CORGCorporate Governance: An International
Review0964-8410 2007 The Authors; Journal
Why Lower Drug Prices Benefit Institutional Investors: an application of universal ownership theory
Steve Lippman*, Daniel E. Rosan and Adam Seitchik
Changes in prescription drug prices have broad ripple effects across the diverse portfolios that most institutional investors hold. Lower prices cut into pharmaceutical company profits, but improve the overall productivity and profitability of other investable sectors of the economy. This paper considers the net impact of cuts in drug prices on investor portfolios. We find that falls in pharmaceutical company profits resulting from price cuts would be largely if not fully offset by a combination of health plan cost-savings and increases in consumer spending power. Furthermore, falling drug prices benefit investors through the dynamic benefits from a healthier workforce with greater access to prescription drugs. We conclude that, from the perspective of the broadly diversified “universal investor”, support for lower drug prices is consistent with a fiduciary duty to seek attractive long-term returns at the portfolio level. Strategies for shareholder activism should be expanded, including engagement with corporate health care purchasers and advocacy for public policy reform. Keywords: Drug prices, pharmaceutical pricing, health care costs, shareholder activism, universal owners, universal investors, shareholder resolutions, socially responsible investing, fiduciary duty Introduction
access to care have sparked debate amongpolicymakers at all levels (Arnst, 2005; Pear,
2006).1 All elements of healthcare costs have
called upon in their roles as fiduciaries to
risen dramatically, with the cost of prescrip-
consider complex environmental, social and
tion medicines consistently among the fastest-
governance (ESG) questions, from corporate
growing segments (Smith, 2004). Drug prices
governance reforms to climate-related busi-
are one of the most visible health care expen-
ness disruptions. A growing body of legal
ditures to consumers and have become a hot
theory supports consideration of ESG issues
political issue. For example, a 2005 Kaiser
within fiduciary duty (United Nations, 2005).
Additionally, trends towards index investing
thirds (65 per cent) of Americans support more
make the application of universal ownership
government regulation of prescription drug
theory relevant to an increasing number of
prices (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2005a). The
institutional investors and fiduciaries. As a
National Conference of State Legislatures
case study, we apply concepts of universal
reported that in 2005 more than 600 separate
owner theory and fiduciary duty to a specific
bills and resolutions in all 50 states were pro-
real-world issue fiduciaries currently face:
posed to address policies affecting access,
efforts to stem increasing drug prices in the
affordability and control of prescription drug
Trillium Asset Management,715 NE 60th Street, Seattle, WA
Healthcare spending is now 16.0 per cent of
GDP, up from only 13.6 per cent 10 years ago
and rising healthcare expenditures and lack of
source: institutional investors. These investors
2007 The AuthorsJournal compilation 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 9600 Garsington Road,Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main St, Malden, MA, 02148, USA
efforts to evaluate the impact of pharmaceuti-
benefit from profits generated by high prices.
cal price constraints on the portfolios of uni-
Nonetheless, a diverse set of public pension
versal shareholders. We seek to fill this gap.
funds, religious institutions and labour funds
have filed a wide variety of shareholder reso-
pharmaceutical market and impacts on pub-
lutions addressing high drug prices and these
licly traded US companies only. Our analysis
resolutions have gained strong levels of support
rests on research that suggests that lower drug
from other investors (Welsh, 2005).
prices will yield social benefits from increased
Support for a shareholder proposal calling
rational utilisation of pharmaceuticals and
on Pfizer to report on efforts to contain price
that price reductions need not impact other
increases of its most-prescribed drugs to levels
social goods such as private-sector research
at or below inflation doubled from 5 per cent
in 2004 to 11 per cent in 2005.3 In 2004, Gover-
research literature and basic economic theory,
nor Tim Pawlenty (R-MN) travelled to Pfizer’s
we examine the effects of lower drug prices on
annual stockholder’s meeting to speak for the
the profitability of US businesses (and hence,
resolution, arguing “the current price struc-
diversified portfolios) under two sets of as-
ture for prescription medicines is unsustain-
sumptions: a static case which introduces
able. As shareholders, it’s appropriate that we
the major potential winners and losers from
ask how business strategies can be changed
falling drug prices, and a dynamic case which
and improved to address the current reality”
reviews some of the broader beneficial impacts
of lower drug prices. These thought experi-
ments lead us to conclude that the impact of
drug makers to not constrain the reimporta-
lower drug prices on investors broadly ex-
tion of prescription drugs into the US by limi-
posed to the US stock market will range from
ting the supply of drugs in foreign markets
neutral to modestly beneficial. Finally, we
were sponsored by the American Federation
provide some implications for trustees of in-
of State, County & Municipal Employees, the
vestment institutions, the boards of pharma-
ceutical companies, and US businesses as a
Employees Retirement System, the New York
State Common Retirement Fund, Ohio Public
For the universal investor, the analytical
frameworks we present suggest that share-
holder efforts to constrain pharmaceutical
Vermont State Teachers’ Retirement System.
