Marine Pollution Bulletin 46 (2003) 806–815
Shrimp aquaculture development and the environment in the
aez-Osuna a,*, A. Gracia b, F. Flores-Verdugo a, L.P. Lyle-Fritch c,
R. Alonso-Rodrııguez d, A. Roque e, A.C. Ruiz-Fern
a Unidad Academica Mazatlan, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologııa, Universidad Nacional Autonoma Mexico,
b Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologııa, UNAM, Apdo. Postal 70-305, Mexico D.F. 04510, Sinaloa, Mexico
c Secretarııa del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Apdo. Postal 1177, Mazatlan 82000, Sinaloa, Mexico
d Posgrado en Uso, Manejo y Preservacion de los Recursos Naturales, Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas del Noroeste Sinaloa, Mexico
e Unidad Mazatlan en Acuicultura y Manejo Ambiental, Centro de Investigacion y Desarrollo, Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico
Beginning in the middle of the 1980s, the Gulf of California ecoregion experienced a boom in shrimp aquaculture and became the
second largest producer in the western hemisphere. The moderated, but continual development of shrimp farming, in conjunctionwith municipal and agriculture effluents has been accompanied by concern about: (a) depletion of fishing stocks, (b) reduction ofmangrove forest, (c) frequent harmful algal blooms in coastal waters and shrimp ponds, and (d) water quality deterioration. Wedemonstrate that environmental degradation resulted from a conjunction of factors including agriculture, untreated municipaleffluents, shrimp aquaculture, increasing number of fishermen, and an absence of an effective regulatory program. We recommendthe immediate implementation of an integrated coastal management program to protect the integrity of the coastal ecosystems andoperate upon the principle of environmental sustainability for the different economic activities including shrimp aquaculture. Ó 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Shrimp aquaculture; Mangroves; Fisheries; Algal blooms; Water quality; Gulf of California
The Gulf of California is a semi-enclosed sea on the
Pacific coast of Mexico, one of the most biologically
About 97% of shrimp aquaculture ponds in Mexico
diverse regions in the world with approximately 6000
are located around in the Gulf of California at the states
reported macrofaunal species (Hendrickx et al., 2002).
of Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sonora, Sinaloa
This is a high productivity subtropical area with ap-
and Nayarit. Since 1985, there has been an expansion in
proximately 258,593 km2, which is situated between the
shrimp aquaculture with the greatest increase in north-
Baja Peninsula and mainland. The Gulf of California
west Mexico so that this country has become the second
region is characterized by the presence of approximately
largest producer of farm-raised shrimp in the western
900 islands, 40 estuaries and lagoons. The Gulf of Cal-
ifornia ecoregion defined by the World Wildlife Fund
cerns about the possible effects of the installation of
includes the ecologically important Marismas Nacio-
shrimp facilities and pond effluents on coastal ecosys-
nales (National Marsh) that lies south of the Gulf
tems. This expansion, apparently without control, has
proper. The Gulf and the adjacent ecosystems are pop-
caused conflicts with other activities, such as traditional
ulated with a multiplicity of marine mammals, birds,
fisheries, agriculture and tourism.
reptiles and a wide variety of fish and shellfish. The re-gion supports fisheries, tourism, intensive agriculture,mining, and recently, shrimp aquaculture. These activi-
ties and the presence of around 5 millions of inhabitants
Corresponding author. Tel.: +669-9-852845; fax: +669-9-826133.
constitute a serious threat to the rich and complex bio-
0025-326X/03/$ - see front matter Ó 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0025-326X(03)00107-3
aez-Osuna et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 46 (2003) 806–815
The wet ecosystems of the Gulf ecoregion comprises a
is 23.5%. This ÔdeficitÕ (10,137 ton) is worth $65–135
great variety of habitats that include mangrove forests,
salt-marshes, intertidal pools, swamps, freshwater innerlagoons, brackish and seawater systems, where there is arich and complex food chain. These habitats are im-
3. Development and characteristics of shrimp farming
portant breeding ground for birds, fish, crustaceans, andmammals. Additionally, these ecosystems constitute
SAGARPA/CONAPESCA (2002) report the total
important fishery grounds and favorable conditions for
area dedicated to shrimp farming is 52,648 ha, of which
aquaculture; the lagoons provide nursery grounds for
51,059 ha (%97%) are located around the Gulf of Cali-
postlarvae shrimp as well as for commercially important
fornia; Baja California, 190 ha; Baja California Sur, 128
fish species.The whole Gulf of California ecoregion
ha; Sonora, 9951 ha; Sinaloa, 37,390 ha; and Nayarit,
contains substantial areas that have been considered
suitable for shrimp farming; De la Lanza-Espino et al.
