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GILDA Publications

Published On International Journals

S. Depanfilis, F. D' Acapito, V. Haas, H. Konrad, J. Weissmuller, F. Boscherini: " Local structure and size effects in nanophase palladium: an x-ray absorption study" Physics Letters A 207, 397 (1995);
S. Pascarelli, F. Boscherini, F. D' Acapito, J. Hrdy, C. Meneghini, S. Mobilio:
" X-ray optics of a dynamical sagittal focusing monochromator on the Gilda beamline at the
J. Synchrotron Rad.3, 147 (1996);
F. D' Acapito, F. Gonnella, E. Cattaruzza, S. Pascarelli, P. Mazzoldi, S. Mobilio:
"Exafs study on Ag-doped silicate glasses irradiated with light ions"
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B120, 110 (1996);
A. Terrasi, G. Franzo', S. Coffa, F. Priolo, F. D' Acapito, S. Mobilio: " Evolution of the local environment around Er upon thermal annealing in Er and O co-implanted Si" Appl. Phys. Lett. 70, 1712 (1997); C. Lamberti, G. Spoto, D. Scarano, C. Paze, M. Salvalaggio, S. Bordiga, A. Zecchina, G. Turnes Palomino, F.D'Acapito: " Cu+1-Y and Cu+2-Y zeolites: a XANES, EXAFS and Visible NIR study" Chem. Phys. Lett. 269, 500 (1997); S. Pascarelli, F. Boscherini, C. Lamberti, and S. Mobilio: "Tetragonal-strain-induced local structural modifications in InAsxP1-x/InP superlattices: a detailed X-ray absorption investigation". Phys. Rev. B56 1936 ( 1997); Z.Y. Wu, M. Benfatto, M. Pedio, R. Cimino, S. Mobilio, S.R. Barman, K. Maiti and D.D. Sarma: "Theoretical analysis of X-ray absorption near edge fine structure at the O and metal K edges of LaFeO3 and LaCoO3" Phys. Rev. B56, 2228 (1997); C. Meneghini, R. Cimino, S. Pascarelli, S. Mobilio, C. Raghu, D.D. Sarma: " Temperature dependence of non-Debye disorder in doped manganites" Phys. Rev. B56 3520 (1997); F. D' Acapito, S. Colonna, S. Mobilio, F. Gonella, E. Cataruzza, P. Mazzoldi: " Local atomic enviroment of Cu ions in ion-exchanged silicate glass waveguides: an X-ray absorption spectroscopy study" Applied Phys. Lett. 71 2611 (1997); S. Quartieri, G. Antonioli, G. Artioli, C.A. Geiger, P.P. Lottici: " A temperature dependent X-ray Absorption Fine Structure study of dynamic X-site disorder in almandine: a comparison to diffraction data" A. Terrasi, F. La Via, F. D' Acapito, S. Mobilio: " Exafs investigation of Co sites in CoSi2 film grown by ion beam assisted deposition" Microelettronic Engineering 37/38, 491 (1997); F. D' Acapito, E. Cattaruzza, F. Gonnella, S. Mobilio, J.R. Regnard, F. Spizzo: " Structural investigation of small Cu clusters obtained by ion-implantation in amorphous silica" J. de Physique IV C2-1107 (1997); F. D'Acapito, G. Turnes Palomino, C. Lamberti , S. Bordiga, C. Paze', G. Spoto, A. Zecchina: " XAFS study of CuI - Y and CuII - Y interacting with CO and NO" J. de Physique IV C2-903 (1997); S. Depanfilis, F. D' Acapito, V. Haas, H. Konrad, J. Weissmuller, F. Boscherini: " Local structure and size effects in nanophase palladium" J. de Physique IV C2-979 (1997); S. Pascarelli, F. Boscherini, C. Lamberti, S. Mobilio: "Local distortions in InAsP/InP(001) strained layer superlattices" S. Quartieri, Antonioli G., Artioli G., Geiger C.A., Lottici P.P.:
" Temperature depencence of disorder and correlation effects in the almandine X-site"
J.Physique IV C2,1157 (1997);
C. Lamberti, G. Spoto, D. Scarano, C. PazÈ, M. Salvalaggio, S. Bordiga, A. Zecchina, G.
Turnes Palomino and F. D'Acapito:
"CuI-Y and CuII-Y zeolites: a XANES, EXAFS and visible-NIR study"
Chem. Phys. Lett., 269 (1997) 500-508.
U. Buontempo, A. Di Cicco, A. Filipponi, M. Nardone, and P. Postorino:
J. Chem. Phys. 107, 5720 (1997);
L. Alagna, A. Capobianche, G. Pennesi, T. Prosperi, G. Rossi:
"XAS of Ruthenium phthalocyanine dimer: structural properties of bulk and film form"
J. de Physique IV C2-1261 (1997);
S. Quartieri, Antonioli G., Artioli G., Geiger C.A., Lottici P.P.:
"Temperature dependence of disorder and correlation effects in almandine X-site: XAFS
study and comparison with XRD data"
Phys. Chem. Minerals., 24, 200 (1997);
F. Cimini e R. Prins:
"Influence of the Pt/Rh molar ratio on the final structure of bimetallic RhPt clusters
supported on NaY zeolite"
J. de Physique IV C2-925 (1997);
C. Meneghini, M. Maret, M.C.Cadeville, J.L. Hazemann:
J. de Physique IV 7 C2 -1115 (1997).
A. Terrasi, E. Rimini, V. Raineri, F. Iacona, F. La Via, S. Colonna and S. Mobilio: “Precipitation of As in thermally oxidized ion-implanted Si crystals” Appl. Phys. Lett. 73, 2633 (1998); F. Boscherini, C. Lamberti, S. Pascarelli, C. Rigo, and S. Mobilio, Phys. Rev. B 58, 10745 (1998); F. D’ Acapito, S. Mobilio, J.R. Regnard, E. Cattaruzza, F. Gonella, P. Mazzoldi: “ The local atomic order and the valence state of Cu in Cu implanted soda lime glasses” J. Non-Crys. Solids 232-4, 364 ( 1998); F. Romanato, D. De Salvador, M. Berti, A. Drigo, M. Natali, M. Tormen, G. Rossetto, S. Pascarelli, F. Boscherini, C. Lamberti, S. Mobilio: " Bond length variation in Inx Ga1-x As/InP strained epitaxial layers" F. Boscherini, C. Lamberti, S. Pascarelli, S. Mobilio: " Local atomic structure in strained interfaces of InxGa1-xAs/InP heterostructures" J. Hrdy, S. Pascarelli, F. D' Acapito, S. Colonna, S. Mobilio: " Observation of horizontal focusing of X-rays using a toothed crystal monochromator" Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 5, 54 (1998); C. Lamberti, S. Bordiga, F. Boscherini, S. Mobilio, S. Pascarelli, L. Gastaldi, M. Mandella, C. Papuzza, C. Rigo, D. Soldani, C. Ferrari, L. Lazzarini, G. Salviati: " Structural and Optical Investigation of InAsxP1-x/InP strained Superlattices" J. Appl. Physics 83 1058 (1998); M.E. Stroppolo, S. Nuzzo, A. Pesce, C. Rossano, A. Battistoni, M. Bolognesi, S. Mobilio, A. Desideri: “ On the coordination and oxidation state of the active site copper ion in prokaryotic Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase” Biochem. and Biophys. Res, Commun. 249, 579 (1998); S. Mobilio, C. Meneghini: " Synchrotron radiation in the study of amorphous materials" J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 232-234 25 (1998); C. Meneghini, A. Balerna, F. Boscherini, S. Pascarelli, S. Mobilio: " Anomalous Wide Angle X-ray Scattering apparatus on the GILDA beamline at the ESRF" G. Battaglin, E. Cattaruzza, F. D' Acapito, F. Gonella, P. Mazzoldi, S. Mobilio, F. Priolo: " Exafs study on metal cluster doped silica glass obtained by ion implantation procedures" Nuclear Instrum. & Methods B141 252 (1998); F. Boscherini, S. Depanfilis, and J. Weissmuller: "On the determination of local order in nanophase palladium by x-ray absorption spectroscopy" F. Rocca, G. Dalba, R. Grisenti, M. Bettinelli, F. Monti, A. Kuzmin: " Extended X-ray absorption fine structure measurements of the local environment of Pr ions in silica xerogel and zinc borate glasses" J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 232 581 (1998); A. Balerna, M. Bionducci, A. Falqui, G. Licheri, C. Meneghini, G. Navarra, M.Bettinelli: " Structural study of Sr metaphosphate glass by anomalous X-ray scattering and EXAFS spectroscopy" C. Meneghini, S. Morante: “The active site strucutre of Tetanus Neurotoxin resolved by multiple scattering analysis in X-ray absoprtion spectroscopy” D. Bersani, G. Antonioli, P.P. Lottici, Y. Dimitriev, V. Dimitriev, P. Kobourova: "Coordination changes in tellurite-vanadate glasses containing ZnO or CdO" G. Deganello, L.F. Liotta, A. Longo, A. Martorana, Y. Yanev, N. Zotov: J. NonCryst. Solids 232-234, 547 (1998); M. Braglia, G. Dai, S. Mosso, S. Pascarelli, F. Boscherini and C. Lamberti: "Pr