price increases are not in conflict with in-
These funds have combined assets of US$183
stitutional investors’ responsibilities as fidu-
billion.5 The proposal received a high water
ciaries. In fact, while fiduciary action may
mark of 23 per cent support at Wyeth, while a
not be viewed as legally required, investors
similar proposal that called for a report on the
could rightly see such activism as an exercise
risks of fighting re-importation filed by the
of their fiduciary duty. Of course, one of the
Minnesota State Board of Investment received
obstacles facing these types of resolutions at
the support of 28.5 per cent of Pfizer share-
drug companies is that lower prices may not
be perceived as in the narrow financial inter-est of pharmaceutical company shareholders,or the corporate boards acting on their be-
Scope of this paper
half. Benefits to shareholders may instead ac-
Given this real-world backdrop, we intend this
crue at the total portfolio level. As such, the
paper to help inform decisions by institutional
fiduciary push for lower prices could also be
investors about whether, as fiduciaries, they
pursued in other ways, such as with compa-
should be supportive of lower drug prices. In
nies where pharmaceutical purchases are a
particular, we seek to answer the question:
major expense, or through the public policy
“What impact does pharmaceutical pricing
have on the profitability of American business,and what are the implications for ‘universalowners’ that are invested broadly in the USstock market?”
Foundations of our analysis:
The vast majority of institutional investors
background on the pharmaceutical
pursues broad diversification, and hence are
market and on institutional investors
“universal owners”, with extensive exposure
as universal owners
to all major sectors of the equity market. Insti-tutional investors, in aggregate, also hold the
In this section, we explain key aspects of the
controlling interest in virtually all US publicly
pharmaceutical industry and of institutional
traded corporations. We are not aware of past
investing which underlie our analyses.
Journal compilation Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2007
ducts to pharmacies, to intermediaries such as
wholesalers, to pharmacy benefit managers, toemployers, to governments or to insurance
The first dose of a drug produced by a phar-
companies. Before a drug reaches a patient it
maceutical company as part of a commercial
is “touched” by several of those players.
batch costs an immense amount of time and
money. A commonly cited 2003 study by the
ceuticals was US$223.5 billion, according to
Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Develop-
the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid. Of
ment estimates that on average, it costs about
that amount, private insurance paid 47 per
US$802 million and takes 12 years to bring
cent, with out-of-pocket costs financing an
a new drug to market (DiMasi et al., 2003),6
whereas the marginal cost of producing an
grammes paid 24 per cent (Heffler et al., 2005).
additional tablet or pill is often mere nickels
We expect the new Medicare Part D benefit,
(Berndt, 2002). The fixed costs associated with
which came into force in 2006, will increase
developing a new pill include basic research,
animal testing, human clinical trials and regu-
latory approval. In addition, manufacturers
have to develop facilities to ensure that each
pill is exactly the same. After spending the
because of the pharmaceutical market’s struc-
hundreds of millions it typically takes to
ture. Patents give drug makers market exclu-
manufacture and market the first pill, the
sivity. They negotiate different prices among
diverse buyer groups with varying elasticities
Of course, that is an overstatement. But the
of demand. For instance, third-party buyers
marginal cost of production of pharmaceuti-
who represent large groups of consumers and
cals is quite low, and bears very little relation
have high price elasticity have their own nego-
to the cost of the product. In this way, drugs
tiating tools. Buyers demand discounts or
are similar to software, music, movies or video
rebate schemes in exchange for volume sales.
games. In all intellectual property industries,
They use formularies – a list of approved
getting to the first product is very difficult and
medications – to negotiate (Berndt, 2002).
costly, but the marginal cost of production of
Insurance companies and benefits managers
additional products approaches zero.
typically have a “two-tier” or “three-tier”method to contain pharmaceutical spending,
Incentives to innovate
charging consumers a low co-payment for a
generic drug and a higher co-payment for a
because of the incentive system created by
patents. Patents are one of a variety of ways
covering certain branded drugs. Therefore, in-
to create government-sponsored incentives for
clusion in formularies represents a substantial
innovation.7 Patents on drugs create a trade-
market advantage. For brands, which are not
off: companies disclose how the drug works
included, patients pay higher out-of-pocket
and its formula, and in exchange the govern-
expenses and are likely to switch to a com-
ment prevents any other party from selling the
drug during the patent life. A patent’s dura-
companies and pharmacy benefits managers
tion is 20 years from the date of filing with The
all negotiate in this way. Despite these tools,
United States Patent and Trademark Office.
the drug makers’ monopoly position gives
Patents are granted prior to market approval
them an advantage, as evidenced by continu-
by the Food and Drug Administration, how-
ever, so companies typically get about 12–14
In contrast to bulk purchasers, uninsured
individual buyers have low price elasticity
and limited power to influence pricing (Con-
able – indeed, encouraged – to charge monop-
gressional Research Service, 2001). They can-
oly prices during the patent life to attract the
not go elsewhere or forgo taking essential
investment capital necessary to fund the initial
drugs, and are consequently charged higher
research and development costs associated
prices. Many buyers fall in between these end-
points, with negotiating power determined bytheir potential sales volume. Price discrimina-tion yields higher profits because drug makers
Drug pricing
sell products at a different price to each seg-
Once a drug is on the market, companies take
ment according to its buying power and price
additional steps to maximise profit as part of
a series of negotiations with healthcare pur-
The complex nature of pharmaceutical con-
chasers. Drug companies may sell their pro-
sumers also hinders market transparency and
Journal compilation Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2007
favours differential pricing. Indeed, no other
prices would stifle innovation and the devel-
opment of new “breakthrough” drugs, and
one player (the doctor or nurse practitioner)
consumed by a second player (the patient) and
funded by a third player (the health care
reductions could eventually impact research,
Finally, other players in the pharmaceutical
the relationship between price, profitability
value chain, such as pharmacists and whole-
and R&D is not so straightforward, for five
salers, add surcharges onto the initial drug
prices. Different patients find considerable
First, when prices and profits have been
variation in drug prices, depending on the
at historic highs, pharmaceutical company re-
nature and presence of insurance coverage,
search productivity has been low. There does
place of purchase and the structure of parti-
not appear to be a correlation between profit-
cular pharmacy benefit plans (Frank, 2001). In
ability and research productivity in a given
year. For instance, while retail prescription
Services calculated that the median price dif-
prices increased an average of 8.3 per cent a
ference between cash payers and third-party
year from 1994 to 2004 (triple the annual in-
payers for the 200 most commonly prescribed
flation rate of 2.5 per cent), manufacturing
drugs was 14.6 per cent (United States Depart-
R&D spending as a percentage of sales actually
ment of Health and Human Services, 2000).
