e u r o p e a n u r o l o g y 5 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 5 4 3 – 5 4 5
a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e u r o p e a n u r o l o g y . c o m
Referring to the article published on pp. 533–542 of this issue
Oestrogens and Prostate Cancer: Novel Conceptsabout an Old Issue
Department of Urology, Vita-Salute University, Milan, Italy
In recent years, several studies have focused on
cancer than the level of serum-circulating steroid
the association between androgens and prostate
hormones. This may be one of the reasons explain-
ing the reported lack of association between serum
needed for prostate growth and differentiation. What
it is still unclear is whether patients with higher levels
Besides androgens, there is now an increasing
of serum androgens are at higher risk for prostate
body of evidence suggesting a key role played by
cancer. Indeed, although there is evidence in favour
oestrogens in the intraprostatic abnormal signalling
of an association between androgens and prostate
involved in the development of prostate cancer, as
carcinogenesis in animal models , some studies
extensively addressed in the excellent review by
failed to demonstrate a direct association between
Bonkhoff and Berges . Intraprostatic presence of
serum androgens and prostate cancer risk
oestrogens in addition to androgens is key for
In a recent meta-analysis including 18 prospec-
prostate carcinogenesis. Aromatase-knockout mice,
tive studies reporting data on serum concentrations
which cannot produce oestrogens locally, are prone
of sex hormones, no associations were found
to developing benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH);
between serum concentrations of endogenous
conversely, they do not develop prostate cancer
androgens and the risk of prostate cancer Never-
Moreover, prostate cancer developed more rapidly
theless, androgen serum level might not correspond
when oestrogen was administered in addition to
to the same level found within the prostate. Previous
testosterone in rats In contrast, prolonged
studies showed a weak correlation between serum
treatment with DHT only resulted in BPH .
and intraprostatic androgen levels .
In humans, a novel oestrogen receptor-depen-
Moreover, although testosterone is the major
dent mechanism has been shown to regulate
circulating androgen, it is mainly dihydrotestoster-
TMPRSS2:ERG expression, which is associated with
one (DHT) that is found in tissues. Furthermore,
more aggressive prostate cancer variants. Interest-
testosterone is also converted within the prostate
ingly, expression of TMPRSS2:ERG decreased after
into oestrogens by the enzyme aromatase. Interest-
oestrogen receptor b (ER-b) agonist treatment (0.43-
ingly, when only intraprostatic hormone levels are
fold difference) and increased after oestrogen
considered, higher androgen concentrations are
receptor a (ER-a) agonist treatment (4.63-fold
found in the prostates of patients with prostate
difference) . Therefore, even in the prostate,
the effect of oestrogens is extremely different
concentration of androgens within the prostate
according to the subtype of oestrogen receptor
might be more indicative of the risk of prostate
DOI of original article: 10.1016/j.eururo.2008.10.035
0302-2838/$ – see back matter # 2008 European Association of Urology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
e u r o p e a n u r o l o g y 5 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 5 4 3 – 5 4 5
How can all of these concepts be applied in a
Historically, oestrogens have been considered
human model of prostate carcinogenesis? Recently,
protective against prostate cancer and have been
Singh et al speculated that oestrogens might be
used as a second-line therapy for the treatment of
considered as initiating drivers of prostate cancer
advanced cases. Such effect is mainly associated
development and progression. They postulated a
with negative feedback on the hypothalmo–pitui-
model in which several factors such as ageing,
tary–gonadal axis, leading to a state of chemical
obesity, diet, environment, and use of 5-a reductase
castration. In view of the new findings involving
inhibitors may significantly modify the oestrogenic
oestrogens and ER activity in prostate carcinogen-
status of men, resulting in a reduction in the bio-
esis, a reasonable approach would be to selectively
available testosterone whilst increasing the oestra-
interfere with oestrogen activity through selective
diol (E2)–testosterone ratio. This imbalance of
modulation of ER activation. This strategy may be
oestrogens and androgens in favour of oestrogens
theoretically applicable to prostate cancer preven-
might be responsible for either receptor- or non–
receptor-mediated mechanisms involved in pros-
In this context, selective ER modulators (SERMs)
tate carcinogenesis. According to this model, oes-
trogens would represent the initiating factor in the
peculiarity of this class of drugs would reside in the
development of prostate cancer. Although several
ability to selectively modulate the activity of ER
aspects of this model need to be elucidated and
isoforms, which act in opposite directions and
many steps might be more complex than a simpli-
promote either prostate proliferation (ER-a) or
fied scheme, these concepts have opened new doors
differentiation (ER-b). SERMs may act as ER ago-
in the field of prostate cancer prevention.
nists or antagonists in a dose- and tissue-depen-
We are all aware of the results of the highly cited
dent manner. In the prostate, toremifene has been
Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial (PCPT). Within the
shown to mediate action though a selective
PCPT, finasteride reduced prostate cancer prevalence
modulation of ER-a, if given at lower doses. In
by 25%. Concurrently, a higher rate of high-grade
preclinical studies, toremifene was able to prevent
prostate cancer (Gleason sum 7–10) was seen in
prostate cancer in the transgenic TRAMP mouse
finasteride-exposed men (37.0%), relative to the
model . Similarly, the use of toremifene was
placebo group (22.2%, p < 0.001) . This increase
able to prevent prostate cancer in men with high-
in high-grade prostate cancer stirred many contro-
grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia in a
versies, and several explanations have been pro-
double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2b clinical
posed. Among these, only two focused on the
trial Interestingly, no significant side effects
finasteride-induced abnormal intraprostatic hormo-
were associated with toremifene treatment. More-
nal milieu. The first postulated that the higher rate of
over, toremifene had only a modest impact on
high-grade prostate cancer found in men exposed to
serum androgen levels. A large, multicentre, phase
finasteride might be due to increased intraprostatic
3 pivotal clinical study is currently ongoing to
levels of testosterone, which may rise 10-fold under
further define the profile of the 20-mg dose of
finasteride. This might directly or indirectly promote
toremifene in decreasing the incidence of prostate
(through increased oestrogen levels following testos-
cancer. Finally, toremifene has been shown to
terone aromatisation) the development of high-grade
decrease the side effects of androgen deprivation
prostate cancer . The second explanation focused
on decreased activity of ER-b, which is key for
In conclusion, there is currently increasing
prostate differentiation and cellular homeostasis of
evidence on the role of oestrogens in prostate cancer
the prostatic epithelium. It has been suggested that
finasteride, by blocking the conversion of testoster-
advances in understanding of the mechanism of
one to DHT, inhibits the production of a steroid, 5a-
action of oestrogens within the prostate, the com-
androstane-3b,17b-diol (3b-androstanediol), a meta-
plex intraprostatic interaction between oestrogens
bolite of DHT. Interestingly, 3b-androstanediol has all
and androgens as well as their (combined) effect at
the characteristics of the natural ligand for ER-b,
the genomic level remains to be ascertained. The
which would translate into decreased ER-b activity,
elucidation of the mechanisms of action of oestro-
thus suppressing and preventing the differentiation
gens in the prostate carcinogenesis will likely spur
of epithelium . Although these intriguing biologic
novel strategies in the fields of prostate cancer
explanations may be speculative, they cannot be
completely refuted, despite the results of a recentpathologic review of PCPT high-grade cases .
Conflicts of interest: The author has nothing to disclose.
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