The range size of farms in the Gulf of California re-
(1993), estimated 236,000 ha of lowlands potentially
gion vary from 4 to 1200 ha, with a mean estimated at
available for the shrimp aquaculture for the Gulf of
150 ha. The pond size also is variable (<2 and 40 ha), 2–
15 ha being predominant. The more common manage-
Shrimp aquaculture and its sustainability here has
ment system in the region is the semi-intensive type
become controversial. On one hand, traditional fish-
which occurs in 89% of the farms, while intensive and
ermen from open sea and coastal lagoons are con-
extensive types comprise 2% and 9%, respectively. The
fronting shrimp farmers due to coastal ecosystem
mean stock density for intensive shrimp farms is 58
damages and the consequent decrease of fisheries yields.
postlarvae mÀ2 (PL mÀ2), for the semi-intensive 13
On the other hand, numerous farm owners and oper-
PL mÀ2, and for extensive 7 PL mÀ2; 39% of the farms
ators of shrimp farms report that catches of wild
stocks blue shrimp (L. stylirostris), 37% stock white
shrimp in both open and coastal systems have de-
shrimp (L. vannamei) and 24% stock both shrimp species
clined because of over-exploitation and contamina-
(Lyle-Fritch et al., 2001). During 1999, in Sinaloa 74%
tion of the coastal zone. Shrimp farm owners indicate
of shrimp farms operated two cycles per year, and the
that the develop of the shrimp farm have been poor
rest only one. However, in 2001 and 2002 the tendency
or moderate, due essentially to problems of land pos-
has been to reduce the number of cycles per year due to
session, lack of government stimulus, and increasing
the decreased crops during cold months. The duration
of the cycles fluctuates between 120 and 140 days de-pending on season, marketing demand, and diseases. More details on the management and characteristics of
shrimp ponds are summarized in Table 1.
The shrimp fishery in the Mexican Pacific is mainly
supported by three species: Litopenaeus vannamei (white
shrimp), Litopenaeus stylirostris (blue shrimp), Farfan-tepenaeus californiensis (brown shrimp), and to a lesser
Legal aspects of mangrove conservation in Mexico
extent Farfantepenaeus brevirostris (crystal shrimp) and
are included in the regulation 059 of the Federal Law on
Trachypenaeus pacificus (zebra shrimp). Fishing of the
the Ecological Equilibrium (Anonymous, 1988); white
first two species has reached critical situation, and cat-
mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa), black mangrove
ches of brown shrimp and crystal shrimp are at their
(Avicennia germinans), and buttonwood (Conocarpus
maximum sustainable yield (INP, 1998). Shrimp farm-
erectus) are under special protection, and the red man-
ing represents the only alternative for a substantive in-
grove (Rhizophora mangle) is considered as a rare
species. Despite legal efforts concerning mangrove con-
In 2001, a total of 17,487 ton and 10,586 ton of
servation, legislation on this matter is still deficient and
shrimp were caught by the fleet from the coasts of Sin-
aloa and Sonora, respectively (SAGARPA/CONAP-
There is significant uncertainty about the total area of
ESCA, 2002); which is 78.7% of the Mexican Pacific and
mangroves in Mexico, and the magnitude of shrimp
48.8% of the total for Mexico. In the last two decades,
aquaculture impact on these ecosystems is unknown.