fell from 17.3 per cent in 1994 to 15.9 per centin 2004 (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2005b). Pricing transparency
Further, analysts have not found higher ratesof R&D investment or levels of innovation
The low marginal cost of production and the
high sunk capital costs of drug development
those based in countries where drug prices are
incentivise manufacturers to make a sale even
significantly lower than in the US (Light and
if revenue is relatively low, as long as revenue
remains above the marginal cost of produc-
sources to marketing, sales and administration
turers do not want other customers to know
than they do to research and development. In
they have done so, because that reduces their
2002, Fortune 500 drug companies channelled
ability to segment the market. The lack of
17 per cent of revenue into profits, 14.1 per
pricing transparency is thus an important
cent into research and development and 30.8
per cent into marketing and administration.9
Drug companies do report a wide variety of
The Kaiser Family Foundation reports that in
price points to government regulators, but
2004, drug makers spent a total of US$38.8
because of the complicated system described
billion on R&D, versus US$11.9 billion for ad-
above, they bear little resemblance to the
vertising and another US$15.9 billion on the
retail value of drug samples (Kaiser Family
chasers (currently a source of a great deal of
Foundation, 2005b). Direct-to-consumer ad-
litigation). Therefore, the industry lacks the
vertising reached US$4 billion in spending, 15
pricing transparency that is an essential
times greater than ten years earlier (Kaiser
foundation for well-functioning free markets.
Third, much of pharmaceutical company in-
Lipitor, Zocor and Crestor, which have com-
vestment is dedicated to “me-too” or “follow-
parable quality, safety and efficacy profiles,
operate in a tight oligopoly in which firms
devoted to copying blockbuster drugs rather
compete on the basis on advertising, mar-
than addressing unmet medical needs. Less
keting and relatively minor differentiating
investment is required to develop follow-on
attributes, rather than on price. This allows for
drugs because they are modifications of exist-
the continuation of non-competitive pricing
ing drugs (National Institute of Health Care
Management, 2002). We do not discount thevalue of research into follow-on drugs; these
Relationship of prices to research
drugs produce clinical and economic benefits,including reducing side effects and improving
& development
efficacy profiles, reduction in adverse drug
Pharmaceutical managers justify high pre-
reactions and drug-to-drug interactions, dif-
scription medicine prices to policymakers
ferent dosing schedules and delivery systems
and the public by pointing to their significant
(Wertheimer et al., 2001). However, the notion
research and development costs. Often drug
that all research and development is spent on
makers and their surrogates claim that lower
cutting-edge therapies is simply wrong.
Journal compilation Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2007
In addition, a great deal of funding categ-
tive of overall risk and return. No matter how
orised by drug makers as research and devel-
diverse the underlying strategies, an institu-
opment is used to market drugs to doctors
tional board or investment committee prop-
erly focuses on the overall wealth generation
such studies have clinical value, by for example
of the whole, as well as its volatility character-
finding a new application for an existing drug.
istics in the aggregate. Academic theory and
Often they are motivated at least in part, how-
empirical research suggests that the primary
ever, by a desire to engage and compensate doc-
determinants of these overall financial returns
tors for prescribing the drug (Relman, 2001).
are a Fund’s relative exposures to asset classes
such as stocks and bonds, and the long-term
patent system to continually re-invest in re-
returns accruing to those asset classes. Since
search and development because they know,
most institutional investors have the majority
often to the day, when their current level of
of their assets invested in domestic publicly
sales for a given product will plummet. Even
traded securities, the long-term total returns
companies that cut staff will typically protect
of broad-based US stock indices will be a
announced 7,000 job cuts but specifically
The importance to large-scale institutional
informed analysts that R&D funding would be
investors of overall market returns is reflected
maintained at existing levels (Clark, 2005).