K-edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure analysis of the local structure of Pr in fluorozirconate glasses" J. Appl. Phys., 83 5065 (1998); M. Braglia, G. Dai, S. Mosso, C. Meneghini, A. Balerna, F. Boscherini and C. Lamberti: "Environment of Pr in fluorozirconate glasses: an XAFS and anomalous x-ray scattering study" J. Synchrotron Rad., 6 (1999) 509-511; M. Braglia, C. Bruschi, G. Dai, J. Kraus, S. Mosso, C. Meneghini, A. Balerna, F. Boscherini, S. Pascarelli and C. Lamberti: "Local structure of Pr in fluorozirconate glasses" J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 256 83 (1999); M.Braglia, G.Dai, S.Mosso, S.Pascarelli, F.Boscherini, A.Balerna and C.Lamberti: "ADDENDUM: Pr K-edge x-ray absorption fine structure analysis of the local structure of Pr in fluorozirconate glasses [J. Appl. Phys. 83, 5065 (1998)]" J. Appl. Phys., 85, 7987 (1999); A. Terrasi, F. Priolo, G. FranzÚ, S. Coffa, F. D’Acapito, S. Mobilio: “EXAFS analysis of Er sites in Er-O and Er-F co-doped crystalline Si” Journal of Luminescence 80, 363-367 (1999); F. Rocca, A. Kuzmin, P. Mustarelli, C. Tomasi, A. Magistris: " XANES and EXAFS at Mo-K edge AgI-Ag2MoO4 glasses and crystals" Solid State Ionics 121 189 (1999); A. Terrasi, F. Priolo, G. Franzo', S. Coffa, F' D' Acapito, S. Mobilio: " EXAFS analysis of Er sites in Er-O and Er-F co-doped crystalline silicon" Journal of Luminescence 80, 363 (1999); F. Boscherini, R. Lantier, A. Rizzi, F. d’ Acapito, S. Mobilio: “ Evidence for relaxed and high quality growth of GaN on SiC(0001)” F. Rocca, F. Monti, A. Kuzmin, A. Dalmaso and D. Pasqualini: “EXAFS study of Tb-doped silica xerogels” F. Boscherini, S. Pascarelli, C. Lamberti, S. Mobilio, F. Romanato, D. DeSalvador, M. Tormen, M. Natali, A. Drigo: “ Local structure in semiconductor superlattices and epilayers” P. Porta, S. De Rossi, M. Faticanti, G. Minelli, I. Pettiti, L. Lisi and M. Turco: “Perovskite-type oxides: 1. Structural, magnetic and morphological properties of LaMn1-xCuxO3 and LaCo1-xCuxO3 solid solutions with large surface areas” J. Solid State Chem., 146 291 (1999); A. Balerna, L. Liotta, A. Longo, A. Martorana, C. Meneghini, S. Mobilio and G. Pipitone: “ Structural characterization of pumice supported silver palladium metal clusters by means of XAFS and AWAXS “ Eur. Phys. J. D 7, 89 (1999); M. Tormen, D. De Salvador, M. Natali, A. Drigo, F. Romanato, G. Rossetto, F. Boscherini, S. Mobilio: “ Bond length variation in In0.25Ga0.75As/InP epitaxial layers beyond critical thickness” C. Meneghini, C. Castellano, Ashwani Kumar, Sugata Ray, D.D. Sarma and S. Mobilio: "Coupling of small lattice polarons to magnetic field in magnetoresistive manganites" C. Meneghini, S. Mobilio, F. Pivetti, I. Selmi, M. Prudenziati, B. Morten: “ Ruthenium dioxide based thick film resistors: an EXAFS study” Journal of Appl. Phys., 86, 3590 ( 1999); C. Meneghini, A. Balerna, S. Mobilio, M.L. Fdez-Gubieda, I. Orue, A. Garcia-Arribas: “ Differential anomalous scattering on Fe-Co based metallic glasses” Journal of Physics: Cond. Matter, 11 10199 (1999); I. Pettiti, D. Gazzoli, M. Inversi, M. Valigi, S. Derossi, G. Ferraris, P. Porta, S. Colonna: “ Cell for the in situ study of heterogeneous catalysts by transmission and fluorescence spectroscopy” C. Meneghini, A.F. Gualtieri, C. Siligardi: " Differential anomalous wide angle X-ray scattering and X-ray absorption experiments to investigate the formation of glass ceramics in the CaO-SiO2-ZrO2 system" S. Quartieri, G. Antonioli, C.A. Geiger, G. Artioli, P.P. Lottici:
"XAFS characterization of the structural site of Yb in synthetic pyrope and grossular garnets."
Phys. Chem. Minerals. 26 251 (1999);
G. Dalba, P. Fornasini, R. Grisenti, F. Rocca, D. Comedi and I. Chambouleyron,
"Local coordination of Ga impurity in hydrogenated amorphous germanium studied by
Appl. Phys. Lett., 74, 281 (1999);
C. Meneghini, M. Maret, V. Parasote, M.C. Cadeville, J.L. Hazemann, R. Cortes, and S. Colonna: “Structural origin of magnetic anisotropy in Co-Pt alloy films probed by polarized XAFS”
Eur. Phys. J. B7, 347 (1999);
A. Balerna, S. Coluccia, G. Deganello, A. Longo, A. Martorana, G. Martra, C. Meneghini, P.
Pertici, G. Pipitone, E. Pitzalis, A.M. Venezia, A. Verrazzani, G. Vitulli:
“ Structural Characterization of Rh/Pumice SMAD catalysts”
European Phys. Journal D 7, 577 (1999);
R. Lantier, F. Boscherini, A. Rizzi, F. D' Acapito, S. Mobilio, H. Luth: "Direct evidence of spontaneous polarization effect in GaN grown on SiC(0001): heterojunction electronic properties" Phys. Status Sol. 176, 615 (1999);
K. E. Aasmundtveit, E. J. Samuelsen, C. Steinsland, C. Meneghini, and A. Filipponi:
"EXAFS studies of iodine-doped poly(octylthiophene)"
Syntetic Metals 101, 363 (1999).
F. Boscherini, G. Capellini, L. Di Gaspare. F. Rosei, N. Motta, . Mobilio: " Ge-Si intermixing in Ge quantum dots on Si(001) and Si(111)"
F. Rosei, N. Motta, A. Sgarlata, G. Capellini, and F. Boscherini, “Formation of the wetting
layer in Ge/Si(111) studied by STM and XAFS”, Thin Solid Films 369, 29-32.(2000);
C. Maurizio, F. D’ Acapito, M. Benfatto, S. Mobilio, E. Cattaruzza, F. Gonella: “ Local coordination geometry around Cu+ and Cu2+ ions in silicate glasses: a X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure investigation” F. D’ Acapito, S. Mobilio, F. Gonella, C. Maurizio, P. Mazzoldi, G. Battaglin, E. Cattaruzza, F. Zontone: “ Cu-Ni alloy nanocluster formation by ion implantation in silicate glasses: structure and optical properties” S. Colonna, F. Arciprete, A. Balzarotti, G. Balestrino, P.G. Medaglia, G. Petroncelli: "EXAFS study of the [BaCuO2] 2/[(Ca,Sr)CuO2] in artificial superconducting superlattices" G. Turnes Palomino, P. Fisicaro, S. Bordiga, A. Zecchina, E. Giamello, C. Lamberti: "Oxidation States of Cu ions in ZSM-5 zeolites. A multitechnique Investigation” J. Phys. Chem. B104, 4064 (2000); F. d’ Acapito, G. Battaglin, F. Caccavale, E. Cattaruzza, F. Gonella, P. Mazzoldi, S. Mobilio, J.R. Regnard: “ Valence state and local atomic structure of copper in Cu-implanted silica glass” R. Millini, G. Perego, D. Berti, W. O. Parker Jr., A. Carati and G. Bellussi: "Structural Characterization of As-Synthesized B- and Ti-Containing MFI-Type Molecular Sieves" Microporous Mesoporous Materials, 35 387 (2000);
G. Turnes-Palomino, S. Bordiga, A. Zecchina, G.L. Marra, , C. Lamberti: “XRD, XAS, and IR Characterization of Copper-Exchanged Y Zeolite” J. Phys. Chem. B 104 8641 (2000);
V. Bolis and S. Maggiorini, L. Meda, F. D’Acapito, G. Turnes Palomino and S. Bordiga, C.
“X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and XANES study of copper sites hosted at the internal
surface of ZSM-5 zeolite: A comparison with quantitative and energetic data on the CO and
NH3 adsorption”
Journal of Chem. Phys. 113, 9248 (2000);
A. Castellano, F. Cordero, C. Meneghini, S. Mobilio, D.D. Sarma, M. Ferretti:
“ Dynamics and local structure of colossal magnetoresistance manganites”
International Journal of Modern Physics B 14, 2725 ( 2000);
A.Longo, A. Balerna, F. Deganello, L.F. Liotta, C. Meneghini, A. Martorana, A. M.Venezia:
Studies on Surface Science and Catalysis D 130, 3207 (2000);
J.V. Rau, V. Rossi Albertini, N.S. Chilingarov, S. Colonna, U. Anselmi Tamburini:
" In situ time resolved X-ray diffraction study of manganese trifluoride thermal
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 4506, 1 ( 2000);
S. Quartieri, J. Chaboy, G. Antonioli, C.A. Geiger:
"XAFS characterization of the structural site of Yb in synthetic pyrope and grossular garnets.
II: XANES full multiple scattering calculations at the Yb LI- and LIII-edges."
