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Fort McMurray Catholic Schools
Operating Policies and Procedures
OP 154 – Automatic External Defibrillators (AED)
The Fort McMurray Catholic Board of Education wil have Automatic External
Defibril ators (AED) in locations extensively used by the public who are at risk of heart
Father Mercredi High Community High School has been identified has a high risk area
due to the many public and community events taking place at the school.
The school wil appoint an AED coordinator and staff that wil be trained in using the
AED. This training wil be provided to all school personnel who have completed the
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)/AED Training.
A copy of this policy is to be made available to every employee upon completion of the
initial training.
A copy of this policy wil be provided to the local EMS agencies listed below:
Fort McMurray Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA): a significant life-threatening event when a person’s heart
stops or fails to produce a pulse.
Automated External Defibril ator (AED) – an automated computerized medical device
used to treat a patient experiencing cardiac arrest whose heart is beating irregularly
(fibril ating). The AED assesses the patient’s heart rhythm and judges whether
defibril ation (shock) is needed to return the heart to an acceptable rhythm.
AED Coordinator – the co-chairs of the OHS Committee wil act as AED Coordinators
and wil conduct the routine duties associated with the AED program.
Trained rescuer – a person who has successful y completed a course of instruction in
accordance with the standards of the Canadian Heart Association or the Canadian Red
Cross for CPR/AED training. The trained rescuer would typical y be a member of the
School’s Crisis Response Team.
Ft McMurray Catholic Schools- Operating Policies & Procedures
OP 154 – Automatic External Defibrillators (AED)
AED Coordinator(s): The AED Coordinators ensures that there is appropriate
instruction for al initial and refresher training, and maintain al AED equipment and
related supplies. They wil conduct post-incident debriefing sessions for any employees
involved in AED use.
Trained Rescuers: The trained Rescuers are responsible for providing emergency First
Aid, CPR, and implementation of the AED to Victims of SCA.
A list of Trained Rescuers for the FMCSD is to be kept in the main office of each school
having an AED. Lists wil be updated as needed.
AED Location

The AED is to be located in a public area within the school building. This location wil
al ow quick access for the first responders in the event of a cardiac arrest.

Each AED wil be equipped with two sets of electrodes, two pairs of non-latex gloves,
one barrier device and a razor to remove hair from the chest.
Training Requirements (Trained Rescuers)
Any employee (Trained Rescuer) who is expected to provide emergency care to a
patient of SCA or other medical emergency wil be trained in CPR and AED use. This
training wil conform to the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation standards or another
national y recognized training organization. The AED Coordinator wil maintain al
training records.
Trained Rescuers are required to attend refresher training as needed.
Procedures for AED use

The AED should be used only on a patient who is unconscious, not breathing, and has
no pulse.
The AED should be used with caution if the victim has a nitroglycerin patch on his/her
chest. (The patch should be removed before applying AED electrodes) or if the victim
has an implanted pacemaker. (The pacemaker may interfere with the rhythm analysis;
do not place electrode directly over the pacemaker).
Assess Scene Safety
During emergency situations, Trained Rescuers must assess the scene for safety hazards, which may include electrical or chemical dangers, harmful people, traffic, fire or flammable gases. Ft McMurray Catholic Schools- Operating Policies & Procedures
OP 154 – Automatic External Defibrillators (AED)
Assess Unresponsiveness
Verify that the victim is actual y unconscious by tapping the victim on the
shoulder and shouting “Are you OK?”
Activate EMS System
• Notify the main office of emergency situation. • Office personnel wil activate the EMS system by cal ing 911. • Announce over the PA system, “Code AED” or similar code word and the • Have the AED brought to the scene or send someone to get the AED. • Perform CPR until the AED arrives at the scene. • Check for signs of circulation such as pulse, coughing, or movement. • Verify that the victim is unconscious, not breathing, and has no pulse. • If al these are true, apply the AED. • Have a designated person to wait outside for the EMS to arrive to lead emergency response personnel to the victim. AED Operation
• Turn on the AED and fol ow al the voice prompts. • Stand clear of the victim and al ow AED to analyze the heart rhythm. • If prompted by the AED, verify that no one is touching the victim and • When EMS arrives, provide pertinent information regarding the event and • Immediately notify the AED Coordinator to al ow for reactivation of the
Post Event Review
The AED Coordinator must complete an “AED Response Documentation Form” after
each use of the AED.
The AED Coordinator wil also conduct an incident debriefing to determine any deficient
practices and opportunities for improvement. All depleted AED supplies must be
restocked, and the AED checked for damage. The AED battery must be checked prior
to returning to service.
Basic Maintenance

The school AED Coordinator is responsible to ensure al basic maintenance is
conducted per the user manual.
Handbook for the Prevention and Management of Critical Incidents Ft McMurray Catholic Schools- Operating Policies & Procedures
OP 154 – Automatic External Defibrillators (AED)
Date  Approved:  
 August  24,  2009  
Cross References: OP 150,152,153,154
Date Revised:
Ft McMurray Catholic Schools- Operating Policies & Procedures
OP 154 – Automatic External Defibrillators (AED)


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