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"F" - Pharmacy Drugs Pdf:

Microsoft word - diabetes.docx

Visão geral dos antidiabéticos orais tradicionais: secretagogos, inibidores da alfa-glicosidase e sensibilizadores de insulina O controle da hiperglicemia em longo prazo é essencial para a manutenção de qualidade de vida e prevenção das complicações crônicas, tanto micro como macrovasculares. Muitos pacientes no início da doença acreditam que a ausência de sintomas significa bom

Feminist women's health center

FEMINIST WOMEN’S HEALTH CENTER CONSENT FOR WELLNESS SERVICES Please read and sign below if you have an appointment with the nurse practitioner today: I consent to care and treatment at the Feminist Women's Health Center. I understand that I will be seen by a nurse practitioner. I also understand that all or part of my accessory health services will be provided by trained health w

46 xx dvd 272x184

FWU – Schule und Unterricht DVD 46 10625 / VHS 42 10625 Palästina – Auf der Suche nach Frieden das Medieninstitut der Länder Bezug zu Lehrplänen und Bildungsstandardsvor einem Bild, dass sie und andere palästi-Die im Folgenden formulierten Kompetenzennensische Flüchtlingskinder gemalt haben. treffen auch für den außerunterrichtlichenMan sieht Panzer, zerstörte Häus

Medical release and consent

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH YOUTH 1100 Carter Creek Parkway, Bryan, Texas 77802-1129 MEDICAL RELEASE AND CONSENT Name _______________________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________ Phone ___________________ Parent _____________________ Home ______________ Work _____________ Cell ________ Parent _____________________ Home ____

Fiba dp decision_ bracey

Decision the FIBA Disciplinary Panel established in accordance with FIBA Internal Regulations governing Anti-Doping Christopher Bracey (born 12 July 1980) (“the Player”) Whereas , the Player underwent an out-of-competition doping test organised by the National Anti- Doping Agency of Greece (“ESKAN”) on 22 September 2011 in Athens, Greece (sample no. Whereas , the anal

Cancer research – projects funded under the sixth framework programme

MolDiag-Paca Novel Molecular Diagnostic Tools for the Prevention and Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer Keywords Potential applications Pancreatic cancer, molecular diagnostics, Novel tools will include transcript and epigenetic analyses, chip tech-molecular imaging, early diagnosis, PanINsnology, single or multiple marker protein studies, DNA/RNA PCR analyses, serum proteomics a

Rencontres incas

RENCONTRES INCAS Pérou - PE Une exploration très complète du sud du Pérou sur les traces de la civilisation inca et des civilisations antérieures. D’abord la côte pacifique, désertique et inhospitalière, pourtant habitée depuis des millénaires. Ensuite, la montée vers les cordillères volcaniques arides de la région d’Arequipa entaillées par le profond cañon de Colca.

Cap 06

Norma lingüística & preconceito social: questões de terminologia sócio-lingüísticos subjacentes ao uso dosociolingüísticas, o conceito de norma nãoInstituto de Letras (Departamento de Lingüística),vezes, é citada com nome e sobrenome, isto é, vem seguida de algum qualificativoque tenta defini-la mais especificamente. Dentre os adjetivos usados para qualificara norma, o mai


FOCUSING ON “BIG SCREEN” DISPLAYS hat do you see when you browse the new video displays at your local big box electronic store?Wall-to-wall, gigantic, flat screens displaying (hopefully) high definition material, are front and W center. The glass tube CRT TVs—relics of standard-def technology from it’s earliest beginnings—are shunted to the side, on sale for a fraction of the cos

Microsoft word - f - sterbehilfe und die selbstbestimmung _norbert hoerster…

Textarchiv TA- 1998-2 (20-minütiges Referat, geplant in Göttingen am 28.11.1998, in wesentlichen Zügen:)*) Sterbehilfe und die Selbstbestimmung des Individuums von Norbert Hoerster Ich möchte in meinem Referat ausdrücklich nicht die Frage behandeln nach der richtigen oder angemessenen Weise des Sterbens. Dies ist eine Frage der Weltanschauung, die jeder nach sei-nen eigenen Präf


file:///C:/Users/pascal/Documents/perso/an2009/fede09/site/BUL42.htm Bulletin d'Information de Pharmacovigilance N° 42 - Septembre 2009 RAPPEL "Tout professionnel de santé ayant constaté un effet indésirable grave (soit mettant en jeu la vie du patient ou entraînant le décès, soit entraînant ou prolongeant une hospitalisation, soit entraînant une incapacité ou des séqu


IMPARTING THE LANGUAGE OF CRITICAL THINKING WHILE TEACHING PROBABILITY Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel This paper reports a preliminary study of imparting to students a new kind of language, incorporating elements of critical thinking (CT), in the course of a mathematics (probability) lesson. In the paper, we describe and analyse one probability lesson, which is part of a

Lercanidipine Reduces Matrix Metalloproteinase-9Marcio L.L. Martinez, Pharm D,* Lı´via F. Lopes,* Eduardo B. Coelho, MD, PhD,†Fernando Nobre, MD, PhD,† Joa˜o B. T. Rocha, PhD,‡ Raquel F. Gerlach, DDS, PhD,§Key Words: calcium channel blockers, hypertension, lercanidipine,Abstract: Increased levels of metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 have beenmatrix metalloproteinases, oxidative stressshown

Richard Senyszyn MD ADHD Medication Management Plan Date: __________________________________________ To the family of __________________________________________ , please refer to this plan between visits if you have questions about care. If you are stil unsure, cal us at _______________________ for assistance. Patient _____________________________________ 's doctor is _________________

Microsoft word - tag_2004-1.doc

Database documentation: tag K. A. Mackay & B. A. Wood Contents Database documentation series . 4 2 Tagging Programmes. 4 Sources of tagging data .4 Data loading and validation.5 3 Data structures . 6 Table relationships .6 Database design .9 Handling orphan tag return records .11 Multiple releases and returns .11 Tagging progra

PLASTIC LITHIUM CELL HOLDERS “1/2AA” • “CR2” • “2/3A” FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Snap-In PC contact holds in position for wave soldering • Computer memory, power transfer and back-up systems • Tin Nickel Plated contacts for excellent solderability and durability • Video and telecommunications power back-up requirements • Polarity cle

Consenso de ginecología

INTRODUCCION El Síndrome de ovario poliquístico (SOP) fue inicialmente descripto por Stein y Leventhal en 1935 (1). Es considerado un síndrome, es decir un conjunto de signos y síntomas, en los que un solo test no realiza el diagnostico. Por lo que es necesaria una definición clara y basada en la evidencia debido a las implicancias clínicas que posee esta patología. DEFINICION El

Report on the availability of veterinary medicines in ireland

Report on the availability of veterinary medicines in Ireland This report has been prepared by the Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Council Working Group on Veterinary Medicines Introduction to this report This Report was prepared for the Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Council by the Working Group on Veterinary Medicines. The report was requested as it was felt that there


Ende April berichteten deutsche Medien, die amerikanische Regierung habeeiner Voranfrage der Bundesregierung zum Kauf bewaffneter US-Drohnen fürdie Bundeswehr zugestimmt. Obwohl die Entscheidung über diese umstritte-ne Frage erst nach der Bundestagswahl fallen soll – der Kurs scheint klar zusein. Nur wenige Wochen zuvor hatte die Bundesregierung zudem bestätigt, siehabe den Verkauf deutscher

Hi! I'd like to speak to ____________. This is (AGENT NAME) with Online Pharmacy, I'm calling with regards to your last refill order of (VIAGRA 10 pills X 100mg) . (Ask customer if he recalls the order) Basing on our records you bought these pills (DATE ON THE CRM / AND PAID AMOUNT) Correct? (CUSTOMER NAME) Were having a promotion today, since you have been a previous customer you wi

A review of the current literature on management of halitosis

Oral Diseases (2008) 14, 30–39. doi:10.1111/j.1601-0825.2006.01350.xÓ 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation Ó 2007 Blackwell MunksgaardA review of the current literature on management ofhalitosisAMWT van den Broek1, L Feenstra2, C de Baat1Departments of 1Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Special Dental Care and 2Otorhinolaryngology, Erasmus University MedicalCenter, Rotterdam, the Netherl

Eradicating Hydra and Other Pests with Flubendazole From: Journal of the American Killifish Association September/October 2003Vol.36, No. 5By Charles Harrison, Ph.D. This article is first about hydra and its eradication. Secondly, it is about a lot of relief from someof the most hideous afflictions of tropical aquarium fish, including wasting disease, which isoften associated with the presence


Sicherheitsdatenblatt gemäß 1907/2006/EG, Artikel 31 1 Bezeichnung des Stoffs bzw. des Gemischs und des Unternehmens • Produktidentifikator • Handelsname: Grundreinigungsmittel • Artikelnummer: SF-D 1333 • Relevante identifizierte Verwendungen des Stoffs oder Gemischs und Verwendungen, von denen abgeraten wird • Verwendung des Stoffes / des Gemisches Reinig

