General Hospital Psychiatry 29 (2007) 156 – 162
Medication safety in a psychiatric hospital
Jeffrey M. Rothschild, M.D., M.P.H.a,b,4, Klaus Mann, M.D.a,c, Carol A. Keohane, B.S.N., R.N.a,
Deborah H. Williams, M.H.A.d, Cathy Foskett, R.N.a, Stanley L. Rosen, R.P.H., M.H.A.e,
Linda Flaherty, A.P.R.N., B.C.f, James A. Chu, M.D.g,h, David W. Bates, M.D., M.Sc.a,b,d
aDivision of General Medicine and Primary Care, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA 02120-1613, USA
bDepartment of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA
cDepartment of Psychiatry, University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany
dClinical Quality and Information Systems, Partners Healthcare, Wellesley, MA 02481, USA
ePharmacy Department, McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA, USA
fDepartment of Nursing, McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA 02478-9106, USA
gDepartment of Psychiatry, McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA 02478-9106, USA
hDepartment of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA
Received 6 October 2006; accepted 4 December 2006
Objective: We sought to assess the epidemiology of medication errors (MEs) and adverse drug events (ADEs) in a psychiatric hospital. Methods: We conducted a 6-month prospective observational study in a 172-bed academic psychiatric hospital. Errors and ADEs were foundby way of chart review, staff reports and pharmacy intervention reports. Physicians rated incidents as to the presence of injury, preventabilityand severity of an injury. Serious MEs were nonintercepted MEs with potential for harm (near misses) and preventable ADEs. Results: We studied 1871 admissions with 19,180 patient-days. The rate of ADEs and serious MEs were 10 and 6.3 per 1000 patient-days,respectively. Preventable ADEs accounted for 13% of all ADEs (25/191). The most common classes of drugs associated with ADEs wereatypical antipsychotics (37%). Nonpsychiatric drugs accounted for only 4% of nonpreventable ADEs but were associated with nearly onethird of all preventable ADEs and near misses. MEs were most frequently associated with physician orders (68%), but there was also a highrate of nursing transcription errors (20%). Conclusions: ADEs and serious MEs were common among psychiatric inpatients and similar to rates in studies of general hospital inpatients. Medication safety interventions targeting psychiatric care need further study. D 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Medication errors; Psychiatry; Psychopharmacology; Patient safety
adverse drug events (ADEs) continues to be an importantproblem. Furthermore, the psychiatric population is growing
The pharmacologic treatment of psychiatric disorders has
older (reflecting the demographics of the overall popula-
improved in recent years. Specifically, many new psycho-
tion), and many of these patients are receiving many other
pharmacologic agents have been developed; some of which
nonpsychiatric medications that may be unfamiliar to
have proved to be highly effective. As a result, many acute
and chronic psychiatric illnesses can now be treated much
In 1999, the groundbreaking report of the Institute of
more effectively than a decade ago. However, while these
Medicine (IOM) brought national attention to the problem of
new agents have better side-effect profiles than many of the
preventable adverse events including many due to medica-
older drugs, the potential for medication errors (MEs) and
tions While substantial information regarding thefrequency and prevention of MEs and ADEs in hospitalizedpatients is available most of these studies have
4 Corresponding author. Division of General Medicine, Brigham and
included few or no psychiatric patients. Specific populations
Women’s Hospital, 1620 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02120-1613, USA.
such as critically ill patients and ambulatory oncology
Tel.: +1 617 732 4825; fax: +1 617 732 7072.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.M. Rothschild).
patients have been demonstrated to pose particular challenges
0163-8343/$ – see front matter D 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.genhosppsych.2006.12.002
J.M. Rothschild et al. / General Hospital Psychiatry 29 (2007) 156 – 162
to safe medication use [6,7]. The limited data available
of every 7 days of a patient’s hospitalization. Diabetes
suggest that the psychiatric inpatients represent
management flow sheets, standardized supplemental insulin
risk population who pose particular challenges [8]. We
sliding scale order forms and anticoagulation (warfarin)
previously found that ADEs were disproportionately frequent
dosing and test result flow sheets were not in use at the time
on psychiatric units compared with medical and
of the study. Desktop computers were not readily available
units; moreover, these ADEs were especially costly [2].
for drug information lookups, although some physicians
However, to date, few medication studies have been
used handheld computers [or personal digital assistants
conducted in psychiatric hospitals [9]. A more recent IOM
(PDAs)] with drug reference guides as resources. Pharma-
report, Improving the Quality of Health Care for Mental and
cists did not routinely round with physicians but were
Substance-Use Conditions, found only a bhandful of studiesQ
available for telephone consultations.
