The acute effects of l-theanine in comparison with alprazolam on anticipatory anxiety in humans
Hum Psychopharmacol Clin Exp 2004; 19: 457–465. Published online 26 July 2004 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/hup.611
The acute effects of L-theanine in comparison withalprazolam on anticipatory anxiety in humans
Kristy Lu1, Marcus A. Gray1, Chris Oliver2, David T. Liley1, Ben J. Harrison1,Cali F. Bartholomeusz1, K. Luan Phan3 and Pradeep J. Nathan1*
1Neuropsychopharmacology Laboratory, Brain Sciences Institute, Swinburne, University of Technology, Victoria, Australia2Blackmore’s Ltd, NSW, Australia3Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neuroscience, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA
L-Theanine (-glutamylethylamide) is one of the predominant amino acids ordinarily found in green tea, and historically hasbeen used as a relaxing agent. The current study examined the acute effects of L-theanine in comparison with a standardbenzodiazepine anxiolytic, alprazolam and placebo on behavioural measures of anxiety in healthy human subjects using themodel of anticipatory anxiety (AA). Sixteen healthy volunteers received alprazolam (1 mg), L-theanine (200 mg) or placeboin a double-blind placebo-controlled repeated measures design. The acute effects of alprazolam and L-theanine wereassessed under a relaxed and experimentally induced anxiety condition. Subjective self-reports of anxiety including BAI,VAMS, STAI state anxiety, were obtained during both task conditions at pre- and post-drug administrations. The resultsshowed some evidence for relaxing effects of L-theanine during the baseline condition on the tranquil–troubled subscaleof the VAMS. Alprazolam did not exert any anxiolytic effects in comparison with the placebo on any of the measures duringthe relaxed state. Neither L-theanine nor alprazalam had any significant anxiolytic effects during the experimentally inducedanxiety state. The findings suggest that while L-theanine may have some relaxing effects under resting conditions, neither L-theanine not alprazolam demonstrate any acute anxiolytic effects under conditions of increased anxiety in the AA model. Copyright # 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
key words — L-theanine; alprazolam; anticipatory anxiety; anxiety; GABA; anxiolytic; anxiety models; benzodiazepine
bition of the glutamate transporter (Sadzuka et al.,2001); (2) increases in -aminobutyric acid (GABA)
L-Theanine (-glutamylethylamide) is one of the pre-
concentrations (Kimura and Murata, 1971); (3)
dominant amino acids found in green tea and histori-
increases in dopamine release in the striatum in rats
cally it has been used as a relaxing agent. It was first
(Yokogashi et al., 1998a); (4) increases in serotonin
isolated and identified in green tea leaves (Camella
levels in specific brain regions including the striatum,
sinensis) in 1949 by Sakato (1949) and in mushrooms
hippocampus and hypothalamus in rats (Yokogashi
(Xerocomus badius) in the early 1950s (Casimir et al.,
et al., 1998b); and (5) neuroprotective effects in the
hippocampus through blockade of multiple glutamate
The pharmacology of L-theanine is relatively
receptor subtypes, NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate)
unknown. Animal studies have shown evidence for
and AMPA (-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-
multiple pharmacological effects on various neuro-
4-propionic acid) receptors (Kakuda, 2002; Kakuda
chemical systems. These pharmacological effects
include: (1) inhibition of glutamate reuptake by inhi-
While historically L-theanine has been shown to
have relaxing properties (Juneja et al., 1999; Luet al., 2004), the anxiolytic effects of L-theanine have
* Correspondence to: Professor P. J. Nathan, Neuropsychopharma-
not been established scientifically in animal or human
cology Laboratory, Brain Sciences Institute, Swinburne University
studies. However, the pharmacological effects of L-
of Technology, Melbourne, Australia. Tel: (03) 9214 5216. Fax: (03)9214 5525. E-mail: [email protected]
theanine reported in animals suggest that it may have
Copyright # 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
some anxiolytic properties given that both serotonin
especially panic disorder (Barlow et al., 1996). Pre-
and GABA play a fundamental role in the neurobiol-
viously AA has been used as a model of anxiety and
ogy of anxiety and are molecular targets in the treat-
is induced within healthy human subjects via the
ment of various anxiety disorders (Kent et al., 2002;
expectation of mild electric shocks (Reiman et al.,
Charney, 2003; Millan, 2003). Supporting the pre-
1989; Chua et al., 1999; Simpson et al., 2001; Gray
clinical pharmacological effects of L-theanine, one
et al., 2003). Induced AA is associated with increased
electrophysiological study in healthy human subjects
subjective anxiety, phasic skin conductance and heart
reported possible relaxing effects of L-theanine
rates, and produces changes in blood flow and electri-
(200 mg) as indicated by increased alpha activity in
cal activity in cortical areas associated with anxiety
the occipital and parietal cortex (Ito et al., 1998).