Microsoft word - spirometrie, 17892.doc

LONGFUNCTIEONDERZOEK Uw afspraak voor het longfunctieonderzoek Voor het onderzoek neemt u plaats in de wachtkamer bij balie 150, op de eerste verdieping van het ziekenhuis. U hoeft zich niet aan te melden. Algemene informatie De werking van de longen kan op verschillende manieren worden bepaald. Er zijn daarvoor verschillende longfunctieonderzoeken. De keuze voor e

[Publicado en la revista Relaciones, Nro. 342, Noviembre 2012, págs. 8-10] ABORTO EN EL URUGUAY: EL MODELO DE CONSULTA CON PLAZO DE REFLEXIÓN Agustín Courtoisie Frente a la recurrente polarización de quienes exhiben ante la opinión pública sus tajantes consignas, un modelo diferente se ha abierto camino en el ámbito parlamentario, inspirado en legislaciones europeas, en la metodol

Ferrari careto

Saúdo a iniciativa que considero muito oportuna Tive o seguinte abstract para comentar: “O mercado móvel não é passível de concorrência perfeita (pelo menos em todas as fases da cadeia de valor): Não há lugar para quatro operadores (em todas as fases da cadeia de Temos um oligopólio, tendencialmente não concorrencial.” Porque se trata de Jornadas de Regulação, e

Microsoft word - ley n 635-95.doc

Ley Nº 635/95 Que reglamenta la Justicia Electoral EL CONGRESO DE LA NACIÓN PARAGUAYA SANCIONA CON FUERZA DE LEY: NATURALEZA Y COMPOSICIÓN Artículo 1º .- Naturaleza y composición. La Justicia Electoral goza de autarquía administrativa y autonomía jurisdiccional dentro de los límites establecidos en la presente ley. Está compuesta de los siguientes organismos: a) El


Legislação em Vigilância Sanitária Página Inicial Pesquisa Complementar Estat ísticas do site Normas Consolidadas Publica ções de Hoje título: Resolução RDC nº 12, de 30 de janeiro de 2006 ementa: Atualiza o Anexo I da Portaria SVS/MS nº 344, de 1998 - Listas de Substâncias Entorpecentes, Psicotr ópicas, Precursoras e outras sob publicaç�

Agosto 2004

Médico, Universidad de Buenos Aires (2002)Especialista en Genética Médica, Universidad de Buenos Aires (2007)Especialista en Ecografía y Ultrasonido, Asociación Médica Argentina (2005)Jefe del Departamento de Diagnóstico Prenatal. Fundagen (2010-actualidad). Coordinador Médico. Servicio de Ecografía. Sanatorio de los Arcos (2008-presente)Miembro de Comisión Directiva de la Sociedad

A-level human biology question paper unit 3 - pathogens and disease january 2009

General Certificate of EducationJanuary 2009Advanced Subsidiary Examination HUMAN BIOLOGY (SPECIFICATION A) Pathogens and Disease For this paper you must have: a ruler with millimetre measurements. Instructions ● Use black ink or black ball-point pen. ● Fill in the boxes at the top of this page. ● Answer all questions. ● You must answer the questions in the spaces provide

Code mondial antidopage - liste des interdictions 2010

LISTE DES INTERDICTIONS 2010 STANDARD INTERNATIONAL Le texte officiel de la Liste des interdictions sera tenu à jour par l' AMA et publié en anglais et en français. La version anglaise fera autorité en cas de divergence entre les deux versions. Cette liste entrera en vigueur le 1er janvier 2010. LISTE DES INTERDICTIONS 2010 CODE MONDIAL ANTIDOPAGE Entrée en vi

Microsoft word - café con el experto_egallardo.doc

CAFÉ CON EL EXPERTO Duración del tratamiento anticoagulante. Estudio CATCH Dr. Enrique Gallardo El tratamiento de la enfermedad tromboembólica (ETE), que incluye la trombosis venosa profunda (TVP) y el embolismo pulmonar (EP), debe realizarse en una fase aguda –que comprende los 5-10 primeros días tras el diagnóstico– y una fase crónica o de tratamiento Las diferentes gu

Evidence for anti-osteoporosis therapy in acute fracture situations—recommendations of a multidisciplinary workshop of the international society for fracture repair

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / b o n eEvidence for anti-osteoporosis therapy in acute fracture situations—Recommendationsof a multidisciplinary workshop of the International Society for Fracture RepairThe International Society for Fracture Repair convened a multidisciplinary workshop to assess the currentevidence around the interaction betwee

Agua conservans

____________________________________________________________ FLECAINIDA suspensión 5 mg/ml COMPOSICIÓN Conservación Flecainida……………………………500 mg Metilcelulosa al 1 %………………….50 ml Caducidad Jarabe simple c.s.p………………….100 ml Administración MODUS OPERANDI 1.- Triturar en el mortero los comprimidos de Apocard®.


Case 1:07-cv-12153-RWZ Document 100 Filed 02/28/11 Page 1 of 3 ex rel. James Banigan and Richard Templin, et al. Relators bring this lawsuit under the federal False Claims Act (“FCA”), 31 U.S.C. § 3730, and several state false claims acts against a number of pharmaceuticalcompanies alleging that they participated in a scheme to offer unlawful enticements tothird parties to prescribe a d

Codice antidoping del movimento olimpico

CODICE ANTIDOPING DEL MOVIMENTO OLIMPICO LISTA DELLE SOSTANZE VIETATE E DEI METODI PROIBITI VALIDA DAL 1° GENNAIO 2004 (nella versione aggiornata dalla WADA) (approvata dalla Giunta Nazionale del C.O.N.I. nella riunione del 23 gennaio 2004) SOSTANZE VIETATE S1. STIMOLANTI I seguenti stimolanti sono proibiti, inclusi entrambi i loro isomeri ottici (D- e L-) quando esiste


AGFIMS: HOUSEHOLD LISTING SCREENER No. Region/ Mkoa __ __________________________________________________________________________________District: Wilaya_ ___________________________________________________________________________________Ward: Kata _ ______________________________________________________________________________________EA: Eneo la utafiti______ _____________________________

Microsoft word - premiocarbonell.doc

Premio Nacional de Anticoncepción 2008 al Dr. D. Josep Luis Carbonell ABORTOS DE SEGUNDO TRIMESTRE CON 600 MCG DE MISOPROSTOL VERSUS 400 MCG Y LEGRADO SISTEMÁTICO POSTERIOR: ENSAYO CLÍNICO ALEATORIZADO. (PUBLICADO EN LA REVISTA CONTRACEPTION ENERO 2008) INTRODUCCION El misoprostol con o sin tratamiento previo con mifepristona ha sido muy ampliamente estudiado


Abstracts of the 3rd International Congress on Prediabetes and the Metabolic Syndrome DETERMINATION OF BODY COMPOSITION IN PATIENTS min PG (r=0.7), indicating an inverse relationship between prevailing PG WITH METABOLIC SYNDROME, BY BIO-IMPEDANCE and the presence of edema. Therefore, paradoxically, the risk of BC-L appears to be inversely related to the patients' measured insulin sensitivity.

Brasil india anexo i e ii

Nº 102, segunda-feira, 1 de junho de 200952 29182220 ÉSTERES DO ÁCIDO O-ACETILSALICÍ- LISTA DE OFERTAS DO MERCOSUL PARA A ÍNDIA No. NCM / 02 Margens de Observa- 55 29183039 OUTROS ÁCIDOS DEHIDROCÓLICO E p re f e r ê n c ia o f e re c id a s 56 29183040 ACETILACETATO DE 2-NITROMETIL- pelo MER- COSUL (%) 57 29183090 OUTROS ÁCIDOS CARBOXÍLICOS COM0 8 0 1111 0 COC



Pr2'2005.vp:corelventura 7.0

Micha³ K. Trojnar1, Katarzyna Wojtal1, Marcin P. Trojnar2,Department of Pathophysiology, Skubiszewski Medical University, Jaczewskiego 8, PL 20-090 Lublin, Poland Department of Internal Medicine, Skubiszewski Medical University, Staszica 16, PL 20-081 Lublin, Poland!Isotope Laboratory, Institute of Agricultural Medicine, Jaczewskiego 2, PL 20-950 Lublin, Poland Correspondence: Stanis³aw J.

