverse
lean/fat ratio, comorbid conditions, smoking,
drug reactions from antipsychotic therapy, with
and diet can contribute to differences in drug re-
a 1.5–1.7-fold greater risk of side effects compared
sponse and dosing. Because men and women of-
with men.30 The incidence and severity of an-
ten differ on all these variables, disparities may
tipsychotic side effects most likely depend on
be evident. As a group, women have higher
drug plasma levels, so the factors that affect
plasma levels of antipsychotics than men at the
serum concentrations may contribute to the risk
same dosage.22 This difference in plasma levels is
of side effects. As a class, the conventional
most evident with clozapine and olanzapine,
antipsychotics (e.g., haloperidol, fluphenazine,
chlorpromazine) are relatively similar in their
represent a high-risk group for diabetes occur-
side effect profiles, with the most troubling ad-
rence with new medications.34 Monitoring guide-
verse effects being extrapyramidal symptoms
lines have been developed, as this concern has be-
and tardive dyskinesia. Acute dystonia was long
thought to be more prevalent among youngermen under treatment, but a 10-week study at
equivalent doses reported higher rates of dysto-
Some antipsychotics have effects on electro-
nia in first-episode women.31 Furthermore, el-
cardiographic findings, especially on the cor-
derly women generally have a higher risk of
rected QT interval (QTc). Extending from the be-
tardive dyskinesia from conventional antipsy-
ginning of ventricular depolarization (QRS
chotics.31,32 The newer class of antipsychotics (i.e.,
complex) to the end of repolarization (T wave),
clozapine, risperidone, olanzapine, quetiapine,
the QT interval is shorter with faster heart rates,
ziprasidone, aripiprazole) are more heteroge-
and longer with slower heart rates. Therefore, a
neous in their side effect profiles, and each is as-
correction for rate (QTc) is applied to make the
sociated with unique pharmacological profiles in
reporting of the interval more meaningful. The
QTc intervals are generally considered to be pro-longed if they are Ͼ450 milliseconds in men or
Weight gain and metabolic complications
Ͼ470 milliseconds in women. In both sexes, QTc
Antipsychotic-induced side effects may have
prolongation Ͼ500 milliseconds may increase the
different significance for men and women. Wo-
risk of torsades de pointes. Women have longer QTc
men tend to be more distressed by effects that de-
intervals at baseline, which may predispose them
tract from their appearance. Obesity is particu-
to these phenomena. Postmenopausal women us-
larly problematic for women, and drug-related
ing estrogen therapy have significantly longer
weight gain may be more prevalent in women
QTc intervals than nonusers.36 Drug-induced
than in men. Long-term morbidity and mortality
QTc prolongation was found in one study to be
from obesity and other metabolic effects of an-
higher during ovulation than in the luteal phase
tipsychotics (e.g., type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular
of the menstrual cycle, corresponding to higher
disease, hyperlipidemia) affect both men and wo-
estrogen levels.36 Other factors that may pre-
men, and family and individual risk factors
dispose patients to a longer QTc interval are
should be considered in overall management.
metabolic abnormalities (hypokalemia, hypo-
Clozapine and olanzapine are associated with the
magnesemia, hypothyroidism, hypocalcemia),
greatest risk for weight and metabolic conse-
hyperglycemia, alcoholism, bradycardia, and car-
quences, with an estimated average weight gain
diac disease.36 Moreover, QTc prolongation oc-
in 10 weeks of 4–5 kg.33 Risperidone and queti-
curs at routine doses to some degree with all the
apine are associated with somewhat lower weight
antipsychotics. Increases have been reported at 20
gain and risk for metabolic effects, and there is
milliseconds for ziprasidone, 30 milliseconds for
little evidence of an association for ziprasidone
thioridazine, and 7–15 milliseconds for the other
and aripiprazole. African American women may
newer antipsychotics and haloperidol.36 Women
aϩ, increased effect; Ϫ, no effect; D, discrepant results.
