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tage of free calls between branch offices located around theworld as well as reduced rate calls to the traditional telephonenetwork. Increased functionality is also added with supplementaryservices such as Call Waiting, Call Hold, Call Resume, CallTransfer and 3-way conference calling. Further you can centrallymanage VoIP user accounts and automatically provision thesesettings to the phone. This reduces the need to manually configureeach phone.
The SMCWSP-100 is Wi-Fi certified for full compliance with the IEEE802.11b/g standards and interoperates with any The SMC TigerVoIP™ Wi-Fi SIP Phone (SMCWSP-100) has a stylish IEEE802.11b/g wireless router or access point. For true mobility compact candy bar design with a 1.8” LCD colour display. It's the SMCWSP-100 will include an embedded web browser*. This compliant with the SIPv2 Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) allows you to use the phone at cafes, airports, hotels or any and can be used with a SIP based Internet Telephony Service other public hotspots which require web browser authentication.
Provider (ITSP), IP PBX and other SIP based client devices to WMM™ (Wi-Fi Multimedia) is included to provide improved voice make and receive VoIP calls anywhere you have wireless internet quality by automatically prioritizing the handling of VoIP traffic access. When used with an ITSP both home and business users transmitted over the wireless network. To secure your wireless can take advantage of reduced rate calls to the traditional telephone connection and prevent unauthorized access the SMCWSP-100 network, and generally free calls over the Internet.
supports the latest WPA/WPA2 wireless security standards.
WEP 64-Bit and 128-Bit wireless encryption is also provided for For small businesses the SMCWSP-100 can be used with SMC's securely connecting to legacy networks which do not support TigerVoIP™ IP PBX (SMCPBX10). This allows you to take advan- The SMCWSP-100 can be used with a SIP based InternetTelephony Service Provider (ITSP), IP PBX and other SIP basedclient devices to make and receive low cost VoIP calls.
Supplementary services such as Call Waiting, Call Hold, CallResume, Call Transfer and 3-way conference calling provideincreased functionality at no extra cost.
The enhanced power saving design provides up to 4.5 hourstalk time and 60 hours standby time.
Wi-Fi certified for full compliance with the IEEE802.11b/g stan-dard the SMCWSP-100 interoperates with any IEEE802.11b/gwireless router or access point. Enterprise class WPA/WPA2 encryption secures the wirelessnetwork from unwanted intruders.
Improves voice quality by automatically prioritizing the han-dling of VoIP traffic transmitted over the wireless network.
When used in combination with the TigerVoIP™ IP PBX (SMCP-BX10) you can centrally manage VoIP user accounts and auto-matically provision these settings to the phone. This reducesthe need to manually configure each phone. The embedded web browser offers added mobility by allowingyou to connect and authenticate with public hotspots requiringweb browser authentication.
• Operating: 0o degrees C to 40o degrees C • Storage: -20o degrees C to 70o degrees C • Roaming• Wireless Profile management • Battery: Lithium-Ion 1200mAh• AC Charger: • 1.8” 64K CTSN colour LCD, 128 x 160 • 60 hours standby time• Headset jack • IEEE802.11b/g wireless internet access • For small business we recommend using this product with the SMCPBX10. For home users we recommend the SMCWBR14-N.
• One Lithium-Ion battery• One headset • RTCP (RFC1890)• G.711u-/a-law**• G.726**• Voice Activity Detection (VAD)• Comfort Noise Generation (CNG)• G.167 Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) *Support for this feature will be added through future firmware upgrade • Keypad configuration• Auto provisioning** Fructuos Gelabert 6-808970 Sant Joan Despí Check for your local country contact information


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