of ADEs in inpatient psychiatric hospitals
Recently, a task force of the American Psychiatric
Association (APA) recommended focusing on medication
We used definitions from prior inpatient medication
safety as one of the initial patient safety activities with high
safety studies MEs included errors during medication
priority for psychiatric practice In order to develop
ordering, transcribing, dispensing, administering and/or
effective patient safety strategies, it is necessary to better
monitoring. We excluded from analysis those MEs with
understand the epidemiology of inpatient psychiatric med-
little or no potential for harm. ADEs were injuries due to a
ication safety; we therefore conducted a prospective study of
medication and were classified as preventable (associated
the incidence and nature of MEs and ADEs in the inpatient
with an ME) or nonpreventable. An example of a non-
preventable ADE would be initiating lamotrigine at recom-mended doses to a patient with no prior allergy history whothen develops a severe rash. An example of a preventable
ADE would be administering lamotrigine to a patient with a
The study was conducted prospectively between Sep-
known allergy to the medication who then develops
tember 1, 2004, and February 28, 2005. The institutional
Stevens–Johnson syndrome. A near miss or potential
review boards of the participating sites approved the study.
ADE was an ME that had the potential to cause harm butdid not because it was either intercepted before reaching the
patient (intercepted near miss) or reached the patient and
The study hospital was a 172-bed academic psychiatric
fortuitously did not cause harm (nonintercepted near miss).
hospital in the New England area. The hospital pharmacy
Serious MEs were those that reached the patient and had the
receives nearly 70,000 medication orders and dispenses over
capacity to cause injury and included nonintercepted near
740,000 units of medications during a 6-month period. The
misses and preventable ADEs. Intercepted near misses were
study was conducted on six patient care units (133 beds),
excluded from this category because successful safety
including an acute inpatient psychiatric satellite unit that
interventions can be expected to result in an increase in
was remote from the main campus. The on-campus study
interceptions of these near-miss events.
units included a dissociative disorders and trauma unit, a
2.3. Data collection and medication incident determination
schizophrenia and bipolar disorders unit, a geriatric unit, anacute psychiatric short-term unit and a dementia and
Prior to study collection, nurse and physician leaders and
the chief of pharmacy met with the research team to describe
Medication orders were paper based. Both resident and
the medication processes used in the study hospital. Nurse
attending psychiatric physicians wrote orders. In addition,
researchers with experience in chart abstraction underwent
hospital-based internists were available for medical consul-
training provided by study researchers with experience in
tation and comanagement of complicated medical patients.
prior medication safety research and a psychiatrist with
The main campus pharmacy was staffed during daytime and
evening hours until 11 p.m. on weekdays and until 8 p.m. on
Suspected MEs and ADEs or incidents were identified by
weekends. The satellite unit used the main campus
methods detailed in our prior work Briefly, three methods
pharmacy for weekday delivery of medications. Staff nurses
were used for finding suspected medication incidents. First,
used unit-based pharmacy stock for urgently needed
chart abstraction was conducted on alternate weekdays, and
medications at the satellite unit and during the night at the
findings were entered into structured data collection forms.
main campus. Patients requiring continuous intravenous
Physician and nursing progress notes, medication orders,
medications or telemetry monitoring required transfer to a
MARs and pertinent test results were reviewed. Secondly,
medical hospital for subsequent care.
solicited reports from both nursing and physician staff were
Structured admission order forms were available at the
also used to assist in incident finding. Lastly, nursing and
time of admission. Medication administration records
pharmacy intervention reports were reviewed. We used
(MARs) were maintained by staff nurses. A new MAR
institutional psychopharmacologic dosing guidelines, includ-
was recreated using manual transcription at or near the end
ing research protocols, to determine dosing errors.