in their healthy demand for passive, low-cost
Finally, in a capital-constrained environ-
index investing. Indexed investment funds
ment, companies can plausibly argue that to
now account for approximately 30 per cent
attract the large concentrations of capital
necessary to do research and development,
(Fender, 2003). How any one company or in-
they must provide superior returns. We do not
dustry performs may be of great importance
believe the American investment environment
to an active fund manager, but in fact has little
to be capital-constrained. Furthermore, in 2004
influence on the overall financial perform-
pharmaceutical companies generated 16 per
ance experienced by institutional investors
cent profits as a percentage of revenues com-
engaged in index investing and other forms of
pared to 5 per cent for all Fortune 500 firms,
will likely continue to attract investors even
generated from the domestic stock market are
the most important influence on institutional
investor performance, it is important to pay
Industrial organisation research has long
attention to the key driver of those returns,
noted the extraordinary levels of profitability
which is the overall profitability of the eco-
in the pharmaceutical sector, suggestive of
nomic system. The importance of profits to
investors can be seen by breaking the total
competitive industries. This indicates ample
return from the stock market into its three
room for price cuts before profits fall to a
component parts: (1) the yield from dividends
(2) growth in profits and (3) changes in valua-
tion, i.e. a movement up or down in prices for
study by Abbott and Vernon found that signi-
a given level of profits. In the long run the
ficant price cuts (along the order of 50 per cent)
most important of these three drivers of stock
would have appreciable impacts on R&D, but
market returns is the growth rate of profits,
that modest cuts on the order of 5–10 per cent
which itself is primarily a function of overall
Drug research and development is a critical
This bird’s eye view of institutional invest-
social good generated by the private sector.
ing leads rationally to an emphasis on system-
However, modestly lower profits caused by
wide, long-term, sustainable profit growth. As
more transparent and competitive pricing has
a very low probability of impacting the degree
argued, “A universal owner owns a small but
representative fraction of most of the compa-
development. Furthermore, reduced company
nies in an economy. Thus its ability to satisfy
profits are only one of several possible scen-
its fiduciary duties depends heavily on overall
arios stemming from lower drug prices.
macroeconomic efficiency and performancerather than on performance of any particular
Institutional investors as universal
firm it might own” (Hawley and Williams,2002, p. 284). owners
Institutional investors appropriately evaluate
their clients about the prospects for a single
their financial performance from the perspec-
company or sector, this in fact should be of
Journal compilation Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2007
little interest to the institutional investor. From
the bottom-line perspective of overall fund
tion of finite demand, falling drug prices rep-
performance, the profits of any single com-
resent a zero-sum game, where the financial
pany or sector are important to the large-scale
losses to the drug companies are exactly met
investor only insofar as they impact on the
by the gains to their retail, government, in-
profits of the whole. As such, the investment
consequences of a fall in pharmaceutical com-
incidental benefits or costs. In the following
pany share prices should be approached holis-
section, we provide for greater realism by
tically, incorporating the potentially negative
impacts on pharma company profits as well as
explore the potential dynamic impacts of fall-
the potentially positive benefits to the profit-
ing drug prices on consumers, producers and
ability of other publicly traded companies in
– most importantly for this report – investors.
In determining the impact of lower prices
on drug manufacturers’ profitability, it isworthwhile reviewing the basic relationships
Analysis of the static case of drug
between cost, pricing and profits. As previ-
price cuts: pharma pricing as a zero-
ously noted, prescription drugs have a high
fixed cost of development, with a low mar-ginal cost of production. It is in the pharma
In the next two sections we examine the effects
company’s profit-maximising interest to ex-
of a fall in drug prices on pharmaceutical com-
panies, institutional investors, consumers and
below incremental revenue. Total profits equal
employers. While there are several prospec-
total revenue minus the sum of fixed and mar-
tive outcomes from a reduction in pharma-
ginal selling costs. Imagine, for example, that
ceutical prices, we find that overall the mark-
a drug with US$1 billion in annual revenue
down benefits the universal investor could
has an annualised amortised cost of develop-
have only modest impacts on pharmaceutical
ment of US$200 million, ongoing production/
profitability and is socially beneficial.
distribution/marketing costs of US$300 mil-
lion and profits of US$500 million. A 10 per
cent reduction in prices would, with no impact
demand, regulatory changes, pressure from
stakeholders or the government, or a combi-
nation of all of these factors. High levels of
From the narrow perspective of an investor
profitability in the pharmaceutical sector indi-
solely exposed to pharmaceutical companies,
cate price-setting power that stems from less-
than-competitive markets. Within such mar-
board and the pharma stock analyst, this is
kets, cuts in prices spurred on by stakeholders
a clear negative, especially under the static
are likely to lead to increases in both supply
assumption we make in this section that the
and demand, as long as prices remain high
price cut has no impact on either the supply
enough to generate at least a normal level of
profit and cover both average and marginal
assuming no impact on sales or production,
costs. In microeconomic theory, monopolistic
however, this narrow perspective on the im-
pricing creates a “deadweight loss” due to
pact of price reductions is not the end of the
inefficient use of resources. The efficiency
story for the broadly diversified institutional
benefit from falling prices and higher output
investor. Revenues to pharma companies rep-
leads to greater economy-wide productivity.
resent costs to consumers who purchase drugs
We begin our analysis with the simplifying
directly, and to the vast majority of publicly
assumption that the drug company responds
traded companies that offer prescription drug
to stakeholder pressure to cut prices in the
benefits. In 2005, approximately 60 per cent of
context of perfectly inelastic demand, and thus
US employers offered health insurance as an
the price cut has no impact on production,
employee benefit and 98 per cent of those
plans included a prescription drug benefit
itself. Under this highly conservative assump-
tion, the only immediate impact of a fall in
Research and Educational Trust, 2005). Thus a
drug prices is to reduce pharmaceutical com-
pharma company’s price reduction is mir-
pany revenue and profits. However, that loss
rored exactly by their customer’s drop in
of profits represents direct savings for cus-
tomers, including the corporate customers
The savings from lower drug prices repre-
that often fund prescription drug benefits. So
sent additional income elsewhere in the sys-
even with no increase in output, falling prices
tem. If it accrues to insurers, this could benefit
investors directly via increased insurance
Journal compilation Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2007
company profitability. If the government
no impact on consumer demand, but clearly
gleans savings, the benefits to investors could
this is not the case. Affordable access to phar-
come via higher levels of consumption, gov-
maceuticals is an important public policy is-
ernment spending in other non-medical areas
sue, and a number of studies have shown that
or lower interest rates resulting from smaller
high costs reduce access to drugs – in other
words, that demand is sensitive to price.
