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Microsoft word - ch0119559125_en.doc

D E R I V A T I V E S A N D S T R U C T U R E D P R O D U C T S Calculation and Paying Agent Basler Kantonalbank, Basle Tracker Certificate (SVSP Category 1300) 250'000 Certificates (subject to further issues) An investor will receive as per the Redemption Date a cash amount in the Specified Currency per Certificate equal to 100% of The Final Fixing per Certificate corresponds to the proceeds realized by the Issuer on the Expiration Date by discretionary sale of the shares contained in one certificate less all costs incurred per Certificate. Valor-No: 11955912 / ISIN: CH0119559125 / Symbol: BSLITH Reference Asset Exchange Shares per Instrument 11 November 2013, until official close of trading of Scoach Switzerland Daily on each trading day of Scoach Switzerland Will be applied for on the main segment of the SIX Swiss Exchange Basler Kantonalbank, Spiegelgasse 2, 4002 Basle Telephone +41 (0)43 817 78 00, Fax +41 (0)43 817 76 05 This term sheet is a translation from the German original. In case of ambiguities, the German version shall prevail. Please note that calls made to the above-mentioned number may be recorded. Should you call this number, we shall assume that you consent D E R I V A T I V E S A N D S T R U C T U R E D P R O D U C T S Form of Instruments / Clearing Uncertificated securities; investors are not entitled to certificates / SIX SIS Ltd Without entering into any commitment, Basler Kantonalbank wil endeavor to provide indicative prices for a limited number of Certificates. Spreads between the indicative bid and offer prices may vary. Governing Law / Jurisdiction Swiss Law / Basle-City Documentation The Instruments are issued under the Derivative Instrument Programme of Basler Kantonalbank and BKB Finance Limited. TheDerivative Instrument Programme is discribed in the Offering Circular of Basler Kantonalbank / BKB Finance Ltd. This Offering Circular, as supplemented from time to time, and the relevant Final Terms of the respective Derivative Instruments form the ListingProspectus, which respectively contains the complete and legally binding terms of the Derivative Instruments. The restrictions listed below must not be taken as definitive guidance as to whether this Product can be offered or sold in a given Any of ering or sale of the Certificates must be made in compliance with al applicable offering and selling restrictions in each jurisdiction in which the Certificates are offered or sold. Any Certificate purchased by any person for resale may not be offered in any jurisdiction or at terms which would cause an obligation of the Issuer to provide or register any additional prospectus or other documentation. Potential investors are advised to carefully review the detailed selling restrictions applicable to these Certificates as set forth in the Programme Documentation before taking any investment decision. European Economic Area – These Products may not be publicly offered in any country of the European Economic Area. United Kingdom – Al applicable provisions of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (the "FSMA") must be complied with in respect to any offer, sale or disposal of these Products. United States of America, US Persons – These Products may not be offered or sold in the United States of America or to any citizen of the United States of America. Guernsey – These Products may not be offered or sold to residents of the bailiwick of Guernsey. The following summary on Swiss Taxation and EU Savings Tax is valid at the time of the issuance of the Product. It is not exclusive and does not purport to address al tax consequences of the Products. The corresponding legislation and tax administration practices may change at any time, possibly with retroactive effect. Investors should consult their own tax advisors concerning the tax consequences of purchasing, holding and disposing of Products in light of their particular circumstances. Any liability for tax consequences in connection with the Products is excluded. The Product classifies as a classic basket certificate. No withholding tax. No stamp duty at issuance (primary market) and on trading with Products (secondary market transactions). For Swiss resident private investors any return on the Product is a tax-free private capital gain. For Swiss paying agents, payments on the Product are not subject to EU Savings Tax (TK 9). The Derivative Instruments are not capital-protected, and investors must be prepared to sustain a loss of their entire investment in the Derivative Instruments including transaction costs. The price of the Reference Asset may be very volatile and depends on the (often heavily fluctuating) prices and the volatility of the shares contained in the Reference Asset, on interest rates and other fac- tors. This increases the risk that on the Settlement Date the investor will receive a Settlement Amount, which is significantly below the purchase- or settlement price. Any increase or decrease of the value of the Reference Asset until the Final Valuation Date may lead to a proportional change in the value of the Derivative Instruments. With an investment in the Derivative Instruments the holder of Derivative Instruments is subject to the risks typical for a shareholder directly and proportional y investing in the shares contained in the Reference Asset, while the diversification achieved by an indirect investment in the shares contained in the Reference Asset by buying the Reference Asset has generally a risk-reducing effect compared to an investment in a single share. The calculation of the Settlement Amount is complex. The profitability of the Derivative Instruments depends on the performance of the Reference Asset and on the performance of the shares contained in the Reference Asset during the term of the investment. In particular, the positive performance of one or more shares contained in the Reference Asset during the term may be reduced by the negative performance of one or more of the other shares contained in the Reference Asset. Therefore a direct investment in individual shares contained in the Reference Asset may result in a higher profit than an investment in the Derivative Instrument.