shrimp catches in Sinaloa and Sonora have declined
However, on a regional scale, there is evidence of
significantly, from an average annual catch of 24,316 ton
mangrove destruction in Sinaloa and Nayarit. The
and 15,718 ton, respectively, during the 1980s, to 17,587
Federal Agency of Environmental Protection, PROF-
ton and 11,012 ton, respectively, for the 1990s (Fig. 1),
EPA (Procuradurııa Federal de Protecci
i.e. a reduction of 28–30%. When global shrimp catch in
considers that Sinaloa has problems of shrimp fishing
the entire Gulf of California is examined, the reduction
during the prohibited season as well as of mangrove
aez-Osuna et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 46 (2003) 806–815
Fig. 1. Gulf of California ecoregion. Localization of zones with major density of shrimp farms (shadow areas). Tendency of the shrimp catch (filledcircles) and shrimp farming (unfilled circles) production from the Gulf of California ecoregion (Â103 ton/y) by state and globally during the 1980–2001 period (Baja California and Baja California Sur have an catch and shrimp farming <710 ton/y) (data from SAGARPA/CONAPESCA, 2002).
deforestation for shrimp farm construction. In terms of
Berlanga-Robles (1999) observed that drying lagoons in
vegetation coverage, the degree of mangrove deteriora-
the Huizache-Caimanero system (Sinaloa), caused a
tion in Mexico is not as evident as in other countries.
20% loss of water surface from 1973 to 1997 and an
Growth of shrimp aquaculture has been moderate and
increase of the adjacent seasonal salt pans. The authors
mostly concentrated in seasonal flood plains.
considered that the impact to the system was a conse-
Despite discrepancies with mangrove extension, sev-
quence of a reduction of deciduous tropical forest for
eral authors have agreed that Sinaloa and Nayarit are
agricultural purposes, and a 50% decrease of mangrove
among the four states with more mangrove surface in
forests was observed between 1973 and 1997. In addition
the country (Flores-Verdugo et al., 1992; Tovilla, 1994).
to the elevated rate of mangrove deforestation (1.9% per
Tovilla (1994) estimated an area of 153,409 ha in Nay-
year), mangrove coverage in this zone is scarce and with
arit, and 74,539 ha in Sinaloa; these regions with
a patchy distribution that aggravates an unstable con-
Campeche (117,000 ha) and Chiapas (70,000 ha) com-
dition. Carrera and de la Fuente (2001) report that in
prise more than 60% of the national mangrove forest
Marismas-Nacionales (Nayarit) about 1456 ha of wet-
lands have been replaced by shrimp farm ponds.
In Sinaloa, development of shrimp aquaculture and
Though digital images of mangrove impact by aqua-
other anthropogenic activities was studied, in order to
culture have been made in Mexico and have demon-
assess their impact on mangrove and salt marsh eco-
strated a non-significant perturbation, such estimations
systems as well as on the surrounding terrestrial eco-
determine vegetal coverage and not forest structure in
systems. In Ceuta lagoon (Sinaloa), Alonso-P
terms of density and basal area. Agraz-Hern
observed changes of land use mainly by agriculture
(1999) found that in Estero de Urııas (Sinaloa) mangrove
(141% increase from 1984 to 1999) but no mangrove
density around shrimp farms has decreased 50% in
damage by aquaculture was detected. Ruiz-Luna and
comparison with mangrove located elsewhere. In the
aez-Osuna et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 46 (2003) 806–815
Table 1Characteristics of the shrimp ponds at the Gulf of California ecoregion
a Generally polyethylene. b Number of postlarvae per m2. c Dry feed added/wet weight of shrimp harvested.
Gulf of California ecoregion mangrove forests are dis-
interrupt seasonal streams and tidal channels affect-
tributed in narrow fringes of less than 30 m width, such
ing mangroves by altering fresh water availability
mangroves border tidal channels that escape image
and the flooding periods. Such events are particularly
resolution (e.g. 80 Â 80) of some satellites as well as the
critical in semiarid regions of the continental margin
scales (>1:30,000) of some aerial photographs or maps.
