Microsoft word - gfi parent teen study_full data set.6.8.1
GFI SOFTWARE 2011 PARENT-TEEN INTERNET SAFETY REPORT – TOPLINE DATA TOPLINE DATA – PARENTS AND THEIR TEENS Parents’ questionnaire begins on p.2; teens’ survey begins on p.10 METHODOLOGY SUMMARY This survey is a probability sample – designed to be nationally representative - of 535 pairs of teens ages 13-17 and their parents in households with Internet access.1 Survey sponsored by GFI Software, Inc.2 Data collection and tabulation by Knowledge Networks of Palo Alto, Calif. Survey design and production by Mike Mokrzycki. Web-based survey instrument fielded from March 22 to April 5, 2011; average completion time for each respondent was 8 minutes. Respondents were assured their answers would remain confidential, and parents, who gave consent for their teen to participate, were asked to give the teen privacy while completing the survey. Results of the survey were weighted by age, race/ethnicity, gender and other variables to account for unequal probabilities of selection into this sample. Margin of sampling error: +/- 5.2 percentage points for teens, +/- 5.0 percentage points for parents, at the 95% confidence level. Surveys are subject to other error, including from question wording and order and from survey non-response. See detailed methodology statement for additional information. QUESTIONNAIRE NOTES
In the parents survey section, “(TEENAGER)” refers to the parent’s sole teenager or, if the parent has multiple teens, the one randomly selected for the sample. In the teen survey, questions were worded to reflect two parents or a single parent depending on the teen’s response to a screening question.
Where the identical question was asked both of parents and their teens, results for both are shown side-by-side. Where parents were asked to about teens’ behaviors and teens were asked a similar question about their own behaviors, results for both are shown for comparison, with the distinctions noted. All questions for the parent and teen surveys are shown below in the order in which they were asked. Several questions were asked of parents depending on their employment status. Knowledge Networks had this data about respondents to this study from previous interviews. No more than 1% of respondents refused to answer any individual item. Thus refusals are not shown in the results below. In some cases they may be part of the reason why percentages don’t sum to 100; rounding is another explanation.
1 When Knowledge Networks recruits members to its KnowledgePanel® of survey respondents, the company supplies Internet access to households that don’t have it – about one in five. Because of the subject matter of this study, the sample excluded households that have Internet access only because Knowledge Networks supplied it to them, as such people may differ in usage of and attitudes about the Internet from those who obtained Internet access on their own. 2 GFI Inc. makes security-related software. Its sponsorship was not divulged at the start of the survey so as not to potentially bias responses. Separately from the survey, respondents could ask their KnowledgePanel representative who sponsored the survey and GFI’s sponsorship would be disclosed.
P1. Generally speaking, would you say: (ROTATE RESPONSE OPTIONS) (Teens were asked identical question)
PARENTS TEENS Most people can be trusted
You can’t be too careful in dealing with people 62 62 P2. Does (TEENAGER) have a cell phone?
