Microsoft word - how to edit your user profile.doc

How to edit your user
Your Moodle profile includes information about you, such as your name, e-mail address, location, courses you are enrolled in, and any interests you care to share with others. After logging in to Moodle, you will see your name and a link to ‘My Profile’ at the top right of the browser window. Every new academic year you will need to update your profile preferences in the new Moodle environment, they are not carried across from year to year. If this is your very first time logging in to Moodle, you can begin with step 3 below. 1. Click your name at the top right of the window. 2. Click the Edit profile option.
3. To view all of the profile settings, click the Show Advanced button.
4. Required profile settings are marked with an asterisk ( ). Unless specified otherwise, it’s best to leave the default settings. Here’s an explanation of the most important profile settings in the “General” options: a. E-mail address: Moodle has a lot of important e-mail features, so it’s essential that
you set this to a valid e-mail address that you check frequently. If you decide to
change your email address, Moodle will send an email to the new address with
a link to confirm the new address. You must click on this confirmation link.

b. E-mail display: Specifies who can see your e-mail address. Because you’ll likely
want to be able to receive e-mail from other Moodle users, you should leave this set to the default: “Allow only other course members to see my e-mail address”. c. E-mail activated: Enables or disables Moodle’s ability to send e-mail to the address
you specified above. Leave the default “This e-mail address is enabled”. d. E-mail format: Specifies whether you'd like to receive HTML formatted e-mail (that
can include images and colour), or only plain text. Modern e-mail clients display HTML formatted messages, so leave the default “Pretty HTML format”. e. E-mail digest type: When you are subscribed to a discussion forum, Moodle will
send you e-mail copies of all posts to that forum each day. If you select “No digest (single e-mail per forum post)” you could receive dozens or even hundreds of e-mails per day -- depending on how many forums you are subscribed to and how active they are! Alternatively, you can select “Complete (daily e-mail with full posts)” which will combine all forum posts into one e-mail message to you. Again, depending on how active a forum is, this message could be very long. The recommended setting is “Subjects (daily e-mail with subjects only)” which will send you an e-mail that includes only a list of links to new forum post subjects for the day, including authors. You can click on a subject link in the digest to view the complete forum post on Moodle. f. Forum auto-subscribe: Leave the default setting: “Yes: when I post, subscribe me
to that forum” so that you will receive an e-mail digest of all new messages in forums you participate in. You can unsubscribe from a forum at any time. g. Forum tracking: Selecting “Yes: highlight new posts for me” will highlight forum
messages that you have not read yet so that you can quickly see what’s new. h. When editing text: Selecting “Use HTML editor (some browsers only)” enables
Moodle’s easy to use HTML editor for entering text. If this option is selected and your
browser supports it, you will see what the editor looks like under the Description
setting, below. Note that Moodle’s HTML editor does not currently work with Safari 3
on Macintosh.
i. Description: Here you can write a little about yourself for other students or faculty to
read if they click on your name when viewing your contributions in Moodle. If you don’t want to write anything at this time, just type a space in the box. j. Interests: Here you can enter a list of your interests separated by commas. Moodle
will make each interest into a link (called a “tag”). When a moodle user clicks on one of your interest tags Moodle will display a list of users who share the same interest. 5. Once you have edited your profile settings, click the Update profile button.
You can add a photo or representative image of yourself that will appear with your profile and any forum postings that you make. To do this: 1. Prepare a 100 by 100 pixel .gif, .jpg, or .png image file. If you upload an image with different dimensions Moodle will automatically crop and resize the image in ways that you may not want. 2. Once you have logged in to Moodle, click your name at the top right of the window. 3. Click the Edit profile option.
4. In the “Picture of” section, click the Browse (Choose File on Macintosh) button, locate
your image file, and then click the Open button (Choose on Macintosh).
5. For the benefit of anyone using a screen reader, type a brief description of the image in the Picture description text box.
6. Click the Update profile button.
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