Phys. Chem. Minerals. 27, 88 (2000);
R. G. Agostino, G. Liberti, V. Formoso, E. Colavita, A. Zuttel, C. Nutzenadel, and L. Schlapbach, A. Santaniello, C. Gauthier: " In situ x-ray absorption study of Zr(V0.29Ni0.71)3 hydride electrodes " Phys. Rev. B61, 13647 ( 2000); Geiger CA, Armbruster Th, Khomenko V, Quartieri S.:
“Cordierite I: The Role of Fe2+”
Amer. Mineral. 85 1255 ( 2000);
F. Boscherini, G. Capellini, L. DiGaspare, M. De Seta,F. Rosei, A. Sgarlata, N. Motta, S.
"Ge-Si intermixing in Ge quantum dots on Si"
Thin Solid Films, 380, 173 (2000);
F. d' Acapito, S. Mobilio, P. Cikmacs, V. Merlo, I. Davoli:
" Characterization of the Nb oxidatio at the Nb/Al interface studied by reflEXAFS"
Surf. Sci. 468 77 (2000);
A. Garcia Prieto, M. L. Fdez Gubieda, A. Garcia-Arribas, J. M. Barandiaran, C. Meneghini,
and S. Mobilio:
" Structural evolution of Co clusters in Co15Cu85 granular alloys by EXAFS spectroscopy,
J. Magn Magn Mat. 221, 80-86 (2000);
G. Faraci, A.R. Pennisi, A. Balerna, H. Pattyn, G. Koops, G. Zhang:
“ Co dimers observed by EXAFS spectroscopy”
Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 3566 (2001);
S.Colonna, F.D'Acapito, S.Mobilio, S.Onori, L. Pugliani, S.Romanzetti, F.Rustichelli:
“Curved Optics for X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging by Synchrotron Radiation”
Physics in Medicine and Biology 46, 967 (2001);
M. Galluppi, M. Capizzi, F. Boscherini, P. Frigeri, S. Franchi, and A. Passaseo:
“Atomic equilibrium concentration in (InGa)As quantum dots”
Appl. Phys. Lett. 17, 186 (2001);
E.Borsella, M.A. Garcia, G. Mattei, C. Maurizio, P. Mazzoldi, E. Cattaruza, F. Gonella, G.
Battaglin, A. Quaranta, F. D’Acapito:
“Synthesis of GaN quantum dots by ion implantation in dielectrics”
Journ Appl. Phys. 90, 4467 (2001);
D. de Salvador, M. Tormen, M. Berti, A.V. Drigo, F. Romanato, F. Boscherini, L. Colombo,
S. Mobilio:
“ Local distortion in Si1-x-y GexCy epitaxial layers from X-ray absorption fine structure”
Phys. Rev B 63, 45314 (2001);
M. Tormen, D. de Salvador, A.V. Drigo, F. Romanato, F. Boscherini, S. Mobilio:
“ Lattice distortion in InGaAs/InP epitaxial films: a second and third shell XAFS study”
Phys. Rev. B63, 115326 (2001)
F. D' Acapito, S. Mobilio, L. Santos, Rui M.:
" Local environment of rare earth dopants in silica-tutania-alumina glasses: An extended x-ray
absorption fine structure study at the K edges of Er and Yb"
Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 2676 ( 2001);
F. D’Acapito, S. Mobilio, P. Gastaldo, D. Barbier, L.F. Santos, O. Martins, R.M. Almeida:
“Local order around Er3+ ions in SiO2-TiO2-Al2O3 glassy films studied by EXAFS”
J. non-Crystalline Solids 293, 118 (2001);
P. Canton, C. Meneghini, P.Riello, A. Balerna, A. Benedetti: “ Thermal evolution of Carbon supported Pd clusters studied by time resolved X-ray diffraction” J. Phys. Chem, B105 8088 ( 2001);
F. Boscherini, R. Lantier, A. Rizzi, F. D' Acapito and S. Mobilio: “Growth at GaN/AlN heterostructures: a local view” Mat. Sci. Engineering B86, 225 (2001);
V. Bolis, S. Maggiorini, L. Meda, F. D’Acapito, G. Turnes Palomino, S. Bordiga and C.
“X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and X-ray absorption near edge structure study of copper
sites hosted at the internal surface of ZSM-5 zeolite: a comparison with quantitative and
energetic data on the CO and NH3 adsorption”
J. Chem. Phys., 113 (2000) 9248-9261.
C. Meneghini, D. Levy, S. Mobilio, M. Ortolani, M. Nun˜ez-Reguero, Ashwani Kumar, and D.
D. Sarma:
"High-pressure structure and electronic transport in hole-doped La3/4Ca1/4MnO3 perovskites" C. Meneghini, G. Artioli, A. Balerna, A.F. Gualtieri, P. Norby, S. Mobilio: " Multi purpose imaging plate camera for in-situ powder XRD at the GILDA beamline" J. Synchrotron Rad., 8, 1162 ( 2001);
G. Ricciardi, A. Damin, S. Bordiga, C. Lamberti, G. Spano', F. Rivetti, A. Zecchina: " Vibrational structure of Ti silicate catalysts: a spectroscopic and theoretical study" J. Am. Chem. Soc., 123, 11409 (2001);
A. Balerna,G. Deganello, L. Liotta, A. Longo, C. Meneghini, S. Mobilio, A.M. Venezia: “ EXAFS and XRD study of Pd-Ag bimetallic catalysts supported on pumice from organometallic precursors” Journal Of non-Cryst. Solids, 293, 682 ( 2001);

S. Polizzi, P. Riello, A. Balerna, A. Benedetti:
" Nanostructure of Pd/SiO2 supported catalysts"
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 3 4614 (2001);
I. Pettiti, I. L. Botto, C. I. Cabello, S. Colonna, M. Faticanti, G.
Minelli, P. Porta and H. J. Thomas:
"Anderson-type heteropolyoxomolybdates in catalysis: 2. EXAFS study on
g-Al2O3-supported Mo, Co and Ni sulfided phases as HDS catalysts"
Appl. Catal. A: General 220, 113 (2001);
S. Colonna, S. De Rossi, M. Faticanti, I. Pettiti and P.Porta:
“CO oxidation on zirconia supported LaCoO3 perovskite and La, Co oxide catalysts”
J. Molec. Catal. A: Chemical 3412, 1 (2001);
M.L. Fdez. Gubieda, A. Garcia-Prieto, A. Garcia-Arribas. C. Meneghini, S. Mobilio:
“ Observation of the segregation and the dissolution of the Co and the Cu in CoCu metastable
J. Synch. Rad., 8, 883 ( 2001);
J. Swenson, A. Matic, C. Karlsson, L. Borjesson, C. Meneghini, W.S. Howells:
“ Random distribution model: a structural approach to mixed alkali effect in glasses”
Phys. Rev. B 63, 132202 (2001);
O. Zaharko, C. Meneghini, A. Cervellino and E. Fisher:
"Local structure of Co and Ni in decagonal AlNiCo investigated by polarized EXAFS"
Eur. Phys. J. B 19, 207-213 (2001).
D. Levy and C.Meneghini:
"High-pressure studies on La0.25Ca0.75MnO3 by using X-ray diffraction at ESRF synchrotron" Material Science Forum 378-381, 534-538 (2001).
V. Bolis, S. Bordiga, G. Turnes Palomino, A. Zecchina and C. Lamberti:
“Calorimetric and spectroscopic study of the coordinative unsaturation of copper(I) and
silver(I) cations in ZSM-5 zeolite. Room temperature adsorption of NH3”
Thermochim. Acta, 397 (2001) 131-145.
C. Prestipino, G. Berlier, F. X. Llabrés i Xamena, G. Spoto, S. Bordiga, A. Zecchina, G.
Turnes Palomino, T. Yamamoto and C. Lamberti:
“The oxidative ability of NO in Cu+-ZSM-5 zeolite: an in situ temperature dependent IR,
EPR and high resolution XANES study”
Chem. Phys. Lett. 363 (2002) 389-396.
S. Bordiga, A. Damin, F. Bonino, A. Zecchina, G. Spanò, F. Rivetti, V. Bolis and C.
“Effect of interaction with H2O and NH3 on the vibrational, electronic and energetic
peculiarities of Ti(IV) centres TS-1 catalysts: a spectroscopic and computational study”
J. Phys. Chem. B., 106 9892-9905 (2002)
G. Ausanio, V. Iannotti, F. Miletto Granozio, C. Meneghini, M. Minicucci, F. Ricci, and L. "EXAFS analysis of short range rearrangement during transition from the amorphous to the crystalline phase in ferromagnetic metallic glasses" J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 242-245, 904-906 (2002).
A. Garcìa Prieto, M.L. Fdez-Gubieda, C. Meneghini, A. Garcìa-Arribas:
"Correlation among the structural and magnetic properties of CoCu granular alloys"
J. of Appl. Phys. 91, 8596 (2002).
S. Colonna, S. De Rossi, M. Faticanti, I. Pettiti, P. Porta:
“XAS characterization and CO oxidation on zirconia-supported LaFeO3
J. Molec. Catal. A: Chemical 187, 269 (2002);
A. Gasparotto, T. Cesca, N. El Habra, B. Fraboni, F. Boscherini, F. Priolo, E.C. Priolo, E.C.
Moreira, G. Ciatto, F. D’Acapito, G. Scamarcio:
“Implantation and characterization of highly concentrated Fe deep centers in InP”
Mat. Sci. Eng. B 91-92, 503 (2002).
S. Quartieri, F. Boscherini, J. Chaboy, M.C. Dalconi and R. Oberti:
“Characterization of trace Nd and Ce structural site in natural garnets: a combined X-ray
diffraction and high energy XAFS study”
Phys. Chem. Minerals 29, 495 (2002).

