
(art. 2 of the Antidoping Examination Regulations)
Adopted by the UCI President on the proposal of the Antidoping Commission of the UCI.
Entry into effect: 1st April 2000
List Nr.01/2000
Anabolic agents:1. Androgenic anabolising steroids2. Non-steroidal anabolic agents PROHIBITED METHODS
Pharmacological, chemical or physical manipulation CLASSES OF PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS
The stimulants at figure I.A.1. below (light stimulants) The beta 2 agonists, if the rider is not able to produce a medical prescription Marijuana in the discipline “downhill” of MTB SUBSTANCES PROHIBITED AT OUT-OF-COMPETITION TESTS
Peptidic hormones, mimetics and analogues The following amphetamines' related products and stimulants: Compounds chemically or pharmacologically related to the products mentioned under A to C above.
This list is based on that of the International Olympic Committee but is not wholly identical thereto. It stays in effect until a new It is recalled that under the Antidoping Examination Regulations, all products, regardless of denomination, containing even a minor of the above-mentioned substances are prohibited.
cropropamide (constituant of "Micorene") crothétamide (constituant of "Micorene ") for caffeine, a sample shall be considered as positive if the concentration in the urine exceeds 12 micrograms/ml; for cathine (norpseudoephedrine) a sample shall be considered as positive if the concentration in the urine exceeds 5micrograms/ml; for ephedrine and methylephedrine, a sample shall be considered as positive if the concentration in the urine exceeds 10micrograms/ml; for pseudoephedrine and phenylpropanolamine, a sample shall be considered as positive if the concentration in the Beta 2 agonists
The use of aerosols containing the following beta 2 agonists only is permitted: The rider must be able to produce a medical certificate from a specialised doctor or team doctor during the drug test (for riders ofTrade Teams I and II only the registration on the health record booklet will be taken into consideration). If not and the laboratoryfinds a trace of one of those substances, he will be considered positive.
"HEAVY" STIMULANTS (amphetamines and related)
37, route de Chavannes - Case Postale - CH-1000 Lausanne 23 – Suisse

