Arthrocentesis with or without additional drugs in temporomandibular joint inflammatorydegenerative disease: comparison of six treatment protocols
J o u r n a l o f Oral Rehabilitation
Arthrocentesis with or without additional drugsin temporomandibular joint inflammatory-degenerativedisease: comparison of six treatment protocols*
D . M A N F R E D I N I , D . R A N C I T E L L I , G . F E R R O N A T O & L . G U A R D A - N A R D I N I TMDClinic, Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Padova, Padova, Italy
SUMMARY The aim of the present pilot investigation
improvement with respect to mean baseline values
was to compare the effectiveness of six treatment
was recorded in all the five treatment groups com-
protocols providing temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
pleting the protocol. No significant differences
arthrocentesis with or without additional drugs to
emerged between groups in any outcome variable.
manage symptoms in patients with inflammatory-
The protocol providing five sessions of two-needle
degenerative TMJ disease. A consecutive series of 72
arthrocenteses plus low molecular weight HA
patients with TMJ osteoarthritis (axis group IIIb)
allowed achieving the highest improvement in
with pain lasting from more than 6 months were
almost all the outcome variables. Findings suggested
randomly assigned to one of the groups receiving
that no statistically significant differences existed
the following treatment protocols: single-session
between the treatment groups. The clinical signifi-
cance of these findings needs to be tested with
two-needle arthrocentesis plus corticosteroid (B),
future studies on larger samples with longer follow-
single-session two-needle arthrocentesis plus low
molecular weight hyaluronic acid (HA) (C), single-
KEYWORDS: temporomandibular disorders, temporo-
mandibular joint, arthrocentesis, hyaluronic acid,
molecular weight HA (D), 5 weekly two-needle
arthrocenteses plus low molecular weight HA (E)
and 5 weekly single-needle arthrocenteses plus low
Accepted for publication 13 September 2011
molecular weight HA (F). At the 3-month follow-up,
(3, 4). Then, with the increase in knowledge on the roleof joint lubrication impairment as a risk factor for
Literature data suggested that arthrocentesis may be of
some benefit to manage symptoms of temporomandib-
with sodium hyaluronate, viz., hyaluronic acid (HA),
ular joint (TMJ) disorders, even though findings are not
became an option for the management of symptoms in
conclusive as for the potential additional effectiveness
the clinical setting (5). This led to the progressive
achieved with drugs injected immediately following
expansion of potential clinical indications for the use of
arthrocentesis plus HA injections, with particular regard
The first works on TMJ arthrocentesis focused on its
to joints with inflammatory-degenerative disorders (6,
application to increase jaw function and achieve relief
7). Protocols for symptoms management in larger joints
from pain in patients with restricted mouth opening
provided the adoption of a cycle of 5 weekly HAinjections immediately following arthrocentesis (8, 9),and encouraging findings emerged also from long-term
*This paper was based on data presented at the EACD congress inNaples, 23–26th September 2010.
case series on patients with TMJ disorders (10, 11).
Positive outcomes have also been described after TMJ
patients of protocols C, E and F received 1 mL low
injections with corticosteroid (12) and also with
molecular weight HA†, and the patients of protocol D
arthrocentesis alone (13), thus suggesting that defini-
received 1 mL high molecular weight hylauronic acid‡.
tive information on the most suitable protocol as
For protocols providing the injection of a drug after
concerns the number of injections, the ideal HA
arthrocentesis, one needle was removed after joint
molecular weight and, more in general, on the most
lavage, and the remaining one was used to inject the
effective approach, viz., arthrocentesis alone or com-
drug into the joint space. The single-needle technique,
first introduced by Guarda-Nardini et al. (16), adopted
In view of these considerations, in line with the need
only one needle for both fluid injection and aspiration.