J.M. Rothschild et al. / General Hospital Psychiatry 29 (2007) 156 – 162
Suspected incidents were presented to two physicians,
including an internist with experience in prior medication
safety studies (J.M.R., D.W.B.) and a psychiatrist (K.M.,
J.A.C.), to independently rate incidents as to the presence of
an ME and/or ADE. Physician raters judged severity using a
four-point Likert scale (significant, severe, life threatening,
fatal) and preventability using a five-point Likert scale
(prevented, definitely preventable, probably preventable,
probably not preventable, definitely not preventable), with
the preventability scale collapsed to preventable or not
preventable prior to analysis. Rater disagreements were
MEs were categorized as harmful or not and mapped to the
National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Report-
ing and Prevention Levels E–I and B–D, respectively
All medication errors are intercepted and nonintercepted near misses
Serious MEs were analyzed for injury severity or potential
c Serious medication errors are nonintercepted near misses and
severity as well as systems-related factors. ME stages were
categorized as ordering, transcribing, dispensing, adminis-tration and monitoring. Error types such as wrong doses or
The most common reasons for admission were mood
known drug allergy were also identified. Incidents not rated
disorders and schizophrenic disorders. The levels of
as ADEs or MEs with potential for harm were excluded.
interrater agreement for incident type, ADE severity, near-miss potential severity and incident preventability were
good to excellent (.85, .49, .57 and .97, respectively).
Incident rates were assessed as incidents per 1000 patient-
days and per 100 admissions. Statistical programming wasperformed using SAS analytical software Interrater
We found 191 ADEs including 25 (13%) that were
agreement was assessed using the kappa (j) statistic.
preventable and 166 (87%) that were classified as non-preventable (The rate of ADEs was 10 per 1000patient-days and 10.2 per 100 admissions. The severity of
harm for most ADEs was significant (66%) with fewer
A total of 1559 patients with 1871 admissions and
being serious (31%) and life-threatening (2%) events. There
19,180 patient-days were included in the study (
were no fatal ADEs. The organ systems most fre-quently affected by ADEs were the central nervous system
(127/191; 66.5%), cardiovascular (18/191; 9.4%) and
Characteristics of patients (n = 1559) and admissions (n = 1871)
ADEs (error) ADEs (no error) [n = 191] misses
Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
Anxiety, dissociative and somatoform disorders
DSM-IV, Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth
J.M. Rothschild et al. / General Hospital Psychiatry 29 (2007) 156 – 162
admissions (Table 2). The most common types of MEs were
wrong dose (50/203; 24.6%), drug–drug interaction (DDI;
Ordering, Transcription, Administration, Othera,
35/191; 17.2%) and omitted medication (28/191; 13.8%).
MEs were most frequently associated with physician orders
errors (20%) and administration errors (10%; Table 4). Errors
during transcription and administration deserve additional
consideration because they were infrequently intercepted (4/
50), unlike ordering errors that were often intercepted
bdownstreamQ by pharmacists or nurses (77/125). Examples
a Includes pharmacy filling, monitoring and dispensing.
Human factors and systems-related causes for errors were
allergic or dermatologic reactions (13/191; 6.8%). While
judged to be most frequently due to performance deficit
approximately 50% of all medication orders were psychi-
such as a slip or lapse (34.5%), knowledge deficits (21.7%)
atric related, they were responsible for 92% of all ADEs.
and technical errors such as errors in transcription (19.2%)
The most common class of drugs associated with ADEs was
atypical antipsychotics (37%; . Nonpsychiatric
Physician raters judged that the serious MEs in this study
drugs, also associated with approximately 50% of all
could have been prevented by computerized physician order
medication orders, accounted for only 4% of nonpreventable
entry (CPOE) with decision support such as DDI and drug–
ADEs but were associated with 30% of all preventable
dose checking (44%), basic CPOE alone to ensure legibility
ADEs. Cardiovascular drugs were the most common
and completeness (16.7%) and bar-coded medication
nonpsychiatric drug class associated with near misses.
administration (BCMA) with an electronic MAR (15.2%).
We found 178 near misses, including 95 nonintercepted
near misses, and 25 preventable ADEs resulting in a serious
We found that ADEs were common in an academic
ME rate of 6.3 per 1000 patient-days and 6.4 per 100
psychiatric hospital; the overall rate was about a third higher
A patient with a history of depression and a known allergy to sulfa drugs was started ontrimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and developed an immediate rash.
A patient admitted with manic psychosis developed hyponatremia after starting divalproex. Urine electrolytesconfirmed the diagnosis of SIADH. Salt tablets were added but the hyponatremia worsened. The divalproexwas discontinued 2 weeks later.
Life threatening An elderly patient with a history of dementia and increasing agitation was given a total of 275 mg, po, of
quetiapine and 50 mg, po, of trazodone at night. The next morning, the patient was found lethargic and fellout of bed resulting in a cervical spine fracture.