Note: Codeine, dextromethorphan, dextropropoxyphene, dihydrocodeine, diphenoxylate, ethylmorphine, propoxyphene, tramadol and pholcodine are permitted.
* for morphine a sample shall be deemed positive if the concentration in the urine exceeds 1 microgramme/ml.
The Antidoping Commission can have any sample or part of a sample analysed by a Gas-chromatography/Combustion/Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (GC/C/IRMS) in any laboratory which has this apparatus.
The Commission will inform the rider about this. If this analysis shows an exogenous application, the rider will beconsidered positive. In other cases, the Antidoping Commission can ask for further tests. If the rider refuses to undergothese tests, he will be considered positive.
For dihydrotestosterone a sample will be considered positive if the concentrations of dihydrotestosterone and itsmetabolites and/or their ratio of non-5alpha steroids exceed the normal level of a human being in such a way that theycannot be attributed to endogenous production.
As for nandrolone and its derivatives, a sample will be considered positive if the norandrosterone concentration found inthe urine after hydrolysis exceeds 5 ng/ml. If the concentration is between 2 and 5 ng/ml or is equal to 5 ng/ml, theAntidoping Commission can request further analyses. If the rider refuses to undergo them, he will be considered positive.
**** For analyses other than those performed with a GC/C/IRMS apparatus (see point * above) a sample will be considered positive for testosterone if the level of testosterone/epitestosterone (T/E) is higher than 6.
Nevertheless, the rider can request an endocrinological examination to determine if the level is due to a physiological orpathological state.
The request for the endocrinological examination must be made to the UCI Antidoping Commission at the latest 5working days after receipt of the registered letter to the rider’s national federation informing it of the positive result, i.e.
within the deadline for the request of a counter-analysis (article 64 AER). The Antidoping Commission will decide whichlaboratory and date will be chosen for the analysis. The cost of the analysis must be paid in advance by the rider. Thedate of the analysis cannot be postponed. If the results of the endocrinological examination show that that the level ofT/E is owing to a physiological or pathological state, the UCI will refund the rider the cost of the examination and issuehim with a certificate. In all other cases the cost of the examination is to be paid by the rider.
If the rider requests a counter-analysis, he must do so within the deadline stipulated in article 64 of the Antidopingexamination regulations, even if he requests an endocrinological examination. If the counter-analysis does not confirm apositive result, the rider will not be considered positive and the endocrinological examination will not be conducted.
Instead of an endocrinological examination the rider can request, within the same deadline, that the AntidopingCommission carries out a retrospective analysis of previous results, which should be addressed to the Commission within3 working days of the request. If the Antidoping Commission judges that the request is not valid, it may oblige the riderto have an endocrinological examination. If the circumstances are justifiable, the Antidoping Commission mayimmediately propose a retrospective analysis.
The Antidoping Commission may also demand a long term examination consisting of random tests conducted during aperiod, which it will determine.
* Except with a therapeutical justification for use by inhaling as described under point I. A. 1, for salbutamol a sample shall be considered as positive if the concentration in the urine exceeds 1000 nanograms per millilitre.
Chorionic Gonadotrophin (h.C.G. - Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin): it is well known that the administration
of human chorionic gonadotrophin and other related compounds leads to an increase in the production of natural
androgenic steroids and is considered equivalent to the exogenous administration of testosterone.
A sample would be considered positive if the concentration is above 20 ImU/ml. During the analysis two different
immunoassays methods are requested;
Pituitary and synthetic gonadotrophins (LH – prohibited in males only);
Corticotrophin (A.C.T.H.): corticotrophin has been misused to increase the levels of endogenous corticosteroids in the
blood, particularly to obtain the mood-elevating effect of corticosteroids. The administration of corticotrophin is
regarded as equivalent to the oral, intramuscular or intravenous administration of corticosteroids. (See section III. C);
Growth Hormone (h.G.H. Somatotrophin): The use of growth hormone in sport is regarded as amoral and dangerous
by reason of its various side-effects such as allergic reactions, diabetogenic effects, and acromegaly when administered in
large doses;
Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-1);
Erythropoietine (EPO ): a glycoproteinic hormone produced in the human kidney which regulates, apparently by
retroaction, the rate of synthesis of erythrocytes;
Insulin: Permitted only to treat insulin-dependent diabetes. Written notification of insulin-dependent diabetes by an
endocrinologist is necessary (for riders of Trade Teams I and II only the registration on the health record booklet will be
taken into consideration);
N.b. all release agents of the above-mentioned substances are also prohibited, e.g. clomiphene, cyclofenil and tamoxifen
(substances prohibited for males only)
Without prejudice to the concentration stipulated for h.C.G., the presence of an abnormal concentration of an endogenoushormone in class (E) or its diagnostic marker(s) in the urine of a competitor constitutes an offence unless it has been proven tobe due to a physiological or pathological condition.
Blood doping and artificial oxygen carriers (for example PFC)
Blood transfusion is the intravenous administration of red blood corpuscles or blood compounds containing red corpuscles. Theseproducts may be obtained from blood extracted either from the same individual (auto-transfusion) or from different individuals(hetero-transfusion). The most common indication for the transfusion of red blood corpuscles in current traditional medicine is alarge blood loss or severe anaemia.
Blood doping is the administration of blood or related substances containing red blood corpuscles to an athlete except for provenmedical need. This procedure may be preceded by the taking of blood from the athlete, who then goes on with his training in astate of blood insufficiency.
These practices contravene the ethics both of sportsmanship and of the medical profession. Moreover, there are risks associatedwith the transfusion of blood or blood substances. These risks include the development of allergic reactions (skin rashes, fevers,etc.) and also acute haemolytic reactions with kidney damage if an incorrect blood type is used, as well as delayed reactions totransfusion such as fever or jaundice, the transmission of infectious diseases (viral hepatitis and AIDS), the overloading of thecirculatory system and metabolic shock. Consequently the practice of blood doping in sport is prohibited.
Pharmacological, chemical or physical manipulation
The use of substances and methods which alter the integrity and validity of urine samples used in drug tests is prohibited.
Amongst the methods prohibited let us cite catheterisation, the substitution and/or alteration of urine and the inhibition of renalexcretion, particularly through probenecide and related compounds, and the administration of epitestosterone. If theconcentration of epitestosterone is above 200 ng/ml, laboratories are requested to notify the authorities concerned. TheAntidoping Commission recommends in this event that additional checks be carried out.
Marijuana and other cannabinoids
Marijuana is not prohibited, except in the discipline "downhill" in MTB, where a sample will be declared positive as from the
detection of more than 40 ng/ml. of THC-COOH (main metabolite of cannabis).
Local anaesthetics
The use of local anaesthetics is permitted on the following conditions only to be proved by the rider :a) that procaine, xylocaine, carbocaine, etc. be used - but not cocaine,b) that only local and intra-articular injections be given,c) only when their use is justified on medical grounds.
Natural or synthetic glucocorticosteroids are used above all as anti-inflammatory substances which also relieve pain. They alsohave an effect on the concentrations of natural corticosteroids in circulation in the body. They bring about a certain euphoriaand have such side-effects that their medical use, except for topical application, necessitates medical checking.
The use of corticosteroids is prohibited, except when used for topical application (auricular, ophthalmological ordermatological), inhalations (asthma and allergic rhinitis) and local or intra-articular injections. Such forms of utilisation are tobe proved by the rider with a medical prescription (for riders of Trade Teams I and II only the registration on the health recordbooklet will be taken into consideration).
- the UCI accredited Laboratories,- the Antidoping Doctors and- the UCI Antidoping Inspectors.
For any questions with respect to this list, members of the Antidoping Commission must be contacted by telephone or
facsimile. The addresses of the members of the Antidoping Commission are as follows:

- President
Kaspar-Kerll-Strasse 40 a
81245 MUNICH - Germany
Medical Doctor
Geerstraat 5
6447 CB MERKELBEEK - Netherlands

Source: http://oldsite.uci.ch/english/about/rules/ch14_dopage_liste_20000401.pdf

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