Drug purchases by corporate buyers or their
Lower drug prices could modestly increase
covered employees represent a pure business
expense. If US$1 billion in purchases becomes
payments, expanded private insurance cover-
US$900 million via a price cut, then the impact
age and improvements in state benefits. As the
on business costs and profitability is direct and
immediate. Every dollar of lost revenue and
maker to a price-taker, output should increase
profit in the pharma sector becomes a dollar
as long as pricing allows for at least a normal
of lowered cost and additional profit for
rate of profit and remains above marginal and
industrial, financial, consumer and technology
average costs. The economy realises efficiency
companies. While profits have been redistri-
gains as the supply of pharmaceuticals ex-
buted, the overall profitability of the portfolio
pands and the “deadweight” allocation ineffi-
has not been negatively impacted, and the
ciency from monopolistic pricing is reduced.
impact on the broad-based investor should be
In the case of drugs bought directly by con-
sumers, the dollars saved by lower drug prices
(P1 / P0). For example, if price went from
have the same impact as a tax cut or a rise in
family income. Given the very low savings
reduced by (1 − 9/10), or 10 per cent. If in fact
rates in the United States, this extra discretion-
demand grows as prices fall, then profits
ary income will largely get recycled as part of
would not shift from drug companies to other
economic sectors on a zero-sum basis. Under
and profit within diversified sectors of the
American economy. Since only about 15 per
revenue is dependent not only on price, but
cent of American GDP is traded with other
also on demand. Specifically, the percentage
countries, most of this income and spending
impact on revenue is 1 − (P1 / P0 * Q1 / Q0). So
will accrue directly to the United States corpo-
if demand rose by 11 per cent as pricing fell by
rate sector (United States Department of Com-
10 per cent, the impact on overall revenue
merce, 2004). Furthermore, at least some of the
would be 1 − (0.9 * 1.11), or 0 per cent. If
leakages abroad would be captured in inves-
demand is even more “elastic” than this, then
tor portfolios as revenues and profits accru-
revenues could actually increase as prices fall.
ing to US multinationals or foreign publicly
Rex Santerre of the Center of Healthcare and
Insurance Studies, University of Connecticut
School of Business, found the out-of-pocket
drug prices may impact pharma profitability,
own-price elasticity of demand for pharma-
but within the context of shifting profits from
ceuticals to be inelastic with a point estimate
one sector of the economy to the other – in
of −0.48. The relatively price-inelastic estimate
other words it is a classic “zero-sum game” in
of −0.48 suggests that a 10 per cent decrease in
which losses are largely if not fully offset by
the out-of-pocket real price of prescription
gains. If lower drug prices neither spur addi-
drugs increases the quantity demanded of pre-
tional demand nor choke off existing supply,
scription drugs by about 4.8 per cent, ceteris
there is likely to be little or no impact on over-
paribus.12 A previous estimate looking solely at
all corporate profitability in investor port-
elderly populations found an estimated price
folios. Given that the buyers of drugs are
elasticity of −0.34 (Coulson and Stuart, 1995).
American corporations and consumers, this is
not a surprising result, but one that is gener-
prices fall is through a reduction in consumer
ally not considered by investors as they work
co-payments. Average co-payments for pre-
through the likely impact of lower drug prices
scription drugs have risen sharply as em-
ployers have responded to steady increases inprices. For instance, between 2000 and 2005,co-payments for preferred drugs rose 69 per
Analysis of the dynamic case for lower drug prices
doubled (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2005b). Areduction in drug prices could stem this trend
For simplicity’s sake we assumed in the previ-
of higher co-payments, or even lead to lower
ous section that lower drug prices would have
nominal co-pays over time. As the real cost of
Journal compilation Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2007
co-payments falls as a percentage of employee
ately attributable to indirect costs, such as
income, the demand for prescription drugs
access for workers currently left out of the
clearly lessens this burden (Claxton et al.,
system. The number of companies in labour-
intensive industries such as retail offering pre-
Lowering the price of pharmaceuticals pro-
scription drug benefits would likely increase.