A young patient with a history of schizoaffective disorder developed severe restlessness after an increase inthe dose of risperidone. The symptoms resolved with the addition of benztropine.
A patient with a history of schizoaffective disorder developed tremors and severe lethargy after startingperphenazine.
Life threatening An elderly patient with a history of bipolar disease was treated with trazodone, divalproex and clozapine.
The patient developed difficulty with swallowing, delirium and unsteady gait.
A young patient admitted for a suicide attempt was ordered bisacodyl (Dulcolax) 20 mg every 4 h. Theorder was intercepted and changed to every 4 days.
A patient with no history of diabetes was admitted for polysubstance abuse and was ordered glargine insulin(Lantus) 10 U, sc, daily. The order was intended for a different patient but, later, the physician interceptedthe error and placed the order on the correct patient’s chart.
Life threatening A young patient with a history of substance abuse was ordered benztropine 50 mg, im or po, for chemical
restraint. The order was intercepted by the pharmacy and was replaced by an order for diphenhydramine50 mg.
An elderly patient with Alzheimer’s disease and increasingly aggressive behavior did not receive a doseof his daily morning dose of 22 U, sc, glargine insulin. His blood glucose was stable.
A patient admitted for possible drug overdose and erratic behavior was ordered Lithobid 300 mg twice dailyand ibuprofen 600 mg every 4 h as needed. The patient did not receive the ibuprofen (potential DDI).
Life threatening An elderly patient with a history of depression and suicidal ideation was ordered and given extended
release metoprolol 125 mg instead of the correct dose of 25 mg. The patient’s heart rate and blood pressureremained stable.
SIADH, syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone.
J.M. Rothschild et al. / General Hospital Psychiatry 29 (2007) 156 – 162
than previously found in a similar study in general hospitals,
or forensic ward and a diagnosis of schizophrenia [20].
although a lower proportion were preventable: 13%
Following a 2003 study of MEs collected by
versus 28% [2]. In addition, in contrast to findings in
incident reports from 44 Japanese psychiatric hospitals [21],
general hospitals, there were fewer life-threatening and no
an analysis of organizational and human factors
fatal ADEs, possibly due to the lower potential toxicity of
conducted to predict failures to intercept near misses [22].
commonly used psychiatric medications compared with
Near misses that reached the patient were associated with
those used in general care. While ADEs due to psychotropic
patients with frequent admissions, receiving more tablets
medications were far more common than nonpsychotropic
and being exposed to a higher patient-to-staff ratio during
medications, nonpsychotropic medication ADEs were more
likely to be associated with an error and are, therefore,
Other studies have addressed the frequency of ADEs in
preventable. We also found many near misses, both
hospitalized patients in general and have assessed the
intercepted and nonintercepted. We found a higher propor-
frequency associated with psychotropic drugs. In a tertiary
tion of errors committed during the ordering (68%) and
care general hospital setting, Bates et al. found 6.5 ADEs
transcription stages (20%) when compared to a similar study
per 100 admissions, of which nearly a third were judged to
in general hospitals (49% and 11%, respectively)
be preventable. While psychotropic medications were
However, the rate of administration errors was lower
responsible for only 2% of the ADEs, they represented
(10%) than the general hospital study (26%)
7% of the preventable ADEs. In a later study, Bates et al.
This represents what could probably be the largest
found that psychotropic drugs accounted for 0.41% of
prospective study of medication safety that has been done
serious MEs in an academic medical–surgical hospital. After
in the psychiatric hospital setting. While there has been a
CPOE and a team intervention to prevent MEs, this rate fell
tremendous reduction in the number of hospitalized
to 0.16% ( P = .15) In a 9-year study in a teaching
psychiatric patients, due in large part to advances in
hospital, Lesar et al. found more than 11,000 prescribing
psychopharmacotherapy, these patients still represent a large
errors, of which 146 (1.3%) were associated with psycho-
proportion of the national inpatient population. There are
nearly a quarter of a million 24-h hospital and residential
Older patients may be particularly vulnerable to the
psychiatric treatment beds in the United States and
harmful effects of psychotropic medications. The reasons
more than a quarter of all hospital admissions are for
are multifactorial and include the following: more frequent
use of psychotropic medications among the elderly, the
This study is also important because previous studies of
increased susceptibility of older patients to drug effects
inpatient psychiatric medication safety have most common-
(both intended and unintended), the greater risk of DDIs
ly been retrospective and studied nonpreventable ADEs
associated with polypharmacy use among older patients and
[also known as adverse drug reactions (ADRs)], studied
the increased difficulty in diagnosing ADEs as a cause of
psychotropic medication use among general medical–
older patients’ new or worsening symptoms We found
surgical patients or included psychiatric inpatients as part
several falls that may have been associated with medications
of general hospital medication safety studies.