Microsoft word - 481f139c-44e2-28f83e.doc

Embargoed: May 6, 2008 8:00pm EST Antimalarial Drug Quality in the Most Severely Malarious Parts of Africa – A Six Country Study Roger Bate1,2, Philip Coticelli1*, Richard Tren1, Amir Attaran3 1 Africa Fighting Malaria, Washington, D.C., United States of America, 2 American Enterprise Institute, Washington, D.C., United States of America, 3 Institute of Population Health & Facu

1. In the patient with a blood glucose of 300mg/dL or higher without signs or symptoms of dehydration should receive how much normal saline? Pg 61 2. The adult dose of Zofran is _____. Pg 69 a. 4mg over 30 seconds IV/IO b. 4mg over 1 minute c. 2mg over 1 minute IV/IO d. 2 mg IM 3. Zofran may be given all of the following routs except_____. Pg 69 4. The pediatric dose of Zofran is _____. P

Systemic sclerosis (ssc) is a multisystem disease characterized by autoimmune phenomenna, vascular abnormalities, and fibrosis

The gastro-intestinal tract in systemic sclerosis Professor László Czirják Department of Immunology and Rheumatology, University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a disease abnormality affecting the vessels and the connective tissue. Besides the skin, joints, muscles, several internal organs can also be involved in SSc including the gastrointestinal tract (GI).

Sgs-safeguards 06409- eu bans dimethyl fumarate in products -en-09

SAFEGUARDS SGS CONSUMER TESTING SERVICES HARDLINES, SOFTLINES, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC EUROPEAN MARKET CONCERNS PART 4 EU BANS DIMETHYL FUMARATE The European Union has officially banned the use of the anti-fungal agent dimethyl fumarate (DMF) in products. From May 2009, Member States shall ensure that products containing DMF are prohibited from being placed or made available

Hoffer hit-2a digital flow rate indicator and totalizer specification datasheet

TURBINE FLOWMETERS BY Rate Indicator & Totalizer HOFFER Perfecting Measurement TM TECHNICAL DATA SHEET OUTSTANDING FEATURES ♦ 5 Digit Rate Display, 8 Digit Totalizer Display. ♦ Local Magnetic or Remote Reset. ♦ 4-20mA Analog Output. ♦ Powered From Battery, DC Supply, 4-20mA Output ♦ 20 Pt. Linearization Option. ♦ Isolated Scaled Pulse Output. �

Microsoft word - chlamydia.doc

Chlamydia ( Chlamydia trachomatis ) What is Chlamydia? Chlamydia is a bacterial infection that can be transmitted through sexual contact. w There are 4 million new cases of Chlamydia every year. w More than 50% of all people with Chlamydia have no symptoms . w Up to 80% of all women and 10% of all men with Chlamydia have absolutely no symptoms. Women can develop Pelvic Inf

Calvidin fn2012/05/008

Calvidin FN2012/05/008 8/8/12 10:51 AM Page 1 CALVIDIN CHEWABLE TABLETS Calvidin FN2012/05/008 8/8/12 10:51 AM Page 2 CALVIDIN CHEWABLE TABLETS Indications: Correction of combined Vitamin D and barbiturates may reduce the activity of vitamin D3. calcium deficiencies in the elderly. Supply of Vitamin DCalcium salts may decrease the absorption of iron,and calcium as an adjunct to specifi

Fresh start private management, inc.

FRESH START PRIVATE MANAGEMENT, Filed 05/01/13 for the Period Ending 04/30/13999 N. TUSTIN AVENUESUITE 16SANTA ANA, CA 927058093 - Specialty Outpatient Facilities, Not Elsewhere Classified© Copyright 2013, EDGAR Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Distribution and use of this document restricted under EDGAR Online, Inc. Terms of Use. UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSIO

Ley 459.pdf

Ley No. 459, G. 0.6013 de 1943, que dispone que en las Comunes no cabeceras de Provincia los Secretarios de Ayuntamientos ejerzan las funciones de Directores de Registro. DE REGISTRO DE LOS ACTOS JUDICIALES Y EXTRAJUDICIALES CAPITULO PRIMERO De las oficinas de Registro Artículo 1.- Habrá en cada ciudad cabecera de provincia -inclusive la cabecera del Distrito de Santo Dom


The synergistic activity of triclosan and cipro£oxacin on bio¢lms ofSalmonella TyphimuriumMina Tabak1,2, Keren Scher1, Michael L. Chikindas2 & Sima Yaron11Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Engineering, Haifa, Israel; and 2Department of Food Science, Cook College,Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ, USAIsrael Institute o

NORTH AMERICA ACTIVE PHARMACEUTICAL INGREDIENTSANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCT LIST B etamethasone Dipropionate M arbofloxacin C arprofen O rbifloxacin D anofloxacin P arvaquone E nrofloxacin S ilver Sulfadiazine F ebantel T estosterone Propionate (C-III) H ydrocortisone Base & Acetate K anamycin Sulfate Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients and/or their intermediates. L evami

Modern Oxidation Methods Jan-Erling Backvall Title: Modern Oxidation Methods Author: Jan-Erling Backvall This is an exact replica of a book published in 2004. The book reprint was manually improved by a team of professionals, as opposed to automatic/OCR processes used by some companies. However, the book may still have imperfections such as missing pages, poor pictures, errant marks

Z Y B A N™ t a b l e t t e n m e t g e r e g u l e e r d e a f g i f t e P A T I E N T E N I N F O R M A T I E Wij raden u aan deze patiënteninformatie te lezenneemt bij te hoge doseringen van Zyban. Houdt u zichvoordat u Zyban gaat gebruiken. Als u daarna nogvragen heeft, kunt u uw arts, apotheker of Glaxo• Als u hersenaandoeningen heeft of heeft gehad, of alsWellcome B.V. raad

Look for Danger * Must Look for Danger and wear Gloves , Goggles| Take Action to Remove Danger or Remove Pt from Danger | Take Control of Situation| Gets Bystanders to Assist Elicit a Response Talk & Touch | Use (COWS) Can you hear me, Open your Eyes, What’s your name, Squeeze my Hands to Determine Conscious State and apply either AVPU or GCS | Gains Consent to look after casu

Permitted during competition

Guide to supplements and medications The article below is for information only and shall not be considered as part of the IFSS Anti-Doping regulations. Knowing what is on a Prohibited List gives a good idea of what is allowed during competition. However it is best to check. The administration of medication, while under IFSS rules, may require oversight or completion of a medication admin

ISSN 1068 1620, Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2012, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 224–229. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2012. Original Russian Text © D.V. Yanvarev, A.N. Korovina, N.N. Usanov, S.N. Kochetkov, 2012, published in Bioorganicheskaya Khimiya, 2012, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 257–262. Non Hydrolysable Analogues of Inorganic Pyrophosphate as Inhibitors of Hepatitis C Virus RNA Dep


Pfarrei Flüelen Pfarrer Notker Bärtsch, Kirchstrasse 39, 6454 Flüelen Telefon 041 870 11 50 Mail [email protected] Pfarramt Kirchstrasse 39 Telefon 041 870 11 50 Fax 041 870 00 81 Mail [email protected] Sakristan Peter Arnold-Baumann, Höhenstrasse 46, 6454 Flüelen Natel 079 448 04 11 LITURGISCHER KALENDER SAMSTAG, 12. JANUAR SAMSTAG, 29. DEZ


Durchschnittlicher Gehalt/Average content/ Coffeinhaltiges, brennwertvermindertes Fertiggetränk mit Guarana-Pulver (500 mg/ Flasche). Mit Zuckerarten und Süßungsmitteln. Erhöhter Coffeingehalt (25 mg/100 ml). Ready-to-use, calorie reduced drink with guarana powder (500 mg/bottle), containing caffeine. With sugar and sweetening substances. Increased caffeine content (25 mg/100 ml).

duce large amounts of insulin. So, while theyfeel tired and too lightheaded to complete yourcising at noon or after work even though you’remay give you an initial boost, your energy willtruly committed to exercise and it’s the only timedrop off quickly, and your mood will follow. If you plan to engage in running or other high-The amount of sugar in your blood is alsoly vigorous activ

Faculty benefits meeting minutes

Faculty Benefits Committee (FBC) Annual Report for 2003 – 2004 Major Issues Major issues addressed during the year included: finalizing the benefits comparison report, long term care insurance, partner benefits, sabbatical leave policy, disability insurance for non-administrative academic faculty with more than a nine month academic year appointment, long term health care cost trend

Opioid Equianalgesic Table Opioid Equianalgesic Starting Dose in Side Effect Management Considerations Opioid Naïve Begin bowel regimen when opioid is initiated; provide a mild stimulant (e.g. senna, Patients Miralax) plus a stool softener (e.g. Colace). Ensure adequate hydration & avoid Consider clonazepam; dose reduction; or opioi

Bárbara Cantú Español AP 6351 Poesía y teatro peninsular Dr. José María Martínez 14 de marzo del año 2010 La evolución del romancero en conjunto con la influencia que tuvieron los corridos en la época colonial Mucho se ha hablado de los romances en España, estos cantares populares surgen de la voz tradicional del pueblo. Se dice que nacieron desde el siglo XIV

Selected Bibliography for “Connections, Trust, and Causation in Economic History” This spring 2008 Faculty Weekend Seminar was directed by Craig Muldrew , University Lecturer in the Faculty of History and a Fellow of Queens’ College, Cambridge University. His publications include The Economy of Obligation: The Culture of Credit and Social Relations in Early Modern England

