The Blaylock Wellness Report September 2006
cancer, improve blood flow and prevent heart
Attention Blaylock Readers:
Many anticoagulant medications have significant
side effects, and the degree of blood thinning is
difficult to control. Some of these medicines can
Q: I took six meds to combat sleep and peripheral neuropathy, and so far I have discontinued all but two. I take 600 mg of ALA and four capsules of Dr. Bob Martin’s “Nerve Fix.” I want to find a way to get off of the sleeping and pain pills. Any suggestions? Q: I just subscribed to your wellness letter Nothing I try works. — Theodore A., Sparks, Nev. because I have been diagnosed with blood clots in my lungs and have been put on coumadin. A: A low thyroid can result in a peripheral Is there is a more natural and safe alternative?
neuropathy (nerve damage), but you can improve
— Angela S., San Jose, Calif.
thyroid function. There are better supplements
A: Actually, Angela, there are a number of
made by the company Pure Encapsulation. They
natural supplements that prevent abnormal blood
are called iodine and tyrosine. You can get the
clotting and improve blood flow. I find it ironic that
product at The dose is two
the medical professionals use blood thinning as a
reason not to take some natural supplements and
As for your peripheral neuropathy, it would
then fail to recommend them when blood thinning
depend on the cause — and there are many.
Most common are diabetes and other metabolic
conditions. Others include heavy metal toxicity,
hypercoagulable disorders to improve magnesium
autoimmune disease, diabetes, uremia, hereditary
causes, and chemical exposure. In general, high-
Magnesium makes blood flow through small
dose B vitamins (especially riboflavin 500 mg,
arteries more easily, and it prevents abnormal
pyridoxal-5-phosphate 50 mg, thiamine 100 mg,
clotting. The usual dose is 500 mg of magnesium
folate 800 ug and B-12 as methylcobalamin 5,000 ug,
citrate or citrate/malate twice a day on an empty
stomach. You can get a time-released form from
N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) 500 mg a day (on an The dose is the same.
empty stomach), R-lipoic acid 25 mg (with your
About 350 mg of ginkgo biloba a day equals
heaviest meal of the day), acetyl-L-carnitine 500
an aspirin in terms of blood-thinning ability, and
mg three times a day, DHA 500 mg a day and
aged garlic extract does the same. About 250 mg of
phosphotidylcholine (mixed phospholipids) 1,000
curcumin dissolved in extra-virgin olive oil three
mg twice a day can be used in addition to a basic
times a day also thins the blood slightly. Omega-
3 oils (fish oils) thin the blood as well, while
Q: Since you have pointed out the dangers of
improving blood flow. A combination of magnesium
aspartame and Splenda, what about Stevia as a
and ginkgo may be adequate — that can be
determined by blood studies your doctor can run.
— Maria H., Amherst, N.H.
These supplements are so important because they
A: Stevia, made from the honey leaf plant, is
have a great number of other health benefits. They
protect the brain, act as antioxidants, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, stabilize platelets, prevent
The plant grows only in a few places in the
September 2006 The Blaylock Wellness Report
world. Most come from China, with lesser supplies
and am alarmed that these two substances may
from Israel, Thailand and Central America. The
be related to each other. Are they?
sweetness primarily is derived from a chemical
— Joan A., Anaheim, Calif.
called stevoside, which in pure form is 100 to 200 times sweeter than sugar. The leaf (used in most
A: Since writing the book Excitotoxins: The
brands) is about 10 to 15 times sweeter.
Taste That Kills, I get that question a lot, primarily because the names sound similar.
demonstrated that a 5 percent solution of the leaf
In fact, glutamate, the excitotoxin, is formed
caused infertility in male and female mice. Follow-
in the body from glutamine by a special enzyme.
up studies failed to confirm this. Stevia also lowers
Taking high doses of glutamine increases the
blood sugar and blood pressure, so it should be used
production of glutamate in the brain and eye and
with caution by people with reactive hypoglycemia,
has been shown to increase neurological damage as
diabetics on insulin and hypertensives on blood
Steviol, a possible metabolite, has been shown to
be mutagenic — that is, it increases risk of cancer.
Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and ALS (Lou Gehrig’s),
But it has not been shown that this chemical is
but also any person who is at high risk for
a neurological condition or has an existing
From my own personal experience and that of
neurological disorder or disease of the retina.
many others, the product Just Like Sugar is an
Glutamine became popular as a supplement
since it can heal the GI tract and build muscle. Yet,
While one diabetic physician claimed his blood
the dangers to the brain and retina in susceptible
sugar went out of control while taking this product,
people supersede any benefit you may receive from
it was later disclosed that he was consuming large
amounts of aspartame. At present, a university is testing the product on diabetics to settle the
If used at all, it should only be used for short
question. For non-diabetics, it makes an excellent
periods or by people engaged in regular muscle-
building exercise programs. Muscle building
Q: While reading your newsletter about eye
exercises divert the glutamine to the muscles rather
care, I was especially struck by your warning
than the brain. Nevertheless, in my opinion, people
about the dangers of glutamate in the retina. I
with retinal or neurological diseases or injuries
have been taking a powder form of L glutamine
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