vides consumers and employers an opportu-
Similarly, coverage within state-sponsored
nity to allocate more resources towards health,
plans might improve. The broader the fall in
while at the same time diverting resources to
drug prices, both in terms of companies par-
other goods and services. This investment has
ticipating and medicines covered, the more
the potential to yield long-term economic pay-
powerful the likely impact on coverage and
offs for individuals, families, employers and
the economy as a whole due to the improved
If pharmaceutical companies believed that
lower prices would increase their profitability,
(Claxton et al., 1999). Affordable prescription
then they would presumably have already cut
prices, and not spend millions of dollars
lobbying against government-imposed price
cuts. Thus it is unlikely that cuts in pricingwould be profit-enhancing or even revenue-neutral to the pharmaceutical companies
Implications and conclusions
themselves, but it is quite likely that therewould be at least some positive revenue
Institutional investors have an interest in see-
impact.13 This would allow for cuts in drug
ing the broad universe of American business
prices to become a positive-sum game overall:
increase its profitability, and be well posi-
tioned to sustain profits over an extended time
industry profits than it does on profitability
horizon. Insofar as that happens, the profit-
ability of any particular holding is less impor-
tant. Our finding is that lower pharmaceutical
could extend well beyond the direct economic
costs have the potential to increase the profit-
benefits of higher utilisation. Better access to
ability of American business, with varying
possible impacts on the pharmaceutical sector.
healthier, more productive workforce. The
In summary, the impact of lower drug prices
on investors heavily exposed to pharmaceuti-
problems are significant, and improved medi-
cals could be slightly negative, or could
cal care would increase production, revenue
and profitability in a broad cross-section of
demand significantly. The impact of lower
industries (Davis et al., 2005).
drug prices on universal owners is likely to be
It is estimated that the lost economic output
either neutral or positive, and universal own-
resulting from the combination of not work-
ers who also purchase health care services for
ing, sick days and inferior productivity on the
their beneficiaries may see additional benefits
job totalled US$260 billion in 2003 – roughly
from lower drug prices. For the majority of
2.4 per cent of gross domestic product (Davis
institutional investors, then, the downside risk
et al., 2005). Unsurprisingly, workers without
of pursuing lower drug prices is contained,
health benefits or with minimal health benefits
and quite likely to be exceeded by the poten-
are less productive on the job than those with
There are a number of implications: differ-
Health Economics reported that the net bene-
ing fiduciary duties between universal owners
fits to employers from having workers take
and narrowly-defined investors; potential
prescription medicines for their chronic ill-
actions by universal owners on pharmaceuti-
nesses are substantial and result because
cal prices; and broader questions about the
prescription medications substantially lower
role of universal owners in the health care
absenteeism among chronically ill workers
(Rizzo et al., 1996; see also Goetzel et al.,
From the perspective of the investor, fidu-
2004). As a more specific example, the Journal
ciary duty varies depending on whether they
of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
looked at the economic toll of depression.
narrowly, or in diversified portfolios. A recent
They found it is high relative to that associated
report on fiduciary duty by a leading global
with other acute and chronic illnesses, and
law firm notes, “[T]here is no duty to ‘maxi-
that this economic burden is disproportion-
mize’ the return of individual investments, but
Journal compilation Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2007
instead a duty to implement an overall invest-
such work, and one of us (Rosan) advises insti-
ment strategy that is rational and appropriate
tutional investors on shareholder activism
to the fund” (United Nations, 2005, p. 8). Thus,
strategies. We do not argue such activities are
for diversified investors, shareholder resolu-
required by fiduciary obligations, merely that
tions and other actions to reduce drug prices
they are permitted. We encourage these actions
would be consistent with fiduciary obliga-
because, we argue, they are likely to have a
tions. Fiduciaries owe no duty to other stock-
positive impact on the overall portfolio.
holders, or to the companies in which they
invest, but only to their own beneficiaries. And
broader questions about the role of universal
owners in the health care policy environ-
have a neutral or even positive impact on the
ment. Corporate boards, including directors
of pharmaceutical companies, have their own
There are a number of potential actions uni-
fiduciary duties to act in the long-term inter-
versal owner fiduciaries might take to reduce
est of company shareholders. As part of this
drug prices. Most often, investors have simply
duty, they could certainly decide to moderate
pharmaceutical price increases to avoid the
toward drug price restraint. They have done
risks of price controls or other policy meas-
ures that would threaten future profitability. (Indeed, some major pharmaceutical manu-
• Increasing shareholder pressure on phar-
facturers have at times voluntarily limited
their price increases to rates of inflation,
although we are not aware of companies with
• Improving the governance structure of com-
such a policy currently in effect.) However,
they are unlikely to act to benefit universal
investors at a material expense to their own
• Attempted to reduce the barriers pharma-
company’s profitability and shareholder
ceutical companies erect to re-importation
returns. For this reason, universal investors
of drugs from other markets (i.e. Canada).
could benefit from supporting public policies
In addition, investors might also consider:
that advance their overall interest in limitingdrug prices.