Yes 80% 79% No 20 20 [IF TEENAGER HAS CELL PHONE, ASK: (N=426)] P3. Which comes closest to describing how frequently (TEENAGER) uses text messaging on (his/her) cell phone? (For comparison: TEENS with cell phones were asked to estimate their own frequency of using text messaging) PARENT’S ESTIM. TEEN’S OWN OF TEEN’S USE ESTIMATE (He/She) sends/receives texts most days, 66% 65% and many times a day (He/She) sends/receives texts most days, 15 17 but usually no more than a few times a day (He/She) sends/receives texts at least a few 6 7 times a week but not usually on a daily basis (He/She) sends/receives texts infrequently 7 5 (He/She) never sends/receives texts 6 6 P4. Which of the following does (TEENAGER) use at least regularly to go online – that is, for Internet access? You need to check yes or no for each item: YES, (TEENAGER) NO, (TEENAGER) I uses this to does not use this don’t go online to go online know a. A desktop computer at home 73 27 * b. A desktop computer at school 54 26 21 c. A desktop computer somewhere else 18 62 20 d. A laptop computer at home 62 37 2 e. A laptop computer at school 12 61 27 f. A laptop computer somewhere else 10 67 23 g. An iPad or other “tablet” computer 5 84 11 [IF TEENAGER HAS CELL PHONE (P2.=YES), SHOW H. AND I.: (N=426)] h. A “smart phone” like an iPhone, 24 69 7 Droid or Blackberry i. Some other kind of cell phone 20 71 8 with web access
2 GFI Software 2011 Parent-Teen Internet Safety Report – Topline
[IF P4.=”SOME OTHER DEVICE,” ASK: (N=102)] P4-OTHER. You told us (TEENAGER) uses “some other device(s)” at least occasionally to go online. Please describe the device(s). (OPEN END)
64% named iPod, iPod Touch or variations (like “iTouch”) 34% named variations of PlayStation, Nintendo, xBox and/or Wii 3% named cell phones 7% named other types of devices (Respondents could note multiple types of devices, so percentages exceed 100.) [IF P4.= “COMPUTER DESKTOP AT HOME” OR “LAPTOP COMPUTER AT HOME,” ASK: (N=526)] P5. Thinking about the computer (TEENAGER) uses MOST OFTEN at HOME… Is (TEENAGER) the only person who uses that computer, or does (he/she) share it with other people in your household? (Teens were asked the same about the computer they use most often at home) PARENTS TEENS (He/she) is the only person who 27 26 uses that computer (He/she) shares that computer with 73 74 other people in the household [IF PARENT IS “WORKING AS A PAID EMPLOYEE,” ASK: (N=331)] P6. Does your company supply you with a laptop or other work computer that you use at home? PARENTS Yes 23 No 77 [IF PARENT IS “WORKING – SELF-EMPLOYED,” ASK: (N=65 – WARNING, SMALL SAMPLE SIZE)] P7. Do you have a computer that you purchased for work purposes? PARENTS Yes 58 No 42 [IF PARENT HAS A WORK COMPUTER, ASK: (N=111)] P8. Do you ever let (TEENAGER) use your work computer? PARENTS Yes 37 No 63 [IF PARENT HAS A WORK COMPUTER (N=111)] P9. How often do you use your work computer for personal business? PARENTS Often 25 Sometimes 33 Seldom 32 Never 11 [IF PARENT IS “WORKING AS A PAID EMPLOYEE” AND HAS A WORK COMPUTER (N=74]
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P10. How often do you install software on your work computer that was not approved by your company? Results omitted because subgroup size too small for statistical reliability PARENTS Often Sometimes Seldom Never [IF PARENT WORKS (N=396)] P11. How often do you connect a personal computing device that you own to a corporate network? PARENTS Often 5 Sometimes 9 Seldom 7 Never 78 [IF PARENT EVER CONNECTS PERSONAL DEVICE TO CORPORATE NETWORK (P11=OFTEN, SOMETIMES, SELDOM)(N=90 – WARNING, SMALL SAMPLE SIZE)] P12. Are you required to take any security measures for your personal computing device that you own before you connect it to a corporate network? PARENTS Yes 58 No 42 P13. Do you ever use a small portable device such as a thumb drive or flash drive to transfer data from one computer to another? PARENTS TEENS Yes 60 57 No 40 43
P14. Do you ever use software that enables you to connect to or control another person’s computer to fix problems or to share files or desktops?