in our study. Falls are a particular risk among elderly
A 1984 epidemiologic study of a psychiatric hospital
patients who are prescribed psychotropic medications,
found that 75% of randomly selected patients had suffered
especially SSRIs In a meta-analysis of psychotropic
ADRs However, this study included very broad ADR
drugs and falls in the elderly, only 2 of 54 studies were
inclusion criteria (e.g., drugs were continued without change
conducted in inpatient psychiatric settings
in two thirds of patients with an ADR), and independent
There is now a growing body of literature that addresses
case reviews were not performed. A more recent study
psychotropic ADEs in the general population and nursing
conducted at McLean Hospital found that over a 2.5-year
homes. The FDA Medwatch reported 6894 deaths from
period, among 10,994 admissions, 29 (0.26%) required
ADRs, including 848 (12.3%) deaths due to psychotropic
transfer to a general hospital due to an ADR
medications, the third largest category of drugs after
In a state psychiatric hospital, Grasso et al.
antineoplastic/immunosuppressive drugs and cardiovascular
conducted a retrospective study of 31 admissions with
drugs A recent analysis of the quality of antipsychotic
1448 patient-days and found 2194 MEs. Their unusually
drug prescribing in U.S. nursing homes found that most
high rate of MEs was, in part, due to the inclusion of errors
atypical antipsychotics were inappropriately prescribed
with little potential for harm and an unusually high
In a 1-year study among 18 nursing homes, 35% of ADEs
frequency of missing documentation for medication admin-
were due to psychotropic and antidepressant medications. A
istration. In a 1-day audit of 241 United Kingdom
greater proportion of ADEs due to psychotropic medications
psychiatric wards, 20% of patients were prescribed total
(63%), as compared to all other drug classes (43%), were
doses of antipsychotic medication that exceeded guideline
preventable This finding is similar to data described
recommendations These researchers found that anti-
earlier in a hospital-based study but contrasts to our
psychotic polypharmarcy was associated with younger age,
finding that a higher proportion of the ADEs associated
being male, being detained for admission on a rehabilitation
with errors were associated with nonpsychiatric medications
J.M. Rothschild et al. / General Hospital Psychiatry 29 (2007) 156 – 162
(8/15; 53%) rather than with psychiatric medications
Interventions to reduce serious MEs include CPOE
(17/176; 9.7%). Our findings might be explained in two
pharmacist participation in intensive care unit rounds [32]
ways: psychiatric medications could have a higher risk for
and medireconciliation at hospital admission and
nonpreventable adverse effects, and the total number of
discharge [33]. However, few safety intervention studies
ADEs unrelated to error may be much greater; just as
have been conducted in the inpatient psychiatric setting. A
nonpsychiatrists with less experience and knowledge than
review of the impact of clinical pharmacists on psychiatric
psychiatrists may have led to more errors when prescribing
patients suggested that pharmreduced unnecessary
psychiatric medications, psychiatrists may also commit
and often costly medications [34]. In some hospitals,
more MEs when managing diabetes, anticoagulation or
pharmacists function as drug information officers who are
available as consultants to physicians to enhance safe
Improving inpatient psychiatric medication safety will
medication prescribing. PDAs have been demonstrated to
entail adopting lessons learned from general hospitals and
improve medication reconciliation at the time of discharge
other settings as well as developing strategies targeting the
from a psychiatric hospital and may provide additional
unique challenges of inpatient psychiatry. Leape et al.
medication safety benefits in this setting The data from
found that systems-related factors are responsible for many
this study suggest that the interventions that would prevent
errors in the general hospital setting, including deficient
the largest proportion of serious MEs are CPOE with
drug knowledge, deficient patient-specific information,
decision support and BCMA. In the study hospital, several
inadequate allergy defense, lack of standardization of
interventions have been undertaken or are in the early
processes, poor communication between services and
planning stages and include the introduction of improved
inadequate monitoring and feedback of ADEs.
