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Hazardous Waste Disposal
When in doubt, ASK. The attendants don't bite.
Mercury (no charge):
Florescent Light Blubs (CFLs and tubes) contain mercury vapor.
Please place (in packaging if possible) CFLs and small tubes in the light blue recyclingcontainer in front of the office. Give larger tubes to attendants Braking florescent lights releases the mercury vapor. Immediately ventilate the area ,clean upthe glass safely and throw it away; it no longer contains mercury.
Incandescent and other non florescent blubs can be thrown away. They contain no heavy metals.
Mercury-bearing thermometers and thermostats can be placed in the light blue recycle bin orhanded to attendants. Please ask if you are unsure if a thermometer contains mercury. Batteries (no charge):
Many batteries contain heavy metals and should be kept out of the trash. Please place them inthe dark blue recycling container in front of the office or give to an attendant. Alkaline batteries are trash. There is nothing hazardous inside them and they cannot be
recycled. They are also be called “carbon” batteries. They should be clearly labeled.
If you are unsure if a battery is alkaline, place with the rechargeable batteries and the attendantswill sort it out later. Rechargeable alkaline batteries are also trash.
Please recycle any batteries that say “Lithium” whether rechargeable or not.
Rechargeable batteries that are recycled include: Ni-Cd (Nickel-Cadmium), Ni-Mh (Nickel-Metal-Hydride), Li-Po and Li-Ion (Lithium rechargeables), and Pb (Lead-acid) if you have an old cell-phone, please place it in the battery bin, they are donated and reused.
Car batteries are kept separate. Ask an attendant for help.
Smoke Alarms/Detectors (no charge):
most smoke alarms contain the radioactive isotope americium-241. There is typically 0.3 µg ofamericium contained withing a metal shield, blocking the small amount of radiation it gives off.
Please keep these out of the trash so they can be disposed of properly. Place them with themercury waste in the dark blue recycling container outside of the office or give them to anattendant.
Hazardous Waste Disposal
When in doubt, ASK. The attendants don't bite.
The Transfer Station can accept water-based latex paints year-round. We charge $2/gal forLatex paints. We charge per volume of contents, not container size. We cannot accept oil-based paints, stains, or any other such items. Please bring them to ahazardous household waste collection day (see below).
Motor Oil (No Charge):
We keep a pair of 55 Gallon drums to collect used motor oil. They are located in the same shedas the books.
There is also a drum for used oil filters. Please use this for filters only. Empty motor oil containers, no matter how clean, are trash. They cannot be recycled.
The collection drums are for motor oil only. Antifreeze, brake fluid, and transmission fluid and
other fluids can not be accepted. These fluids should be brought to a household hazardous waste
collection day (see below).
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Days:
The Town of Leverett has an arrangement with the Town of Amherst for use of their Household
Hazardous Waste Collection Day. Any Leverett town resident who has signed up in advance
can bring their waste to the Amherst collection site that day. There is no charge for residents, as
the Town of Leverett pays Amherst for the privilege. Ask an attendant for details.
More recently, the Town of Leverett has joined the Montague Waste District. This gives ourresidents access to the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Days of multiple other towns,usually spaced out evenly throughout the year. At these events, all residents get charged fortheir waste. Again, ask an attendant for more details. The items you should bring to these Household Hazardous Waste Collection Days include:1. oil-based paints and stains, paint thinner, and unmarked/unknown paint2. automotive fluids except engine oil (see above)3. poisons, fertilizers, pool chemicals, dyes and other such items4. anything that is unknown or unmarked


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