Curriculum vitae

CURRICULUM VITAE Keith Edward Schulze, M.D. OFFICE ADDRESS PRESENT TITLE & AFFILIATION Director, Cutaneous Surgery and Oncology Fort Bend Skin Cancer Center WORK HISTORY Co-Director, Cutaneous Surgery and Oncology Dermatologic Surgery Center of Houston, P.A. Co-Director, Cutaneous Surgery and Oncology Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology U

2013 fiche 1 - structures

Assemblée Générale de la Fédération Nationale des Producteurs de Lait – Nantes – 20 et 21 mars 2013 Structures des exploitations laitières 72 328 exploitations laitières en France D’après l’enquête annuelle du SSP, on dénombre en 2011, 72 328 exploitations livrant principalement en laiterie (c'est-à-dire que la livraison représente au moins 80 % de la référence to

Hek ujsag 5 139.cdr

Tartalom: dők folyadékterápiája igazi kihívás még az intenzív Koponyasérültek ellátást végző orvosok számára is. Maguk a súlyos folyadékterápiája.1. oldal idegrendszeri kórfolyamatok és az azokat gyakorta kísérő szisztémás és központi idegrendszeri gyulla-dásos reakciók eltolódást okozhatnak az agyi folya-Országos Idegsebészeti Tudományos Intézet,

04-09-09 persbericht_documentaires_

Persbericht Nederlands Film Festival Utrecht, 4 september 2009 Groot aantal documentaires in première tijdens Nederlands Film Festival Een greep uit het aanbod: IN FERNO – DOOR DE OGEN VAN EEN CAMERAMAN – PREMIÈRE DONDERDAG 24 SEPTEMBER, ‘T HOOGT Deze VPRO-documentaire is niet zozeer een portret van cameraman/regisseur John Fernhout (1913 – 1987), als wel een film die inzicht prob

Reg 5 # - 5030 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MSDS S-107 REVISION 12 SECTION 1: PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION The Dial Corporation TRADE NAMES/SYNONYMS: Dial® Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer With Moisturizers - Light Citrus Scent, Citrus Fresh Dial® Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer With Moisturizers - Spring Pure Scent Dial® Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer With Moisturizers - Fragrance

Synpunkter på sveriges nationella allokeringsplan

FORTUM VÄRMES PRISSÄTTNINGSPOLICY – prissättningsprinciper och prisstrukturer för fjärrvärmeprodukten Reviderad och fastställd av styrelsen den 25 april 2013. Inledning Policyns syfte är att fastställa principerna för Fortum Värmes prissättning av fjärrvärme. Dessa principer syftar i sin tur ytterst till att vårda och utveckla kundernas förtroende för och upps


Wyeth v. Levine : What Does It Mean for Risk Management and Risk Communication? Geoffrey Levitt Chief Regulatory Counsel Wyeth n Summary of Levine n The “Newly Acquired Information” Standard n FDA Interactions n CBE/sNDA Practices The Levine Decision: Summary of Key Elements n Patient received IV push injection of phenergan to treat nausea

December 7th 2008 I recently had a kitten diagnosed with "wet" FIP. I would like to share the best information I gathered while treating her to help others. Of all the cases of FIP that our vet had treated, he did have one cat maintain long-term remission with consistent high dosage of the steroids. This cat is still alive and healthy enough to enjoy life seven years later, although the

Lieber krank feiern als gesund schuften!

Lieber krank feiern als gesund schuften! Wege zu Wissen und Wohlstand! Wegweiser Teil 1 - Zur Einführung in den Problemkreis Teil 2 Spezieller Teil - "Krankheitsbilder" leicht gemacht Teil 3 - Allgemeiner Teil, Tips und Tricks gegen Arzt und Kasse WARNUNG! Dies ist ein Buch, in dem steht, wie du leicht zu einer Krankschreibung kommen kannst; es ist kein mediz

Microsoft word - custom - sro's 2012-13

FA Fakhri Associates Accounts, Income Tax & Sales Tax Consultant S.R.O.574(I)/2012 . – Exemption from customs duty on import of specified goods(Non-Survey based). In exercise of the powers conferred by section 19 of the Customs Act, 1969 (IV of 1969), the Federal Government is pleased to direct that the following further amendments shall be made in its Notification No. S.R.O. 567(I)/20

Microsoft word - documento33 “COMO FORMA PARA PROTEGERSE DE LA INMIGRACIÓN” Las ideas de extrema derecha calan en la sociedad francesa • Muchos franceses sienten que están sufriendo los efectos de la inmigración y • El discurso de extrema derecha penetra mucho entre los jóvenes que buscan La candidata de extrema d


USING YOUR MEDICATIONS WISELY Tell your doctors about all the medecines you areTake more — or less — than the prescribed amounttaking and about any allergies or sensitivity youStop taking drug suddenly without checking withBe sure you understand all instructions beforeyour doctor — even if you feel better. starting to use a drug — including when to take it,Mix alcohol and medicat

Microsoft word - innovation list _english only_ _2_.doc

Network monitoring software Software for monitoring a network without adding an excessive overhead to An area of work looking at potential commercial applications for bananas (specially green bananas) Extraction of fibre as an additive for nutrition supplements. A test developed to detect the amount of pesticide present in vegetables. The kit Standalone security software incorporating steganog

Microsoft word - ijcs-11-07-wei.doc

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL CONSERVATION SCIENCE THE IDENTIFICATION OF THE BINDING MEDIA IN THE TANG DYNASTY CHINESE WALL PAINTINGS BY USING Py-GC/MS AND GC/MS TECHNIQUES Shuya WEI1∗, Manfred SCHREINER1, Erwin ROSENBERG 2, Hong GUO 3 , Qinglin MA3 1) Institute of Natural Sciences and Technology in Art, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria 2) Institute of Chemical Technologi

IN-DEPTH REVIEW Preventing Bacterial Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance in Dialysis Patients Jeffrey S. Berns, MD, and Jerome I. Tokars, MD● Antimicrobial use, in concert with patient-to-patient transmission of resistant strains, has caused a rapid increase in the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in recent years. This increase is a particular threat to dialysis patients, wh

PROJECT 1: Epidemic Model: To Treat or Not to Treat?Topics: Nonlinear differential equations, equilibria, stability, basic reproduction number, continuous-time Markovchain model, drug resistance. Antiviral drug resistance is an important concern in public health. The emergence and spread of drugresistance leads to treatment failure, limits the effectiveness of subsequent treatments, and resultsi

Magnesium sulphate.qxd

Magnesium Sulfate in Prehospital Magnesium sulfate is also used, generallyous case studies show dramatic reversal ofin the hospital setting, for acute MI with By Michael Silverman, EMT-P class IIb (acceptable, possibly helpful) whenadmissions in that group of patients. given prophylactically, although the literaturesuggests the latter treatment offers little to noin the healthcare sett

Microsoft word - spagnolo-corretto.doc

Textos jurídicos de Derecho Civil frente a la sociedad y a los accionistas 1. – El Administrador de facto ejerce las funciones de gestión de una sociedad de capital, esto es, adopta decisiones y realiza actos de gestión en nombre y representación de dicha sociedad, sin haber sido investido a raíz de una decisión, jurídicamente existente, de conformidad con la legislación y

UnitedHealthcare Pharmacy - July 1 PDL Report Fully Insured Customers on the Traditional PDLThe July 1, 2011 Prescription Drug List (PDL) and pharmacy benefit updates represent a small percentage of all prescriptions – no medications in the top 100 – but create significant value for our customers. These decisions are designed to drive the greatest total health care value, while preserving a

Ohne titel

INFORMASJON FRA LØPSVETERINÆREN Kostenlose Untersuchung der Hunde vor dem StartMedikamente welche im Handlerauto bzw. Schlitten vorhanden sein solltenNamen der Hunde auf Halsband und Geschirr b) Wichtige Infos fuer Teilnehmer, welche Hunde aus dem Ausland einfuehren c) Einfuhr von Futter, Stroh und Fleisch aus dem Ausland oder Transitd) Impfungen f) Traechtige Huendinnen duerfen nicht

Microsoft word - 1x09_fallen [v3].doc

© Alain Bergeron et Laurine Spehner. Autopsie d'une série culte: The X-Files. Titre original: Fallen Angel Titre de la version française: L’ange déchu Date de la première diffusion aux États-Unis: 19 novembre 1993 Scénario: Alex Gansa, Howard Gordon Réalisation: Larry Shaw Distribution: Agent Fox Mulder: David Duchovny Agent Dana Scully: Gillian Anderson Colonel Calvin

Here’s something that shouldn’t surprise anyone: A company that benefits from high power prices is lobbying for policies that would raise power prices for consumers. What should surprise everyone, however, is the sheer audacity of their effort: using a deeply flawed study to argue that tax incentives for wind power are “distortionary” while argu-ing for the exact same incentives for their