physician–nursing communication techniques CPOE
It has been posited that psychiatry has been slower to
address medical errors than other specialties. Dr. Miles
The overwhelming majority of ADEs related to psychi-
Shore, cochair of the APA Task Force on Patient Safety, has
atric care in this study were considered nonpreventable
suggested that psychiatry’s blate arrivalQ on the medical
(159/176; 90%). Advances in pharmacogenomics may
error scene may be due to several factors the type of
provide individual drug metabolism profiles for future
medical errors that come to public attention more commonly
patients and could allow the prevention of many of these
are nonpsychiatric, such as those involving invasive
procedures; psychiatry practice is more private and confi-
This study has several limitations. It was conducted at a
dential such that near misses may be less often seen or
single institution so that the results may not be generalizable
reported; and psychotherapy training’s emphasis on indi-
to other organizations or settings. Our detection approach
vidual responsibility may make psychiatrists less acceptable
relied on finding events from the chart, and some ADEs
of the nonpunitive system’s approach to error reduction that
may have not been reported in the medical record.
has been adopted in other medical specialties.
Assessing whether or not a specific set of symptoms are
Inpatient psychiatric pharmacotherapy may be associated
ADEs provides particular challenges in psychiatry, espe-
with different rates and types of MEs because of differences
cially in severely ill patients, in whom it may be acceptable
associated with psychiatric patients, psychopharmacologic
to have certain symptoms if a regimen appears to be
agents and the psychiatric inpatient setting. For example,
effective in treating the underlying disorder.
inpatient diabetes management is more complicated forpsychiatric patients who intermittently refuse to eat or
unexpectedly refuse to take their medications. Such noncom-pliance is rare in the general medical–surgical inpatient
In conclusion, this study in a psychiatric hospital showed
population. Psychiatric patients may also differ from non-
that MEs and ADEs are common and occur with the same
psychiatric patients with respect to their longer lengths of stay
frequency as they do in general hospitals. They cause harm
and reduced capacities to report prior drug allergies or
to psychiatric inpatients but tend to be less life threatening
potential active drug side effects. Characteristics of the
and fatal than in general hospitals. Additional studies are
psychiatric inpatient setting that may differ, as compared
needed to determine which intervention strategies are most
with general medical–surgical units, include lower ratios of
efficacious in this setting, although computerization of
nursing staff to patient, greater physician expertise in the use
prescribing and implementation of BCMA appear to have
of psychotropic agents but possibly less knowledge
great potential. In addition, strategies should address
concerning other medication classes, different nursing
nonpsychiatric medication use especially since this is likely
processes for patient monitoring and other systems-related
factors. Medication regimens for psychiatric inpatients maybe associated with increased risks for errors due to the greater
incidence of DDIs associated with psychotropic use
In recent years, several interventions have been found to
Funding support was provided by a grant from the
be effective in reducing inpatient MEs in general care.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (PO1
J.M. Rothschild et al. / General Hospital Psychiatry 29 (2007) 156 – 162
HS11534-01). The funding organization had no role in the
An epidemiological study at psychiatric hospitals. Acta Psychiatr
design and conduct of the study; in the collection,
[17] Popli AP, Hegarty JD, Siegel AJ, Kando JC, Tohen M. Transfer of
management, analysis and interpretation of the data; and
psychiatric inpatients to a general hospital due to adverse drug
in the preparation, review or approval of the manuscript.
reactions. Psychosomatics 1997;38:35 – 7.
The authors thank Priya Srivastava and Barbara Winters
[18] Grasso BC, Genest R, Jordan CW, Bates DW. Use of chart and record
for their assistance in data collection. The authors also thank
reviews to detect medication errors in a state psychiatric hospital.
the nursing and medical staff of the study hospital for their
[19] Harrington M, Lelliot P, Paton C, Okocha C, Duffett R, Sensky T. The
results of a multi-centre audit of the prescribing of antipsychotic drugsfor in-patients in the UK. Psychiatri Bull 2002;414 – 8.
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Duncan Dentures Partial Dentures - Detachable partial dentures are oral prosthetics that can be utilized by individuals who have a few teeth missingon either the upper or lower arch. These dental devices are different than bridges or implants in that they are capable of beingextricated from the oral cavity. Their purpose is to interchange multiple missing teeth with a single simple dental devic
ENVIS Bulletin Vol7(2) : Himalayan Ecology Summary of completed/ongoing projects DEMOGRAPHIC, BIOLOGICAL AND CULTURAL PROXIMATES OF HEALTH AND DISEASE IN ARUNACHAL PRADESH R.K. Pathak Department of Anthropology, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong 793022, Meghalaya The present study has been undertaken to find out the demographic, biological and cultural proximates