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Dr. Prasad S. Dalvi

Designation: Associate Professor

Email ID: [email protected]

Phone No: +91 20 65101870 (Ext. 21)

Qualification: MD, PhD

Area of Specialization: Molecular Biology, Neurobiology, Physiology
Academic Qualifications

Ph.D. (Physiology) (2006 – 2012) Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Canada
Thesis title: Molecular Mechanisms Involved in Insulin- and Leptin-mediated Regulation of
Hypothalamic Proglucagon Gene Expression and the Action of Glucagon-like Peptides on
Hypothalamic Neuropeptides
M.D. (Physician) (1987 – 1993) Donetsk State Medical Institute/University, Donetsk, Ukraine
(former USSR)

Professional Experience

Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2012 – 2013) Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Toronto, Canada
Graduate Research Assistant (2006 – 2012) Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Toronto, Canada
Research Assistant Professor / Endocrine Pharmacology Instructor (2002 – 2006)
Toxicology Laboratory, Department of Biomedical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine,
Nursing and Allied Health, Tuskegee University, USA
Research Associate / Endocrine Pharmacology Instructor (2001 – 2002) Toxicology
Laboratory, Department of Biomedical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Nursing and
Allied Health, Tuskegee University, USA
General Practitioner / Family Physician (1995 – 2000) Maharashtra Government Rural
Hospital at Dodamarg, Ingesh Rural Hospital at Nerur (Kudal), and Rameshwar Clinic at Kasal,
District Sindhudurg, Maharashtra, India
Clinical Internship / Residency (1993 – 1995) L. T. M. General Hospital and L. T. M. Medical
College, Mumbai, India
Awards and Fellowships

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (2012 – 2013) Department of Physiology, Faculty of
Medicine, University of Toronto, Canada
Postgraduate Scholarship (2009 – 2012) Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
of Canada, and Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, Government of Ontario, Canada
Open Fellowship (2006 – 2012) Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of
Toronto, Canada
BBDC-Novo Nordisk Studentship Award (2006 – 2007) Banting and Best Diabetes Centre,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Canada
Research Fellowship (2001 – 2006) NIH-funded projects, Tuskegee University, USA
Merit Scholarship (1986 – 1993) Scholarship to study General Medicine at the Donetsk State
Medical Institute, Ukraine
The Endocrine Society, U.S.A
Medical Council of India
Maharashtra Medical Council

Scientific Publications

1. Purser MJ*, Dalvi PS*, Belsham DD (2013) The cytokine ciliary neurotrophic factor
(CNTF) activates hypothalamic urocortin-expressing neurons both in vitro and in vivo. PLoS One 8(4):e61616 (*equal contribution) 2. Dalvi PS, Dalvi RR, Billups LH (2013) Potentiation of the hepatic toxicity of carbon
disulfide by chlordane. Toxicology International 20:132-37 3. Dalvi PS, Erbiceanu FD, Irwin DM, Belsham DD (2012) Direct Regulation of the
Proglucagon Gene by Insulin, Leptin and cAMP in Embryonic versus Adult Hypothalamic Neurons. Molecular Endocrinology 26:1339-55 4. Dalvi PS, Belsham DD (2012) Glucagon-Like Peptide-2 Directly Regulates Hypothalamic
Neurons Expressing Neuropeptides Linked to Appetite Control in Vivo and in Vitro.
Endocrinology 153:2385-97 (This article was selected by the Endocrine Society, USA for
the ‘Outstanding First Authored Paper in Endocrinology Award’ for the year 2012)

5. Dalvi PS, Nazarians-Armavil A, Purser MJ, Belsham DD (2012) Glucagon-Like Peptide-1
Receptor Agonist, Exendin-4, Regulates Feeding-Associated Neuropeptides in
Hypothalamic Neurons in Vivo and in Vitro. Endocrinology 153:2208-22 (This article was
selected by the editors of Endocrinology for the commentary in News and Views,
Endocrionology, 2012, 153:2051-3)