(Reiman et al., 1989; Chua et al., 1999; Simpson
While useful, the latter finding does not provide strong
et al., 2001; Gray et al., 2002, 2003). Recently, in
evidence for an anxiolytic effect of L-theanine, as
an electrophysiological brain imaging study it was
alpha activity is regarded as an indirect and crude
shown that this model of anxiety is also sensitive to
measure anxiety and behavioural measures of anxiety
the three main classes of anxiolytics, namely selective
or relaxation were not evaluated and reported.
serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) (citalopram), 5-
Both pharmacological and psychological methods
HT1A partial agonists and benzodiazepines (alprazo-
have been used to examine anxiety in humans. These
include pharmacological methods such as cholecysto-
Given the sensitivity of the AA model to anxioly-
kinin tetrapeptide (CCK-4), lactate, carbon dioxide
tics, the acute effects of L-theanine were examined
and pentagastrin induced anxiety (Benkelfat et al.,
in comparison with a standard benzodiazepine anxio-
1995; Bellodi et al., 1998; Ponto et al., 2002;
lytic, alprazolam, on behavioural measures of anxiety
Bradwejn et al., 1995; Javanmard et al., 1999;
in healthy human subjects using the AA model. It was
Boshuisen et al., 2002; Zedkova et al., 2003; Zwanz-
hypothesized both alprazolam and L-theanine would
ger et al., 2003a, 2003b), and psychological (experi-
reduce the subjective experience of anxiety in the
mental) methods such as extemporaneous public
AA model, and that the effects of L-theanine would
speaking, aversive conditioning, fear-potentiated star-
be comparable to that of alprazolam.
tle response, Stroop colour word task performanceand anticipation of electric shock (Baas et al., 2002;Chua et al., 1999; Graeff, 2002, 2003; Grillon and
Ameli, 2001; Grillon et al., 1991, 1993a,b; Palmaet al., 1994; Reiman et al., 1989; Riba et al., 2001;
Silva et al., 2001; Simpson et al., 2001; Tillfors
Sixteen healthy participants (12 males aged between
et al., 2002). Recently, it has been shown that some
18 and 34 years (mean Æ SD ¼ 24.8 Æ 5.4) and four
of these models of experimental anxiety, particularly
females aged between 28 to 31 years (mean Æ
the fear-potentiated startle response are also sensitive
SD ¼ 29.0 Æ 1.4)) were recruited through University
to benzodiazepine anxiolytic agents (Zuardi et al.,
advertisements. All participants were considered for
1993; Patrick et al., 1996; Hellewell et al., 1999; Leite
selection if they were healthy, non-smokers, non-
et al., 1999; Bitsios et al., 1999; Riba et al., 2001;
medicated (no contraceptive medication for females),
Graeff, 2003). Furthermore, the 5-HT agonist (d-
and had no known personal or family history of
fenfluramine), and 5-HT antagonist (nefazodone) have
physical or psychiatric disorders as determined by
also been shown to attenuate the anxiety induced by
semi-structured clinical interview by a physician.
both simulated public speaking and aversive condi-
All participants gave written informed consent to the
tioning to tones, as indicated by the anxiety dimension
take part in the study, which was approved by the
of the VAMS and the bodily symptoms scale (BSS)
Swinburne Research Ethics Committee.
(Hetem et al., 1996; Silva et al., 2001; Graeff 2002,2003). These findings suggest that experimentalmodels of anxiety may be useful in detecting acute
anxiolytic effects of potential anxiolytic drugs.
Anticipatory anxiety (AA) is one of the basic forms
The study was a double-blind, placebo-controlled,
of anxiety, and commonly occurs in response to an
repeated measures design, in which all subjects were
immediate negative event or stressor (Reiman et al.,
tested under three treatment conditions. The treatment
1989). It is commonly experienced in normal indivi-
duals and in patients suffering from anxiety disorders,
Suntheanine1, Taiyo Kagaku, Japan) and alprazolam
Copyright # 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Hum Psychopharmacol Clin Exp 2004; 19: 457–465.