to perform exploratory trials on the issue, the aim of the
Randomisation of patients between groups was
present investigation was to compare the effectiveness
achieved according to a [A-B-C-D-E-F-F-E-D-C-B-A]
of six treatment protocols providing TMJ arthrocentesis
sequence for inclusion in the different groups. For each
with or without additional drugs to manage symptoms
patient, a number of outcome parameters, viz., maxi-
in patients with inflammatory-degenerative TMJ dis-
mum pain at rest and maximum pain at chewing on a
10-point VAS scale with 0 being absence of pain and 10being the worst pain ever, subjective chewing efficiency(0–10 VAS scale with 0 being the worst efficiency ever
and 10 the best efficiency ever), treatment tolerability
A consecutive series of 72 patients with a Research
and perceived treatment effectiveness on a 5-point
Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders
Likert-type scale with 0 being the lowest and 4 the
(RDC ⁄ TMD) version 1.0 (14) diagnosis of osteoarthritis
maximum values, jaw range of motion function in
(axis I group IIIb) with joint pain lasting from more
millimetres, were assessed at baseline, at the end of
than 6 months seeking for treatment at the TMD Clinic,
treatment and at a 3-month follow-up. All interven-
Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, University of
tions were conducted by one of the two main inves-
Padova, Italy, were randomly assigned to one of the
groups receiving the following treatment protocols:
above-described random sequence of intervention,
single-session two-needle arthrocentesis (A), single-
and the outcome parameters were recorded by the
session two-needle arthrocentesis plus corticosteroid
same trained dental student (D.R.) blinded to the
(B), single-session two-needle arthrocentesis plus low
treatment protocol for all patients. As far as practically
molecular weight HA (C), single-session two-needle
possible, patients were blinded to the treatment modal-
arthrocentesis plus high molecular weight HA (D),
ity; that is, a generic explanation of the potential benefit
5 weekly two-needle arthrocenteses plus low molecular
of administering arthrocentesis was provided as well as
weight HA (E) and 5 weekly single-needle arthrocent-
an explanation that the specific intervention they were
eses plus low molecular weight HA (F). Patients were
undergoing was indicated for their disease. All patients
instructed to have a 2-week wash-out period before
gave their written consent after being informed on the
starting the treatment protocol and to not use medica-
tions on routine basis during the active treatment and
Power analysis based on literature data (11) and
assuming a mean VAS value of 6 ⁄ 10 Æ 3 ⁄ 10 in the
The two-needle techniques refer to the approach first
main outcome variable, viz., pain at chewing, revealed
described by Nitzan et al. (3), with a needle dedicated to
that the study design was able to detect a 57Æ1%
the inflow of physiological saline into the upper joint
between-group difference in mean pain at chewing
compartment and a second needle for the outflow. The
VAS values with a statistical power of 5% for type I error,
joint lavage was performed with at least 300 mL of
viz., false-positive results, and 20% for type II error, viz.,
saline (15). After joint lavage, patients of protocol B
false-negative results. VAS pain levels and jaw range of
received additional 1-mL triamcinolone injection*,
motion values were managed as continuous variables,while data on subjective efficacy and tolerability levels
†HyalganÒ, Fidia, Abano Terme, Italy.
*KenacortÒ, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Roma, Italy.
‡SynviscÒ, Genzyme s.r.l., Modena, Italy.
were managed as ordinal variables. The existence of
of unpleasant side effects, viz., joint swelling and strong
differences between groups as for percentage changes
post-injection increase in pain, in two of five subjects.
over time in all the outcome variables was assessed by
So, the outcomes for such protocol were not described.
means of analysis of variance (ANOVA) for continuous
No side effects were observed in any patients belonging
variables and Kruskal–Wallis’ test for ordinal variables.
to the other treatment groups. Five patients dropped
The percentage of patients of each group reporting an
out from the study owing to different reasons, mainly
improvement was compared by Fisher’s exact test. Also,
because of work related or other difficulties to attend
ANOVA and Fisher’s exact test were performed to inves-
tigate, respectively, for differences in the mean age and to
The number of patients completing treatment proto-
compare sex distribution between groups. For all com-
cols A, B, C, E and F, ranged from 9 to 12 (protocol A:
parisons, statistical significance for between group dif-
11 patients; B: 9; C: 11; E: 12; F: 12), and no differences
(P = 0Æ346) and sex distribution (P = 0Æ333). Baselinevalues of the five treatment groups were not signifi-
cantly different in any of the outcome variables
A total of 60 patients (mean age, 50Æ1 years; 51 women,
(P-values ranging from 0Æ471 to 0Æ702) (Table 1). At
nine men) completed the study. The treatment protocol
the 3-month follow-up, improvement with respect to
D (arthrocentesis plus high molecular weight HA) was
mean baseline values was recorded in all the five
interrupted after five patients owing to the occurrence
treatment groups completing the protocol.
No significant differences emerged between groups in
Table 1. Baseline values for the main outcome parameters.
any outcome variable (P-values ranging from 0Æ056 to
Comparison between the treatment groups (one-way ANOVA)
0Æ989) (Table 2). Despite being not significant with
respect to improvement achieved with other treat-
ments, the protocol providing five sessions of two-needle arthrocenteses plus low molecular weight HA
(protocol E) allowed achieving the highest improve-
ment in almost all the outcome variables, among which
maximum pain at chewing (64Æ9% decrease in VAS
pain levels versus 11Æ5–41Æ3%; F = 1Æ727; P = 0Æ096).
