ARTICOLE ORIGINALE COMORBID ANXIETY DELAYS TREATMENT RESPONSE AND INCREASES RELAPSE RISK IN LATE-LIFE DEPRESSION: A CONTROLLED STUDY Carmen Andreescu, M.D. *, Eric J. Lenze, M.D. *, Mary Amanda Dew, Ph.D. *, Amy E. Begley, M.A. *, Benoit H. Mulsant, M.D. **, Alexandre Y. Dombrovski, M.D. *, Bruce G. Pollock, M.D., Ph.D. ***, Jacqueline Stack, M.S.N. *, Mark D. Miller, M.D. *, Charles F. Reynolds III, M.D. * Rezumat: Summary: SCOP. Studiul a cercetat dacã simptomele anxie-AIMS: This study examines whether co-morbidtãþii comorbide au valoare predictivã a rãspunsuluianxiety symptoms predict acute treatment responseterapeutic ºi a recurenþei depresiei majore în cursul aand recurrence of major depression during two yearsdoi ani de tratament de întreþinere în cazul depresieiof maintenance treatment in late- life depressionMETODÃ. Datele au fost obþinute dintr-un studiuMETHOD: Data were drawn from a randomized,dublu-orb, randomizat, de farmacoterapie ºi psihoterapiedouble-blind study of pharmacotherapy and interper-interpersonalã pe pacienþi de cel puþin 70 de ani cu LLD.sonal psychotherapy for patients age 70 and over withSeveritatea anxietãþii anterioare tratamentului a fostLLD. Pretreatment severity of anxiety was measuredmãsuratã cu Inventarul Scurt al Simptomelor. Analizausing the Brief Symptom Inventory. Survival analysisstatisticã (survival analysis) a testat relaþia temporalãtested the effect of pretreatment anxiety on responsedintre anxietatea anterioarã tratamentului ºi apariþiarãspunsului terapeutic ºi al recurenþei depresiei. RESULTS: Patients with greater pretreatmentREZULTATE. Pacienþii cu anxietate anterioarã tra-anxiety took on average 4.3 weeks longer to respond totamentului mai mare au rãspuns, în medie, cu 4,3 sãp-depression treatment and had higher rates of recur-tamâni mai târziu la tratamentul antidepresiv în timpulrence of depression during maintenance treatment.tratamentului de menþinere. Ratele recurenþei au fostActuarial recurrence rates were 29% (pharmacother-de 29% (farmacoterapie, anxietate redusã), 58% (far-apy, lower anxiety), 58% (pharmacotherapy, highermacoterapie, anxietate mai mare), 54% (placebo, an-anxiety), 54% (placebo, lower anxiety) and 81%xietate redusã) ºi 81% (placebo, anxietate mai mare).CONCLUZIE. Identificarea mai atentã ºi mana-CONCLUSION: Improved identification andgementul anxietãþii în LLD sunt necesare pentrumanagement of anxiety in LLD are needed to achieveobþinerea rãspunsului terapeutic ºi stabilitatea sa.Cuvinte cheie: anxietate, depresie majorã, vârstaINTRODUCTION
in LLD. Thus, several studies have found that greater
Co-morbid anxiety is common in depressive disor-
severity of anxiety symptoms is associated with an
ders, both in middle and later life. In community sam-
increased risk of treatment dropout (9, 10), a decreased
ples of younger depressed adults, the point prevalence
response to acute antidepressant treatment (9-11), or a longer
of co-morbid anxiety disorders ranges from 33% (1) to
time to both response (6, 12, 13) and remission (14, 15).