6. Dalvi PS, Nazarians-Armavil A, Tung S, Belsham DD (2011) Immortalized Neurons for the
Study of Hypothalamic Function. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 300:R1030-52 7. Belsham DD, Fick LJ, Dalvi PS, Centeno ML, Chalmers JA, Lee PK, Wang Y, Drucker DJ,
Koletar MM (2009) Ciliary neurotrophic factor recruitment of glucagon-like peptide-1 mediates neuro-genesis, allowing immortalization of adult murine hypothalamic neurons. FASEB J 23:4256-65 8. Madadi G, Dalvi PS, Belsham DD (2008) Regulation of brain insulin mRNA by glucose
and glucagon-like peptide 1. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 376:694-99 9. Dalvi RR, Dalvi PS, Billups LH (2009) Comparative liver metabolism and toxicity of
carbon disulfide influenced by various inducers of P450 isoenzymes in rats. Toxicology International 16:83-89 10. Dalvi PS, Smith C, Mares B, Hubbard T, Brooks A, Ali K (2008) Effect of environmentally
realistic levels of mercuric chloride on hepatic P450 enzymes in rats after 14- and 90-day oral exposure. Toxicology International 15:1-6 11. Dalvi RR, Dalvi PS, Billups LH (2007) Involvement of CYP1A1 and CYP2E1 in N, N-
dimethyldithiocarbamate-mediated hepatocellular injury in rats: A possible role of oxidative stress. Current Topics in Toxicology 4:31-38 12. Goyal HO, Braden TD, Cooke PS, Szewczykowski MA, Williams CS, Dalvi P, Williams
JW (2007) Estrogen receptor alpha mediates estrogen-inducible abnormalities in the developing penis. Reproduction 133:1057-67 13. Goyal HO, Braden TD, Williams CS, Dalvi P, Mansour M, Williams JW (2005) Estrogen-
induced abnormal accumulation of fat cells in the rat penis and associated loss of fertility depends upon estrogen exposure during critical period of penile development. Toxicological Sciences 87:242-54 14. Goyal HO, Braden TD, Williams CS, Dalvi P, Mansour MM, Williams JW (2005)
Permanent induction of morphological abnormalities in the penis and penile skeletal muscles in adult rats treated neonatally with diethylstilbestrol or estradiol valerate: a dose-response study. Journal of Andrology 26:32-43 15. Dalvi RR, Dalvi PS, Lane C (2004) Cytochrome P450-mediated activation and toxicity of
chlorpyrifos in male and female rats. Veterinary and Human Toxicology 46:297-99 16. Goyal HO, Braden TD, Williams CS, Dalvi P, Williams JW, Srivastava KK (2004)
Exposure of neonatal male rats to estrogen induces abnormal morphology of the penis and loss of fertility. Reproductive Toxicology 18:265-74 17. Goyal HO, Braden TD, Williams CS, Dalvi P, Mansour MM, Mansour M, Williams JW,
Bartol FF, Wiley AA, Birch L, Prins GS (2004) Abnormal morphology of the penis in male rats exposed neonatally to diethylstilbestrol is associated with altered profile of estrogen receptor-alpha protein, but not of androgen receptor protein: a developmental and immunocytochemical study. Biology of Reproduction 70:1504-17 18. Dalvi PS, Wilder-Kofie T, Mares B, Dalvi RR, Billups LH (2003) Toxicologic implications
of the metabolism of thiram, dimethyldithiocarbamate and carbon disulfide mediated by hepatic cytochrome P450 isozymes in rats. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 74:85-90 19. Dalvi PS, Wilder-Kofie T, Mares B, Lane C, Dalvi RR, Billups LH (2002) Effect of
cytochrome P450 inducers on the metabolism and toxicity of thiram in rats. Veterinary and Human Toxicology 44:331-33 20. Gawai KR, Vodela JK, Dalvi PS, Dalvi RR (1992) Comparative assessment of the effect of
aflatoxin B1 on hepatic dysfunction in some mammalian and avian species. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C101:415-18 21. Dalvi RR, Gawai KR, Dalvi PS (1991) Lack of in vitro and in vitro effects of fenbendazole
on phase I and phase II biotransformation enzymes in rats, mice and chickens. Veterinary and Human Toxicology 33:548-51 22. Dalvi RR, Dalvi PS (1991) Comparison of the effects of piperine administered