of the Gulf of California and might induce mortality
Such mangroves are particularly sensitive to changes in
of vast mangrove zones, particularly those species
hydrological patterns due to their marginal distribution,
under environmental stress. Levees of roads to
and are easily displaced by a variety of human activities
shrimp farms and fishing sites pose a similar hazard
and natural events. Nevertheless and despite their lim-
to mangroves when they alter tidal channels. Pump-
ited distribution, in dry and semidry regions they are key
ing operations for water exchange in shrimp farms
ecosystems as feeding grounds and rest areas for mi-
can cause significant changes in the hydrodynamic
gratory birds and as an additional energy supply for
patterns of coastal lagoons. Additionally, an artifi-
trophic chains of adjacent terrestrial ecosystems (Flores-
cial rise of water levels in ponds enhances saline in-
In southern Sinaloa, Ruiz-Luna and Hernandez-
(b) Hypersalinity. Water evaporation in shrimp ponds
Cornejo (1999) showed that 4 of 19 shrimp farms have
has been estimated to increase 50% in comparison
replaced mangroves. Most shrimp farms in Sinaloa are
to natural wetlands (Twilley, 1991). With this high
located in the central and northern regions where it is
evaporation rate, discharges of hypersaline waters
possible to find shrimp ponds that interrupt the natural
to the adjacent estuarine system are significant.
distribution of mangroves. This is evidence that man-
Consequently, the increased salinity is particularly
groves are being displaced by shrimp farm facilities. In
critical for mangroves, especially for white man-
the state of Nayarit, and particularly in San Blas, ma-
grove (L. racemosa) which has a high affinity for
ture mangrove ecosystems have been destroyed during
fresh-estuarine waters (Kovacs, 2000). An elevation
construction of shrimp ponds. The implications and
of interstitial salinity can induce mangrove mortality
magnitude of the damage are still unknown.
The main indirect impacts from shrimp aquaculture
(c) Eutrophication. Though eutrophication has a minor
on mangroves in the Gulf of California region were:
effect on mangroves, communities that live attachedto their roots suffer changes in their structure and
(a) Changes in the hydrological pattern. Shrimp pond le-
distribution. Phytoplankton and macroalgal blooms
vees change the pattern of runoff and sometimes they
develop in tidal channels and lagoon systems. When
aez-Osuna et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 46 (2003) 806–815
excessive growth of macroalgae occurs, they are
natural wetlands inside aquaculture facilities. Aquacul-
transported by tidal currents toward mangroves
ture facilities should include ponds with filtrating or-
and affect colonization processes by seedlings and
ganisms (bivalves) and ponds with mangroves or other
propagules. When macroalgae accumulate on man-
aquatic macrophytes for water reuse.
grove seedlings, they block sunlight and increasethe contact surface, facilitating tidal flows which re-move propagules and seedlings from the soil.
5. Wild postlarvae and the shrimp fisheries
In general, though mangrove impact by shrimp
When larvae laboratories are not available or in short
aquaculture in the Gulf of California region, is not as
supply, a common source of postlarvae is direct ex-
high as in other regions of Latin America and Asia, an
traction from the wild. It is generally thought among
integrated management plan for every hydrological
farmers that these postlarvae are more resistant because
basin is necessary in order to regulate all the activities.
they survive better and wild seeds also have a relatively
lower cost than larvae from laboratories. However, wild
propose the following ecological criteria as mitigating
postlarvae supply is subject to spawning seasonal fluc-
measures of mangrove impact: (a) Shrimp farm facilities
should be developed, preferentially, in non-vegetated
On the other hand postlarvae exploitation from the
seasonal flood plains; (b) Infrastructure development
environment poses a additional pressure on the shrimp
should be based on studies of hydrological capacity,
resource. One view is that the effect is negligible since
flora distribution and buffer zones. Such infrastructure
larval mortality is naturally high. In order to assess the
should have only one road, one input stream, one
impact of larvae extraction on shrimp populations,
drainage channel for the several shrimp farms and
Gracia (1989a,b) analyzed simulation models based on
treatment systems for residual water; (c) About 30% or
population parameters of white shrimp. The results
more, of the farm surface should be kept in its original
showed that the impact of larvae extraction was variable
condition as a buffer zone between the farm and the
depending on the stage of shrimp. There is a small im-
agriculture lands in order to avoid saline intrusion, be-
pact when extraction takes place at the first stages and
tween farms so flooding are avoided and have a free
increases exponentially in later stages, mainly in juvenile
runoff from upper lands to the adjacent lagoon and from
stages. Natural mortality is a critical factor too. Ac-
the farm and the mangroves to avoid the border effect in
cording to the analysis, postlarvae extraction has less
the mangrove forest structure and as a potential zone for
effect when organisms are caught in the coastal zone
colonization; (d) Reestablish the runoff pattern toward
close to the estuaries or coastal lagoons during shrimp
mangroves by channels surrounding ponds. Mangrove
reforestation on channel sides avoid erosion. Roads
Once the organisms are established in the nursery
should have culverts to allow tidal flows and terrestrial
areas, the negative effect has an exponential increase; as a
consequence, larvae extraction during the first juvenile
To limit eutrophication: (i) shrimp farms should be
stages can produce a high impact on shrimp populations
restricted to non-vegetated seasonal flood plains and not
and hence on total production. Fishing of small juveniles
exceed 10% of the adjacent lagoon surface until the
produces growth overfishing (Gracia, 1995, 1997a,b),
hydrological capacity for removing nutrients without
and the overall result is a decrease in total production.
