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Persönliche Daten

Stefan Paepke, Dr. med.
Geburtsdatum und -ort: 15.05.1964 in Frankfurt / Oder
Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang

pecialist for Gynecology and Obstetrics (Facharztreife, LÄK Berlin) Head Department of Senology (Breast Center; Technical University Munich) (leitender Oberarzt) Chair of the Society of Minimal Invasive Intervention in Senology (German Society Chair of the International Society for Breast Endoscopy (Axilla) Advisory Board Member German Breast Group
Auszeichnungen und Preise

• Jacobs VR, Paepke S, Fischer T, Schaaf H, Kiechle M: Endognost and russel hysteroscope: two different concepts of flexible and rigid micro-hysteroscopes for lesser invasive ambulatory hysteroscopy. Veterinary Medicine Austria (2004) Heft 2.29: 29-52 • „Best of Gynecology“ 2003 verliehen von der Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons (SLS), New • Jacobs VR, Schaaf H, Weber BC, Kiechle M, Paepke S: Autofluoreszenzduktoskop: Ein neuartiges Endoskop zur in vivo Detektion von intraduktaler Malignität. • 36. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Endoskopie und Bildgebende Verfahren, München, 23.-25. März 2006. Endosk heute 2006;19(1):62-63.

Paepke S, Schwarz-Boeger U, Kiechle M, Jacobs VR: Axillary dissection with access minimized
(ADAM): reduction of operative invasiveness for lymph node dissection in breast conserving surgery
for breast cancer. Int J Fertil Womens Med (2003); 48: 232-237
Fischer T, Neumayer H H, Fischer R, Barenbrock M, Schobel HP, Latrell B, Pildner von Steinburg S,
Schmalfeldt B, Jacobs VR, Paepke S, Schneider KTM, Budde K: Effect of pregnancy on long-term
kidney function in renal transplant recipients treated with cyclosporine and with azathioprine. Am J
Transplant (2005) 5: 2732-2739
Kümmel S, Thomas A, Paepke S, Schwarz M, Heinrich G, Wetzel A, Elling D, Kohls A, Lichtenegger
W, Blohmer JU: Primary systemic chemotherapy with sequential, dose-dense epirubicin and docetaxel
for inoperable, locally advanced inflammatory breast cancer: A phase II study. Acta Oncologica (2005)
44: 248-254
Jacobs VR, Morrison JE, Paepke S, Fischer T, Kiechle M: Three-dimensional model for gas flow,
resistance and leakage-dependent nominal pressure maintenance of different laparoscopic
insufflators. J Min Invas Gynecol (2006) 13:225-230
Pohls UG, Fasching PA, Beck H, Kaufmann M, Kiechle M, von Minckwitz G, Paepke S, Schultz-
Zehden B, Schwarz-Boeger U, Beckmann MW: Demographic and psychosocial factors associated
with risk perception for breast cancer. Oncol Rep 14(6) (2005): 1605-13
Paepke S, Jacobs VR, Paepke D, Blohmer JU, Warm M, Ohlinger R, Fischer T, Kiechle M, Harbeck
N: Critical appraisal of primary systemic endocrine therapy in receptor-positive postmenopausal breast
cancer: An update. Onkologie Int J Res Treatm Canc (2006)
Köhler, J.; Krause B, R.; Grunwald, S.; Köhler, G.; Schwesinger, G.; Schimming, A.; Jäger, B.;
Paepke, S.; Thomas, A., Ohlinger R: Ultrasound and mammography guided wire marking of non-
palpable breast lesions: analysis of 741 cases. Ultraschall in Med (2006) 27: 1-8
Fasching PA, Schwarz-Boeger U, von Minckwitz G, Schultz-Zehden B, Kaufmann M, Beck H, Lux MP,
Meden H, Fischer T, Kiechle M, Beckmann MW, Paepke S: The Impact of Breast Cancer Awareness
and Socioeconomic Status on the Willingness for Breast Cancer Prevention Drugs. Breast Canc Res
Treatm (2006)
Warm M, Kates R, Mallmann P, Dick GM, Nawroth F, Harbeck N, Paepke S, Thomas A: Impact of
tumor-biological factors on response to preoperative Epirubicin and Paclitaxel chemotherapy in
primary breast cancer. Anticancer Research (2007) 27: 1031-1038
Paepke S, Kiechle M, Warm M, Ohlinger R, Kümmel S, Jacobs VR: Effectively reducing early
recurrence risk: AI’s upfront vs. Switching. J Canc Res and Clin Oncol (2007)


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