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P15. About how long have you been using the Internet? PARENTS I started using the Internet 12 within the past five years I’ve been using the Internet 19 for more than five years but less than 10 years I’ve been using the Internet 34 for more than 10 years but less than 15 years I’ve been using the Internet 35 for more than 15 years P16. How would you describe how frequently (TEENAGER) uses the Internet? Would you say (TEENAGER) is: (Teens were asked to describe their own Internet use, using the same response scale) PARENTS DESCRIP. TEEN’S OWN OF TEEN’S USE DESCRIPTION A heavy user of the Internet 29 28 A moderate user of the Internet 51 54 A light user of the Internet 20 19 P17. Overall, how confident are you that you can keep things like computer viruses, spyware and other potentially dangerous programs off of computers when you want to? (Teens were asked identical question) PARENTS TEENS Very confident 21 25 Somewhat confident 55 52 Not too confident 20 18 Not at all confident 4 4 P18. Do you happen to have virus protection on the computer(s) you own in your home? PARENTS Yes 89 No 7 I don’t know 4 [IF PARENT HAS ANTI-VIRUS SOFTWARE (N=485)] P19. As you may know, anti-virus programs use something called a “virus definition file,” which allows the program to identify and protect against viruses and other potentially dangerous software. How often do you update the virus definition file for your anti-virus program? PARENTS Daily 28 Weekly 27 Less often than weekly 19 I don’t know 24
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P20. Have you ever discussed Internet safety with (TEENAGER)? (Teens were asked if their parents ever discussed Internet safety with them)
PARENTS TEENS Yes 94 84 No 6 10 I don’t know n/a 6 P21. Does (TEENAGER)’s school teach safe Internet practices? (Teens were asked same question about their school) PARENTS TEENS Yes 65 76 No 2 15 I don’t know 33 9
P22. Does (TEENAGER)’s school monitor Internet use by students? PARENTS Yes 73 No 1 I don’t know 26
P23. Have you established rules in your household about (TEENAGER)’s use of the Internet? (Teens were asked if their parents have established these rules) PARENTS TEENS Yes 88 82 No 12 19 [IF PARENTS HAVE ESTABLISHED INTERNET USAGE RULES (N=474)] P24. How strictly would you say you enforce rules about (TEENAGER)’s use of the Internet? (Teens were asked how strictly their parents enforce these rules) PARENTS TEENS Very strictly 35 33 Somewhat strictly 52 45 Not too strictly 11 20 Not at all strictly 1 2 P25. Thinking about any computers you use at home … Do you use monitoring software or a filter that keeps (TEENAGER) from going to some types of Internet sites? (Teens were asked if their parents use such software) PARENTS TEENS Yes 36 24 No 64 44 I don’t know n/a 32
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P26. After (TEENAGER) goes online at home, do you ever check to see what web sites (he/she) went to? (Teens were asked if their parents check) PARENTS TEENS Yes 64 24 No 35 28 I don’t know n/a 49 P27. Now we’re going to ask you about some things (TEENAGER) may do online. As a reminder, your answers are strictly confidential and won’t be shared with anyone. To the best of your knowledge, how often does (TEENAGER) do each of the following? You need to check an answer to each item. [RANDOMIZE FIRST FOUR ITEMS; ALWAYS LIST ADULT WEB SITE ITEM LAST]
Often Some- Seldom Never I don’t
a. Play online games 26 37 23 13 * b. Download files to a computer in your 16 46 19 18 1 home such as music, video or picture files or computer games c. Use your credit card to buy 1 16 19 63 * something online, including to set up an iTunes gift card d. Install any software on a computer 3 19 33 42 3 in your home, including software (he/she) downloaded from the Internet e. Visit a web site intended only for * 3 12 71 13 adults P28. To the best of your knowledge, do you think (TEENAGER) has ever done either of the following? You need to answer yes or no for each item. (ROTATE RESPONSE OPTIONS) Yes No I don’t know
a. Bullied anyone using your computer or 2 90 8 by text-messaging from a cell phone b. Been bullied by anyone online or by 8 82 10 text message from a cell phone P29. Have you ever had a virus or other potentially dangerous program affect a computer you were using at home? PARENTS TEENS Yes 65 47 No 35 53