intragastrically and intraperitoneally on the liver and liver mixed-function oxidases in rats. Drug Metabolism and Drug Interactions 9:23-30 23. Dalvi RR, Dalvi PS (1991) Differences in the effects of piperine and piperonyl butoxide on
hepatic drug-metabolizing enzyme system in rats. Drug and Chemical Toxicology 14:219-29 Scientific Presentations / Abstracts
1. Dalvi PS, Erbiceanu FD, Irwin DM, Belsham DD (2012) Proglucagon Gene Expression is
Regulated by Insulin, Leptin and cAMP in Mouse Embryonic and Adult Hypothalamic Neuronal Cells. The 94th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society, Houston, USA 2. Purser MJ, Dalvi PS, Belsham DD (2011) The effects of ciliary neurotrophic factor on
mouse hypothalamic neuropeptides. The 93rd Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society, Boston, USA 3. Dalvi PS, Purser MJ, Belsham DD (2010) Effect of exendin-4 on appetite-regulating
neuropeptides in the mouse hypothalamic neurons. The 92nd Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society, San Diego, USA 4. Dalvi RR, Dalvi PS, Billups LH (2008) Potentiation of the hepatotoxicity of carbon
disulfide by chlordane-induced cytochrome P450 enzymes. FASEB J. 22:1137.5 5. Goyal HO, Braden TD, Williams CS, Mansour M, Dalvi PS, Mansour MM, Williams JW
(2004) A comparative dose-response study on the effect of DES and estradiol valerate on fertility and penile morphology in rats. 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Study of Reproduction, Vancouver, BC, Canada 6. Dalvi PS, Horton R, Collins E, Wilder-Kofie T (2003) Comparative studies on the
metabolism of chlorpyrifos in male and female rats. Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA 7. Dalvi PS, Wilder-Kofie T, Mares B, Lane C, Dalvi RR, Billups LH (2003) Identification of
P450 enzymes involved in the metabolism and hepatotoxicity of carbon disulfide. Annual Society of Toxicology Convention, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA 8. St. Omer VV, Dalvi PS, Dalvi RR, Mizinga K, Datiri BC, Mansour M, Billups L, Abdalla
O, Lettsome S (2002) A replicate study of the multigenerational effect of low levels of chlordane on the liver and its cytochrome P-450 enzymes in rats. International Conference on Chemical Mixtures, Atlanta, GA, USA 9. Dalvi PS, Wilder-Kofie T, Mares B, Dalvi RR, Billups LH (2002) Metabolism and toxicity
of the fungicide thiram and its metabolites in rats. Toxicologist 66:126 10. Dalvi RR, Smith C, Mares B, Hubbard T, Brooks A, Ali K, Atkinson A, Dalvi PS (2002)
Effects of low levels of mercuric chloride on hepatic P450 enzymes in rats. FASEB J A946 11. Dalvi PS, Dalvi RR, St. Omer V, Mizinga K., Datiri BC, Mansour M, Billups L, Abdalla O
(2002) Multigenerational effect of low levels of chlordane on the liver and liver enzymes in rats. FASEB J. A946 12. Wilder-Kofie T, Dalvi PS, Mares B, Dalvi RR, Billups LH (2001) Metabolism and liver
toxicity of the fungicide thiram in rats. Annual NIH/MBRS Symposium, Orlando, FL, USA 13. Dalvi RR, Dalvi PS (1991) Effect of single and repeated administration of garlic oil on
biotransformation enzymes in rats. Toxicologist 11:298


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ADRIANO CANZIAN – Bio EN ADRIANO CANZIAN studied sculpture and graphics, and then painting and contemporary art at Accademia delle Belle Arti in Rome, the city where he moved at 19. In 1995, he began exhibiting his work at various art galleries in Rome, London, Paris and New York. In the meantime, he moved to Paris in 2000 and started a parallel career as a music producer, working with t

OPERA/OBRAS Una ópera para lugares y tiempos conectados entre sí; unconcepto modular que surge de la confrontación de diferentesformas artísticas, literatura, concierto, instalación, filme, performance o arquitectura; un work-in-progress que se formanuevamente en cada lugar, en cada ciudad, haciendo del propiolugar o ciudad correspondientes el objeto principal de laópera. OPERA/OB

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