J. Chaboy, E. Cotallo, S. Quartieri, and F. Boscherini:
“New opportunities in trace element structural characterization: High Energy X-ray
Absorption Near Edge Structure Spectroscopy”
J. Synchrotron Radiation. 9, 86-89 (2002);
S. Quartieri, M. Triscari, G. Sabatino, F. Boscherini and A. Sani:
“Fe and Mn K-edge study of ancient Roman glasses”
European J. of Mineralogy 14, 749-756 (2002);
G . Faraci, A. Pennisi, R.Puglisi, A.Balerna and I.Pollini
"Confinement of InO3, InO6, and InBO3 clusters in a glass matrix"
Phys. Rev. B, 65, 24101 (2002);
G. Faraci, A.R. Pennisi, A. Balerna:
" SnO2 quantum dots confined in a glass matrix"
Eur. Phys. J. B 30, 393 ( 2002);
E. Cattaruzza, F. D’Acapito, C. De Julian Fernandez, A. De Lorenzi, F. Gonella, G. Mattei, C.
Maurizio, P. Mazzoldi, S. Padovani, B.F. Scremin, F. Zontone:
“ Sequential ion implantation of copper and cobalt in silica glasses: a study by synchrotron radiation
Nuclear Inst. & Methods in Phys. Res. B 191,406b (2002);
N. Motta, F. Rosei, A. Sgarlata, G. Capellini, S. Mobilio, F. Boscherini:
“Evolution of the intermixing process in Ge/Si(111) Self-assembled islands”
Mat. Sci. Engineering B 88, 264 (2002)
F. d' Acapito, S. Colonna, C. Maurizio, S. Mobilio:
" Multiple order reflections from monochromating crystals for the collection of X-ray Absorption
spectra at extremely high energies "
Journal of Synch. Rad., 9, 24 ( 2002);
Elena Borghi, Pier Lorenzo Solari, Mariano Beltramini, Luigi Bubacco, Paolo Di Muro and
Benedetto Salvato:
“Oxidized Derivatives of Octopus vulgaris and Carcinus aestuarii Hemocyanins at pH 7.5 and
Related Models by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy”
Biophysical Journal 82, 3254 (2002);
F. D' Acapito, F. Boscherini, S. Mobilio, A. Rizzi, R. Lantier:
" Epitaxy and strain in the growth of GaN on AlN: a polarized x-ray absorption spectroscopy
Phys. Rev B 66 20-5411 (2002)
C. Meneghini, C. Castellano, S. Mobilio, A. Kumar, S. Ray, D.D. Sarma:
"Local structure of hole doped manganites: influence of temperature and applied magnetic
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 14, 1967 (2002);
S. Cimino, S. Colonna, S. De Rossi, M. Faicanti, L. Lisi, I. Pettiti, P. Porta:
" Methane combustion and CO oxidation on zirconia supported La, Mn oxides and LaMnO3
Journal of Catalysis 205, 309 ( 2002);
A.Terrasi, S. Scalese, M. Re, E. Rimini, F. Iacona, V. Raineri, F. La Via, S.Colonna,
S. Mobilio:
" Thermal oxidation of Si(001) single crystal implented with Ge ions"
J. Applied Phys., 91, 6754 (2002);
M. Tormen, D. De Salvador, F. Boscherini, F. Romannato, A.V. Drigo, S. Mobilio:
“ Strain effect on interatomic distances in InGaAS/InP epitaxial layers”
Applied Surf. Sci. 188, 85 (2002);
S. Padovani, F.D'Acapito, E. Cattaruzza, A. De Lorenzi, F. Gonella, G. Mattei, C. Maurizio,
P. Mazzoldi, M. Montagna, S. Ronchin, C. Tosello, and M. Ferrari:
"Metal nanocluster formation in silica films prepared by rf-sputtering: an experimental study"
Eur. Phys. J. B 25, 11 (2002)
F. d ’Acapito, P.Castrucci, N.Pinto, R.Gunnella, M.De Crescenzi, I.Davoli:
" The effect of Sb surfactant on the growth of (Ge n Si m )p layers
on Si(001):a reflEXAFS study"
Surface Science 518, 183 –191, (2002)
S. a Beccara, G. Dalba, P. Fornasini, R. Grisenti, A. Sanson:
“ Local thermal expansion in cuprite structure: the case of Ag2O”
Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 5503 (2002);

S. Colonna, F. Arciprete, A. Balzarotti, M. Fanfoni, M. De Crescenzi and S. Mobilio:
" In situ X-ray Absorption measurements of the Cu/MgO(001) interface"
Surface Science 512, L341 ( 2002);
G. Dalba, P. Fornasini, and R. Grisenti, F. Rocca, I. Chambouleyron:
“Local order of Sb and Bi dopants in hydrogenated amorphous germanium
thin films studied by extended x-ray absorption fine structure”
Appl. Phys. Lett., 81, 625 (2002);
M. Valigi, D. Gazzoli, I. Pettiti, G. Mattei, S. Colonna, S. De Rossi and G.Ferraris:
"WOx/ZrO2 catalysts. Part 1. Preparation, bulk and surface characterization"
Applied Catalysis A: General 231 159 ( 2002);
S. Colonna, S. De Rossi, M. Faticanti, I. Pettiti, P. Porta:
“ Zirconia supported La, Co oxide and LaCoO3 perovskite: structural characterization and
catalytic CO oxydation”
Jour. Mol. Catalysis A: Chemical 180 161 (2002);
M.L.Fdez-Gubieda, A.Garcıa Prieto, A.Garcıa-Arribas, C.Meneghini and S.Mobilio
"Direct experimental evidence of an anomalous Co segregation in Co -Cu granular alloys and
its influence on magnetoresistance"
Europhys. Lett. 59, 855 –861 (2002)
G. Berlier, G. Spoto, S. Bordiga, G. Ricchiardi, P. Fisicaro, A. Zecchina, I. Rossetti, E.
Selli, L. Forni, E. Giamello, and C. Lamberti:
“Evolution of Extraframework Iron Species in Fe Silicalite: 1. Effect of Fe Content,
Activation Temperature, and Interaction with Redox Agents”
Journal of Catalysis 208, 64–82 (2002);
A. M. Ferretti, C. Oliva, L. Forni, G. Berlier, A. Zecchina, and C. Lamberti:
“Evolution of Extraframework Iron Species in Fe Silicalite: 2. Effect of Steaming
Journal of Catalysis 208, 83–88 (2002);
G. Berlier, P. Fisicaro, S. Bordiga, A. Zecchina, E. Giamello and C. Lamberti:
" Coordination and oxidation changes undergone by iron species in Fe-silicalite upon
template removal and interaction with N2O: an in situ X-ray absorption study"
Microchem. J., 71 101 (2002);
A.Zecchina, S. Bordiga, G. Spoto, A. Damin, G. Berlier, F. Bonino, C. Prestipino and C.
“ In situ characterization of catalysts active in partial oxidations: the TS-1 and the Fe-MFI
cases studies ”
Topics in Catal., 21 67-78 (2002).
F. d'Acapito, I. Emelianov, A. Relini, P. Cavatorta, A. Gliozzi, V. Minicozzi, S. Morante, P.L.
Solari, R. Rolandi:
“Total external reflection X-ray absorption spectroscopy reveals a zinc coordination shell in
phospholipid Langmuir-Blodgett films”
Langmuir. 18(13) 5277-5282 (2002);
G. Ausanio, V. Iannotti, F. Miletto Granozio, C. Meneghini, M. Minicucci, F. Ricci, and L.
"EXAFS analysis of short range rearrangement during transition from the amorphous to the
crystalline phase in ferromagnetic metallic glass"
J. Magn. Magn. Mat., 242, 904 (2002);
S. Nuzzo, P. Cavatora, H. Haas, C. Meneghini, S. Mobilio, P. Riccio, S. Morante:
“An X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of the zinc environment in Langmuir-Blodgett
phospholipid multilayers”
Biophys. J. 83, 3507 (2002);
C.Maurizio, F. Gonella, E. Cattaruzza, P. Mazzoldi, F. D’Acapito: “ Implanted dilectrics: synchrotron radiation studies by absorption and diffraction techniques" Nuclear Inst. & Methods in Phys. Res. B, in press; G. Giuli, Pratesi G., Corazza M., Cipriani C.: " Al coordination in tektites: a XANES study" American Mineralogist, in press; F. Rocca, F. Monti, A. Kuzmin and M. Ferrari: "Local Structure around Pr3+ and Tb3+ ions in silica xerogels: an X-ray absorption spectroscopy study" F. d’Acapito, S. Colonna, S. Mobilio, F. Arciprete, A. Balzarotti, F. Patella, I. Davoli: “Using EXAFS in total reflection mode (ReflEXAFS) in the study of InxGa(1-x)As quantum dots on GaAs” Nuclear Instrum. & Methods, in press; F. Bardelli, C. Castellano, C. Meneghini, S. Mobilio, V. Dediu: “ Charge ordering and local structure in manganese oxide perovskites studied by EXAFS” Nuclear Instrum. & Methods, in press; A. Martorana, G. Deganello, A. Longo, F. Deganello, L.F. Liotta, A. Macaluso, G. Pantaleo, A. Balerna, C. Meneghini, S. Mobilio: “Time-Resolved X-ray Powder Diffraction on a Three-Way Catalyst at the GILDA beamline” J. Synchr. Radiation, in press; M. C. Dalconi, C. Meneghini, S. Nuzzo, S. Mobilio: “ Structure of bioapatite in human foetal bones: an X-ray diffraction study” Nuclear Instrum. & Methods, in press; C. Meneghini, S. Mobilio, A. García-Prieto, M. L. F.dez. Gubieda: “ Structure and magnetic properties in CoCu granular alloys” Nuclear Instrum. & Methods, in press; S. Spiga, R. Mantovan, M. Fanciulli, N. Ferretti, F. Boscherini, F. D’Acapito, G. Ciatto, B. Schimdt: “Formation and structure of Sn and Sb nanoclusters in thin SiO2 films” Nuclear Instrum. & Methods, in press; I.García Prieto, M.L. Fdez-Gubieda, C. Meneghini, and S. Mobilio: “ Direct observation of the redissolution of Co and Cu and its correlation with the drop of the GMR in Cocu granular alloys” Journal of Magn. and Magn. Mat., in