51% (2); with a 46% point-prevalence in a clinical sam-
Although the impact of anxiety on response and
ple (3). In community samples of older adults with late-
recurrence of major depression has been previously
life depression (LLD), the point prevalence of co-mor-
studied extensively in general adult populations, its rel-
bid anxiety disorders ranges from 26% (4) to 48% (5).
evance to long term treatment response in late life
In clinical samples of older patients with LLD, co-mor-
depression has received much less attention (16, 17)
bid anxiety disorders are diagnosed in 3% to 65% (6-8).
and has not been examined in a controlled maintenance
Beyond the high rates of coexistence, co-morbid
trial. Maintenance outcomes in LLD and the factors
anxiety has been often cited as a clinically relevant
which moderate those outcomes are critical, given the
problem due to its impact on acute treatment response
brittle nature of response in this age group (18, 19). To
* The Advanced Center for Interventions and Services Research for Late-life Mood Disorders and the John A. Hartford Center of Excellence inGeriatric Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; ** Center for Addiction and Mental Health, University of Toronto, Canada; *** The Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest Center for Geriatric Care, University of Toronto, Canada
Translated, with permission, from the British Journal of Psychiatry (vol.190, pp. 344-349), Royal College of
Carmen Andreescu ºi colab.: Comorbid anxiety delays treatment response and increases relapse risk
our knowledge, the only published data addressing
pharmacotherapy received paroxetine (with adjunctive
these long-term outcomes were obtained during a 2-
medication if required) for the remainder of their study
year naturalistic follow-up. In this uncontrolled study
participation. Patients randomized to placebo had
pretreatment anxiety symptoms were not related to time
paroxetine (and adjunctive medication) slowly tapered
to recurrence during two years of open pharmacothera-
over 6 weeks under double-blind conditions. All
patients were allowed to remain on a stable dose of
Thus, given the high recurrence rate of LLD (21)
lorazepam if it had been required during the acute or
and the increased morbidity and mortality risks associ-
continuation treatment phases. Patients remained in
ated with LLD (22-24) as well as the lack of controlled
maintenance therapy for two years or until recurrence
data regarding impact of pretreatment anxiety on long
of a major depressive episode. Recurrence required a
term treatment of LLD, further examination of anxiety
HDRS score of >15, meeting DSM-IV criteria for a
as a predictor not only of response but of recurrence
major depressive episode during a SCID interview, and
would greatly benefit clinicians in planning treatment.
having an independent geriatric psychiatrist confirm
Accordingly, we conducted an analysis to assess
the diagnosis. Assessors were blind to treatment
whether pretreatment co-morbid anxiety predicts treat-
assignment. All patients provided written informed
ment outcomes during both acute and maintenance
consent. For this data analysis, we collapsed the IPT
treatment of major depression in old age. We hypothe-
and non-IPT groups because IPT was not shown to pre-
sized that greater pretreatment severity of anxiety
vent recurrence in the primary outcome analysis, while
symptoms would predict poor treatment outcome,
including both a longer time to response during acute
Symptoms of anxiety were measured using the
treatment and an increased rate of and shorter time to
self-report anxiety scale from the Brief Symptom
recurrence during maintenance treatment.
Inventory [BSI, (29)]. The BSI is a validated self-report scale developed from the SCL-90-R with strongtest–retest and internal consistency reliabilities. Factor
analytic studies of the internal structure of the scale
Data for this analysis were provided by the second
have demonstrated its construct validity (29). The anx-
study of Maintenance Therapies in Late Life
iety subscale consists of six items: “nervousness or
Depression (MTLD-II) conducted at the University of
shakiness inside”, “suddenly scared for no reason”,
Pittsburgh Intervention Research Center for the Study
“feeling fearful”, “feeling tense or keyed up”, “spells of
of Late-Life Mood Disorders between 1999 and 2004.