Microsoft word - op154a~2.doc

Fort McMurray Catholic Schools Operating Policies and Procedures OP 154 – Automatic External Defibrillators (AED) Policy The Fort McMurray Catholic Board of Education wil have Automatic External Defibril ators (AED) in locations extensively used by the public who are at risk of heart attack. Father Mercredi High Community High School has been identified has a high risk area due to

Faculdade Latino-Americana de Ciências Sociais - FLACSO CÓDIGO DE ÉTICA DE LA FACULTAD LATINOAMERICANA DECIENCIAS SOCIALESVISTO que el Consejo Superior de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), consideraimprescindible contar con un cuerpo de normas éticas respecto de los distintos estatamentos que conforman laFLACSO, se decide la elaboración de un Código de Ética para

Nl_fp_14 - caso2

Na sequência do número anterior, voltamos a apresentar um caso clínico, discutindo hipóteses de diagnóstico, meios complementares mas também , localizações anatómicas e mecanismos fisiopatológicos. Apresentação do Caso - História Clínica e Exame Objectivo Madalena M., 25 anos, solteira, professora do ensino secundário. Recorre ao médico assistente com queixas de dor na regi�

Title of report:

PUBLIC VERSION EXECUTIVE COUNCIL CONFIDENTIAL Title of Report: Implementation of the Smoking (Prohibition) Ordinance 2010 Paper No: Report of: David Jenkins, Director of Health & Education 1.0 Purpose 1.1 This paper requests Executive Council approval for the Smoking (Prohibition) Ordinance 2010 to be brought into force on 1st February 2011. 2.0 Recom


"Llegó sin avisar. Empezó como empiezan las grandes historias, sin llamar la atención. Al principio sólo era cansancio. Muchas juergas-pensó- mientras se esforzaba por no vomitar. Terminó de lavarse la cara y se miró en el espejo: tengo que dejar de beber. Por el pequeño pasillo de paredes blancas se siente culpable. Depresión post borrachera. Un dolor agudo en el lado izquierdo le ha

Diabetes La diabetes generalmente es una enfermedad de por vida (crónica) en la cual hay niveles altos de La insulina es una hormona producida por el páncreas para controlar el azúcar en la sangre. La diabetes puede ser causada por muy poca producción de insulina, resistencia a ésta o ambas. Para comprender la diabetes, es importante entender primero el proceso normal por medio del cua


Fédération suisse des jardins familiaux La santé par et pour le jardin Un sol sain – des herbes saines Aujourd’hui, le mieux est de cultiver lesun sol sain et soigné biologiquement. cement ensoleillé et protégé du vent. petit carreau suffit déjà pour une com-binaison toute personnelle d’herbes. Avant la plantation, le sol doit être bien Conseils • Avant leur pr

Kel144 1555.1557

Are rheumatologists’ treatment decisions influenced bypatients’ age?Objectives. The objective of this study was to determine whether physicians’ treatment preferences are influenced bypatients’ age. Methods. We mailed a survey to a random sample of rheumatologists practicing in the US. The survey included a scenariodescribing a hypothetical patient with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) on hydrox

Highlights of prescribing information

MEDICATION GUIDE LYRICA (LEER-i-kah) (pregabalin) Capsules and Oral Solution, CV Read this Medication Guide before you start taking LYRICA and each time you get a refill. There may be new information. This information does not take the place of talking to your healthcare provider about your medical condition or treatment. If you have any questions about LYRICA, ask your healthcare pro

Microsoft word - freed reads 7-30-06a[1].doc

Freed Reads ©2006 FreedUSA If you’re a professional dancer, a student of dance, or just love the art form, may we recommend a book—or two or three—that we know you’l find to be nothing short of fascinating? Freed Reads is the place where devotees of dance gain inspiration from the life stories of famous bal erinas and choreographers, as wel as the immortals of the silver scr

Archiv der Mathematik Set-theoretic complete intersection monomial curves in P n Abstract. In this paper, we give a sufficient numerical criterion for a mono- mial curve in a projective space to be a set-theoretic complete intersec- tion. Our main result generalizes a similar statement proven by Keum for monomial curves in three-dimensional projective space. We also prove that there ar

18_22_wussten_sie_schon.pdf, page 4 @ preflight (2)

Wussten Sie schon … Wussten Sie schon … …, dass die Gedächtnisleistung bei gegen die bisherigen Erkenntnisse. Frauen während Schwangerschaft Ratten z. B. sind was Lernverhalten, und Stillzeit offensichtlich nicht schlechter ist, als bei gleichaltrigen Verständnis anbelangt ihren nicht- nichtschwangeren Frauen? schwangeren nichtstillenden Art-genosse

Microsoft word - fsu newsletter _41st edition_.doc

FSU Gymnasts, Gymkana, Tallahassee Tumbling Tots, and Friends Newsletter June 1st, 2008 (Forty - First Edition) [email protected] “ Once teammates, always teammates ” by Charlie Christian. Visit your Web-Sites <><> Mike Mann, Webmaster (Which also includes all back copies of the FSU Gymnastics Newsletters)


Canadian Diagnosis and Management Guidelines FM-CFS CANADA Canadian Diagnosis and Management GuidelinesFM-CFS Canada thanks Dr. Anil K. Jain and Dr. for their review of this Guide,which is based on their work with an International Panel of Experts that developed a widelyrespected Clinical Case Definition, Diagnostic and Treatment Protocol for MyalgicEncephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndro

Monday, May 5, 2003 The ice is starting to break up just at the south end of The Island. Huge chunks have started piling up on top of each other in the middle of The River – where the current is strongest. The pressure of the current keeps pushing the ice down stream while the pack at the mouth of The River keeps the mess from going anywhere. As a channel forms in the middle of The River, the

Microsoft word - 31219_26872_d_r_q_grafica_e_editora_ltda.doc


In the tribunal of the pension funds adjudicator

IN THE TRIBUNAL OF THE PENSION FUNDS ADJUDICATOR PRELIMINARY RULING IN TERMS OF SECTION 30J OF THE PENSION FUNDS ACT OF 1956 This is a complaint lodged with the Pension Funds Adjudicator in terms ofsection 30A of the Pension Funds Act relating to the fund’s refusal to admit thecomplainant’s claim for a disability benefit. No hearings were conducted andtherefore in determining this mat


Priapisme Extrait du Urgences-Online & Urg-Serv, Medecine d'urgence, SAMU, SMUR, Protocoles,Etudiants, Medecins, Infirmiers Priapisme - Protocoles / CODU - Hospitalier - Cochin - StVP (Paris) - Uro - Néphrologie - Date de mise en ligne : jeudi 8 février 2007 Urgences-Online & Urg-Serv, Medecine d'urgence, SAMU, SMUR, Protocoles, Etudiants, Medecins, Infirmiers Priapisme

Jörg Heukelbach . Fabíola A. S. Oliveira . Richard SpeareA new shampoo based on neem (Azadirachta indica) is highlyeffective against head lice in vitroReceived: 7 February 2006 / Accepted: 10 February 2006 / Published online: 28 March 2006Abstract Because topical compounds based on insecticid-al chemicals are the mainstay of head lice treatment, butresistance is increasing, alternatives, suc

Safety data sheet

SIGMA-ALDRICH Fiche de Données de Sécurité / Fiche Signalétique 1. IDENTIFICATION DU PRODUIT ET DE LA SOCIETE : Pour des fins de recherche en laboratoire. (Pour le fournisseur et le fabricant) Renseignements sur la Product Safety - Americas Region 1-800-521-8956 2. IDENTIFICATION DES DANGERS Aperçu des urgences Organes cibles WHMIS Class

Microsoft word - haloperidol picaturi orale.doc

HALOPERIDOL Picaturi orale, solutie, 2 mg/ml Compozitie Un ml picaturi orale, solutie contine halopcridol 2 mg si excipienti: acid lactic 90%, p-hidroxibenzoat de metil, p-hidroxibenzoat de n-propil, apa purificata. Grupa farmacoterapeutica: antipsihotice, derivati de butirofenona. Indicatii terapeutice  Tulburari psihotice - ca tratament, in manifestari acute si cronice ale

Microsoft word - eipfs3105tych data sheet.doc

Brooks Australia PRODUCT DATA SHEET Smoke Alarm EIPFS3105TYCH - Photoelectric 9 Volt Primary Lithium Power with Hush and Interconnect • Lithium 10 year battery to provide long lasting life • No changing of battery required - soldered into the printed circuit board • High performance optical chamber with integral insect screen • Advanced suppression and calibrat


Entrevista a Saskia Sassen: “Los Estados no pueden escapar de sus propios transnacionalismos” La actual etapa de la globalización económica tiene unas consecuencias enlos Estados sobre las que no siempre existe acuerdo. En su último libro, Territory, authority, rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages (Princeton,2006, próxima publicación en español por Katz Editores), Saskia Sass