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[IF PARENT HAS HAD A COMPUTER VIRUS, ASK: (N=343)] P30. Have you had viruses or other potentially dangerous programs affect a computer you were using at home only once or more than once? (Teens were asked the same question; N=247) PARENTS TEENS Only once 45 48 More than once 55 52 [IF PARENT HAS HAD A COMPUTER VIRUS, ASK: (N=343)] P31. When you’ve had a virus or other potentially dangerous program affect a computer you were using at home, generally, how serious a problem has it caused? (Teens were asked the same question; N=247) PARENTS TEENS Very serious 18 22 Somewhat serious 44 37 Not too serious 33 36 Not at all serious 4 5 On a slightly different topic … P32. Do you have a Facebook profile? PARENTS TEENS Yes 63 76 No 37 24 P33. Does (TEENAGER) have a Facebook profile? PARENTS Yes 73 No 27 [IF PARENT AND TEEN HAVE FACEBOOK PROFILES, ASK: (N=284)] P34. Are you a Facebook “friend” of (TEENAGER)? (Teens were asked if they were Facebook “friends” with at least one parent; N=353) PARENTS TEENS Yes 87 87 No 13 12 [IF PARENT DOES NOT HAVE A FACEBOOOK PROFILE OR HAS ONE BUT IS NOT A FACEBOOK “FRIEND” OF (TEENAGER), ASK: (N-151)] P35. How closely do you monitor what (TEENAGER) does on Facebook? (Teens not Facebook “friends” with a parent were asked how closely their parents monitor what they do on Facebook; N=94) PARENTS TEENS Very closely 11 2 Somewhat closely 32 18 Not too closely 37 41 Not closely at all 19 32
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P36. Which of these statements comes closer to your view: PARENTS TEENS Most teens do things online that they 73 74 wouldn't want their parents to know about Most teens don't do things online that 27 25 they'd want to hide from their parents *** END PARENTS SURVEY ***
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TEENS SURVEY(N=535 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE) T1. Generally speaking, would you say: (ROTATE RESPONSE OPTIONS) (Parents were asked identical question) TEENS PARENTS Most people can be trusted
You can’t be too careful in dealing with people 62 62 T2. Do you have a cell phone?
Yes 79% 80% No 20 20 Ref 1 * [IF TEEN HAS CELL PHONE, ASK: (N=422)] T3. Which comes closest to describing how frequently you use text messaging on your cell phone? TEEN’S OWN PARENT’S ESTIM. USE OF TEXTS OF TEEN’S USE I send/receive texts most days, 65% 66% and many times a day I send/receive texts most days, but 17 15 usually no more than a few times a day I send/receive texts at least a few times 7 6 a week but not usually on a daily basis I send/receive texts infrequently 5 7 I never send/receive texts 6 6 T4. Which of the following do you use at least regularly to go online – that is, for Internet access? You need to check yes or no for each item: YES, I use this NO, I do not use this to go online to go online a. A desktop computer at home 71 30 b. A desktop computer at school 67 33 c. A desktop computer somewhere else 28 72 d. A laptop computer at home 64 36 e. A laptop computer at school 23 76 f. A laptop computer somewhere else 18 82 g. An iPad or other “tablet” computer 8 92 [IF TEENAGER HAS CELL PHONE (P2.=YES), SHOW H. AND I.: (N=422)] h. A “smart phone” like an iPhone, 29 71 Droid or Blackberry i. Some other kind of cell phone 22 78 with web access
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[IF P4.=”SOME OTHER DEVICE,” ASK (N=127)] T4-OTHER. You told us you use “some other device(s)” at least occasionally to go online. Please describe the device(s). (OPEN END)
51% named iPod, iPod Touch or variations (like “iTouch”) 44% named variations of PlayStation, Nintendo, xBox and/or Wii 22% named cell phones 4% named other devices (Respondents could note multiple types of devices, so percentages exceed 100.) [IF P4.= “COMPUTER DESKTOP AT HOME” AND/OR “LAPTOP COMPUTER AT HOME,” ASK: (N=525)] T5. Thinking about the computer you use MOST OFTEN at HOME… Are you the only person who uses that computer, or do you share it with other people in your household? (Parents were asked whether the teenager shares the computer or not) TEENS PARENTS I am the only person who 26 27 uses that computer I share that computer with 74 73 other people in the household T6. Do you ever use a small portable device such as a thumb drive or flash drive to transfer data from one computer to another? TEENS PARENTS Yes 57 60 No 43 40 T7. Do you ever use software that enables you to connect to or control another person’s computer to fix problems or to share files or desktops? TEENS PARENTS Yes 7 15 No 93 85 T8. At about what age did you start using the Internet?