press; Francesco d'Acapito, Ivan Davoli, Paolo Ghigna, Settimio Mobilio: "The ReflEXAFS station at the GILDA beamline (BM08) of ESRF" J. of Synchr. Rad., in press; A. Terrasi, E. Rimini, V. Raineri, F. Iacona, F. La Via, S. Colonna, S. Mobilio: “ Precipitation of As in thermal oxidized ion implanted Si crystal” Applied Phys. Lett., in press; P. Ghigna, M. Di Muri, P. Mustarelli, C. Tomasi, A. Magistris: "Local order of Ag in AgI-Ag2MoO4 glasses: an EXAFS study" Solid State Ionics, in press; I Chambouleyron, D. Comedi, G. Dalba, P. Fornasini, R. Grisenti and F. Rocca Solid State Commun., in press; C.Lamberti, G. Turnes Palomino, S. Bordiga, G. Berlier, A. Zecchina and F. D’Acapito: “Homoleptic CuI(CO)3 cations in CuI-exchanged ZSM-5: internal and external bonding parameters” Angew. Chem. Int Engl. Ed., in press; C.Lamberti, G. Turnes Palomino, S. Bordiga, G. Berlier, A. Zecchina and F. D’Acapito: “High resolution XANES spectra of CuI(CO), CuI(CO)2, CuI(CO)3, CuI(CO)2(NH3) and CuI(NO)2, complexes in CuI-ZSM-5” J. Phys. Chem. B, in press; F. D’ Acapito, S. Mobilio, P. Cikmacs, V. Merlo, I. Davoli: “Temperature modification of the Nb oxidation at the Nb/Al interface studied by reflEXAFS” Surface Science, in press; U. Staub, O. Zaharko, H. Grimmer, M. Horisberger, F. D' Acapito: "Real part EXAFS from multilayer Bragg refflections: a promising new EXAFS technique" European Phys. Lett., in press; A. Garcia-Prieto, M.L. Fdez. Gubieda, C. Meneghini, A. Garcia-Arribas: “ Correlation among the structural and magnetic properties of CoCu granular alloys" J. Magn. Magn. Mat., in press; S. Nuzzo, C. Meneghini, P. Braillon, R. Bouvier, S. Mobilio, F. Peyrin: "Microarchitectural and physical changes during fetal growth in human vertebral bone" Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, in press; I.Lancellotti, C. Leonelli, M. Montorsi, G. C. Pellacani, C. Siligardi and C. Meneghini: "Correlation between structure and properties in new glasses containing ZrO2" J. Chem Phys, in press; G. Cruciani, A. Martucci, C. Meneghini: "Dehydratation dynamics of epilstibite by in-situ time resolved synchrotron radiation powder C.Meneghini, M. C. Dalconi, S. Nuzzo, S. Mobilio and R. Wenk: "Rietveld Refinement on X Ray Diffraction Patterns of Bioapatite in Human Foetal Bones" Bioph. Journal. in press; M. C. Dalconi, C. Meneghini, S. Nuzzo, R. Wenk and S. Mobilio: "Structure of bioapatite in human foetal bones: an x-ray diffraction study" Nucl. Inst. and Met B, in press; F. Boscherini: “X-ray absorption studies of atomic environments in semiconductor nanostructures”, Nucl. Instrum Meth. B, in press. G. Ciatto, F. D’Acapito, B. Fraboni, F. Boscherini, N. El Habra, T. Cesca, A. Gasparotto, E.C. Moreira, and F. Priolo: “Local structure of Iron implanted InP” Nuclear Instrum. Methods B (2003), press G.Ciatto, F.Boscherini, F.D’Acapito, S.Mobilio, G.Baldassarri H.v.H, A.Polimeni , M.Capizzi, D. Gollub and A.Forchel: “Atomic ordering in (InGa)(AsN) quantum wells: an In K-edge x-ray absorption investigation” Nuclear Instrum. Methods B (2003) in press; P. Luches, E. Groppo, C. Prestipino, C. Lamberti, C. Giovanardi and F. Boscherini: “Ni atomic environment in epitaxial NiO layers on Ag(001)” Nuclear Instrum. Methods B (2003), in press;
M. Katsikini, E.C. Paloura, F. Boscherini, F. D’Acapito, C.B. Lioutas and D. Doppalapudi,
“Microstructural characterization of InGaN MBE samples”,
Nuclear Instrum. Methods B (2003), in press;
C. Lamberti, C. Prestipino,S. Bordiga, G. Berlier, G. Spoto, A. Zecchina, A. Laloni, F. La
Manna, F. D’Anca, R. Felici, F. D’Acapito, and P. Roy”
“Description of a flexible cell for in situ X-ray and far-IR characterization of the surface of
powdered materials”
Nuclear Instrum. & Methods B, in press;
Submitted to International Journals:

P. Lagarde, S. Colonna, A.M. Flank, J. Jupille:
" Elastic strains in silver clusters supported on MgO(100)
Surface Science, submitted;
F. Piazza et al.:
" EXAFS study at the Eu-K edge of low temperature anharmonicity in EuBa2Cu3O7- "
Phys. Rev. B, submitted;
S. Nuzzo, C. Meneghini, P. Braillon, S. Mobilio, F. Peyrin: "Microarchitectural and physical changes during foetal growth in human vertebral bone" Calcif. Tissue International, submitted 2001; M. C. Dalconi, C. Meneghini, S. Nuzzo, S. Mobilio, R. Wenk: " Rietveld refinement on X-ray diffraction patterns of bioapatite in human foetal bones, Calcif. Tissue International, submitted 2002; G. Turnes Palomino, A. Zecchina, E. Giamello, P. Fisicaro, G. Berlier, C. Lamberti and S. Bordiga: "Polycarbonylic and polynitrosylic species in CuI-exchanged ZSM-5, Mordenite and Y zeolites: comparison with homogeneous complexes" Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal., submitted; M. Tormen, D. De Salvador, F. Boscherini, F. Romanato, A.V. Drigo and S. Mobilio: “Local strain in semiconductor epilayers: the case of (InGa)As” Mat. Sci. Engineering B, submitted (2001); Proceedings of International Conferences
S. Depanfilis, F. D'Acapito, V. Haas, H. Konrad, J.Weissm¸ller, and F. Boscherini: "XAFS study of nanophase palladium", Mat. Sci. Forum 195, 67 (1995); M. Bionducci, C. Meneghini, S. Mobilio, A. Balerna, G. Navarra, G. Licheri: " Anomalous X-ray Scattering on Sr and Sr-Eu metaphosphate glasses" Proceedings of the Material Research Society Spring Meeting, held in S. Francisco in April 1996, MRS vol. 437 (1996); P. Porta, I. Pettiti, G. Minelli, M. Faticanti: " Preparation and characterization of perovskite-type oxides containing La, Mn, Cu and La, Co, Cu" Proceedings of the " XIIIth International Symposium on the Reactivity of Solids", Hamburg, 8 - 12 September, 1996; S. Pizzini, M. Donghi, S. Binetti, I. Gelmi, A. Cavallini, B. Fraboni, G. Wagner: " Influence of the host composition on the equilibrium structure of Er centers in Silicon" Proceedings of the International meeting " Insel96", Defect and Diffusion Forum, in press; G. Turnes Palomino, C. Lamberti, S. Bordiga, C. Paze, S. Spoto and A. Zecchina: "XAFS and IR study of CuI-Y and CuII-Y interacting with CO and NO" XAFS IX, Grenoble (F), 26-20 August 1996; A. Montenero, C. Baratto, P.P. Lottici, G. Antonioli: "Sol-Gel preparation of a-Fe2O3 thin films: structural characterization by XAFS and Raman" Proceeding of the 9th Intern Workshop: SOL-GEL97, Sheffield, 1997; Quartieri S., Antonioli G., Geiger C. A., Artioli G.: " XAFS determination of the structural site of Yb in synthetic pyrope and grossular garnets". EUG9 , Strasbourg 23-27 march 1997, p.428. C. Baratto, D. Bersani, P.P. Lottici, G. Antonioli, A. Montenero: "Fe2O3 films for c(3) optics: Raman and XAS characterization", Proceedings of the International ICAM/E-MRS Meeting, Strasbourg (1997), Optical Materials in press; P.P. Lottici, C. Baratto, D. Bersani, G. Antonioli, A. Montenero, M. Guarneri, G. Gnappi: "Thin films for nonlinear optics: sol-gel preparation, Raman and XAS characterization of a-Fe2O3", Proceedings of the International meeting OPTDIM97, Kiev (1997), SPIE Proceedings in press; S. Quartieri, G. Antonioli, C.A. Geiger, G. Artioli: " XAFS determination of the structural site of Yb in synthetic pyrope and grossular garnets" Proceedings of the International Meeting of the European Union of Geosciences, held in Strasbourg 23-27/3/97, p.428; G. Bagnasco, P. Ciambelli, L. Lisi, G. Russo, M. Turco, S. De Rossi, M. Faticanti, G. Minelli, I. Pettiti, P. Porta: " Perovskite-like LaMn1-xCuOxO3 and LaCo1-xCuO3: solid state chemistry, redox properties and catalytic methane combustion" Proceedings of the III Catalytic Oxidation Congress, S. Diego U.S.A., September 1997;
S.Bordiga, C.Lamberti, A.Zecchina, D.Scarano, M.Salvalaggio, F.Geobaldo and G.Spoto:
"Comparison among Cu(I) nitrosylic complexes in Cu(I)-ZSM-5, Cu(I)-Mordenite and Cu(I)-
Proceedings of the Conference Europacat III, Krakow (Poland), August 31- September 6,
Quartieri S., Antonioli G., Geiger C. A., Artioli G.:
"XAFS determination of the structural site of Yb in synthetic pyrope and grossular garnets"
EUG9 , Strasbourg 23-27 March 1997, p.428;
C. Lamberti, S. Bordiga, G. Vlaic and A. Zecchina:
"Synchrotron radiation and catalysis: the zeolite case"
Applications of Synchrotron Radiation, (M. Grioni, C. Lamberti and A. San Miguel Eds.)