eutrophication is known; (ii) In zones with agriculture,
According to the author, total biomass reduction is
discharge channels from shrimp ponds and agricultural
higher as juveniles are younger; such fishing pressure
lands should be connected into a single channel that
poses risks to the optimal exploitation and the repro-
carries wastes directly to the open sea, without contact
ductive potential of shrimp populations.
with coastal lagoons, estuaries or bays. The aim of this
Simulation analyses indicate that larvae extraction
arrangement is to integrate agriculture and aquaculture
has an impact on shrimp populations; the degree of the
activities with ecological and economical functions of
impact depends on the fishing effort and the age of
coastal ecosystems into a single management plan. Ap-
specimens. The effect on shrimp populations is propor-
parently, the most suitable solution to avoid coastal
tional to the number of larvae that are extracted for
eutrophication is the dilution of waste discharge into the
farming purposes; however, it could be minimal if ex-
open sea (though not advisable for pesticides and other
traction was carried out during the stages of high mor-
substances that are not degraded); (iii) Use of adjacent
tality incidence, i.e. before larvae enter breeding areas to
mangroves as biofilters. The capacity of mangroves to
settle. Shrimp exploitation during this stage is based on
remove nutrients has been estimated as 2–3 ha of man-
the strategy of minimal loss due to natural mortality
grove needed per one ha of semi-intensive shrimp ponds
(Watt, 1968). From this approach, the result would be
(Robertson and Phillips, 1995). For certain zones man-
that organisms that would die from natural mortality
grove capacity is overloaded; (iv) Construction of semi
aez-Osuna et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 46 (2003) 806–815
The application of this should consider several fea-
would take place at postlarvae age where the impact on
tures of shrimp populations related to biotic and abiotic
the fishery is minimal. Moreover, postlarvae distribution
components of natural mortality, reproductive strategies
patterns offshore, and nursery ground immigration be-
and any effects of accumulated mortality throughout
havior, make it unlikely. Postlarvae distribution is not
shrimp life cycle. An accurate estimation of the natural
homogenous in time and space and it is known that they
mortality is a basic requirement (Gracia, 1995), and a
concentrate near lagoon and estuary inlets. Also, im-
bias in the estimation of this parameter has important
migration mechanisms are based on tidal movements
consequences in fisheries management (Gracia, 1989b).
