1st international meeting on treatment of human brucellosis
1ST INTERNATIONAL MEETING ON THE TREATMENT OF HUMAN BRUCELLOSIS November 7th-10th 2006, Ioannina Greece Provisional Scientific Program Tuesday, November 7, 2006 18:00-19:30 Meet the Experts Workshop:Pathogenesis- Immune Response Chair: Haralampos M. Moutsopoulos (Greece), Jean Pierre Gorvel (France) Jean Pierre Gorvel (France) Ignacio Moriyon (Spain)
Aspects of molecular biology relevant to pathogenesis
Letesson (Belgium) Opening Ceremony-Salutations Chair: Haralampos M. Moutsopoulos (Greece), Kurt Naber (Germany)
Wednesday, November 8, 2006 08:30-10:30 Oral Presentations - Pathogenesis- Immune Response Chair: Fotini N. Skopouli (Greece), Ignacio Moriyon (Spain) 10:30-11:30 Session: the global impact of the disease Chair: E. Gotuzzo (Peru) (to be confirmed) Animal brucellosis- current global status Anastasios Minas (Greece) The new epidemiology of the disease Georgios Pappas (Greece) 11:30-12:00 Coffee Break 12:00-13:45 Oral Presentations- Epidemiology Chair: S. Levidiotou (Greece) 17:00-18:40 Oral presentations – Clinical Chair:Nikolaos V. Sipsas (Greece) 18:40-19:00 Coffee Break 19:00-19:45 Expert Lecture 19:45-20:30 Special Lecture Paul Nicoletti (USA) Thursday, November 9, 2006 08:45-10:45 Round table: Diagnosis Chair: George F. Araj (Lebanon), Loukia Zerva (Greece) An overview of current diagnostic modalities George F. Araj(Lebanon) Optimization and validation of real-time PCR in human brucellosis diagnosis Maria Isabel Queipo-Ortuno (Spain) Real-time PCR: the Greek experience Georgia Vrioni (Greece) Future projections Sascha Al Dahouk (Germany) 10:45-11:15 Coffee Break 11:15-12:45 Oral Presentations- Diagnosis Chair: Maria Isabel Queipo-Ortuno (Spain) 13:00-13:40 Lecture Chair: Leonidas Christou (Greece) The evolution of current treatment regimens John Kosmidis (Greece) 17:00-18:40 Oral Presentations- Treatment Chair:Matthew E. Falagas (Greece), Mile Bosilkovski (F.Y.R.O.M.) 18:40-19:00 Coffee 19:00-21:00 Round table: Alternative regimens Chair: Javier Solera, (Spain), Nikolaos Akritidis (Greece) Antonio Cascio(Italy) Cotrimoxazole Mile Bosilkovski (F.Y.R.O.M.) Gentamycin M.R. Hasanjani Roushan (Iran) Quinolones Matthew E. Falagas (USA, Greece) Friday, November 10, 2006 08:45-09:25 Expert lecture Chair:Harry Bassaris (Greece) Title to be announced Eduardo Gotuzzo (Peru) (to be confirmed) 09:30-11:30 Round table: Treatment of special situations Chair: Ziad Memish (Saudi Arabia) Pediatric brucellosis To be announced Pregnancy Ziad Memish (Saudi Arabia) Clinical approach, diagnosis and treatment of Brucella vertebral osteomyelitis Juan de Dios Colmenero (Spain) Neurobrucellosis To be announced 11:30-12:00 Coffee 12:00-12:45 Expert Edward J. Young (USA) 17:00-19:00 Round table: The future of brucellosis treatment Chair: Helen Giamarellou (Greece), Jean Claude Pechere (Switzerland) Monotherapy and shorter regimens Javier Solera (Spain) Hydroxychloroquine: the Q fever experience To be announced Tigecycline Ethan Rubinstein (Canada) Vaccines Michael J. Corbel (UK) 19:00-19:20 Coffee Consensus Statements on treatment, diagnosis, and future targets Farewell Dinner
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LA PREPARAZIONE ALL’INTERVENTO In preparazione all’intervento sono necessari alcuni esami per escludere qualsiasi controindicazione: glicemia, azotemia, creatininemia, bilirubinemia, prove complete di coagulazione (PT, PTT, FATTORE VIII), transaminasi, pseudocolinesterasi, emocromo con formula e conta piastrine, elettroliti ematici, esame completo urine, gruppo sanguigno