Microsoft word - de1126 - english manual - draft.doc

DE1126 FM STEREO · MW (AM) · SW DSP RECEIVER / MP3 PLAYER / DIGITAL RECORDER Operation Manual POWER SUPPLY INSTALLING THE BATTERY 1. Turn off the unit and open the battery cover. 2. Install the provided lithium battery according to the battery polarity. CHARGING THE BATTERY After installing the lithium battery, connect the unit with the provided USB adapt

Enerx pds

Extreme Series Energetic Catalyst† EnerX by Max Muscle Sports Nutrition is a revolutionary cutting edge energetic supplement that will take your energy to a higher level. This unique formula contains 11 specific ingredients in a proprietary blend designed to enhance and increase your energy levels. The herbal ingredients in EnerX Size: 90 Gelcaps contain stimulants that work on the centr

Starlix betreibshandbuch english_26.05.03

Dear Fresh Breeze customer, You have just purchased a sophisticated product. We place great importance on the workmanship and the high quality of the materials used. If you have any questions which are not answered in this manual, please do not hesitate to contact us directly, or your Fresh Breeze dealer. from Fresh Breeze Table of Contents 1. Disclaimer and exclusion of liabili

Cahiers recherche/musique

El rol de los dispositivos en una pedagogía de la creación musical infantil François Delalande Responsable de las investigaciones teóricas, INA-GRM1 París - Francia. ¿Cómo guiar sin orientar? Es casi en estos términos contradictorios como se expresa el equilibrio imposible que debe realizar la pedagogía musical de sensibilización. Se trata realmente de guiar -¿cual s

Microsoft word - mali_120711_sitrep_final pdf.doc

Mali • Complex Emergency Situation Report No. 11 11 July 2012 This report is produced by the OCHA Regional Office for West and Central Africa in Dakar in collaboration with humanitarian partners and is issued by OCHA Headquarters in New York. It covers the period from 27 June to 10 July 2012. The next report will be issued on or around 25 July. I. HIGHLIGHTS/KEY PRIORITIE

223 asava massage -8.pdf

Article 223: Asava Massage - part 8 For years, medical science felt they were finally winning the battle against the tiny disease-causing microbes which had ravaged mankind for centuries, …as a result, they announced control of many diseases, yet many of these “controlled” diseases, such as polio, dengue and yellow fever, and smallpox are making a come back, tuberculosis has grown resist

DONATION WISH LIST Reviewed August 2011 ANGKOR HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN. MAKING A DIFFERENCE The Angkor Hospital For Children’s Satellite Clinic is a pilot project in partnership with the Cambodian Government Referral Hospital in Sotnikum and the government healthcare system including the health centers. The Satellite Clinic is located in Sotnikum district, in a rural setting 35 km f

THE MATING SEASON BEHAVIOUR Since there is usually no obvious female’s pattern tends to be 1. PROESTRUS; This stage Forrest Hill NEWS SPRING 2008 2. OESTRUS: This is the Reducing the Risks of Periodontal Disease – you can make a difference! Periodontal disease, Managing Risk Factors or inflammation of the 3. METOESTRUS AND structures that support

bergvlas, lig. buntgras dwergmispel ijzerhard hazelaar jeneverbes langbaardgr. aardaker centau., gro. hazenpootje judaspen., t.- cichorei, wi. dwergvlas hazenstaart bernagie cypergr., bru. heelbeen kaardenbol eekhoorngras heelblaadjes aardpeer dalkruid heelkruid lathyrus abeel, wi./gr. bevernel damastblo. egelantier

Dynamics of green fluorescent protein mutant2in solution, on spin-coated glasses, and encapsulatedin wet silica gelsGIUSEPPE CHIRICO,1,5 FABIO CANNONE,1,5 SABRINA BERETTA,1,5ALBERTO DIASPRO,2,5 BARBARA CAMPANINI,3,5 STEFANO BETTATI,3,4,5ROBERTA RUOTOLO,3 AND ANDREA MOZZARELLI3,51Department of Physics, University of Milan-Bicocca, 20126 Milan, Italy2Department of Physics, University of Genova, 161

Microsoft word - j7scandaryscandar

FUDACIÓN DE NEUROPSICOLOGÍA CLÍNICA Tratamiento de Adultos y Adolescentes con Trastorno por Déficit de Atención de Licenciado Ruben O. Scandar y Lic. Mariano G. Scandar 1. Introducción a la problemática Con toda seguridad los años ´90 han afirmado de manera altamente convincente que el TDAH no es un trastorno de la infancia que remite llegada la adolescencia en por

Microsoft word - glossario

AAS: abbreviazione di steroidi anabolizzanti. Abductor machine: macchina specifica per gli abdutori. Abduttori: gruppo muscolare. Sono la parte carnosa delle anche. Gli abduttori consentono di fare scivolare la gamba verso l'esterno, come quando patinate. Acidi grassi: sono i componenti comuni e fondamentali dei lipidi. Chimicamente, i più diffusi in natura sono costituiti da un gruppo carbossil

Computer-aided cbt self-help for anxiety and depressive disorders: experience of a london clinic and future directions

Computer-Aided CBT Self-Help for Anxiety andDepressive Disorders: Experience of aLondon Clinic and Future DirectionsLina Gega, Isaac Marks, and David Mataix-Cols London University This article describes a broad-spectrum, computer-aided self-help clinicthat raised the throughput of anxious/depressed patients per clinician andlowered per-patient time with a clinician without impairing effectivenes

Criminal justice (international co-operation) order


Giornata nazionale del malato oncologico

GIORNATA NAZIONALE DEL MALATO ONCOLOGICO Roma, 14 Maggio 2010 LA RIABILITAZIONE – IL DIRITTO NEGATO? Il carcinoma della prostata rappresenta la malattia più frequente nella popolazione maschile dopo i tumori del polmone e del colon, con un incidenza in Italia di circa 45.000 nuovi casi l’anno. Le terapie radicali d’elezione, chirurgia, radioterapia e brachiterapia, mostrano ecce

ASOCIACIÓN SINDICAL DE PROFESORES UNIVERSITARIOS ASPU Personería Jurídica No.0623 del 4 de Mayo de 1966 del Ministerio de Trabajo SECCIONAL UNIVERSDIDAD DE PAMPLONA – ASPU U. de P. COMUNICADO A LA OPINIÓN PÚBLICA La Asociación Sindical de Profesores Universitarios ASPU seccional Universidad de Pamplona, rechaza y denuncia los atropellos y persecuciones a través de actos

Revista forumul judecatorilor nr 3 2011 fara art eng pag 114.pmd

Lydia Vicente, Miembro del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Justicia Internacional del Secretariado Internacional de Amnistía Internacional Rezumat: Dispariþia forþatã constituie o crimã împotriva umanitãþii ºi o încãlcare a normelor de jus cogens, având corelativ obligaþia pozitivã a statelor de a identifica ºi sancþiona persoanele responsabile pentru astfel de fapte,

Laser hair removal information

1. Avoid any sun tanning for at least three to four weeks before treatment. 2. Do not treat area (by waxing, tweezing or having electrolysis done) for 2 - 3 weeks prior to procedure. 3. Shave area on the morning of or the night before your treatment day. For a closer shave, let hair grow 3 days before shaving. Depilatory creams can be used in place of shaving. 4. Remove make-up and wash area

FREDUN PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. LIST OF PRODUCTS GENERIC NAME BRAND NAME ANTI-BACTERIAL 16 Sulfadoxin And Pyrimethamine Tablets USP CAPSULES 18 Clarithromycin Capsules 250 mg19 Chloramphenicol Capsules BP 250 mg DRY SYRUPS 24 Erythromycin Ethyl Succinate for Oral Suspension USP 125mg/5ml. 25 Erythromycin Stearate for Oral Suspension 26 Erythromycin Stearate for Oral Suspension

Microsoft word - new lipo reader

Why were the new lipo battery rule addendums put in place? Li-Poly battery maximum charge rate shall be 1C. C= charge amp rate. Charge amp rate = mAh capacity/1000=XAmps. Lipo charge rate has come under ROAR scrutiny at several large races and many club racing venues around the country. We would like to present the plain and simple facts about charging your lipo packs in e


THE FEDERATION OF ANDHRA PRADESH CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY FAPCCI AWARD WINNERS – 2005-2006 Excellence in Industrial Productivity (Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Silver Kesoram Cement, Basantnagar, Karimnagar, for their outstanding productivity effort in manufacture of cement. Excellence in All Round Performance (The Amancherla Ramamurthy Silver Rolling Trophy) - Institut


Data System Unification for Barrier Capability Testing Abstract : The problem of data inconsistency among barrier property tests still exists. Minor differences can lead to significant economical losses, even safety problems of products. This paper mainly talks about the methods of unifying barrier property testing data system and the demands in choosing standard film. Key word : barrie

