Eye - multi page doc

North of England Ophthalmological Society optometry lead referral refinement service Venue: Double Tree Hotel, Chester, UK
Date: 12th June, 2013
Report by: Ben While, Manchester Royal
Chester on 12th June 2013. The society will be in its centenary year next year and now cataract surgery. Bertie Fernando highlighted practical, Mandagere Vishwanath gave a clear the risk of raised intraocular pressure in different orbital conditions then Kyaw Lin Tu (currently training in Abergele) presented an experience of managing acute hydrops with entertaining update on the Vision 2020 link Rajitha Ajit who highlighted the probable association (Naranjo 7) between monoclonal antibody therapy and posterior uveitis.
Keeping things at the back of the eye Felipe lashings of cake at lunchtime, the afternoon Fluorescein Angiography in Wet Age-Related Dhawahir-Scala then gave a concise overview Macular Degeneration’. The case report poster of vitreoretinal emergencies utilising a traffic winner was Manju Bhaskaran Pillai, Abergele experience of viscocanalostomy surgery. Ray Hospital, for ‘A Rare Cause of Ptosis’.
Radford invited all to consider what we don’t guidance on the treatment of diabetic macular building on the themes of ‘Truth, Time, Risk, The next NEOS meeting will be on 15th
and Trust’. Conrad Yuen brought some figures October 2013 in Bradford, which will include
the annual video competition.
Pearce shared his firm grip of the evidence to the party detailing what a modern hospital with an attentive audience. In a switch to the 13th Scottish Glaucoma SymposiumThe Scottish Glaucoma Symposium Venue: Royal College of Surgeons,
Velota Sung took us through a journey of a Date: 14th June, 2013
management, and discussed the pit-falls to Report by: Lik Thai Lim, Glaucoma Fellow,
avoid in this category of patient. Dr Imran Gartnavel General Hospital, Glasgow.
The first session of this year’s meeting form of minimally invasive glaucoma surgery more involved in their own management.
for some patients. Dr Craig Burnett ended Jennifer Burr discussed the management of ocular hypertension; making the point that (ReGAE) project further looks into barriers certain surgical techniques that can be used ocular hypertension can be managed in the community by suitably trained personnel. Dr ophthalmic services and efforts being made training for relevant personnel and new NHS Education for Scotland (NES) initiatives to coherence tomography (OCT) of the retinal thickness has been reported to be a useful delivery, including the need for improved through the distribution of Ivermectin and information. The OCT talk was given by Dr that is finally materialising after years of stem cells in the management of Parkinson’s disease, which raises hopes for the possible overdosage of glaucoma medications from a reversal of nerve fibre damage in glaucoma.
selection of available topical beta blockers.
doctor centred to more patient centred care The next Scottish Glaucoma Symposium will be
on 13th June 2014.
Patient Passport is one way to get patients

Source: http://neos.org.uk/eye_news_report_summer_2013.pdf


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COMITATO REGIONE VENETO 00_ CARATTERISTICHE Sig. Corrado Betella M° nico Cavallini M° Roberto Ravarro Il COMITATO REGIONALE VENETO FIKBMS, in collaborazione con la BOOSTER e i maestri e, hanno ideato il TORNEO BOOSTER TRIVENETO. La competizione, che si svolgerà indicativamente da metà novembre 2012 a metà giugno 2013, si struttura in 7 tappe e vedrà la presenza di un t

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