TEENS 8 or younger 31 9 or 10 32 11 or 12 28 13 or older 9 T9. How would you describe how frequently you use the Internet? Would you say you are: (Parents were asked to estimate their teen’s Internet use, using the same response scale) TEEN’S OWN PARENTS DESCRIP. DESCRIPTION OF TEEN’S USE A heavy user of the Internet 28 29 A moderate user of the Internet 54 51 A light user of the Internet 19 20
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T10. Overall, how confident are you that you can keep things like computer viruses, spyware and other potentially dangerous programs off of computers when you want to? (Parents were asked identical question) TEENS PARENTS Very confident 25 21 Somewhat confident 52 55 Not too confident 18 20 Not at all confident 4 4
T11. Does your school teach safe Internet practices? (Parents were asked same question about the teenager’s school) TEENS PARENTS Yes 76 65 No 15 2 I don’t know 9 33 T12. (Have your parents/Has your parent) ever discussed Internet safety with you? (Parents were asked if they’ve ever discussed Internet safety with the teen) TEENS PARENTS Yes 84 94 No 10 6 I don’t know 6 n/a T13. (Have your parents/Has your parent) established rules about your use of the Internet? (Parents were asked if they have established these rules) TEENS PARENTS Yes 82 88 No 19 12 [IF PARENTS HAVE ESTABLISHED INTERNET USAGE RULES, ASK: (N=435)] T14. How strictly would you say your (parent/parents) enforce rules about your use of the internet? (Parents were asked how strictly they enforce these rules) TEENS PARENTS Very strictly 33 35 Somewhat strictly 45 52 Not too strictly 20 11 Not at all strictly 2 1 T15. Thinking about any computers you use at home … (Does your parent/Do your parents) use monitoring software or a filter that keeps you from going to some types of Internet sites? (Parents were asked if they use such software) TEENS PARENTS Yes 24 36 No 44 64 I don’t know 32 n/a
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T16. After you go online at home, (does your parent/do your parents) ever check to see what web sites you went to? (Parents were asked if they check) TEENS PARENTS Yes 24 64 No 28 35 I don’t know 49 n/a T17. Now we’re going to ask you about some things you may do online. As a reminder, your answers are strictly confidential and won’t be shared with anyone, including your (parent/parents). How often do you do each of the following? You need to check an answer for each item. Often Sometimes Seldom Never [RANDOMIZE A-G, ALWAYS KEEP H LAST] a. Play online games 29 40 18 13 b. Download files to your computer, 26 43 16 15 such as music, video or picture files or computer game c. Use a parent’s credit card to buy 3 12 15 70 something online, including to set up an iTunes gift card d. Install any software on a computer in 5 23 28 44 your home, including software you downloaded from the Internet e. Share an online password with someone * 7 17 76 f. Create an account that your parents 1 14 19 65 didn’t know about on an online service g. Clear the history in your web browser 5 18 19 57 to prevent someone from seeing what sites you visited h. Visit a web site intended only for adults 2 7 16 76 T18. Have you ever done each of the following? You need to answer yes or no for each item. Yes No [ROTATE A AND B] a. Said something to someone via the Internet 31 69 or text message that you wouldn’t have said to his or her face b. Been contacted online by someone with no 29 71 connection to you or any of your friends [ROTATE C AND D] c. Bullied anyone using your computer or 4 96 by text-messaging from a cell phone d. Been bullied by anyone online or by 11 89 text message from a cell phone
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[IF TEENAGER EVER PLAYS ONLINE GAMES (T17.A. = OFTEN, SOMETIMES OR SELDOM), ASK: (N=468)] T19. You told us you have played online games. Did any of those games involve betting with real money?
TEENS Yes 1% No 99 [IF TEENAGER EVER VISITED AN ADULT WEBSITE (T17.H. = OFTEN, SOMETIMES OR SELDOM), ASK: (N=140)] T20. Have you ever lied about your age to gain access to an adult web site? TEENS Yes 53% No 47 [IF TEENAGER HAS BEEN CONTACTED ONLINE BY SOMEONE WITH NO CONNECTION TO THEM, ASK: (N=160)] T21. You told us you’ve been contacted online by someone with no connection to you or any of your friends. Has this happened to you only once or more than once?