Reader reports from the Food Intolerance Network ("benzoate","210”, 211” keywords only) [997] Asthma: hospital admissions - from one per week to one per year (March 2011) First, I have to thank you for the work you have done. It is just over 3 years since I first picked up a copy of Fed Up with Asthma after my then 16 month old son was diagnosed. The medication did n


Influence of acupuncture stimulation on pregnancy rates for women undergoing embryo transfer Caroline Smith, Ph.D., a Meaghan Coyle, B.Hlth.Sc. (Acup.), b and Robert J. Norman, M.D. c,da School of Health Science, The University of South Australia; b Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The University ofAdelaide; c Research Centre for Reproductive Health, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Un

Microsoft word - angola electrotherapy study - 9 march 2006.doc

Investigation of the effect of a multi wave oscillator in the treatment of adult HIV/AIDS patients: Authors: Campbell N R, Paspaliaris V, Ballard R Enquiries: Prof. N. Campbell, P O Box 137, Parkville. Vic. 3052 Australia Email: [email protected] Abstract In this study 26 patients infected with the HIV-1 virus were treated daily for two months with an electrotherapy device and

International Accounting Standard 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors This version includes amendments resulting from IFRSs issued up to 31 December 2008. IAS 8 Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Fundamental Errors and Changes in Accounting Policies wasissued by the International Accounting Standards Committee in December 1993. It replacedIAS 8 Unusual and Pri

Miolo rpm 124-3 (miolo 2).indd

Parkinson’s disease and dopamine transporter neuroimaging – a critical review Laboratório Interdisciplinar de Neuroimagem e Cognição (LiNC), Universidade Federal de São Paulo and Instituto Israelita de Ensino e Pesquisa (IIEP), Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein (HIAE), São Paulo, Brazil disease patients manifest symptoms only when 50 to 80% of the nigrostriatal neurons a


Prof. Dr. med. P.S. Schönhöfer Arbeitskreis DienstleistungenBerlin, 16.10.2008 Innovationen in der Gesundheitswirtschaft: Warum zeigt die pharmazeutische Industrie zunehmende Innovationsunfähigkeit ? 3. Life-Style-Produkte ohne medizinischen Wert FEHLENTWICKLUNGEN DURCH MANAGEMENT-DEFIZITE • Leitungsebene: Marketing statt Wissenschaft (1970)→ Konzeptionsmängel �

RESOLUCIONES DEL JURADO DE LA PUBLICIDAD PFIZER, S.A. vs. QUÍMICA FARMACEÚTICA BAYER, S.A. (“Levitra- Viagra”) Eréctil. Guía del Ponente”, que se presenta en reunida la Sección Tercera del Jurado de papel y en CD. La citada Guía muestra en Autocontrol, Asociación para la portada el título indicado, junto con los Autorregulación de la Comunicación logotipos de “v

Choose the correct answer:

I-Explain the following statements on pharmacological basis:  Resistance is developed after long term use of isoniazide.  Antituberculous therapy may fail.  Clavulonic acid is combined with amoxicillin upper respiratory  Clistatin is combined with imipenium anaerobic infections.  Trimethoprim is combined with sulfamethoxazole in the treatment  Tetracyline is contraindicat

CARLO ALBERTO per la grazia di Dio RE DI SARDEGNA, DI CIPRO E DI GERUSALEMME Ecc. Ecc. Ecc. Con lealtà di Re e con affetto di Padre Noi veniamo oggi a compiere quanto avevamo annunziato ai Nostri amatissimi sudditi col Nostro proclama dell' 8 dell'ultimo scorso febbraio, con cui abbiamo voluto dimostrare, in mezzo agli eventi straordinarii che circondavano il paese, come la Nostra confidenza in

Microsoft word - pharmwasteguidance_26_march_2009_draft _2_

Pharmaceutical Waste Guidance 1. Hazardous Waste Determinations The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) has recently received a number of requests for help in determining whether hospital wastes are regulated as hazardous wastes under the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and corresponding state law. Therefore, we are issuing the following regulato

Microsoft word - hw_paper

Homework - Paper Assigned: 11-19-10 12-09-10 Note: Preferably, this would be collected at the start of class on 12-09-10, but I will accept it electronically until 12-10-10. This article originally appeared in Mother Jones in 2002, and has been making some noise ever since then. Assignment: Read the article below, and write a 2-3 page response in which you address the fol

In 003.04 - medicamentos.doc

INSTRUÇÃO NORMATIVA Nº 003/2004. REGULAMENTA O REEMBOLSO DE MEDICAMENTOS A Diretora Presidente da Caixa de Assistência da FIPECq Vida, no uso das atribuições, que lhe foram conferidas pela Resolução nº 007/2004, e em conformidade com o disposto na Ata da Reunião do Acordo Coletivo realizada no dia 12 de março de 2004, RESOLVE: Conceder aos empregados efetivos d

December 17, 2008

December 17, 2008 Harold F. Farber, M.D. Home Address: 190 Presidential Blvd. Unit 615 Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 Office Addresses: 822 Montgomery Avenue Education: 1975-79BA Penn State University 1979-83 MD Albany Medical College Postgraduate Training and Fellowship Appointments: 1983-84 – Intern in Medicine, Albany Medical Center 1984-87 – Resident in Dermatology, Thomas J

CURRICULUM VITAE del Prof. GIUSEPPE LEMBO ATTIVITA’ SCIENTIFICA e DIDATTICA:ottobre 2006- Professore Straordinario di Scienze Tecniche Mediche Applicate presso il Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale dell’Università La Sapienza di Roma. Direttore del Dipartimento di Medicina Riabilitativa e Specialistica dell’IRCCS Neuromed , composto di 3 Unità Operative Complesse per un total

Microsoft word - determina 2678 del 26 luglio 2007.doc

Oggetto: Centri specialistici abilitati alla elaborazione del Piano Terapeutico necessario alla prescrizione dei farmaci Metilfenidato (Ritalin®) e Atomoxetina (Strattera®). Il Direttore della Direzione Regionale Tutela della Salute e S.S.R. VISTA la Legge Regionale del 18 febbraio 2002 n.6 “ Disciplina del sistema Organizzativo della Giunta e del Consiglio e disposizioni relative a


Übersicht der Medikamentengruppe zur Schmerztherapie Substanzvergleich WHO-Stufen I – III (auf Basis der Fachinformationen) erstellt durch die Arbeitsgruppe Schmerztherapie des FKQS e. V. Der Förderkreis Für die medizinische Qualitätssicherung werden in Schleswig-Holstein alle Kräfte gebündelt, um so auch weiterhin eine ausreichende medizinische Versorgung der Versicherte

Microsoft word - rescue scenarios - 1st yr.doc

a. Kenneth Bronson is a 27 yr old male ambulatory to Physician’s office and is being seen for a “cold” and sore throat. Rapid strep screen was positive. Physician has ordered a Penicillin injection to be given IM. Pt. denies a history of allergies to medication or foods. b. Clinical signs: alert & responsive; calmly awaiting expected c. Pt data: male, 27 y/o wt. 163 lb. (74 kg) ht. 72


What is included in the cruise price? All ocean transportation, shipboard accommodation, complimentary economy class air flights from 20 major gateway cities, all onboard meals, complete onboard service, daily and nightly entertainment, onboard wine seminars and winemaker dinners. The cruise price does not include government taxes, air taxes, trip insurance, on-board medical services, spa packa

Respiratorio: ¿cuál nebulizador para cuál medicamento?

¿Cuál nebulizador para cuál medicamento? Nebulizador mejorado lizador en (Breath-Enhanced) forma de T “breath-enhanced”, aspira aire adicionalson aerosoles o vapores que se inhalan, deal sitio donde están los problemas. En lainflamación y la infección. Hay medica-de estos problemas y a veces, se necesitanaerosol, se inhala aire adicional a través de la pa

Which of the compounds shown can form hydrogen bonds with other identical molecules? Explain each case. Ans: 2, 4, 5. All have H atoms attached to O and N. Practice writing the systematic names in each case: 1. Methyl acetate 2. 2-Methylpropanoic acid 3. N,N-Dimethylacetamide 4. N- 2. Number all carbons and label accurately the glycosidic links. Circle and label any ano

Como utilizar este kit de recursos

¿Cómo utilizar este kit de recursos? Estimado socio: La Agencia Europea para la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo de la UE ha creado este «Kit de recursos» para que participe en la campaña Trabajos saludables sobre evaluación de riesgos, organizando sus propias actividades y eventos. Incluye material en 22 lenguas listo para usar en la campaña y se complementa con el último D

05 quinto vol -1965

05 quinto vol -1965 25-01-2008 13:55 Pagina 305 quinto vol -1965 25-01-2008 13:55 Pagina 171scusa se non rispondo tempestivamente alle tue lettere, masono sempre in un mare di guai. La doppia vita, federalista e pro-fessionale, non concede tregue. In ogni modo seguo con grandeinteresse la tua esperienza americana, e per così dire vorrei dar-tene la prova. I due articoli che mi hai inviato mi s

