Wickham Commons Ste 102 8247 Devereux Dr Viera, FL 32940 321-751-7775
Post Operative Instructions Zoom! In-Office Bleaching Information Congratulations! You are about to start a process to lighten the color of your natural teeth in our office. Your teeth will be whitened in about 90 minutes. Please follow these instructions and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, concerns, or problems before, during, or after the procedure. Precaution before Use:
● There are several medications that are commonly considered to be photoreactive and may cause
an adverse condition if used in conjunction with the Zoom! System. If you are currently taking any of these medications, please consult with Dr. Edwards before going through with the procedure: Chlorthiazide (Aldoclor, Diupres, Diuril), Hydorcholrothiazide (Aldacteride, Aldoril, Capozide, Dyazide, Hydrodiuril, Lopressor, Orotic, Moduretic), Chlorthalidone (Combipres, Tenoretic, Hygroton), Naprosyn (Naproxen), Oxaprozin (Daypro), Nabumetone (Relafen), Piroxicam (Feldene), Doxycycline (Vibramycin, Doryx), Ciprofloxacin (Cipro), Ofloxacin (floxin), Psoralens (Methoxsalen, Trisoralen), Democlocyline (Declomycin), Norfloxacin (Chibroxin, Noroxin), Sparfloxacin (Zagan), Sulindac (Clinoril), Tetracycline (Achromycin), or St. John’s Wart.
● Bleaching will not alter the shade of porcelain crowns, resin fillings, or bondings. Some
bonding may be removed prior to bleaching, and replacement fillings or crowns may be planned after bleaching to achieve the perfect shade.
Before Bleaching:
● You will be prescribed a tube of Fluoridex toothpaste, this is for use at night; brush normally, spit
● We will take impressions of your teeth to make bleaching trays for at home touch ups. ● Before and after digital photos will be taken and using a shade chart, we will identify your
After Treatment Touch-up:
Whitening is not permanent, but with easy touch-ups it can look permanent. A Touch-up kit will be
given to you for use at home. A Touch-up kit includes upper and lower clear mouth trays and some whitening gel.
We recommend waiting two weeks to touch-up or enhance your results. Easy home enhancements
can be done, by simply wearing your whitening trays for 2-3 hours during the day or overnight. Trays are made for reusability, brush lightly after each use.
Be sure to keep your dental hygiene up to par by brushing and flossing daily. Minimizing foods and
beverages that stain, such as blueberries, coffee, tea, colas, and red wine is important for the first 48 hours after bleaching. Cigarettes and other tobacco habits are also a factor. In General The area of the tooth closest to the gums is darker and more difficult to lighten than the biting edge. Temporary cold sensitivity of the teeth is common after whitening. The symptoms should subside in 1 to 2 days. It takes about two weeks after treatment completion for the color to mature. Whitened teeth will always be lighter than they were prior to the treatment and majority of our patients only touch up once or twice a year.
Kolonin G.R., Shironosova G.P. Thermody- namic modeling of possible reasons of REE fractionation with participation of high tem- perature fluids of complicated composition. Institute of Mineralogy and Petrography of SB RAS (IMP SB RAS), key words [thermodynamic modeling solubility REE-fluorite fluid The data base of the stability constants of the complexforms of REE in the solutions
MINIMAL PERMUTATION REPRESENTATIONS OF NILPOTENT GROUPSBEN ELIAS, LIOR SILBERMAN, AND RAMIN TAKLOO-BIGHASHABSTRACT. A minimal permutation representation of a finite group G is a faithful G-set with the smallestpossible size. We study the structure of such representations and show that for certain groups they may beobtained by a greedy construction. In these situations (except when central involu