terror or panic”, and “feeling so restless you couldn’t sit
Details of the study protocol are described elsewhere
still”. Each item is rated on a 5-point scale (0 = symp-
(19). In brief, participants were 70 and older, with a
tom not present, 4 = extremely severe). We used both a
diagnosis per Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-
categorical and a continuous form of the BSI anxiety
IV (SCID) (25) of non-psychotic, non-bipolar major
measure. We analyzed BSI scores (Cronbach’s alpha
depressive disorder (single-episode or recurrent), a 17-
for the present sample = .84) on a continuum and also
item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) of 15
we also dichotomized those with higher versus lower
or higher (26), and a Mini Mental State Examination
anxiety by using a median split (median value for the
sample = 1.0). We present in this paper the results
In the acute phase, patients received open pharma-
based on the categorical approach because it has more
cotherapy and weekly interpersonal psychotherapy
relevance to the categorical decisions clinicians are
(IPT) (28) until they achieved response (defined as a
HDRS score of 10 or less for three consecutive weeks).
The analyses included 181 subjects who partici-
Pharmacotherapy consisted of paroxetine started at 10
pated in the acute treatment phase. Of these, 116 main-
mg/day and titrated as necessary up to a maximum of
tained response during continuation treatment and were
40 mg/day. Adjunctive pharmacotherapy with bupro-
randomly assigned to maintenance treatment. Pre-treat-
pion, nortriptyline, or lithium was used when required
ment BSI scores were available on 170 subjects enter-
to achieve response (N = 69). Adjunctive lorazepam
ing the acute phase. Of these, 109 participated in ran-
(0.5 – 2 mg/day) was also used in 65 patients.
Patients who responded to acute treatment entered
16-weeks of continuation treatment to stabilize their
Statistical analysis
response; they received the same pharmacotherapy and
We used Kaplan-Meier survival analysis to assess
IPT every two weeks. Patients who maintained
the effect of pre-treatment anxiety symptoms (BSI
response during continuation treatment were then ran-
scores) on time to response. In order to analyze the
domly assigned to one of four maintenance treatments:
influence of lorazepam on time to response (30), we
1) pharmacotherapy/monthly clinical management vis-
compared the time to response in the group receiving
its; 2) placebo/monthly clinical management visits; 3)
lorazepam versus the group not receiving lorazepam.
pharmacotherapy/monthly maintenance IPT; 4) place-
Further, we stratified the sample based on presence or
bo/monthly maintenance IPT. Patients randomized to
absence of lorazepam use. In order to control for other
Revista Românã de Psihiatrie, seria a III-a, vol. IX, nr. 4, 2007
potential confounders, we subsequently fit Cox propor-
response and began maintenance treatment, while of
tional hazards models for each outcome, stratifying on
those with lower BSI 75% (66/88) achieved response
severity of depression to estimate the unique effects of
and began maintenance treatment (chi-square =6.09, df
anxiety on acute treatment outcomes. We controlled
for baseline depression severity as measured by the
Patients with higher BSI had a median time to
HDRS scores, with the four anxiety–related items
response significantly longer than those with lower
–items 9, 10, 11 and 15— removed (12, 31, 32).
BSI: 11.0 [95%CI: 7.7-13.9] vs. 6.7 [5.9-7.9] weeks
To assess the effect of co-morbid symptomatic
(Wilcoxon chi square= 6.26, df =1, p=0.01).
anxiety on time to recurrence during maintenance treat-ment, we stratified the sample based on randomization
Effects of adjunctive lorazepam
to paroxetine or placebo and performed Kaplan-Meier
Patients who received adjunctive lorazepam
analyses in four groups: 1) pharmacotherapy with lowerBSI scores (N= 35); 2) pharmacotherapy with higher
(N=65) had a median time to response significantly
BSI scores (N=23); 3) placebo with lower BSI scores
longer than those who did not (N=120): 12.4 [95%CI:
(N=31); 4) placebo with higher BSI scores (N= 20).
