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1) Nakazato K, Kim C, Terajima K, Murata S1), Fujitani H, Nakanishi K, Tajima H1), Kumazaki T1), Sakamoto A(1)Department of Radiology/Center for Advanced Medical Technology, Nippon Medical School):Large volume loading to prevent cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity during negative-balance isolated pelvicperfusion.
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 2) Akada S, Fagerlund MJ1), Lindahl SG1), Sakamoto A, Prabhakar NR2), Eriksson LI1)(1)Dept. of Anes- thesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Karolinska Institutet , 2)Center for Systems Biology, Universityof Chicago): Pronounced depression by propofol on carotid body responseto CO2 and K+-induced carotidbody activation.
Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 3) Bitoh H1), Nakanishi K, Takeda S, Kim C, Mori M, Sakamoto A(1)Dept. of Anesthesiology, Musashi-Kosugi Hospital): Repair of an infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm is associated with persistent left ventriculardiastolic dysfunction.
4) Suzuki M1), Haraguchi S2), Kitamura A1), Shimada Y1), Sakamoto A(1)Dept. of Anesthesiology, Musashi- Kosugi Hospital, 2)Dept. of Surgery, Musashi-Kosugi Hospital): Inflation of the Distal Cuff by SalineReduces the Incidence of Malposition of the Bronchial Tube During Lung Separation in Patients ReceivingNitrous Oxide.
Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 5) Kobayashi K, Takemori K, Sakamoto A: Circadian gene expression is suppressed during sevoflurane anes- thesia and the suppression persists after awakening.
6) Sato C, Sakai A1), Ikeda Y1), Suzuki H1), Sakamoto A(1)Dept. of Pharmacology): The prolonged anal- gesic effect of epidural ropivacaine in a rat model of neuropathic pain.
7) Yoshida Y1), Terajima K1), Sato C1), Akada S1,2), Miyagi Y2), Hongo T1,2), Takeda S1,2), Tanaka K2), Sakamoto A1)(1)Department of Anesthesiology, Nippon Medical School, 2)Division of Intensive andCoronary Care Unit, Nippon Medical School Hospital): Clinical role and efficacy of landiolol in the intensivecare unit.
8) Takemori K, Kobayashi K, Sakamoto A: Expression of pulmonary vasoactive factors after sevoflurane anaes- thesia in rats: a quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction study.
1) Kim C, Yokozuka M, Sato C, Nakanishi K, Kitamura A, Sakamoto A: Incessant non-sustained ventricular tachycardia after stimulus of electroconvulsive therapy with atropine premedication?.
vital capacity rapid inhalation induction 2) Takeda S: Treatment strategy for ARDS with multiple organ failure (Acute respiratory failure and remote organ damage). The 8th joint scientific congress of the Korean Society of Critical Care Medicine andJapanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine(Tokyo), 2008.2.
1) Bitoh H1), Nakanishi K1), Takeda S1), Kim C1), Mori M1), Sakamoto A1)(1)Department of Anesthesia and Pain Control,Graduate school of Medicine,Nippon Medical School): Repair of an Infrarenal AbdominalAortic Aneurysm is Associated with Persistent Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction.
2) Suzuki M, Haraguchi S1), Kitamura A2), Shimada Y, Sakamoto A3)(1)Department of Surgery, Nippon Medical School Musashi Kosugi Hospital, 2)Saitama Medical University International Medical Center, 3)De-partment of Anesthesia and Pain Control,Graduate School of Medicine,Nippon Medical School): Inflationof the Distal Cuff by Saline Reduces the Incidence of Malpositon of the Bronchial Tube During Lung Sepa-ration in Patients Receiving Nitrous Oxide.
Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 1) Suzuki M, Haraguchi S1), Bitoh H, Shimada Y(1)Department of Surgery,Nippon Medical School Musashi Kosugi Hosupital ): Effect of Head Positioning on Non-Styleted Tracheal Intubation with Double-LumenBronchial Tube. ASA(San Francisco), 2007.10.
1) Yamashiro M1), Tazaki H1), Yamada K, Yasuda A1), Hashimoto S2)(1)Anesthesiology, The Nippon Dental University, School of Life Dentistry At Tokyo, 2)Research Center for Odontology, The Nippon DentalUniversity, School of Life Dentistry At Tokyo): Distribution of ropivacaine after the injection to palatalmucosa in the rat.
1) Yamashiro M1), Tazaki H1), Yamada K, Yasuda A1), Hashimoto S2)(1)Anesthesiology, The Nippon Dental University, School of Life Dentistry At Tokyo, 2)Research Center for Odontology, The Nippon DentalUniversity, School of Life Dentistry At Tokyo): Distribution of ropivacaine after the injection to palatalmucosa in the rat. XXVI Annual ESRA Congress(Barcelona, Spain), 2007.9.
1) Shiga T1), Apfel C2), Wajima Z, Ohe Y1)(1)Department of Anesthesiology, Toho University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan , 2)Department of Anesthesiology and Preoperative Medicine, University of SanFrancisco, San Francisco): Influence of intraoperative conversion from off-pump to on-pump coronary artery bypass grafting on costs and quality of life - a cost-effectiveness analysis.
2) Gotou M, Inoue T: Application of the Truview EV02 optical laryngoscope to patients with cervicalspinal 3) Shiga T1), Wajima Z, Ohe Y1)(1)Second Department of Anesthesiology, Toho University School of Medicine, Tokyo): Is operative delay associated with increased mortality of hip fracture patient s: Systematic review,meta-analysis, and meta-regression: [Le delai operatoire est-il associe a une mortalite accrue chez les patientsatteints d une fractu re de la hanche: Synthese systematique, meta-analyse et meta-regression].
1) Imanaga K1), Wajima Z, Kosaka M1), Suzuki T1), Serada K1)(1)Department of Anesthesia, Showa Uni- versity Northern Yokohama Hospital, Yokoh , Japan ): Investigation of the Optimal Time for Fentanyl Administration on Propofol-Indu ced Injection Pain. American Society of Anesthesiologists 2007Annual Meeting(San Francisco, California, USA), 2007.10.
2) Wajima Z, Imanaga K1), Shiga T2), Inoue T, Sakamoto A3)(1)Department of Anesthesia, Showa University , 2)Department of Anesthesiology, Toho University Ohashi Medical Center, 3)Department of Anesthesiology, Nippon Medical School): Landiolol shortens the time to loss of conscious-ness by vital capacity rapid i nhalation induction: the second report. American Society of Anesthesiologists2007 Annual Meeting(San Francisco, Cali fornia, USA), 2007.10.
3) Shiga T1), Wajima Z, Imanaga K2), Ohe Y1)(1)Department of Anesthesiology, Toho University Ohashi Medical Center, 2)Department of Anesthesia, Showa University Northern Yokohama Hospital ): Is operativedelay associated with increased mortality of hip fracture patient s?. American Society of Anesthesiologists2007 Annual Meeting (San Francisco, California, USA), 2007.10.
Stellate ganglion block followed by direct current relieves upper limb pain more effectively than stellate ganglion block alone.


Giovedì 12 maggio - ore 2

Associazioni di Produzione Musicale della Toscana Stagione Concertistica 2014– XVedizione maggio/ottobre 2014 Museo di Orsanmichele/Auditorium S. Stefano al Ponte Vecchio – Firenze INIZIO CONCERTI ORE 21 Programma Martedi' 13 Maggio AUDITORIUM DI SANTO STEFANO AL PONTE VECCHIO CONCERTO DI INAUGURAZIONE DELLA XV EDIZIONE ORCHESTRA SINFONICA E CORO DEL CONSERVA

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