combined with postlarvae vertical migration. Postlarvae
In the case of postlarvae and juvenile stages the prob-
can remain near the bottom to avoid being carried off-
lem is more complicated as reliable estimations of nat-
shore when the tidal current is offshore and move higher
ural mortality are scarce, so this parameter is considered
in the water column during the opposite direction to
to be high (without considering the effect of migra-
enter estuaries and coastal lagoons (Macias-Regalado,
tion). According to Alvarez et al. (1987) juvenile mi-
2001). However, as in the above case, further observa-
gration in a given area can bias mortality by around
tions are needed to give a sound opinion about a pos-
25%. When this bias is not considered, it could influence
sible effect derived from pumping water on the fisheries
calculations on shrimp extraction and management
Nowadays, larvae extraction in Mexico is legal
through regulation on their exploitation exist. Rules are
6. Harmful algal blooms and shrimp farming
contemplated within Shrimp Mexican Official Norm(Norma Oficial Mexicana de Camar
Most species of microalgae and many algal blooms
and comprises shrimp species in Mexican waters; Sec-
are beneficial for aquaculture; they provide a small but
tion 4.4 refers to regulation applicable to shrimp species
essential part of food indirectly to the rest of the food
in their natural environment (larvae and postlarvae
chain in the shrimp ponds. Under favorable environ-
stages) that are currently used for the development of
mental conditions, some microalgae species produce
aquatic activities. Among these rules are: larva and
harmful algae blooms (HABs) that can damage shrimp
postlarvae catching can be authorized in (a) beach
by consuming the oxygen in the water or producing
fronts, with the exception of those beaches next to zones
of water exchange between the sea and lagoon systems
shrimp farms from some areas of the Gulf of California,
and bays; (b) zones with temporal flooding; and (c)
the observed effects were morbidity, mortality and a
zones where shrimp larvae and postlarvae have little
delay in the growth of shrimp that turn into an eco-
From the above statement, the general concern on
In Mexico, many of the most important ports and
how increased shrimp farming could affect renovation of
coastal towns are beginning to show symptoms of eu-
the shrimp population is relevant. Current Mexican
trophication. Red tides are common in the Gulf of
legislation to control impacts are useful; however, key
California, and especially frequent in: Kino Bay,
aspects to consider are the observance of fishing areas
Guaymas Bay, Angel de la Guarda Island, Yavaros
and avoidance of extraction of benthic postlarvae. In
this sense, the maximum size for collection (20 mm)
should be smaller because at this size postlarvae have
thetic ciliate Mesodinium rubrum causes most red tides
and their presence has been associated with upwelling,
Another aspect that deserves attention is related to
the side effects of postlarvae extraction on other com-
toxic species found in 94 red tides studied in the Gulf of
ponents of planktonic communities. No studies on
California were the dinoflagellates Gymnodinium caten-
plankton bycatch exist. However, the lack of informa-
atum and Gonyaulax polyedra ( ¼ Lingulolidium polye-
tion makes it difficult to give a sound opinion based on
During 1989–1991 several studies in two shrimp farms
Another concern related to shrimp aquaculture and
from northern and southern Sinaloa found algae that
fisheries has appeared; fishermen claim that pumping
are considered to be harmful or toxic for shrimp
water transfers postlarvae to shrimp ponds causing an
additional impact on wild shrimp populations and
2002a). The most abundant specimens were cyanobac-
consequently on shrimp landings. Considering the
teria Anabaena spp., Anabaenopsis elenkinii and Oscill-
number of farms and the amount of water pumped, it is
atoria limnetica; they colonize superficial waters and
obvious that some postlarvae could be carried into the
block light penetration that results in eutrophic condi-
ponds; however, there is no scientific evidence that this
tions at the bottom of the ponds. Also, some dinofla-
activity is affecting shrimp fisheries. First, this extraction
gellates frequently observed are Prorocentrum minimum,
aez-Osuna et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 46 (2003) 806–815
Gymnodinium spp., Gyrodinium spp. and Protoperidi-
isms can be as symptomatic carriers of a pathogen which
nium trochoideum ( ¼ Scripssiella trochoidea). P. mini-
under normal conditions does not express itself.
mum is considered a toxic species whose abundance is
The bacterial communities present in ponds are sus-
promoted by humic acids and inadequate fertilization
ceptible to fluctuations and interactions from physico-
ees-Altamirano et al., 1994). Other studies con-
chemical factors (pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen,
ducted in three shrimp farms in Sinaloa during 1990–
etc.). A correct feeding regime and also the generation of
1993 found that Synechocystis diplococcus, a non-toxic
good algal blooms are important to maintain the water
cyanobacteria, was frequently observed. Algal bloom
quality and the balance of the bacterial communities,
duration ranged from 1 to 10 days; dominant species
since they are the main source of organic matter for the
were the cyanobacteria A. elenkinii, Schizothrix calcicola
system. An excess of organic matter in the system can
and Anabaena aequalis, and the dinoflagellates P. mini-
induce an accelerated development of the bacterial
mum, Gymnodinium incoloratum, Gyrodinium spirale and
communities in the pond. This high organic matter and
other species of the genus Gyrodinium (Cort
bacteria present cause a higher demand of oxygen in the
pond bottom, which affect negatively the shrimp popu-
were considered to be responsible for algal blooms:
inadequate fertilization, excretion of substances that
A number of infectious diseases have been described
promote growth of microalgae and environmental con-
in farmed shrimp. In the Gulf of California ecoregion,
ditions. In one farm, shrimp weight was lowered because
the most common parasitic diseases are ‘‘cotton
of a S. calcicola bloom associated with strong rains.