Subject testing schedule and behavioural measures of anxiety in each treatment day
In an attempt to control for metabolic differences,
Alprazolam was used as a positive control in order
subjects were instructed to consume a light breakfast
to compare its effects with L-theanine. Individual
with a low protein content such as toast or cereal prior
assignment to the order of treatment condition was
to each testing day. They were instructed not to con-
randomized using a Latin square design. All partici-
sume alcoholic or caffeinated beverages, including
pants were required to attend 3 full-day repeated test-
coffee or tea, particularly green tea, in the previous
ing sessions with a minimum 7 days between testing
24 h. A standard meal (one apple and 300 ml of orange
days to allow for a sufficient drug washout period. On
juice) was provided 3½ h after drug administration.
each treatment session, testing was conducted at base-
Female participants were tested during the follicular
line (pre-treatment) and 2½ h and 5 h post-treatment
phase (days 1–13) of their menstrual cycle in order
(see Figure 1). Testing times were selected to coincide
to control for the possible influence of phase-depen-
with peak pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
effects of alprazolam and L-theanine (Fawcett and
Figure 1 shows the subjects’ testing schedule on
Kravitz, 1982; Terashima et al., 1999). A total of nine
each treatment day. At baseline (pre-drug testing),
testing sessions was completed in the 3 day testing
the subjects were asked to complete pre-anxiety
self-rating measures including the Beck depressioninventory-II (BDI-II) and trait and state anxiety (seeBehavioural Measures Section). Subjects were then
asked to complete the AA task conditions (see Testing
The study was conducted at the Neuropsychopharma-
Methodology section). Behavioural measures of anxi-
cology Laboratory, Brain Sciences Institute, Swin-
ety including Beck anxiety inventory (BAI) and
burne University of Technology. Subjects were
VAMS were used to measure subjective anxiety dur-
initially interviewed by telephone to screen for health
ing the AA task. Subjects received either L-theanine
and fitness suitability. All subjects were screened
(200 mg), alprazolam (1 mg) or placebo immediately
further for psychiatric and physical illnesses by a
after the baseline testing was completed. The AA task
medical physician using the Prime-MD (based on
and behavioural measures of anxiety were re-adminis-
the DSM-IV criteria for psychiatric disorders) (APA,
tered at 2½ and 5 h post-drug administration. A side-
1994) and a semi-structured clinical interview. At the
effect checklist was also administered to monitor
time of the initial telephone contact, subjects were
subjective physiological symptoms. The checklist
given a verbal explanation of the study. Upon their
took the form of a 1-5 Likert scale, that contained the
arrival in the laboratory for the medical examination,
following items: headache, feeling cold, feeling hot,
written instructions and information about the study
dizziness, blurred vision, nausea, heart palpitations,
was provided and they were asked to sign the consent
dry mouth and gastric complaints, to give a mean sub-
form if they agreed to take part in the study.
jective physiological symptoms score for each item.
Copyright # 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Hum Psychopharmacol Clin Exp 2004; 19: 457–465.
Testing methodology (anticipatory anxiety)
The Beck depression inventory-II (BDI-II: Beck
et al., 1996) is a widely used 21-item inventory for
The subjects completed two task conditions, an AA
assessing the severity of depression. Each item is rated
condition and a relaxed condition. In both conditions,
on a scale ranging from 0 ‘normal’ to 3 ‘most severe’
the subjects were instructed to focus their gaze on a
with summary scores ranging from 0 to 63.