bFewer drugs with limited long-term data. Adapted from Allison and Casey.33
with risk factors and concurrent medications that
male and female patients report that one of the
inhibit ziprasidone metabolism may do best to
areas with the highest proportion of unmet needs
avoid this drug as first-line therapy.
is counseling about intimate relationships.42Studies addressing sexual issues have generally
concluded that schizophrenia patients are pre-pared and willing to discuss sexual activity.43–45
One of the most prominent sex differences Thus, sex education should be an integral part of
in antipsychotic side effects is the degree of
the comprehensive treatment plan for patients
prolactin elevations in women.37 Literature re-
with schizophrenia. The primary care physician
views indicate that prolactin concentrations can
may be the patient’s only nonpsychiatric medical
rise as high as 10 times normal levels in women
contact and should always ask the patient if she
during antipsychotic treatment; as a conse-
has any questions or needs in this area.
Compared with emotionally healthy controls,
studies experienced amenorrhea with or with-
women with schizophrenia have been found to
out galactorrhea.38 Antipsychotics with stronger
have significantly less reproductive and contra-
dopamine-binding properties (e.g., haloperidol,
ceptive knowledge.46,47 In addition, schizophre-
fluphenazine, risperidone) are associated with a
nia patients often have poor judgment and may
higher risk of prolactin elevation. Women taking
be more likely to engage in risky sexual behav-
medications that raise prolactin levels show de-
iors that can increase their exposure to HIV and
creased bone mineral density (BMD).39,40 Addi-
other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).48–52 A
tionally, drug-related secondary hypoestro-
history of sexual and physical abuse women with
genism resulting from hyperprolactinemia may
lead to osteoporosis.39,40 In women with long-
term use of dopamine-blocking antipsychotics
has been stabilized with medication may have
and other risk factors for osteoporosis (e.g., fam-
questions and concerns about childbearing. There
ily history, poor diet, smoking, lack of exercise),
is some evidence of a hereditary component in
it may be beneficial to consider treatment with a
schizophrenia, and genetic counseling may be ap-
prolactin-sparing antipsychotic. A potential rela-
propriate.54–56 There may be reduced fertility sec-
tionship has been theorized between prolactin el-
ondary to drug-induced hyperprolactinemia.57,58
evations and breast cancer, but no controlled data
The SGAs are less likely to affect fertility, al-
have been reported.29 Sexual dysfunction can also
though patients and their families often are un-
be related in part to elevations in prolactin. Ap-
aware of this. As patients switch to these med-
proximately 50% of both men and women using
ications and regain libido, sexual function, and
antipsychotics report sexual dysfunction when
fertility, more pregnancies may occur; there are
questioned directly. Men tend to be more dis-
several cases in which switching patients from
turbed by decreased sexual performance than do
traditional antipsychotics to SGAs has resulted in
women, but questioning patients about sexual
unplanned pregnancy.59–61 The advent of newer
function is an important component of treatment
treatments that may increase fertility adds yet an-
and outcomes. Prolactin-sparing antipsychotics
other reason for providing appropriate education
that do not produce sustained elevations include
and counseling to women with schizophrenia.