• Pursuing shareholder advocacy outside the
In our view, institutional investors would be
pharmaceutical industry to push for lower
safely within their fiduciary bounds to seek
improved public health care policy. While fur-
tivity and profitability broadly across the
ther research is called for – and we have not
considered policy solutions here – health care
represents an enormous challenge for the pri-
address the profitability drug health care
vate sector from cost, productivity, competi-
costs represent for American business, and
tiveness and management perspectives. Yet
institutional investors, with the exception of
For several years, the authors have been affili-
some state pension and labour funds, have
ated with the Interfaith Center on Corporate
been largely absent from the public policy
Responsibility (ICCR), which is one of several
investor groups practising active shareholder
We believe that public policy solutions to
strategies. ICCR and several state pension
the health care crisis are urgently needed. It is
in the interests of most firms, and thus institu-
designed to directly or indirectly reform drug
tional investors, for the United States to
pricing. Institutional investors should con-
reform health care and shift costs from the
sider expanding their activism to address the
private to the public sector. Other industrial-
negative impacts high pharmaceutical prices
ised nations have put in place policy solutions,
which accomplish the dual benefits of lower-
would be an opportunity for corporate buyers
ing system-wide health care costs and increas-
to put downward pressure on pharmaceutical
ing access to health care, with the attendant
costs, and thus improve investment perfor-
economic and public health benefits. We see
no reason why the United States cannot do the
same. More research is needed in this area to
A word of caution – some reviewers of our
evaluate the proper role for universal owners,
but our discussion of pharmaceutical pricing
requiring fiduciaries to engage in shareholder
leads us to believe that there is a role for
activity or public policy engagement as part of
broadly diversified investors to play. We hope
their duties as universal owners. Some of us
the result of such engagement would be health
care reform, which brings a more productive,
Journal compilation Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2007
and profitable economic system generating
11. See for example, Dimson et al. (2002). This is a
improved long-term returns for diversified
comprehensive global study of 102 years of
In conclusion, broadly diversified investors
12. See Rexford Santerre and John Vernon’s piece
benefit from drug price moderation, and can
for the university of Connecticut’s Center forHealthcare and Insurance Studies.
pursue this goal through a variety of mecha-
13. See for instance the analysis by Alan Sager and
nisms. Since pharmaceutical costs are signifi-
Deborah Soclar (2004) that if more than 44.53
cant for virtually any company offering health
per cent of prescription drugs re-imported from
insurance, activism should move well beyond
Canada to the US are new prescriptions, US
the shareholder resolutions that have so far
drug makers’ profits actually increase from re-
been focused on the pharmaceutical compa-
importation despite the lower prices paid.
nies themselves. Activism across the portfolio,along with public policy efforts to lower drugprices and increase access to health care, maywell be the most productive strategies for the
Arnst, C. (2005) More Money, Less Care: ever higher
outlays aren’t getting the US a better health-care
system, but the pols aren’t doing much to redressthis miserable equation, Business Week, 3915, 115.
1. For more information on the debate and the
Berndt, E. (2002) Pharmaceuticals in US Health
increase in spending, see the Employee Benefit
Care: determinants of quantity and price, Journal
Research Institute’s Fact’s from ERBI section
of Economic Perspectives, 16, 45–66.
Clark, R. (2005) Conference Call with Analysts and
cfm?fa=0397fact) (accessed 23, October 2006).
2. The National Conference of State Legislatures’
Claxton, A. J., Chawla, A. J. and Kennedy, S. (1999)
website has a detailed breakdown of the 2005
Depression, Journal of Occupational and Environ-
www.ncsl.org/programs/health/drugdisc05. mental Medicine, 41, 605–611.
Congressional Research Service (2001) The Cost of
3. Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility’s
Prescription Drugs for the Uninsured Elderly
and Legislative Approaches, Transportation and
cessed October 23, 2006) includes shareholder
Industry Analysis Section Resources, Science,
proposals for 2004–2005 as well as 2005–2006.
crsdocuments/RL30373.pdf) (accessed October
asp?artid=895) (accessed October 23, 2006). for
more information on the Governor’s remarks.
Coulson, N. E. and Stuart, B. C. (1995) Insurance
One of the authors of this paper (Rosan) also
Choice and the Demand for Prescription Drugs,
Southern Economic Journal, 61, 1146–1157.
5. Author’s calculations based on latest available
Davis, K., Collins, S., Doty, M., Ho, A. and
Holmgren, A. (2005) Health and Productivity
6. Note this estimate is much disputed by, for
example, the Consumer Project of Technology,
which has posted criticisms of DiMasi on their
productivity_USworkers.pdf) (accessed October
econ/rndcosts.html) (accessed October 23,
DiMasi, J., Hansen, R. and Grabowski, H. (2003)
The Price of Innovation: New Estimates of Drug
7. James Love of Consumer Project on Technology
Development Costs, Journal of Health Economics,
has done work on other ways to fund and pro-
vide incentives for R&D (Love, 2003).
Dimson, E., Marsh, P. and Staunton, M. (2002) Tri-
8. For an overview of the patent term restoration
umph of the Optimists. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
Employee Benefit Research Institute (1995)
term.htm) (accessed October 23, 2006).
9. Public Citizen (2003) reported that marketing
and administrative costs are typically reported
cfm?fa=0397fact) (accessed October 23, 2006).
together rather than separately by drug com-
Fender, I. (2003) Institutional Asset Managers:
Industry Trends, Incentives, and Implications for
10. See the National Bureau of Economic Research
Market Efficiency, BIS Quarterly Review, 18, 75–
simulation exercise conducted by Abbott and
Frank, R. (2001) Prescription Drug Prices: Why Do
Vernon. Scherer finds abnormally high levels of
Some Pay More Than Others Do? An accurate
profitability in the pharmaceutical industry dat-
understanding of price differences is essential to
ing back to the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. Also see
the crafting of sound prescription drug policies,
Health Affairs, 20, 115–128.