8.4-14.7] vs. 6.9 [5.6-7.9] weeks (Wilcoxon = 16.81, df=1, p<0.0001). The mean (SD) dose of lorazepamreceived by patients with higher or lower BSI scores
did not differ significantly: 1.03 (0.60) vs. 0.92 (0.44)
Participants’ baseline demographic and clinical
mg/day (t=-0.75, df =61, p=0.45). However, as would
characteristics are presented in Table 1.
be expected, lorazepam use was correlated with higher
Effect of Symptomatic Co-morbid Anxiety on
BSI scores (phi=0.31). Therefore, we analyzed post
Response during Acute Treatment
hoc the time to response separately in patients who
At baseline, 82 patients had higher BSI scores
received and did not receive lorazepam, contrasting
(above median split) and 88 had lower BSI scores.
those with higher BSI and lower BSI. Among patient
Among patients with higher BSI, 52% (43/82) achieved
who received lorazepam, those with higher BSI had a
Table 1: Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients by level of Brief Symptom Inventory anxiety scores.Variable Lower BSI Higher BSI
(Q9, Q10, Q11, Q15) Age at onset of first episode
of depression % patients with first episode
lorazepam during acute phase (N) Lorazepam dose (mg/day)
of any anxiety disorder at baseline (N) Paroxetine Dose (at the end
All results are mean (SD) unless indicated otherwise*CIRS-G = Cumulative Illness Rating Scale for Geriatrics; **HDRS 17 = 17-item version of the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale;***Natural Log used in the analyses. Means and standard deviations reported in their original units. Carmen Andreescu ºi colab.: Comorbid anxiety delays treatment response and increases relapse riskFigure 1: Anxiety symptoms and time toresponse. Patients with higher severity ofsymptoms at baseline averaged 4.3 weekslonger response time. (Wilcoxon chi-square=6.26, df =1, p=0.012)
median time to response significantly longer than those
Effect of Symptomatic Co-morbid Anxiety on
with lower BSI: 13.9 [95%CI: 11.0-17.1] vs. 7.9
Recurrence during Maintenance Treatment
[95%CI: 5.9-13.6] weeks (Wilcoxon chi-square=4.48,
A higher BSI predicted an increased rate of recur-
df=1, p=0.03). Among patients who did not receive
rence (Wald chi-square=7.05, df =1, p=0.008, 95% CI
lorazepam, the difference in time to response between
patients with higher versus lower BSI was not signifi-
Time to recurrence from randomization (see
cant (Wilcoxon chi-square=0.0858, df=1, p= 0.77).
Figure 2) differed across the four groups, with the high-
The mean (SD) final dose of paroxetine received
er BSI group having a shorter time to recurrence (Log-
by patients with higher or lower BSI did not differ: 26.3
Rank= 15.00, df=3, p=0.002). Recurrence rates
(10.9) vs. 24.2 (10.4) mg/day (t=-1.27, df =168,
(adjusting for censoring) were 29% (pharmacotherapy
with lower BSI scores), 58% (pharmacotherapy with
The effect of symptomatic anxiety on time to
higher BSI scores), 54% (placebo with lower BSI
response remained significant in our Cox model, strati-
scores) and 81% (placebo with higher BSI scores).
fying on baseline HDRS score (minus anxiety items),
Among patients receiving pharmacotherapy, time
(Hazard ratio= 0.65, 95% CI: 0.45-0.93, p=0.02).