computer monitor and focus their attention on their
The Beck anxiety inventory (BAI: Beck and Steer,
current feelings. During the AA condition, a red bor-
1987) consists of 21 items assessing anxiety symp-
der framed the computer screen. Subjects were
toms, especially focuses on those symptoms that are
informed that they would randomly receive electrical
distinct from depressive symptoms. Each item is rated
shocks during the red border presentation. Subjects
on a 4-point scale ranging from 0 ‘not at all’ to 3
completed two blocks of AA tasks in this condition,
‘severely, I could barely stand it’, with a total score
which had a total of 180 s duration, 135 s on the first
block and 45 s on the second block. The subjects alsostopped to complete the VAMS and Beck anxietyinventory (BAI) measures in between the two blocks
(see Behavioural Measures). The relaxed (baseline)
The data were analysed using the Statistical Package
condition was identical to the AA condition, except
for the Social Sciences (SPSS for Windows, version
in this condition, a blue border framed the computer
11, SPSS Inc., Chicago II USA). The maximum
screen and subjects were informed that no shocks
effects of each treatment on anxiety were calculated
would be delivered during the blue border presenta-
as the difference between the mean scores at post drug
tion. The current experimental methodology is similar
(maximum value regardless of time, i.e. 2½ or 5 h)
to that used in previous neuroimaging studies and has
relative to the baseline mean score and the baseline
been shown to activate areas associated with anxiety
alprazolam, placebo) and time (baseline testing,post-treatment maximum score) were the independent
Stimuli and apparatus. The electrical stimuli were
variables, and behavioural measures (VAMS sub-
delivered through two electrodes with gel and adhe-
scales, BAI and STAI) were the dependent variables.
sive attached to the back of the participant’s right
The data were analysed using a 3 (drug) by 2 (time)
hand. The stimulus was delivered by an Isolated Sti-
repeated measures multivariate analysis of variance
mulator, Dogwood Scientific Equipment, model
(MANOVA), conducted separately for both the
CMS 1-200. The shocks had an intensity of 30 mA,
relaxed (baseline) and AA task conditions. Post hoc
a voltage of 110 V (maximum) and duration of
analyses were carried out on significant interactions
0.1 ms. This level of electrical stimulation has pre-
between drug and time in order to examine the speci-
viously been shown to reliably induce anticipatory
fic effects of each drug. STAI Trait anxiety was also
anxiety in healthy human subjects without causing
used as a covariate in a multivariate analysis of covar-
iance (MANCOVA), in order to examine the influenceof trait anxiety on the drug induced changes in beha-vioural anxiety in the AA model. In addition, to exam-
ine the effects of the task conditions (relaxed vs AA)
The following self-rating scales were used to assess
on measures of anxiety, a paired-sample t-test was
behavioural (subjective) states of anxiety.
conducted for each behavioural anxiety measure using
The visual analogue mood scale (VAMS: Bond and
Lader, 1974) requires subjects to place a single markwith a pen along a 100 cm horizontal line separated by
two adjectives in the current study: (1) calm–excited,(2) relaxed–tense and (3) tranquil–troubled.
The BDI scores (M ¼ 3.81, SD ¼ 4.78) and trait anxi-
The state-trait anxiety inventory (STAI: Spielberger
ety scores (M ¼ 33.44, SD ¼ 7.14) indicated that all
et al., 1970) is a 20-item scale assessing two types of
subjects’ scores were within the normal range.
anxiety: state anxiety measures the intensity of anxi-
Paired-sample t-test showed that all behavioural
ety at a particular moment from 1 ‘not at all’ to 4 ‘very
measures were associated with increased subjective
much so’, and trait anxiety measures anxiety as a rela-
anxiety in the AA task condition relative to the relaxed
tively stable personality trait from 1 ‘almost never’ to
Copyright # 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Hum Psychopharmacol Clin Exp 2004; 19: 457–465.
Mean and standard deviation (SD) for behavioural
dition are shown in Table 2. Further post hoc
measures of anxiety in both relaxed and AA condition
comparisons were performed for both subjective mea-
sures of anxiety. Alprazolam significantly increasedSTAI state anxiety scores in the relaxed condition in
comparison with placebo (F(1, 15) ¼ 6.11, p < 0.05). L-theanine had no significant effect in comparison
with placebo (p> 0.05). With regard to the tranquil–
troubled subscale of the VAMS, L-theanine signifi-
cantly reduced subjective anxiety in comparison with
alprazolam (F(1, 15) ¼ 5.37, p < 0.05) and placebo
ap < 0.05 for the AA relative to relaxed condition.
(F(1, 15) ¼ 4.73, p < 0.05). In the AA condition, therepeated measures MANOVA failed to reveal any sig-
subscale of in the VAMS (t(47) ¼ 2.28, p > 0.05)
nificant drug  time interactions. The means and stan-
showed significant differences between the two task
dard deviations and the associated significant levels
conditions. The means and standard deviations (SD)
for the drug  time interaction on each measure of
for the behavioural measures of anxiety in both
anxiety in the AA condition are shown in Table 3.
relaxed and AA conditions are shown in Table 1.