clozapine, quetiapine, aripiprazole, and ziprasi-
Contraceptive use in women with schizophre-
nia has not been well characterized. Oral contra-ceptives (OCs) have been tried, although compli-ance is an issue in this population. The newer
antipsychotics generally do not interact with
OCs, but women with schizophrenia often useanticonvulsants and mood stabilizers that may
decrease the effectiveness of OCs. Therefore, a
Sexuality is a natural part of human behavior,
full medication review is necessary before pre-
and the nature of sexual behavior in the normal
scribing OCs, and dosage adjustments may be re-
population has been well addressed.41 In con-
quired. Women with schizophrenia receive sig-
trast, sexual functioning has received little atten-
nificantly fewer gynecological services than do
tion in the management of schizophrenia. Both
other women, which also requires redress.62
The use of antipsychotics in pregnancy and lac-
of the general population.74,75 A meta-analysis of
tation remains a risk/benefit decision. The risk of
mortality rates showed that patients with schiz-
psychotic relapse may be more detrimental to the
ophrenia have a higher rate of death from natural
mother and baby than the risks of drug use, and
and unnatural causes than patients with other
antipsychotics are often continued throughout
mental disorders.76 Deaths from cardiovascular-
pregnancy and postpartum. Essentially all of the
related events are believed to occur more than 4
antipsychotic medications pass through the pla-
times more frequently in patients with schizo-
centa, and if possible, stopping antipsychotic use
phrenia than in the normal population.77 It is
for the first trimester is desirable.29 However, wo-
believed that medical comorbidity may be rising
men who experience a relapse in their psychotic
as a result of newer treatments and that poor
symptoms during pregnancy are at greater risk
lifestyle habits contribute as well to increases in
for birth complications.63 Therefore, the danger
morbidity and mortality in people with schizo-
of psychiatric relapse must be weighed against
phrenia. These habits include lack of exercise and
the risks of fetal drug exposure for individual
sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and related obesity,
medications. Most newer antipsychotic drugs
smoking and related lung disease, and other
pose little fetal risk, which appears to be no
types of substance abuse.70,78,79 Therefore, wo-
higher than in a nonschrizophrenic comparison
men should be counseled about appropriate
groups. Lower birth weights do occur, and spon-
lifestyle choices such as diet and exercise, and re-
taneous abortions, stillbirths, and a small, non-
alistic goals should be set. Attempts to help wo-
specific risk for organ malformations has been re-
men with schizophrenia manage problems with
ported.64,65 Antipsychotics are all excreted in
substance abuse and smoking is an important
breast milk, but breastfeeding is generally per-
step in improving overall health concerns.
missible with many of the first-line antipsy-chotics.66
CONCLUSIONS Medical comorbidities/overall health concerns
Caring for women with schizophrenia presents
risks of several chronic physical illnesses, and
a difficult challenge to the clinician. Women will
have a shorter life expectancy than women in the
most likely experience symptoms at a later age
general population.67 Approximately 50% of in-
and may have a better prognosis than men. Wo-
dividuals living with schizophrenia have been
men are also more likely to have concomitant de-
found to have serious co-occurring physical ill-
pressive symptoms. Treatment should be indi-
ness.67 Hypertension, epilepsy, lung diseases, di-
vidualized in terms of patient risk and drug side
abetes, and hepatitis are the most commonly oc-
effect profiles (Table 3). Most importantly for wo-
curring comorbid medical disorders,68–70
men, consideration should be given to weight
contributing to the increased mortality rate of
gain, risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 di-
persons with schizophrenia.71–73 This mortality
abetes, hormonal disturbances and sexual dys-
rate is estimated to be 2–3 times higher than that
function, and other factors, such as concomitant
• Women generally require lower doses than men• Depot doses should be given at longer intervals in women than in men• Prolactin levels are higher in women• Obesity and weight gain are more of a problem in women• Women need regular mammography, electrocardiography, and bone densitometry• Women need diabetes and cardiovascular workups• Women need regular monitoring of lipid and glucose levels and weight• Dosages need to be modulated in aging women• Women require education in family planning and genetic counseling• Contraception should be offered to women with schizophrenia• During pregnancy and lactation, treatment must be subjected to risk/benefit analysis.
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Capítulo 1 La luz del local tenía un cierto tono de penumbra acogedora que creaban las amplias cristaleras de color ambarino al amortiguar la potente luz solar que pugnaba por entrar a través de aquellas murallas de cristal. La solitaria mujer intentaba habituarse a esa doble penumbra creada por los oscuros cristales de sus gafas y la escasez de iluminación de la cafetería en la que p