Editions Frontieres, Biarritz (F), 1999, pp. 104-117;
G. Faraci, A.R. Pennisi, A. Balerna, H. Pattyn, G. Koops, G. Zhang:
"X-ray studies on Co clusters"
International workshop on " The physics of low dimensions" held in Oaxaca, Oax. Mexico January
2000 invited talk , published in " Physics of low dimensional systems" J.L. Moran-Lopez editor,
Academic Plenum Publishers New York 2001, pag. 33;
A. Longo, A. Balerna, F. Deganello, L. F. Liotta, C. Meneghini, A. Martorana, and A. M.
Venezia, " Structural characterization of Pd-Ag and Pd-Cu bimetallic catalysts by means
Published in: “ Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis”, C. Coruna, F.V. Melo, S.
Mendioroz Editors, 130, 3207 (2000) Elsevier Science Publisher
I. Pettiti, I.L. Botto, C. Cabello, S. Colonna, G. Minelli, P. Porta, H. Thomas:
“ γ – Al2O3 supported Anderson phases as HDS catalysts: an EXAFS study”
12th International Congress on Catalysis” Granada, Spain, July 2000.
Published in: “ Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis”, C. Coruna, F.V. Melo, S. Mendioroz
Editors, vol. 130, 2000 Elsevier Science Publisher;
M. Girasole, A. Arcovito, A. Congiu-Castellano, A. Marconi, C. Davoli, and G. Amiconi
"XANES study of the active site structure of a giant extracellular hemoglobin from the
earthworm E. Foetida"
Presented at the International School “Epioptics 2000” at the Ettore majorana Center – Erice,
19-25 Lug. 2000
M. Galluppi, M. Capizzi, F. Boscherini, M. Catalano, A. Passaseo, R. Cingolani, P. Frigeri,
and S. Franchi:
"Equilibrium" Indium Concentration in MBE and MOCVD (InGa)As Quantum Dots"
Proc. of the 25th Int. Conf. on the Physics of Semiconductors, XXV ICPS, Osaka, Japan, 17-
22 September, 2000, edited by N. Miura and T. Ando, (Springer, Berlin, 2001); pp. 1199-
A. Martucci, M. Sacerdoti, G. Cruciani:
Studies in surface science and catalysis -Zeolites and Mesoporous materials at the dawn of the
21th century (2001) 290.
Geiger C.A., Arbruster Th., Khomenkp V., Quartieri S. (2000):
“Cordierite I: the coordination of Fe2+” EMPG VIII, Bergamo, 16-19/4/2000, poster; Quartieri S., Boscherini F., Chaboy J., Cotallo E., Dalconi M.C., Oberti R., Zanetti A.: “Characterization of trace Nd and Ce site preference and coordination in natural melanite garnets: a combined X-ray diffraction and high-energy XAFS study. EMPG IX, Zurigo 24-27 march 2002- Poster Quartieri S. Vezzalini G., Ferro O., Fois E., Ceriani C., Tabacchi G., Gamba A.: “ High-pressure and high-temperature behaviour of the zeolite bikitaite: an integrated theoretical and experimental approach” 18th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, 1-6 september 2002, Edinburgh, Scotland (Oral); L. Falciola, P. R. Mussini, T. Mussini , F. D’Acapito, S. Colonna: “EXAFS investigation of solvation sheaths of large alkali and alkali earth cations” 17th IUPAC Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics - ICCT 2002Ê (Rostock, Germany, July 28 - August 02, 2002) A.Longo, L.F. Liotta A. Macaluso, A. Martorana, G. Pantaleo, and G. Deganello: “In situ X-ray Diffraction of Redox Behavior of Pt Catalysts Supported on CeO2-ZrO2/Alumina Mixed Oxides” European Federation of Catalysis Societies Irish Catalysis SocietyÊ Limerick 2-7 September 2001. Presentation at International Conferences
F. Boscherini et al.:
“Local structure in nanophase Pd”
IX International Conference on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure, Grenoble, 1996 (Oral
S. Pascarelli et al.: “Tetragonal strain in InAsP/InP strained layer superlattices”, IX International Conference on X-ray absorption fine structure, Grenoble, August 1996, (Oral

C. Meneghini et al.:
"XAFS measurements on Co-K and Pt-LIII edges in (111) CoPt3 films"
IX International Conference "X-Ray absorption Fine Structure: XAFS IX", Grenoble,
August 1996;
C. Meneghini et al.:
"Structural and magneticanisotropy on (111) CoPt epitaxial thin films"
"1996 ESRFUsers Meeting: Science at the ESRF", November 1996, Grenoble (France).
S. Quartieri:
"Structural investigations of geological materials by X-ray absorption spectroscopy"
CECAM Workshop, 23-29 giugno 1997, Lione (Fr);
Quartieri S., Antonioli G., Geiger C. A., Artioli G.:
" XAFS determination of the structural site of Yb in synthetic pyrope and grossular garnets".
EUG9 , Strasbourg 23-27 march 1997;
S. Quartieri, J. Chaboy, G. Antonioli, C.A. Geiger, G. Artioli:
"Incorporation of Yb in synthetic pyrope and grossular garnets: XAFS/XRD study and
multiple scattering calculations "
17th General Meeting of International Mineralogical association, 9th-14th August, 1998,
Toronto, Canada;
F. Boscherini:
“Local Structure in semiconductor superlattices and epilayers”
X International Conference on X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure, Chicago, USA, August
1998 (Oral Contribution)
M. Braglia, G. Dai, S. Mosso, S. Pascarelli, F. Boscherini, S. Pascarelli, and C. Lamberti:
"Local structure of Pr in fluorozirconate glasses"
XAFS X conference, Chicago (USA), August 10-14, 1998;
M. Braglia, C. Bruschi, G. Dai, J. Kraus, S. Mosso, C. Meneghini, A. Balerna, F. Boscherini,
S. Pascarelli and C. Lamberti:
"Local structure of Pr in fluorozirconate glasses"
XI International symposium on non-oxide glasses and new optical glasses, Sheffield, (UK),
September 6-10, 1998;
C. Lamberti, V. Bolis, S. Bordiga, C. PazÈ, D. Scarano, G. Spoto, A. Zecchina and M.
"Comparison betwen CuI sites in Cu I-ZSM-5, Cu I-Mordenite and Cu I-Y investigated by IR, UV-Vis, and XAFS spectroscopies and microcalorimetry" Third international symposioum on effects of surface heterogeneity in adsorption and catalysis on solids, Torun (Poland), August 9-16, 1998; A. Zecchina, G. Turnes-Palomino, S. Bordiga, C. Lamberti and G.L. Marra: "Copper location and reactivity in Cu-Y zeolite: an XRD and spectroscopic characterization" Gordon Research Conferences on Zeolitic & layered materials, Plymouth (NH, USA), June 13-18 1999; S. De Rossi, G. Ferraris, D. Gazzoli, I. Pettiti and M. Valigi: "Activation and deactivation behavior of tungsta/zirconia catalysts for butane isomerization" "4th European Congress on Catalysis Europacat-IV", Rimini (Italy), 5-10 September 1999. R. Millini: "Towards the Rational Synthesis of Zeolites" Invited lecture at the European Research Conference: Chemistry and Physics of Multifunctional Materials: Taming Molecular Complexity, San Feliu de Guixols, Spain, 21-26 Sept. 1999; M. Venezia, G. Deganello, L. F. Liotta, A. Longo, Z. Schay and L. Guczi: "Structural characterization of Ag-Pd catalysts supported on Pumice" workshop on “Preparation, structure, and catalytic activity of nanoscale metal particles” Budapest 5-7 november 1999; E. Borghi, P.L. Solari: “The binuclear copper site structure of Met and Metazide forms of the hemocyanin from Octopus vulgaris in solution by X-ray absorption spectroscopy”. BioXAS Meeting held at ESRF in February 1999; I.Chambouleyron, D. Comedi, G. Dalba, P .Fornasini, R. Grisenti, and F. Rocca: "Local Coordination and Electronic Doping of Column III Metals in Hydrogenated Amorphous Germanium" ICAMS 18 - International Conference on Amorphous and Crystalline Semiconductors , Utah (USA) 1999; C. Meneghini, C. Castellano, Ashwani Kumar, Sugata Ray, D.D. Sarma and S. Mobilio: "Coupling of small lattice polarons to magnetic field in magnetoresistive manganites" International Conference on Solid State Spectroscopy, Stuttgart (D) September 1999; R. Lantier, F. Boscherini, A. Rizzi, F. D' Acapito, S. Mobilio, H. Luth: "Direct evidence of spontaneous polarization effect in GaN grown on SiC(0001): heterojunction electronic properties" International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors, June 1999 Montpellier France G. Faraci, A.R. Pennisi, A. Balerna, H. Pattyn, G. Koops, G. Zhang: "X-ray studies on Co clusters" International workshop on " The physics of low dimensions" held in Oaxaca, Oax. Mexico January 2000, in press; (Invited); F. Boscherini, R. Lantier, A. Rizzi, F. D' Acapito, S. Mobilio: "Growth at GaN/AlN heterostructures: a local view" European MRS meeting, May 2000 Strasbourg; Triscari M., Quartieri S., Boscherini F., Sani A.: "XAFS investigation of iron oxidation state in glasses of archaeological interest" 80° Convegno SIMP, Pavia, 11-13/9/200, Plinius 24:216; E. Benincasa, M.F. Brigatti, D. Malferrari & Poppi “XAFS study of Cu sorption products on smectites treated with α-aminoacids” 6th International Congress on Applied Mineralogy ICAM 2000,, Göttingen, Germany, 17-19 July 2000. M.F. Brigatti, D. Malferrari, L. Medici, L. Poppi: “Experimental evidence of Cu retention by Montmorillonite: a combined chemical and XAS study”. 