Convocations a` l'ag mixte toulouse 6 juin 2012-

Objet : Convocation à l’assemblée générale mixte Cher adhérent, chère adhérente, La Fédération Addiction vous convoque à son assemblée générale mixte. Cette assemblée générale est précédée d’un débat de pré AG sur le thème « Place du médicament dans le soin et l’accompagnement aujourd’hui : suboxone et baclofène ? » Elle aura lieu le Mercredi

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2006; 46: 170– 178 Re: Effects of rosiglitazone on hormonal profile Ghazeeri et al ., treatment with rosiglitazone resulted in the and ovulatory function in Chinese women with resumption of ovulation but no significant changes in testo-sterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate.4 On the otherhand, significant reductio

Asthma care tips

ASTHMA CARE TIPS Asthma is a very common chronic illness in children. Fortunately many children with asthma will outgrow their illness and their need for medication. Until they do, and for the few who have more serious asthma, it is important to understand: • What are the things that trigger my asthma? How can I avoid the triggers?• What are my medicines and how do I use each one?•


Sensomotorische und autonome Neuropathie Neue Therapieoptionen, MMW-Fortbildungsinitiative: die Sie kennen sollten Diabetologie für den Hausarzt Regelmäßiger Sonderteil der MMW-Fortschritte der Medizin Herausgeber: Fachkommission Diabetes in Bayern – Landesverband der Deutschen Diabetes- Kausal und evidenzbasiert wirksam ist bei Typ 1 Diabetes eine optimale Diabetesei

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FILIPI FILIPINO COMMUNITY IN BRISTOL FLAT 7, THE GLEBE, GLEBE ROAD, BRISTOL, ENGLAND, BS5 8LU TEL. / FAX NO. 0117-9414672 ANG NAKARAAN. May ibinulong ang daga sa elepante. Biglang hinimatay ang elepante. Ano ang ibinulong ng daga? DAGA: Buntis ako, ikaw ang ama! SA PAGPAPATULOY. . Dahil di makapaniwala ang elepante, dinala nya ang daga sa doctor. Tuwang-tuwa ang elepante at masayang

Fidelis drug quantity limits 2010_11_11 _2_

Drug Quantity Limits—2011 Quantity limits on medications are established to maximize the dosing regimen and decrease cost. Quantity limits are commonly placed on once daily drugs available in multiple strengths. The limit allows for titration to an effective dose, but requires long-term use with an appropriate strength of the medication. Taking medications less often (10mg once dai [email protected] Press Release Victims of road traffic crashes call for effective emergency care – the “Trauma Promise Campaign” Victims of road traffic crashes call on doctors everywhere to promise to improve the care of seriously injured patients. Thousands of deaths through road traffic crashes could be prevented by the early use of an inexpensive dru

Association between unconjugated bilirubin and schizophrenia

Contents lists available at ScienceDirectj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / p syc h r e sAssociation between unconjugated bilirubin and schizophreniaRajiv Radhakrishnan a,⁎, Milanduth Kanigere b, Jayakumar Menon b, Sam Calvin b,Annuncia Janish b, Krishnamachari Srinivasan ba Department of Psychiatry, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT 06511, USAb

Microsoft word - adopted constitution.doc

CONSTITUTION OF THE FAIRLANDS, LIDDINGTON HALL & GRAVETTS LANE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION The name of the charity is the Fairlands, Liddington Hall & Gravetts Lane Community Association (hereinafter called "the Association"). promote the benefit of the inhabitants of Fairlands, Liddington Hall, Gravetts Lane, Holly Lane and the Aldershot Road from Liddington Hall Drive to Holly La

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The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available atDe´partement des sciences de la gestion, Universite´ du Que´bec a` Trois-Rivie`res, Accepted 28 February 2008´ conomie et Gestion, Universite´ du Que´bec a` Montre´al,AbstractPurpose – The present study aims at a deeper understanding of the performance outcomes of thealignment between the e-business capabilities

No job name

Critical Review Sorption of Veterinary Pharmaceuticals in Soils: A Review J O H A N N E S T O L L S * Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Institute of Risk Assessment Sciences,Utrecht University, P.O. Box 80176, 3508 TD Utrecht, The Netherlands Veterinary pharmaceuticals (VPs) are used in largeHence, a considerable portion of the VPs can reach the soilamounts in modern husbandry. Due


Unter den Wolken kann die Freiheit nicht grenzenlos sein Bern, 30.05.2006 (GS-UVEK) - Bundespräsident Moritz Leuenberger zum 1. Schweizerischen Luftfahrtkongress vom 30. Mai 2006 am Flughafen Zürich 1. Grenzen der Luftfahrt In der langen Geschichte der Menschen blieb das Fliegen bis vor kurzem den Göttern vorbehalten, die ihre Allmacht hoch über den Wolken auslebten. Für die Mens

Newsletter february 08

PDSG newsletter Welcome to this month’s Pick’s Disease Support Group Newsletter • Peter Moore tells us all about the • Events Diary - make sure you book February 2008 • Duncan Hutchison updates us on • Julian Taylor & Margaret Rees ANNUAL SEMINAR PICK’S DISEASE SUPPORT FRONTOTEMPORAL DEMENTIA (including Pick’s disease) ST

For our patients: please note that our virtual colonoscopy procedure involves insertion of a small enema tip into the rectum s

For our patients: Please note that our virtual colonoscopy procedure involves insertion of a small enema tip into the rectum so the colon can be inflated with carbon dioxide to allow visualization. This commonly causes a brief period of discomfort, cramping or the sensation that an “accident” may occur during the inflation sequences. Our CT technologist will guide you all the way. The i

Bordapotheke Zusammensetzung und Umfang richtet sich nach:! Eigene Medikamente mitnehmen. ! Unverträglichkeiten (Allergien) beachten. (KrFüVerO) Nummerierung (1.0 bis 22.0), wie sie für die deutsche Berufsschifffahrt vorgesehen ist. 1.0 Erkrankungen der Atmungsorgane2.0 Erkrankungen von Herz und Kreislauf3.0 Erkrankungen der Verdauungsorgane4.0 Erkrankungen der Harnröhre, der Blase un

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MEDICINAL PLANTS RESEARCH DATABASE No Country Abstrack Keywords Publications Sambiloto (Anclographis paniculata) and brotowali herb (Tinospora crispa) has been known as a medicinal herb for anti-diabetic. This traditional antidiabetic, Indonesia Vol 4 No.1 research was conducted to evaluate combination anti-diabetic effect of sambiloto and brotowali herb in treated alloxane

Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2004; 19: 1105–1110. Effect of splitting the dose of esomeprazole on gastric acidityand nocturnal acid breakthroughJ . H A M M E R & B . S C H M I D TUniversita¨tsklinik fu¨r Innere Medizin IV, Abteilung fu¨r Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie, Vienna, AustriaResults: Median gastric 24-h pH was higher during 2· 20 mg esomeprazole on day 2 (P < 0.01), noBackg

La VÉRITÉ sur le traitement actuel de la maladie de Parkinson . ( 1 ) Un billet d’humeur (Disponible s ur le Blog Depuis quelques années, sans doute grâce aux initiatives des associations de malades, les médias nousabreuvent d’informations sur le traitement de cette redoutable maladie neurologique. Voici le point de la situation en 2014

Directors: Christian Gouws B.A. B.Proc. & AdelleUys REGISTRATION OF ANNUAL RETURN OF A COMPANY We annex hereto the necessary forms to enable us to submit the company’s annual return. The fee payable to Cipro is:R 450.00 (if company’s turnover is less than R10,000,000)R 2,500.00 (if company's turnover is more than R10,000,000 but less than R50,000,00)R 4,000.00(if company’s tur

Banca dati06


Microsoft word - other types of hiv support.docx

Other Types of HIV/AIDS Support The data in this report represent financial contributions only from HIV/AIDS funders, in the form of external grants and programs. Such financial contributions can be used to conduct a trend analysis because they are quantifiable as monetary amounts and are measurable in a clear and distinct way. However, many funders contribute in other important ways that

PUREPAC PHARMACEUTICAL CO., Plaintiff-Appellee, v., 2003 WL 25585736. 2003 WL 25585736 (C.A.D.C.) (Appellate Brief)United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit. PUREPAC PHARMACEUTICAL CO., Plaintiff-Appellee,Tommy G. THOMPSON, Secretary of Health and Human Services, and MarkB. McClellan, Commissioner of Food and Drugs, Defendants-Appellees,Torpharm, Inc. and Apotex, Inc., I

Fresenius Documents CARE 2 Study

P R E S S R E L E A S E November 21, 2006 Dr. Bernd Ebeling Corporate Communications Tel.: +49-6172-6082378 Fax: +49-6172-6082294 e-mail: [email protected] Fresenius Medical Care Announces Positive Results from PhosLo CARE-2 Study Bad Homburg, Germany – Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA today announced positive results from the PhosLo (calcium acetate) CARE-2

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