The results were also re-analysed using trait anxiety
In the relaxed task condition, the repeated measures
scores on the STAI as a covariate in both the relaxed
MANOVA revealed a significant drug  time interac-
and anxious conditions. Subsequent repeated mea-
tion for two of the dependent variables, STAI state
sures MANCOVA failed to show any significant
anxiety and the tranquil–troubled subscale of the
drug  time interactions for any of the anxiety mea-
VAMS. The means and standard deviations, and the
sures. In addition no significant adverse effects were
associated significant levels for the drug  time inter-
found between the treatment conditions (i.e. L-thea-
action on each measure of anxiety in the relaxed con-
nine or alprazolam) in comparison with placebo.
Effects of placebo, L-theanine and alprazolam on subjective anxiety in the relaxed condition. Results are expressed as mean and
standard deviation (SD). The F and p values refer to drug  time interaction for the repeated measures MANOVA
n ¼ 16; ap < 0.05 for alprazolam vs placebo (Greenhouse-Geisser); bp < 0.05 for L-theanine vs placebo and L-theanine vs alprazolam.
Effects of placebo, L-theanine and alprazolam on subjective anxiety in the AA condition. Results presented as mean and standard
deviation (SD). The F and p values refer to drug  time interaction for the repeated measures MANOVA
Copyright # 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Hum Psychopharmacol Clin Exp 2004; 19: 457–465.
suggesting that drugs that increase serotonin, enhanceconditioned fear responses while inhibiting uncondi-
To our knowledge this is the first study to examine the
tioned fear (for review see Graeff, 2002, 2003). The
anxiolytic effects of L-theanine. The study examined
differential effects of pro-serotonergic compounds
the acute effects of L-theanine in comparison with
have been hypothesized to reflect region-specific
the benzodiazepine, alprazolam and placebo on beha-
changes in the pre-frontal cortex versus the periaque-
vioural measures of anxiety in healthy human subjects
ductal grey (Deakin and Graeff, 1991). It is possible
under both a relaxed (baseline) state and during an
that benzodiazepines may also have region-specific
experimentally induced anxiety state (i.e. anticipation
effects (depending on the anxiety model or state),
of a mild electric shock). The findings provide some
which could account for varying behavioural changes
evidence to support a relaxing effect of acute L-thea-
nine administration during the relaxed (baseline)
An important observation in the current study was
experimental state, with subjects reporting to be more
that neither L-theanine nor alprazolam demonstrated
tranquil in the tranquil–troubled dimension of the
any effects on subjective anxiety levels under the
VAMS compared with placebo. In comparison, alpra-
experimentally induced anxiety condition. While
zolam did not exert any anxiolytic effects when com-
the reason for the lack of effect of L-theanine during
pared with placebo on any of the measures during the
the experimentally induced anxiety condition (in com-
relaxed state. In addition, neither L-theanine nor alpra-
parison with the mild anxiolytic effects reported under
zolam demonstrated significant anxiolytic effects dur-
resting conditions) is not known, it is likely that the
intensity of anxiety was too strong in the experimental
suggesting that under conditions of increased anxiety,
anxiety condition, leading to an ineffective anxiolytic
neither drug had measurable anxiolytic effects.
effect. In addition, given that L-theanine only demon-
The finding of some calming or relaxing effect of L-
strated weak anxiolytic effects on the resting (base-
theanine in the resting (baseline) state is consistent
line) state, it is not surprising that no anxiolytic
with a previous report indicating that such effects
effects were observed under conditions of increased
may correspond with increases in alpha band electro-
anxiety. The absence of an anxiolytic effect of alpra-
cortical activity in the occipital and parietal cortex (Ito
zolam is consistent with a number of studies, which
et al., 1998). Furthermore the current findings support
fail to show an anxiolytic effect of benzodiazepines
the historical use of green tea as a relaxing agent (for
during experimentally induced anxiety (for review
review see; Lu et al., 2004). However, in all cases the
see; Graeff, 2003). For example, a number of benzo-
evidence for this effect is not strong. For example, in
diazepines have been shown to have no effects on self-
our study L-theanine was only found to affect one of
reported anxiety in the stimulated public speaking
the anxiety subscales (i.e. tranquil–troubled subscale
model (Graeff et al., 1985; McNair et al., 1982), and
of the VAMS), while in the study of Ito et al.