80° Confgerence SIMP, Pavia, 11-13 September 2000, Plinius, 24, 56-57. M.F. Brigatti, E. Benincasa, D. Malferrari D., L. Medici and L. Poppi: “Kinetics of Cr(VI) reduction by Fe(II)-bearing minerals: chemical treatments, X-ray absorption spectroscopy and surface studies”, Mid-European Clay Conference 2001, Stará Lesná, Slovakia, 9-14 september 2001. E. Borghi, P.L. Solari, M. Beltramini, L. Bubacco, P. di Muro, B. Salvato: “ Recent Advances of our study on the azide binding in hemocyanins by XAS and multiple scattering approach” BioXAS 2000 Conference, LURE (Orsay) July, 2000; M. Girasole, P. L. Solari, A. Congiu-Castellano, C. Davoli, A. Marconi, and G. Amiconi " The active site structure of giant annelid hemoglobin: First XANES study" Presented at the Conference on biological physics and synchrotron radiation – Grenoble, 11/14 Ott. 2000. P.L. Solari, M.E. Stroppolo, S. Nuzzo, S. Mobilio, A. Desideri: “ EXAFS study of the active site of Cu,Zn P.leiognathi superoxide dismutase” Presented at the meeting on “ Biological Physics and Synchrotron Radiation” Grenoble 11-14 October 2000; A.Sani, S. Quartieri, G. Antonioli, F. Boscherini, C. A. Geiger: "An application of XAFS to the study of mineral solid solutions: the local environment of Fe in almandine-spessartine garnets", I Hercules Meeting, Grenoble (Fr) 2000 N. Motta, F. Rosei, A. Sgarlata, G. Capellini, S. Mobilio, F. Boscherini: “Evolution of the intermixing process in Ge/Si(111) Self-assembled islands”, E-MRS 2001, Strasburgo 2000; G. Vezzalini, O. Ferro, S. Quartieri, A. Gualtieri, G. Cruciani, E. Fois, C. Ceriani, A. Gamba: “Thermal behaviour and dehydration mechanism of bikitaite. “ 13 International Zeolite Conference. July 8-13 2001, Montpellier, France; F. Boscherini: “XAFS Studies of Atomic Environments in Semiconductors Nanostructures” 3rd International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science (SRMS-3), Singapore, 21-24 January 2002, invited talk. A.Gasparotto, T. Cesca, N. El Habra, B. Fraboni, F. Boscherini, F. Priolo, E.C. Priolo, E.C. Moreira, G. Ciatto, F. D’Acapito, G. Scamarcio: “Implantation and characterization of highly concentrated Fe deep centers in InP”, ” DRIP (Defect recognition, imaging and physics in semicondutors) 2001, Rimini Ottobre 2001. POSTER G. Ciatto, F.D’Acapito, B.Fraboni, F.Boscherini, N.El Habra, T.Cesca, A.Gasparotto, E.Moreira, F.Priolo: “Local structure of iron implanted in Indium Phosphide” EMRS 2002 Strasbourg France Giugno 2002. POSTER A.Gasparotto, T.Cesca, G.Mattei, B.Fraboni, F.Boscherini, F.Priolo, E.C.Moreira, G.Ciatto, F.D’Acapito, C.Bocchi: “Evolution of local Fe environment in high temperature implanted InP” IIT2002 (Ion Implantation Technology), Taos, U.S.A. Settembre 2002. POSTER M. Katsikini, E.C. Paloura, F. Boscherini, F. D’Acapito, C.B. Lioutas and D. Doppalapudi, “Microstructural characterization of InGaN MBE samples”: EMRS 2002 Strasbourg France Giugno 2002. POSTER G.Ciatto, F.Boscherini, F.D’Acapito, S.Mobilio, G.Baldassarri H.v.H, A.Polimeni , M.Capizzi, D. Gollub and A.Forchel: “Atomic ordering in (InGa)(AsN) quantum wells: an In k-edge x-ray absorption investigation”, EMRS 2002 Strasbourg France Giugno 2002. ORAL S. Spiga, R. Mantovan, M. Fanciulli, N. Ferretti, F. Boscherini, F. D’Acapito, and B. Schmidt: “Formation and local structure of Sn and Sb nanoclusters in thin SiO2 films”, EMRS 2002 Strasbourg France Giugno 2002. POSTER P. Luches, E. Groppo, C. Prestipino, C. Lamberti, C. Giovanardi and F. Boscherini, “Ni atomic environment in epitaxial NiO layers on Ag(001)”, EMRS 2002 Strasbourg France Giugno 2002. POSTER ESRF Highlights
C. Meneghini et al.: ESRF Highlights 1996/1997, 40 (1997);
F. Romanato, D. DeSalvador, M. Natali, M. Berti, A. Drigo, S. Pascarelli, F. Boscherini, S.
Mobilio, G. Rossetto, A. Camporese, G. Torzo, and C. Lamberti:
“ “
ESRF Highlights 1996-97, Grenoble, 1997;
F. D’ Acapito, F. Cattaruzza, F. Gonella, C. Maurizio, P. Mazzoldi, F. Zontone, S. Mobilio:
“ First evidence of Cu-Ni alloy nanocluster formation induced by double ion implantation in
silica glass”
ESRF Highlights 1997/1998, 77 1998;
H. Haas, S. Nuzzo, S. Pascarelli, P. Cavatorta, S. Morante, P. Riccio, S. Mobilio:
“ X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy study of zinc coordination in Langmuir-Blodgett layers
from phospholipids and myelin basic protein”
ESRF Highlights 1997/1998, 29 1998;
G. Dalba, P. Fornasini, R. Grisenti, F. Rocca, D. Comedi, I. Chambouleyron:
“EXAFS determination of the local environment of column III and V elements in amorphous
germanium thin films”
ESRF Highlights 1999, 33 (1999);
F. Boscherini, G. Capellini, L. Di Gaspare, N. Motta, F. Rosei, S. Mobilio:
“ Atomic intermixing in Ge quantum dots”
ESRF Highlights 1999, 43 (1999);
G. Turnes Palomino, S. Bordiga, A. Zecchina, G. L. Marra, C. Lamberti:
“Structure and Mobility of CuI cations in CuI-Y Zeolite: a combined XRPD and EXAFS
study on the effect of interaction with CO”
ESRF Highlights 2000, 19;
M.L. Fdez. Gubieda, A. Garcia-Prieto, A. Garcia-Arribas. C. Meneghini, S. Mobilio:
“ Anomalous Co segregation and its influence in the magnetoresistance of CoxCu1-x granular alloys”
ESRF Highlights 2000, 73;
National Conferences, Review and Schools
S. Quartieri: "Studi strutturali tramite spettroscopia XAFS su materiali geologici." Atti della 4o Scuola di Mineralogia "Metodi spettroscopici in Mineralogia e Scienze dei Materiali ", GNM. Castro Marina (LE), 12-16 giugno 1995, pp. 199-212; S. Quartieri, Antonioli G., Artioli G., Geiger C.A., Lottici P.P.: " Temperature dependence of disorder in almandine X-site: XAFS study and comparison with XRD data" III Convegno Nazionale SILS, Modena, 18-19/9/95; Quartieri S., Antonioli G., Artioli G., Geiger C.A., Lottici P.P.: " Temperature dependence of disorder in almandine X-site: XAFS study and comparison with XRD data". III Convegno Nazionale SILS, Modena, 18-19/9/95. A. Balerna, C. Meneghini, S. Bordoni, S. Mobilio Proceedings of the V X-ray Diffraction School, LNF Internal Report, LNF-96/049 (IR) (1996); C. Lamberti, S. Bordiga, M. Salvalaggio, D. Scarano, G. Spoto, E. Giamello, F. Geobaldo, G. Vlaic, F. D'Acapito and A. Zecchina: "Structure of CuI Sites in Different Copper Exchanged Zeolites as Investigated by XANES, EXAFS, IR, EPR and UV-Vis" Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Fisica 1997, Pisa 10-13 Febbraio 1997, ( proceedings p. 216); C. Lamberti, S. Bordiga, M. Salvalaggio, C. PazÈ, G. Ricchiardi, D. Scarano, G. Spoto and A. Zecchina: "Esperimenti con luce di Sincrotrone effettuati dal gruppo di Torino dell'INCM", I Convegno Nazionale sulla Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali, Lerici (La Spezia) 2-4 Aprile 1997, (proceedings p. C27); C. Lamberti: “Utilizzo di tecniche XAFS per lo studio dell’intorno locale di siti cataliticamente attivi in solidi microporosi” invited lecture at “Workshop sull’utilizzo della Luce di sincrotrone per l’analisi di catalizzatori” April 23 1997, ENICHEM Centro di Riocerche di Novara. C. Lamberti, S. Bordiga, M. Salvalaggio, G. Spoto, D. Scarano, C. PazÈ, A. Zecchina, F. Geobaldo, F. D'Acapito and G. Vlaic: "Characterization of copper species in Cu-exchanged ZSM-5, Mordenite and Y zeolites: a study of the catalytic centers for the NO conversion" Workshop Tecnologie chimiche compatibili, Taormina (Messina), 22-25/06 1997, (oral presentation). S. Quartieri: "Structural investigations of geological materials by XAFS" Convegno SILS, Pavia 20-23 luglio 1997; S. Quartieri: "Local versus long-range structural description of crystalline materials by combined XRD-XAFS investigations." Associazione Italiana di Cristallografia XXVII congresso nazionale, Perugia 12-14 settembre1997; G. Deganello, L. F. Liotta, A. Longo, A. Martorana, G. Pipitone, A. M. Venezia, A. Balerna, C. Meneghini: "Caratterizzazione Strutturale mediante EXAFS, XPS, e SAXS di catalizzatori SMAD di Rh/Pomice" Convegno regionale SCI-Sezione Sicilia 9-11 dicembre 1997; G. Deganello, A. Longo, A. Martorana, G. Pipitone, A. Balerna, C. Meneghini, P. Pertici, A. Verrazzani