TEENS Only once 38% More than once 62 [IF TEENAGER HAS BEEN CONTACTED ONLINE BY SOMEONE WITH NO CONNECTION TO THEM, ASK: (N=160)] T22. When you’ve been contacted online by someone with no connection to you or any of your friends, have you ever responded? TEENS Yes 23% No 76 T23. Have you ever had a virus or other potentially dangerous program affect a computer you were using at home? TEENS PARENTS Yes 47 65 No 53 35 [IF TEEN HAS HAD A COMPUTER VIRUS, ASK: (N=246)] T24. Have you had viruses or other potentially dangerous programs affect a computer you were using at home only once or more than once?(Parents were asked the same question; N=344) TEENS PARENTS Only once 48 45 More than once 52 55
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[IF TEEN HAS HAD A COMPUTER VIRUS, ASK: (N=246)] T25. When you’ve had a virus or other potentially dangerous program affect a computer you were using at home, generally, how serious a problem has it caused? (Parents were asked the same question; N=343) TEENS PARENTS Very serious 22 18 Somewhat serious 37 44 Not too serious 36 33 Not at all serious 5 4 T26. On a slightly different topic … Do you have a Facebook profile? TEENS PARENTS Yes 76 63 No 24 37 T27. Does (your parent / at least one of your parents) have a Facebook profile? TEENS Yes 79 No 21 [IF PARENT AND TEEN HAVE FACEBOOK PROFILES, ASK: (N=353)] T28. Is (your parent/at least one of your parents) a “friend” of yours on Facebook? (Parents were asked if they were Facebook “friends” with the surveyed teen; N=284) TEENS PARENTS Yes 87 87 No 12 13 [IF PARENTS DON’T HAVE FACEBOOK PROFILES OR DO BUT ARE NOT FACEBOOK “FRIENDS” WITH THE TEEN, ASK: (N=94 – WARNING, SMALL SAMPLE SIZE)] T29. How closely (does your parent/do your parents) monitor what you do on Facebook? (Parents not Facebook “friends” with the teen were asked how closely their parents monitor what they do on Facebook; N=151) TEENS PARENTS Very closely 2 11 Somewhat closely 18 32 Not too closely 41 37 Not closely at all 32 19
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T30. Which of these statements comes closer to your view: TEENS PARENTS Most teens do things online that they 74 73 wouldn't want their parents to know about Most teens don't do things online that 25 27 they'd want to hide from their parents [IF PARENTS DON’T HAVE FACEBOOK PROFILES OR DO BUT ARE NOT FACEBOOK “FRIENDS” WITH THE TEEN, ASK: (N=94 – WARNING, SMALL SAMPLE SIZE)] T31. What about you - do you ever post things on Facebook that you wouldn’t want your (parent/parents) to see?
TEENS Yes 33 No 67 [IF TEEN HAS A FACEBOOK PROFILE, ASK: (N=404)] T32. How well do you understand how to control privacy settings in Facebook? TEENS I have a good idea how to do it 83 I’m not really sure how to do it 17 [IF TEEN HAS A FACEBOOK PROFILE, ASK: (N=404)] T33. What kind of viewing access do you allow to your status, photos and posts on your Facebook profile? TEENS Friends only 71 Friends of friends 13 Everyone 8 Customized access 8 *** END TEEN SURVEY ***
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Time Frame Asssessment Resources (CE:B) Read, perform or compose music repertoire using a variety of tonalities while demonstrating an understanding of the language of music. • Identify homophonic and polyphonic texture (GLI 11.9) (AR:A) Analyze and evaluate music selections based upon established criteria. • Describe the use of elements of music as they relate to expressio
Management of neonates with (or at risk of) Herpes virus infection. (HSV+VZV) HSV Background HSV infection in the neonate is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Most commonly the infection is acquired at the time of delivery. The highest risk of infection is associated with maternal 1°inf ection due to heavier or more prolonged virus shedding particularly cervica