Holders of Derivative Instruments will not benefit from any positive development of the Reference Asset or of the shares contained in the Reference Asset after the Final Valuation Date. Derivative Instruments, which are denominated in another currency than the shares contained in the Reference Asset are subject to the resulting currency risk. Under certain limited circumstances set forth in the Programme Documentation, the Derivative Instruments may be redeemed early by the Issuer, which may adversely affect the economics of the Derivative Instruments for the holders of the Derivative Instruments and cause additional transaction costs. Liquid- ity of the Derivative Instruments and/or the shares contained in the Reference Asset in the secondary market may be limited.
Consequently, positions in the Derivative Instruments may not be liquidated at al times and the Derivative Instruments may have to be held until the Settlement Date. Holders of Derivative Instruments are not entitled to receive any dividends or similar distributions paid on the shares contained in the Reference Asset, and in case of such payments the terms and conditions of the Derivative Instruments will only be adjusted by the Issuer under certain limited circumstances set forth in the Programme Documentation.
Holders of Derivative Instruments forego interest on their investments in the Derivative Instruments and will not receive any periodic payment on their investment in the Derivative Instruments. The Final Valuation and the Set lement Amount are not calculated in using the closing price of the Reference Asset on the Last Trading Day respectively the closing prices of the shares contained in the Reference Asset on the respective Exchanges on the Final Valuation Date. Consequently, the Final Valuation and the Redemption Amount may be significantly below the closing price of the Reference Asset on the Exchange on the Last Trading Day respectively the amount per Derivative Instrument calculated on D E R I V A T I V E S A N D S T R U C T U R E D P R O D U C T S the basis of the closing prices of the shares contained in the Reference Asset on the respective Exchanges on the Final Valuation Date. In case of il iquidity of shares contained in the Reference Asset, the sale of such shares by the Issuer on the Final Valuation Date may negatively affect the value of the Reference Assets and the prices of the shares contained in the Reference Asset on the In addition to the product specific risks highlighted above, holders of Derivative Instruments are exposed to the market risk and other risks related to the Reference Asset and the shares contained in the Reference Asset. Consequently holders of Derivative Instruments must independently inform themselves about and assess such risks and they have to form their own view on the ex- pected price development of the Reference Asset and the shares contained in the Reference Asset. Further risk information is contained in the Offering Circular, and potential investors should particularly consult the Section "Risk Investors are exposed to the default risk of the Issuer. The value of the Certificates is not only subject to the performance of the Reference Asset, but, among others, also to the credit rating and solvency of the Issuer, which may be negatively affected during the term of the Certificates. The Certificates constitute direct unconditional and unsecured obligations of the Issuer, ranking pari passu with all other unsecured, unsubordinated obligations of the Issuer, save for obligations preferred by operation of law. The Issuer as a bank is supervised by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority. This term sheet constitutes neither an issue prospectus pursuant to Art. 652a and 1156 of the Swiss Code of Obligations (CO) nor a simplified prospectus pursuant to Art. 5 of the Swiss Federal Act on Collective Investment Schemes (CISA). No action has been or wil be taken in any jurisdiction that would permit a public offering of the Instruments, save as explicitly stated otherwise in the Programme Documentation. This term sheet may only be used for purposes of the distribution of the Instruments in Switzerland. In Switzerland, these derivative instruments are considered structured products. They do not qualify as collective investment schemes within the meaning of CISA and are therefore not subject to approval or supervision of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA). Derivative instruments are complex and may involve a high risk of loss. This document is for information purposes only and should not be construed as an offer, recommendation or solicitation to enter into any transaction in the Instruments or the Reference Asset and does not constitute investment advice. Investors should only transact in this Product after having carefully read and considered the information contained in the