Protocol E was also the most tolerable by the patients
tnA, single-session two-needle arthrocentesis (protocol A);
(2Æ5 versus 2Æ1–2Æ2 on a four-point Likert-type ordinal
tnA + C, single-session two-needle arthrocentesis + corticoster-
scale; F = 0Æ299; P = 0Æ877), while protocol B, viz.,
oids (protocol B); tnA + lwHA, single-session two-needle arthro-
arthrocentesis plus corticosteroids injection, endorsed
centesis + low-weight hyaluronic acid (protocol C); 5tnA + lwHA,
the higher scores in subjectively perceived efficacy (3Æ0
5 weekly two-needle arthrocentesis + low-weight hyaluronic acid
(protocol E), 5snA + lwHA, 5 weekly single-needle arthrocente-
versus 2Æ1–2Æ6; F = 0Æ753; P = 0Æ561) (Table 3). Differ-
sis + low-weight hyaluronic acid (protocol F).
ences between groups in the percentage of patients
Table 2. Percentage changes at the end of the follow-up period with respect to baseline values. Comparison between the treatmentgroups (one-way ANOVA). In parentheses, the expected sign for improvement
Table 3. Subjective efficacy and tolerability of the treatment on a
treatment protocol to achieve pain relief and restore jaw
0–4 Likert scale. Comparison between the treatment groups
function. Early papers suggested that the long-term
benefit of corticosteroid injections in patients with TMJpain was equally effective than occlusal splints on
subjective symptoms and allowed achieving a better
improvement in clinical signs (17); also, their short-term
effects were similar to HA injections (18). Later on, very
few clinical trials have been performed to compare
treatment effects of different joint lavage and injections
protocol. In one study, the effects of a cycle of five HA
injections immediately following arthrocentesis weresimilar to those of occlusal splints and superior to no
treatment at 6 months (7); in a couple of investigationsperformed on the same study sample, no significantly
Table 4. Percentage of subjects within each treatment groupreferring an improvement in their outcome parameters at the end
different treatment effects at 6 months were detected
of the follow-up. Comparison between the treatment groups
between two HA and corticosteroid injections performed
2 weeks apart (12, 19); in another trial, a single HAinjection proved to be superior to oral anti-inflammatory
drugs over a 3-month follow-up (20). In view of the
paucity of investigations conducted on the issue, the two
most recent systematic reviews of the literature, one
dealing with the effectiveness of arthrocentesis (1) and
the other one of HA (2), concluded that more research is
needed to define better the indications and the risk-to-
benefit ratio of the different injections protocol.
Considering the absence of a standard of reference
technique for administering arthrocentesis, exploratory
reporting an improvement in the outcome variables
research is needed to gather data on the argument. The
were not significant (P-values ranging from 0Æ263 to
lack of a reference treatment made difficult to adhere
0Æ862) (Table 4). The highest percentage of improvers
strictly to the criteria for conducting randomised and
in pain variables was shown in patients belonging to
controlled trials (CONSORT statement) (21). The pres-
groups E (91Æ6%), F (66Æ6%) and C (63Æ6%), while
ent investigation was the first to compare all the main
groups receiving arthrocentesis alone (A) or with
available options for washing and injecting the TMJ,
corticosteroids (B) had about a 50% percentage of
ranging from the single-session two-needle arthrocen-
patients who improved with respect to baseline pain
tesis technique described by Nitzan et al. (3) to the
values. Protocol E also had the highest percentage of
extensive protocol of 5 weekly HA injections immedi-
patients referring an improvement in chewing effi-
ately following arthrocentesis adopted by Guarda-Nar-
ciency (66Æ7%). Treatment protocol B included the
highest percentage of subjects improving in mouth
injections after arthrocentesis (22) as well as a single-
needle technique for arthrocentesis (16). Findings didnot support the clear superiority of one treatmentprotocol over the others to achieve pain management
in TMJ inflammatory-degenerative joint disease over a
The present investigation was specifically designed in
short-term, viz., 3-month follow-up period. All proto-
the attempt to get deeper into the knowledge on the
cols were associated with positive outcomes, in line
effectiveness of arthrocentesis and injections in the
with the TMD literature suggesting that improvement
management of inflammatory-degenerative disorders
is, at least to some extent, partly because of unspecific
of the TMJ. The available literature has been not
treatment effects and to regression to the mean
conclusive so far to indicate which is the most suitable
Notwithstanding that, some suggestions can be
significant difference owing to the low statistical power,
drawn on the potential inter-protocol effect differences.