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Goetzel, R. Z., Long, S., Ozminkowski, R., Hawkins,
Journal of the American Medical Association, 285,
K., Wang, S. and Lynch, W. (2004) Health,
Absence, Disability, and Presenteeism Cost Esti-
Rizzo, J. A., Abbott, T. A. and Pashko, S. (1996)
mates of Certain Physical and Mental Health
Labour Productivity Effects of Prescribed Medi-
Conditions Affecting US Employers, Journal of
cines for Chronically Ill Workers, Health Econom-Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 46, 398–
Sager, A. and Soclar, D. (2004) Do Drug Makers
Hawley, J. P. and Williams, A. (2002) The Universal
Lose Money on Canadian Imports? Data Brief
Owner’s Role in Sustainable Economic Develop-
ment, Corporate Environmental Strategy, 9.
emanuel/bu_rx_study.pdf (accessed October 23,
Heffler, S., Smith, S., Keehan, S., Barger, C.,
Clemens, K. and Truffer, C. (2005) US Health
Scherer, F. M. (1993) Pricing, Profits, and Technolog-
Spending Projections for 2004–2014, Health
ical Progress in the Pharmaceutical Industry,
Journal of Economic Perspectives, 7.
content/short/hlthaff.w5.74v1) (accessed Octo-
Smith, C. (2004) Retail Prescription Drug Spending
in the National Health Accounts: Estimates of
Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility
drug spending in the national health spending
data document drugs’ growing importance in the
US health care system, Health Affairs, 23, 160–167.
IRRC (2005) Proxy Research, Investor Responsi-
United Nations (2005) A Legal Framework for the
bility Research Center, Institutional Shareholder
Integration of Environmental, Social and Gover-
Services (vendor), 2005 annual updating.
nance Issues into Institutional Investment, Fresh-
Kaiser Family Foundation (2005a) Kaiser Health
fields Bruckhaus Deringer and the United
healthpollreport/feb_2005/index.cfm) (accessed
Kaiser Family Foundation (2005b) Prescription
Drug Trends Fact Sheet November, 2005 Update
United States Department of Commerce (2004)
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04.pdf) (accessed October 23, 2006).
Kaiser Family Foundation and Health Research and
United States Department of Health and Human
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insurance/7315/upload/7315.pdf) (accessed
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Love, J. (2003) A New Trade Framework for Global
Wertheimer, A., Levy, R. and O’Connor, T. (2001)
Healthcare R&D, Proceedings from the Access to
Too Many Drugs? The Clinical and Economic
Medicines and the Financing of Innovations in
Value of Incremental Innovations. In A. Sorkin,
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K. Summers and I. Farquhar (eds) Research in
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Human Capital and Development, Investing inHealth: The Social and Economic Benefits of Health
Project on Technology, 4 December 2003, New
Care Innovation. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
National Institute of Health Care Management
Steve Lippman is Vice President of Social
(2002) Changing Patterns of Pharmaceutical In-
Research and Advocacy at Trillium Asset Man-
issues of corporate social responsibility. Steve
Pawlenty, T. (2004) Governor Pawlenty’s Remarks
to the Pfizer Inc. Shareholders Meeting, press
was a founding co-chair of the Social Invest-
release, Office of the Governor, Minnesota, 22
ment Research Analysts Network (SIRAN), a
working group of the US Social Investment
Pear, Robert (2006) Growth of National Healthcare
Forum. Prior to Trillium Asset Management,
Spending Slows Along With Drug Sales, New York
Steve spent four years working in the Environ-
ment Program at Business for Social Respon-
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of
sibility. He earned his bachelors degree from
America (PhRMA) (2003) Pharmaceutical IndustryProfile 2003. Washington, DC: PhRMA.
Resource and Environmental Policy from the
Public Citizen (2003) 2002 Drug Industry Profits:
University of Michigan’s School of Natural
Hefty Pharmaceutical Company Margins Dwarf
documents/Pharma_Report.pdf) (accessedOctober 23, 2006). Daniel E. Rosan is the Program Director for
Relman, A. (2001) Separating Continuing Medical
Public Health and Access to Capital at the
Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility,
Journal compilation Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2007
a faith-based corporate accountability organ-
Management. Prior to joining Trillium, Adam
isation. There he drafts shareholder resolu-
was Chief Global Strategist for Deutsche Asset
tions, conducts research, and acts as a media
Management in London, where he led a team
responsible for allocating over £40 billion in
assets. He also has experience as an analyst
Kenya and Botswana, and authored Bench-
and portfolio manager at Wellington Manage-
marking AIDS: evaluating pharmaceutical com-pany responses to the public health crisis in
Research for John Hancock’s Investment and
emerging markets. Beyond ICCR, he serves on
Pension Group. Adam holds a PhD in econom-
the board of Jews for Racial and Economic
ics from Boston University and early in his
Justice, has a BA cum laude from Vassar
career was an assistant professor of Economics
at Wellesley College. He became a CharteredFinancial Analyst in 1993. Adam Seitchik is Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Officer of Trillium Asset
Journal compilation Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 2007
Primary Examination for the Bachelor of Laws Semester 1, 2009 CONSUMER PROTECTION AND UNFAIR TRADING Total Duration: Instructions for Candidates Students should answer either ONE of the two questions. Both Permitted Materials Candidates may take into the examination room any book or materials other than those borrowed from a University Library.
Curriculum Vitae Prof. Surasak Taneepanichskul, M.D. Office Address: The College of Public Health and Health Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University Tel. 0-2218-8194 Email: Education 1981 M.D.Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University 1985 Diploma clinical science (OB & GYN) Chulalongkorn University 1987 Diploma Thai Board of OB & GYN Thai Medical C