General and Objectives Clinical Skills for Nursing Students in Maternity and Gynecology Nursing Department Objectives and clinical skills of Antenatal unit Core Competency:
Provide antenatal care to woman during normal pregnancy
Clinical skills:
By the end of the training, the student will be able to:
1. Use interpersonal communication skills and ethics specific to the
2. Assess pregnant woman during the booking (initial) visit through
o Taking history: personal, family, medical, obstetrical history, life o General examination: Body built, gait, vital signs, blood pressure,
heart, chest, breast, edema of the lower limb, height and weight.
o Abdominal examination: Fundal level, position and presentation of
the fetus and auscultation of fetal heart sound
o Ultrasound examination o Lab investigation: obtaining blood sample for hemoglobin and
CBC. Testing urine for albumin and glucose
3. Counsel woman about prenatal hygiene and the minor discomforts
o Skin care, bladder and bowel care, sexual relation
o Traveling, clothing, rest, sleep, antenatal exercises
o Minor discomforts of the first, second or third trimester
Objectives and clinical skills of Labor unit Core Competency:
Provide care to women during normal and abnormal labor
Clinical skills:
By the end of the training, the student will be able to:
Apply the principal of infection control measures
Use interpersonal communication skills and ethics
specific to the care of the parturient woman
Assess parturient woman during admission to the labor
o Taking history: personal, family, medical and
obstetrical history. Onset and character of true labor
o General examination: vital signs, , heart, chest,
edema of the lower limb, height and weight.
o Abdominal examination: Fundal level, position and
presentation of the fetus and auscultation of fetal
o Local P/V examination: Determine the condition of
vulva and vagina. Dilatation and effacement of the
cervix. Assess the condition of the membrane, the
presenting part and position of the fetus. Assess the
Monitor the progress of labor, during the first stage of
Provide care of woman during the first stage of labor:
position and ambulation, rest and sleep, nutrition, bowel
and bladder care. Supportive care of woman during
labor and observation woman, fetal condition and labor
Observe signs and symptoms of the second stage of
labor. Assist with the management of the second stage
Observe signs of placental separation. Assist with the
Examine the placenta for any abnormalities or missing
(10) Record and report pertinent information. (11) The student should advise the mother for care of
episiotomy, post natal, exercises, hygien, diet, care of
the baby and benfites of breast feeding and family
Objectives and clinical skills of postnatal unit Core Competency:
Provide care to women during normal and abnormal Postnatal.
Clinical skills:
By the end of the training, the student will be able to:
1)Apply the principal of infection control measures
2) Use interpersonal communication skills and ethics specific
3) Assess postnatal woman during admission to the unit
* Observe and record the following every 15 minute /2hours.
• Observe type & amount of lochia.
• Assess the condition of the urinary bladder.
• Assess the condition of the perineum.
4- Clean the woman, change her clothes, swab the perineum and
5- Put the infant to the breast as soon as possible to encourage early
6- Complete the records for woman and infant.
8- Counseling and health education about.
Objectives and Clinical Skills of Family planning Unit Core Comptency: Clinical skills:
By the end of the training, the student will be able to:
1) Apply the principal of infection control measures
2) Use interpersonal communication skills and ethics specific to the care
3) Apply principals of infection control measure in the family planning
4) Counseling woman about contraceptive method.
5)Prepare equipment for I.U.D and Norplant insertion.
7) Assist the physician and handling equipment during I.U.D insertion
8 Monitor discomfort due to I.U.D insertion.
(10) Give the woman health education about personal hygien, diet, sexual
Objectives and Clinical Skills of Family planning Core Competency: Clinical skills:
By the end of the training, the student will be able to:
1) Apply the principal of infection control measures
2) Use interpersonal communication skills and ethics specific to the care
3) Apply principals of infection control measure in the family planning
c- Laboratory investigation.
4) Counseling woman about contraceptive method.
5)Prepare equipment for I.U.D and Norplant insertion.
7) Assist the physician and handling equipment during I.U.D insertion and
8) Monitor discomfort due to I.U.D insertion.
UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA AKIACHAK NATIVE COMMUNITY, et al., Plaintiffs, KENNETH SALAZAR, Secretary of the Interior, et al., Civil Action 06-969 (RC) Defendants, THE STATE OF ALASKA, Intervenor. MEMORANDUM OPINION Four tribes of Alaska Natives and one individual Native brought this suit to challenge theSecretary of the Interior’s dec
B. 20 Endocrine pharmacology a. Describe the pharmacology of insulin preparations and their use. 51 amino-acid polypeptide composed of two chains linked by disulfide bondssynthesized by ß cells of the pancreas as proinsulinproinsulin is cleaved into insulin and C-protein before secretionendogenous production 1 unit/h plus 10-20 units/day after foodsynthetic preparations were formerly