to recurrence was significantly shorter for those with
Figure 2: Co-morbid Anxiety symptoms andtime to recurrence. Actuarial recurrencerates were 29% (drug in low BSI), 58%(drug in high BSI), 54% (placebo in lowBSI, and 81% (placebo in high BSI). (Chi-Revista Românã de Psihiatrie, seria a III-a, vol. IX, nr. 4, 2007Table 2: Number of Subjects with higher versus lower BSI in each outcome group
higher BSI scores than for those with lower BSI scores
response. The use of lorazepam per se probably did not
(Log-Rank= 5.66, df= 1, p=0.02). Among patients on
prolong time to response, because patients receiving
placebo, time to recurrence did not differ significantly
adjunctive lorazepam but having lower BSI scores had
between those with higher or lower BSI scores (Log-
similar time to response as patients not receiving
Rank = 2.54, df =1, p=0.11). Among patients with
adjunctive lorazepam. This observation is consistent
higher BSI scores, time to recurrence did not differ
with our previous study (30) that reported that adjunc-
between those on placebo or paroxetine (Log-
tive lorazepam did not slow the antidepressant response
Rank=1.95, df =1, p=0.16). Among patients with lower
in elderly depressed patients. However, patients with
BSI scores, time to recurrence was significantly shorter
higher BSI not receiving adjunctive lorazepam had
for those on placebo than on paroxetine (Log-
shorter time to response than those with higher BSI
who received lorazepam. One possible explanation -
Because these findings suggested a moderator
that deserves further exploration - is that patients with
effect of anxiety, a separate Cox Regression examined
higher BSI who needed adjunctive lorazepam differ
the possible moderator effect of anxiety (measured by
clinically from patients with higher BSI who did not
BSI) on maintenance treatment outcomes, by analyzing
need adjunctive lorazepam. This difference might be
the interaction between BSI scores and pharmacothera-
related to a higher preponderance of GAD-like symp-
py. The results did not confirm a moderator effect (chi-
toms in the group who needed adjunctive lorazepam, as
square=0.49, df =1, p=0.48). The power to detect a
GAD more often than other anxiety disorders is associ-
moderator effect was low (0.22) and Hazard Ratio for
the interaction was 1.5 (CI = 0.48-4.68).
Our study was limited in its power to detect a
We repeated the analysis for both acute and main-
moderator effect, that is, interactions between treatment
tenance phases using the BSI as a continuous measure
and co-existing anxiety. We were able to detect main
and the results were similar (data not shown but avail-
effects of pharmacotherapy and of anxiety on recur-
rence, but lacked sufficient power to detect interactionbetween pharmacotherapy and anxiety. DISCUSSION
This study is the first randomized controlled trial
that demonstrates the limited efficacy of standard phar-
Our study is the first to show that high pretreat-
macotherapy in LLD with coexisting anxiety to get and
ment anxiety symptoms increase not only the risk of
keep patients well. It is important to emphasize that
non-response in acute treatment but also the risk of
patients treated in this study received very intensive
recurrence in the first two years after response to treat-
management, with clinicians and psychiatrists review-
ment in late life depression. In other words, elderlypatients who start treatment with higher severity of anx-
ing cases weekly and refining treatment plans to mini-
iety have both a poorer acute response and a more brit-
mize attrition and maximize response. Also, adjunctive
tle long-term response to pharmacotherapy. These
pharmacotherapy strategies, which were instrumental
results demonstrate a strong negative impact of anxiety
in many patients achieving response and which were
symptoms on short- and long-term outcome of depres-
continued during the maintenance phase, were still not
sion in old age, even with optimal treatment. These
enough to protect most patients with co-morbid anxiety
findings for acute treatment effects confirm previous
from recurring. Even under these intensive treatment
reports (6, 10, 12) that greater pretreatment anxiety is
conditions that go beyond regular clinical care, co-mor-
associated with poorer response during acute treatment of
bid anxiety had a prominent negative effect on acute
LLD. We also found that these co-morbid anxiety symp-
toms increase the risk of recurrence. To our knowledge,
Overall, our findings suggest limited efficacy of
only one previous uncontrolled follow-up study has
current medications with regard to mitigating the
examined the impact of co-morbid anxiety on long-term
impact of co-morbid anxiety on response and recur-
outcome of LLD. In this naturalistic study, pretreatment
rence, even though selective serotonin reuptake
anxiety did not predict time to recurrence (20).