and G. Vitulli: "Structural characterization of Rh/Pumice Solvated Metal Atom Dispersed (SMAD) catalysts" V Convegno Societa’ Italiana Luce di Sincrotrone, Pavia, 20-22 luglio 1997; C. Meneghini, S. Mobilio, F. Pivetti, I. Selmi, M Prudenziati, B. Morten: “Ruthenium dioxide-based thick film -an EXAFS study” INFMeeting Rimini 25-30 Giugno1998 A.Martorana, A. Balerna, L. F. Liotta, A. Longo, C. Meneghini, G. Pipitone: " Structural Characterization of Pumice-Supported Mono-and Bimetallic Catalysts" VI convegno Societ‡ Italiana di Luce di Sincrotrone, Padova, 18-20 giugno 1998; A. Balerna L. F. Liotta, A. Longo, A. Martorana, C. Meneghini, and A. M. Venezia, "Structural characterization of Cu-Pd metal clusters by XAFS, X-ray diffraction and XPS techniques" VII convegno della Societa’ Italiana Luce di Sincrotrone, L’Aquila 1-3 luglio 1999; S. Quartieri: “Applicazioni della luce di sincrotrone a materiali geologici” Giornata di informazione sull’utilizzo della luce di sincrotrone in Biologia, Chimica, Fisica, Medicina e Scienze dei materiali. Modena, 29/6/99; A. Sani, S. Quartieri: "Application of synchrotron radiation to the study of zeolites and garnets" Congresso nazionale FIST, Bellaria, 20-23/9/1999; Triscari M., Quartieri S., Boscherini F., Sani A.: "Application of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation to the study of glasses of archaeological interest" I Congresso AIAR, Verona, 2-4/12/99; C. Meneghini: "Role of Zr in devitrification of glass ceramics" INFM Meeting 1999, 14-18 Luglio 1999, Catania . A. Gualtieri: "Unravel the structure of the amorphous precursors of minerals using synchrotron diffraction." GeoItalia 1999, II Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra, Bellaria, Rimini, 20-23 Settembre 1999. M. Girasole, A. Cricenti, R. Generosi, G.Amiconi, G. Boumis, A. Arcovito, F.Boffi and A. Congiu-Castellano: "Interaction of nifedipine with red blood cells and hemoglobin. An AFM, Optical and XANES study" INFM meeting 1999 – Catania 05/’99. M. Girasole, G.Amiconi, A.Arcovito, G.Boumis, F.Boffi and A.Congiu-Castellano: "Nifedipine-hemoglobin interaction studied by XANES spectroscopy" 7o meeting of SILS - L’Aquila 07/99 S. Quartieri: “Applicazioni della Luce di Sincrotrone alle Scienze della Terra.” V Scuola Nazionale di Luce di Sincrotrone. S. Margherita di Pula (CA), 27/9-8/10 1999. F. Boscherini: “Interdiffusion in Ge quantum dots” INFMeeting 1999, Catania; Triscari M., Quartieri S., Boscherini F., Sani A.: " Application of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation to the study of glasses of archaeological interest" I Congresso AIAR, Verona, 2-4/12/99; A. Rizzi: “Nitride Heterostructures” INFMeeting 1999, Catania; S. Quartieri : “Applicazioni della luce di sincrotrone a materiali geologici” Giornata di informazione sull’utilizzo della luce di sincrotrone in Biologia, Chimica, Fisica, Medicina e Scienze dei materiali. Modena, 29/6/99; A. Sani, S. Quartieri: "Application of synchrotron radiation to the study of zeolites and garnets" Congresso nazionale FIST, Bellaria, 20-23/9/1999; Lamberti, S. Bordiga, and A. Zecchina: "The use of synchrotron radiation in the Characterization of zeolites and zeotypes materials" Notiziario Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone, in press; I.Pettiti, M. Valigi, D. Gazzoli, S. De Rossi, G. Ferraris and S. Colonna: "EXAFS and XANES studies of tungsten oxide supported on zirconia" "Convegno SILS (Societa Italiana Luce di Sincrotrone)", Palermo (Italy), 29 June - 1 July 2000; Triscari M., Quartieri S., Boscherini F., Sani A.: "Application of X-ray absoprtion spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation to the study of glasses of archaological interest" Atti I Convegno AIAR, pp. 459-466, (2000)Patron Ed. Bologna; G. Cruciani, M.C. Dalconi, A. Martucci, M. Sacerdoti: " Time-resolved thermo-crystallography of mordenite group zeolites" XXX Congresso Nazionale della Associazione Italiana di Cristallografia (AIC), Martina Franca, 19-22 Settembre 2000. Sani A., Quartieri S., Antonioli G., Boscherini F., Geiger C.A. (2000): “ XAFS study of mineral solid solutions: the local environment of Fe and Mn in almandine-spessartine garnets.” VIII SILS Meeting. Palermo, 29 giugno-1 luglio 2000. M. Triscari, S. Quartieri, F. Boscherini and A. Sani: “Application of X-ray absorption spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation to the study of glasses of archeological interest” Proceedings of “1st National Conference on Archeometry”, Verona 1999, Patron Editore, Bologna, 2000. A. Martucci, M. Sacerdoti, G. Cruciani,: 5°Congresso Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia delle Zeoliti (2000) 249. I. Pettiti, S. Colonna, M. Faticanti, D. Gazzoli, G. Minelli, P. Porta and M. Valigi: "Studi XAS su sistemi ossidici inorganici" "I Convegno Utenti Gilda", Folgaria (Italia), 17-19 January 2001. S. Cimino, S. Colonna, S. De Rossi, M. Faticanti, L. Lisi, I. Pettiti and P. Porta: “EXAFS study of zirconia-supported catalysts for methane combustion and CO oxidation” “Nono Convegno SILS” Firenze (Italy) 05-07/07/2001, (oral presentation); A. Balerna, F. Deganello , G. Deganello, L. Liotta, A. Longo , A. Macaluso, P.G. Prieto Martinez, C. Meneghini, S. Mobilio: “In Situ X-ray diffraction: a StudyÊ of Ceria Based Catalytic System for Automotive Pollution Control”, Nono convegno SILS Firenze 5,7 luglio 2001; A.Gasparotto, T.Cesca, N.El Habra, B.Fraboni, F.Boscherini, F.Priolo, M.Troccoli, G.Scamarcio: “The PAIS Project HEAVYFE” INFM Meeting 2001 Roma 2001 ORAL T.Cesca, A.Gasparotto, N.El Habra, V.Rampazzo, G.Mattei, A.Coati, B.Fraboni, F.Priolo, E.C.Moreira, G.Ciatto, F.Boscherini, C.Bocchi: “Evolution of the local Fe environment in high termperature implanted InP” INFM Meeting 2002 Bari 2002 POSTER L. Falciola, M. Liotto, P. R. Mussini, T. Mussini, P. Pelle, F. D’Acapito, S. Colonna “Solvation sheaths of large alkali and alkali earth cations in (water+acetonitrile) solvents: a combined electrochemical and EXAFS investigation” Joint Meeting of the Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry divisions of the Italian Chemical Society. XXXII Italian Meeting of Physical Chemistry. G. E. I. 2002 (Ferrara, 23-28 giugno 2002) I. Pettiti, S. Colonna, S. De Rossi, M. Faticanti, P. Porta: “XAS characterization and catalytic CO oxidation on zirconia-supported LaFeO3 perovskite” X Congresso SILS, Roma (Italy), 11-13 Luglio 2002. A. Longo, A. Balerna, L.F. Liotta A. Macaluso, A. Martorana,Ê G. Pantaleo, G. Deganello, S. Mobilio: “ In Situ XRD study of Pt/Ce0.6Zr0.4O2 Catalyst for Automotive Pollution Control” X convegno SILS Roma 11-13 luglio 2002 L.F.Liotta, A. Longo, A. Macaluso, G. Pantaleo, A. Martorana, and G. Deganello: “CO oxidation on a Pt(1%)/Ce0.6Zr0.4O2 catalyst: in-situ X-ray diffraction study of the ceria redox behavior” GIC 2002, Alghero 9-13 Giugno 2002; Vezzalini G., Ferro O., Quartieri S., Gualtieri A., Cruciani G.: “Dehydration mechanism in zeolites: recent results on bikitaite and future prospects.” I Congresso Utenti GILDA, 17-19/1/2001 Folgaria (TN). Vezzalini G., Ferro O., Quartieri S., Gualtieri A., Cruciani G., Fois E., Ceriani C., Gamba A.:” Thermal behaviour and dehydration mechanism of bikitaite” XXXI Congresso AIC, 18-21 settembre 2001, Parma;


CapacitaÇÃo de professores para uso de tecnologias de informaÇÃo e comunicaÇÃo como uma estratÉgia para reduzir a evasÃo em cursos de graduaÇÃo

O USO PEDAGÓGICO DE RECURSOS TECNOLÓGICOS COMO ESTRATÉGIA PARA QUALIFICAR O ENSINO E CONTRIBUIR PARA A REDUÇÃO DA EVASÃO NA EDUCAÇÃO SUPERIOR Línea Temática 2 . Prácticas para reducir el abandono: acceso a la educación superior, integración a las instituciones e intervenciones curriculares. Resumen. Atualmente, as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicaç�

Ambiguity Propagating Defeasible Logic and theDepartment of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence CenterAbstract. The most recent version of defeasible logic (Nute, 1997) is related tothe well-founded semantics by translating defeasible theories into normal logicprograms using a simple scheme proposed in (Brewka, 2001). It is found thatby introducing ambiguity propagation into this logic,

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