should be diminished by the inclusion of larger
First, the protocol providing high molecular weight HA
samples. In any case, an appropriate a priori sample
injections after arthrocentesis was withdrawn after two
size analysis must be based on the selection of the post-
subjects experienced joint swelling and post-injection
treatment changes that are expected to be clinically
pain increase. This may suggest that such HA prepara-
relevant, and this is a very complex issue to deal with in
tion is too viscous and has a too large steric interaction
pain studies. Indeed, considering the clinical and
that prevents from achieving a quick diffusion within
logistic difficulties to perform large sample clinical trials
the small TMJ intra-articular space. The rationale for
on this issue, studies attempting to identify the clini-
the adoption of high-viscosity HA stood in its potential
cally significant VAS change threshold in patients with
longer-lasting effects with respect to low molecular
chronic TMJ pain have to be designed in the near
weight preparations, but the present investigation did
future as a compelling requisite to avoid type II errors in
not provide encouraging findings on its potential
the field of research on TMD treatment.
applications in TMJ disorders. Such finding has to be
Third, protocol B, providing a single-session arthro-
further investigated with future studies.
centesis plus corticosteroid injection, endorsed the
Second, despite the absence of significant between-
highest improvement in mouth opening values. Such
group differences, a tendency towards a better improve-
findings seem to be explainable with the lowest
ment in patients included in protocol E, viz., 5 weekly
baseline range of motion in that treatment group, even
two-needle arthrocenteses plus low molecular weight
if not clinically significant from the other groups.
HA injections, was detectable. Patients receiving such
Patients included in protocol B also referred a higher
treatment referred the most improvement in pain at
subjective efficacy of the treatment, may be due to the
chewing as well as chewing efficiency levels. In partic-
positive effects perceived on mouth opening range and
ular, the mean change in the pain at chewing scale was
to the analgesic properties of corticosteroids.
5 ⁄ 10 on the VAS scale, accounting for more than a 64%
Fourth, quite surprisingly, protocol E was tolerated
improvement with respect to baseline values. All the
better than the others, even if differences with the
other protocols allowed an improvement of pain at
other treatments were not significant. In any case, such
chewing levels comprised between the 11% and 41%
findings are interesting as far as concern the risk of
range. Also, the protocol E group included the highest
being an approach too much invasive and less tolerated
percentage of improved patients as for pain at chewing
by the patients. Also, the single-needle approach, that
(91Æ7%), pain at rest (75%) and chewing efficiency
was specifically introduced as a potentially better-
levels (66Æ7%). The absence of statistically significant
tolerated variance of the two-needle technique, pro-
differences might be partly because of the statistical
vided no positive outcomes in terms of patients’
power of the study, which was designed to detect
between-group differences of more than 50% in the
The above considerations may be open to several
treatment-related improvement. Much larger sample
interpretations, the most important of which being
sizes might have been necessary to detect lower
that, despite the 3-month follow-up did not evidence
threshold differences: on the basis of data collected in
significant differences between groups, studies on
this investigation that may serve as a guide for power
longer follow-up periods and enlarged sample sizes
analysis of future studies, up to 24, 43, and 97 patients
are needed to confirm findings. The short-term follow-
per group needed to detect a 40%, 30%, and 20%
up period of this investigation is indeed a limit to
difference, respectively. The low sample size may
generalisation of findings, and longer periods of post-
explain also the tendency towards significance for
treatment observation may help confirming or refuting
differences in mouth opening values, as baseline values
the tendencies described in this investigation. Also, in
of patients included in the various treatment protocols
the light of the absence of statistical significance for
were not equal, even if not significantly different. Thus,
apparently large between-group differences as those
an enlargement of sample in future studies would allow
detected for the percentage of improved subjects and
reducing ⁄ avoiding potential shortcomings owing to
the post-treatment changes in pain at chewing levels,
unequal patients’ allocation within the treatment
researches assessing the clinically significant VAS
groups. Also, the risk for type II error, viz., missing a
changes in chronic TMJ pain have to be performed,
because the risk for type II errors appears to be too high
of these findings need to be confirmed with future
studies on larger samples with longer follow-up periods.
The present exploratory investigation has allowed
gathering interesting data that could be useful to designfuture researches in accordance with suggestions to
present high-quality randomised and controlled trials(21). On the basis of these findings, it might be assumed
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Correspondence: Dr Daniele Manfredini, Viale XX Settembre 298,
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54033 Marina di Carrara (MS), Italy.
Separation of Carboxylic Acids from Waste Water via Reactive Extraction Sushil Kumara, B. V. Babub* aLecturer, Chemical Engineering Group, Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani- 333031, Rajasthan, India. Email: [email protected] bDean-Educational Hardware Division & Professor, Chemical Engineering Group, Birla Institute of Technology and S
APPLICATION NOTE R100 Respiratory: EOSINOPHIL - ADHESION ASSAY - ASTHMA To determine novel anti-inflammatory effects of MLK on MLK (10 nM and 100 nM) gave partial (~40%) but significant resting and GM-CSF-stimulated eosinophils using the Cellix (P<0.05) inhibition of unstimulated eosinophil adhesion to VenaFluxTM platform to mimic physiological adhesion to rhVCAM-1 at 2 dyne cm