shrimp’’, caused by microsporidea, and gregarines, of
Water effluents from shrimp farms, in addition to
which 3 genera affect shrimp, Nematopsis, Cephabolus
municipal, agricultural and industrial wastewater, are
and Paraophioidina. Several fungi have also been found
discharged directly to coastal waters from the Gulf of
to be shrimp pathogens, some more common in larval
California; such discharges are not subjected to previous
stages and others in juvenile and adult stages. The most
treatment. Knowledge of how shrimp pond effluent
common genus found in larvae is Lagenidium, while in
affects coastal waters, and how it affects aquaculture
juveniles and adults, Fusarium causes more problems.
activities is just beginning. In Sinaloa, winter-spring
Around 20 viruses have been reported to affect cul-
red tides have occurred along the coast leading to red-
tured and wild shrimp (Lightner and Redman, 1998).
tides episode within shrimp ponds. Toxicity studies
The most important ones have been White Spot Syn-
drome virus, Infectious Hypodermic Haematopoietic
Necrosis virus and Taura Syndrome virus. It is impor-
vealed toxicity below permissible limits (>80 MU g
tant to keep in mind that shrimp are potentially very
oyster tissue) for human consumption of shellfish,
susceptible to environmental contamination, mainly due
consequently, it is necessary to evaluate if this toxicity
to insecticides due to their close phylogenetic relation-
is enough to provoke death of shrimp in larvae and
ship with insects, so water quality problems lead to
disease outbreaks. In the case of bacterial diseases, vi-
The main problem for sustainability of shrimp cul-
briosis is most frequent disease, both in larviculture and
ture in Sinaloa is the maintenance of good water quality
growout. Vibriosis can be defined as an infection caused
in the adjacent coastal region. The difficulty assessing
by bacteria belonging to the genus Vibrio. In larval
the impact of its discharges on receiving water bodies
systems, bacteria have been considered the biggest cause
rises from a lack of communication among farms, sci-
of mortality. However, it is important to emphasize that
entific and governmental authorities and the lack of
up to now, diseases reported in larviculture are caused
long-term. More details on the phytoplankton and
by opportunistic bacteria, which affect larvae when they
HABs on the situation in the Gulf of California ecore-
are weakened by an environmental factor. In fact, most
gion are given in Alonso-Rodrııguez and P
Vibrio species have been associated with diseased
shrimp, however this does not imply that they are themain cause of disease, but that due to their opportu-nistic behavior, they proliferate inside weakened shrimp.
Historically, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, V. alginolyticus,V. vulnificus and Listonella damsela have caused prob-
The link between diseases and water quality seems to
lems in growout ponds, whereas V. harveyi and V.
be more and more obvious. Stress caused by sub-opti-
splendidus have caused problems in larviculture. How-
mal environmental conditions induces adverse organism
ever these species have also been found in the haemol-
responses. Although aquatic organisms may seem heal-
ymph and hepatopancreas of healthy juveniles of L.
thy during and immediately after a period of stress, a
disease outbreak or a chronic mortality event may de-
In a survey of 23 shrimp farms in Sinaloa during 2002
velop in the stressed population. Many of these organ-
aez-Osuna et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 46 (2003) 806–815
that 18 of 23 farms suffered one or more diseases, the
most frequent being caused by gregarines (13 of 23),white spot virus (10 of 23) and vibriosis (7 of 23). The
Despite its importance, little is known about the water
WSSV was detected in the Gulf of California region
quality in coastal areas of the Gulf of California; how-
from 1999, and in conjunction with vibriosis cause the
ever, there are two identified issues of major concern:
pesticides and nutrient overload related to agricultural
Often bacterial diseases are treated using antibiotics.