the Stroop colour-word test (Tulen et al., 1991). How-
(1998), the measure of anxiety indexed by changes
ever, it should be noted that the latter studies, includ-
in alpha band activity would be considered an indirect
ing our current study used behavioural (subjective)
and possibly a crude measure of the anxious state.
measures of anxiety and a growing body of research
Surprisingly, alprazolam did not exert anxiolytic or
suggests that benzodiazepines may demonstrate
calming effects in the relaxed or baseline experimen-
anxiolytic effects when measured objectively using
tal condition. Paradoxically there was an increase in
physiological measures (i.e. skin conductance, startle
subjective reports of anxiety in the STAI state anxiety
response, brain electrical activity). For example, a
measure. While it is difficult to explain this increase in
number of studies have suggested that benzodiaze-
state anxiety with alprazolam, it should be noted that
pines including alprazolam could inhibit the fear,
there have been inconsistencies in the literature with
darkness or context potentiated startle response
regard to the effects of benzodiazepines on subjective
(Patrick et al., 1996; Bitsios et al., 1999; Riba et al.,
reports of anxiety under resting conditions. Some stu-
2001) and benzodiazepines have been shown to be
dies have reported an anxiolytic effect of alprazolam
sensitive in a model of aversive conditioning of the
(Riba et al., 2001) and also other benzodiazepines
skin conductance responses to tones (Hellewell
(McNair et al., 1982; Guimaraes et al., 1989), while
et al., 1999). Similarly, our recent findings using SSPT
other studies suggest a lack of effect of a number of
suggests that the electrophysiological responses in the
benzodiazepines (Baas et al., 2002) on state anxiety
frontal and temporal cortex during anticipatory anxi-
under resting conditions. Similar discrepancies have
ety are attenuated with a number of anxiolytics
been noted with serotonergic anxiolytics with findings
including alprazolam following acute administration
Copyright # 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Hum Psychopharmacol Clin Exp 2004; 19: 457–465.
(Gray et al., 2002). These findings suggest that while
effects. This is supported by the clinical studies that
subjective measures may not be sensitive in detecting
demonstrate anxiolytic effects of alprazolam in anxi-
drug induced anxiolytic effects, the effects of L-thea-
ety disorders (including generalized anxiety disorder
nine and alprazolam may be observed or detected in
and panic disorder) only following chronic adminis-
models of anxiety incorporating objective physiologi-
tration (Laakmann et al., 1998; Lydiard et al., 1997;
cal measures of anxiety such as startle, skin conduc-
Sheikh and Swales, 1999). Hence one cannot rule
tance response or electrophysiological imaging. This
out a possible anxiolytic effect of both L-theanine
is not surprising given that the neural networks/
and alprazolam in the anticipatory anxiety model,
circuits involved in the physiological measures
with higher doses or following chronic administration.
(i.e. startle) may be modulated differentially by neuro-
In summary, the findings of the current study sug-
chemicals compared with networks involved with
gest that under conditions of experimentally induced
subjective self reports. For example, the startle
anticipatory anxiety, neither L-theanine nor alprazo-
response originates from structures located in the
lam had any acute anxiolytic effects in healthy sub-
brain stem and is modulated by descending pathways
jects as measured by behavioural measures of
(Davis, 1984), while subjective changes during antici-
anxiety. However, there was some evidence for a
patory anxiety are thought to involve a neuroanatomi-
calming or relaxing effect of L-theanine under resting
cal circuitry that includes the prefrontal, anterior
conditions providing some support for the historical
temporal and occipital cortex and the insula (Chua
use of green tea as a relaxing agent. Further studies
et al., 1999; Gray et al., 2003). Alternatively, anxioly-
are warranted to examine the effects of L-theanine in
tic effects may be observed in pharmacological
comparison with alprazolam using objective physiolo-
models of anxiety, such as the CCK-4 induced panic
gical measures of anxiety. In addition, dose response
model in which benzodiazepines, including alprazo-
studies or chronic dosage studies are required to
lam have been shown to reduce CCK-4 induced panic
further examine the possible efficacy of L-theanine
(de Montigny, 1989; Zwanzger et al., 2003a). The lat-
ter findings may also be related to specific modulationof neural networks (within the neocortical and limbic
areas, which have been shown to co-localize bothCCK and GABA) (Somogyi et al., 1984).
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Copyright # 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Hum Psychopharmacol Clin Exp 2004; 19: 457–465.
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