inhibitors (such as paroxetine, used in this study) are
We found that patients with higher BSI scores and
indicated for the treatment of both anxiety and depres-
adjunctive lorazepam treatment had increased time to
sion. It is also worth noting that adding lorazepam to
Carmen Andreescu ºi colab.: Comorbid anxiety delays treatment response and increases relapse risk
paroxetine in patients with higher anxiety did not
11. Steffens DC, McQuoid DR: Impact of symptoms of gener-
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for active identification and aggressive treatment of
Arean PA, Borson S, Brown C, Bruce ML, Callahan CM, Charlson
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In order to improve outcomes in elderly patients with
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anxious depression, we need to develop and test treat-
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Acknowledgments: Supported by NIMH grants P30
32. Dombrovski AY MB, Houck PR, Mazumdar S, Lenze EJ,
MH52247, P30 MH071944, R37 MH43832, K24 MH069430, R01
Andreescu C, Cyranowski JM, Reynolds CF: Impact of residual symp-
MH37869 and Project EXPORT at the Center for Minority
toms on the risk of recurrence during maintenance treatment of late life
Health, Graduate School of Public Health, University of
depression. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2006 (in press)
Pittsburgh, NIH/NCMHD P60 MD-000-207; GlaxoSmithKline
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donated supplies of paroxetine for the conduct of the research
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thymic, panic and generalized anxiety disorder. Psychol Med 2004;
34. Alexopoulos GS, Katz IR, Reynolds CF, 3rd, Carpenter
D, Docherty JP, Ross RW: Pharmacotherapy of depression in older
patients: a summary of the expert consensus guidelines. J Psychiatr
35. Baldwin DS, Polkinghorn C: Evidence-based pharma-
Tel: 412 246 6007, Fax 412 246 6260.
cotherapy of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Int JNeuropsychopharmacol 2005; 8(2):293-302
36. Adson DE, Kushner MG, Fahnhorst TA: Treatment of
Carmen Andreescu, Mary Amanda Dew, Amy E. Begley,
residual anxiety symptoms with adjunctive aripiprazole in depressed
Alexandre Y. Dombrovski and Jacqueline Stack do not have any
patients taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. J AffectDisord 2005; 86(1):99-104
37. Wetherell JL, Lenze EJ, Stanley MA: Evidence-based
Eric J. Lenze has received grant support from Forest
treatment of geriatric anxiety disorders. Psychiatr Clin North Am
Laboratories, Pfizer Inc., and Johnson & Johnson Co. Benoit H.
Mulsant has received honoraria and/or research support from Bristol-
38. Wetherell JL, Sorrell JT, Thorp SR, Patterson TL:
Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly, Forest Laboratories, GlaxoSmithKline,
Psychological interventions for late-life anxiety: a review and early
Lundbeck, and Pfizer. Bruce G. Pollock has received honoraria
lessons from the CALM study. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol 2005;
and/or research support from Janssen Pharmaceutica, Forest
Laboratories, GlaxoSmithKline, and Solvay and is on the speakers’
39. Stanley MA, Beck JG, Novy DM, Averill PM, Swann AC,
bureau for Forest Pharmaceuticals and Sepracor. Mark D. Miller is
Diefenbach GJ, Hopko DR: Cognitive-behavioral treatment of late-life generalized anxiety disorder. J Consult Clin Psychol 2003;
on the speakers’ bureau and also has been a consultant for Forest
Pharmaceuticals and GlaxoSmithKline. Charles F. Reynolds III has
From : * The Advanced Center for Interventions and
received research support from GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer Inc., Eli
Services Research for Late-life Mood Disorders and the John A.
Lilly and Co., Bristol Meyers Squibb, and Forest Pharmaceuticals.
EANM PROCEDURE GUIDELINES FOR RADIOSYNOVECTOMY The purpose of this guideline is to assist nuclear medicine practitioners inevaluating patients who might be candidates for intra articulartreatment using colloidal preparations of 90Y, 186 Re or 169Erproviding information for performing these treatments. understanding and evaluating the sequelae of therapy. BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND DEFINIT
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