Programme Documentation and after having informed themselves about the risks of an investment in this Product, having consulted with their own investment, tax, legal, accounting and regulatory advisors to the extent that they consider necessary. Investors must ensure based on their own independent review and advice from those advisers they consider necessary that the transaction is suitable, consistent and compliant with their financial objectives and conditions. Historical performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance. The Issue Price may be more than the market value of the Instruments on the Issue Date and the price, if any, at which any person may be willing to purchase this Product in a secondary market transaction may be lower than the Issue Price. In particular, the Issue Price may take into account commissions in relation to the issue and sale of this Product as wel as costs in relation to the hedging of the Issuer's obligations under this Product. In certain circumstances, BKB Finance Ltd or Basler Kantonalbank may appoint or engage financial institutions or other distributors with the offering and distribution of the Product or may grant commissions to or transfer the Product to such financial institutions or other distributors at a discount to the Issue Price. Further information is available from the relevant distributor on request. There is no obligation of Basler Kantonalbank to make a market in the Product. There can be no assurance that a secondary market wil develop for the Product or that it will subsist. The price at which the Product may be sold in the secondary market may be less than the intrinsic value of the Product and less than the amount original y invested. It may be possible that the Product cannot be sold at all in the secondary market. BKB Finance Ltd or Basler Kantonalbank may from time to time, as principal or agent, hold positions of the Reference Assets, or may buy or sel , or make a market in, the Reference Assets. Basler Kantonalbank’s trading and/or hedging activities related to the Instruments may affect the price of the Reference Assets and may affect the likelihood that any relevant barrier is reached or crossed. Basler Kantonalbank may provide investment banking and other services to, and/or have of icers who serve as directors of, the companies referred to in this term sheet. Basler Kantonalbank has policies and procedures in place designed to minimise the risk that officers and employees are unduly influenced by any conflicting interest or duty or that confidential information is improperly disclosed or made available. The information and opinions contained in this document have been compiled from or arrived at in good faith from sources believed to be reliable. No representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein is made by Basler Kantonalbank. Neither Basler Kantonalbank nor BKB Finance Ltd nor any other person is obligated to update any information contained in this term sheet. Neither Basler Kantonalbank nor BKB Finance Ltd neither directly nor indirectly make any representation or warranty relating to the accuracy or the completeness of any information contained herein. Each of Basler Kantonalbank and BKB Finance Ltd reserve to change any opinion expressed herein at any time and without notice. Definitions used in the term sheet, but not defined therein shall have the meaning given to them in the Offering Circular. The terms of the Product may be subject to adjustments by the issuer during its lifetime. Detailed information on such adjustments and their notice is to be found in the Programme Documentation. Notices in connection with listed Products shal be given in accordance with the requirements of the relevant exchange. If the Product is traded on Scoach Switzerland or listed on SIX Swiss Exchange, notices shall be given by publication on the online-information system of SIX Swiss Exchange ( in accordance to the requirements applicable. Valid notices in connection with unlisted Products shall be published on the internet at or as provided in the corresponding Final Terms. This term sheet shal not be copied or reproduced without Basler Kantonalbank's prior written permission. The terms of these Derivative Instruments and of any investment in these Derivative Instruments are exclusively governed by and are subject to the detailed provisions, including the risk considerations, contained in the Of ering Circular of Basler Kantonalbank / BKB Finance Ltd, as supplemented from time to time, and the relevant Final Terms of these Derivative Instruments (Of ering Circular and Final Terms together form the "Listing Prospectus"). The Listing Prospectus in english language can be obtained free of charge from Basler Kantonalbank, H15, Postfach, CH-4002 Basle or by e-mail: [email protected].


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