runoff and raw municipal sewage discharges. There is an
To evaluate the impact of their use the first thing to
important development of intensive agriculture border-
know is the patterns of use of the antibiotics. Another
ing the eastern coast of the Gulf of California, with
factor to take into account is the hydrology of the area
approximately 1,728,868 ha of irrigated lands (Anony-
and water physicochemical conditions. Theoretically,
mous, 1994), distributed in the valleys Mexicali, Yaqui,
the final destination of antibiotics applied in aquaculture
can be non-target organisms, water, suspended solids
amounts of fertilizers and pesticides are applied. In a
and sediments. When antibiotics are present in the water
previous study carried out in the Pacific coast of Mexico
column, they can select for resistant bacteria. The main
aez-Osuna et al., 1998, 2002) using bivalve mollusks as
effect that antibiotics have on the suspended solids in the
biomonitors, it was found that in lagoons of Altata-
water column is that they reduce the number of bacteria
adhered to these solids, reducing the feed availability to
are surrounded by agricultural lands, the soft tissue of
the meio and macrofauna which feed on them (Weston,
oyster Crassostrea corteziensis had concentrations of up
1996). Antibiotics also contribute to the selection of
to 216 lg gÀ1 of Cu and 655 ng gÀ1 of PCBs, respec-
resistant bacteria. Concerning the presence of antibiotics
tively. From 22 organochlorine compounds detected in
in the sediments, these may affect, for example, their
this study, the pesticide most frequently found and
microbial capacity to reduce sulfate, increasing the
which exhibited the highest concentrations was HCB,
which can be used alone or in combination with other
Antibiotic resistance poses several risks. The trans-
fungicides in mixed protectants for seeds, or which can
ference of resistance genes directly to bacteria that infect
be present as an impurity of the synthesis of other sev-
humans can also happen, with a consequent increment
eral herbicides and pesticides. High HCB concentrations
in the incidence of infections caused by resistant
were found in oysters from those regions bordered by
pathogens, leading to an increment in therapeutic failure
extensive agricultural lands: Yavaros (911 ng gÀ1) and
In clinical terms, there is wide evidence that fish
Nutrient over-enrichment is another pervasive con-
bacterial strains resistant to antibiotics developed due to
tributor to the degradation of the coastal ecosystems in
the use of those antibiotics in fish disease control.
the Gulf of California. The degree of nutrient impact
However, the differences among methodologies em-
varies among the coastal bodies, depending on factors
ployed by different diagnostic laboratories often mask
including shallowness, high stratification or long resi-
these changes. Lastly, the isolated strains represent
dence times. Agriculture, shrimp farms and human
only a fraction of the existing bacteria in the system, the
wastes, are the main land-based nutrient sources of the
one capable of growing in the culture media being
used. Perhaps induced changes are much bigger than
agriculture as the dominant one, with an estimated an-
they are thought to be. In Sinaloa, it was found (Lyle-
nual input of 26,119 ton of P and 49,356 ton of N de-
rived only from Sinaloa and Sonora. There are around 5
farms use food incorporating antibiotics; oxytetracy-
million inhabitants around the gulf; only a very few of
cline being the most applied (67%). Other antibiotics
the coastal cities have sewage treatment plants and most
supplied are enrofloxacin, norfloxacin, florafenicol and
of them have been designed to simply reduce the amount
of solids and organic matter content in the waste waters.
During 2002, rules were established that include re-
Assuming that (a) the nutrient load associated with
quirements and measures to control disease outbreaks
municipal sources is 1.4 g P dayÀ1 and 6 g N dayÀ1 per
and for the use and application of antibiotics (Norma
person and (b) the drainage area has the capacity to
Oficial Mexicana NOM-EM-05-PESC-2002). Among
reduce this load by self-depuration by 25% for P and
these rules are: Section 4.11 refers to role of the sani-
aez-Osuna et al., 1998), the estimated an-
tary agency to determine the procedure required for
nual input from municipal sources would be around
the harvest when diseases are confirmed. Section
4.13, prohibits use chloramphenicol and furazolidone
Shrimp farm water supply can be achieved either by
(nitrofurans) in shrimp farming. Section 4.14 prohi-
open seawater structures or through small natural
bits treatment with antibiotics 30 days before the har-
channels (‘‘esteros’’) that connect the shrimp facility
with an estuary or a coastal lagoon, as frequently occur
aez-Osuna et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 46 (2003) 806–815
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