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The Candela Vascular Laser is state-of-the-art technology to safely and effectively
target unwanted facial veins and vascular lesions and benign epidermal pigmented
Laser is light that produces intense heat or energy. As the laser light passes through
the epidermis to target vessels, it is absorbed by the target and converted into heat
within the abnormal vessel walls. The heating of the vessel walls causes coagulation
or destruction of the vessel. As the Candela Vascular Laser has been designed to
target vessels only, it will not cause any harm to surrounding tissue.
The clinical names for the most commonly treated conditions are:
Vascular Birthmark, pale pink to dark purple in colour, primarily located on the face and neck. Response to treatment varies with colour, maturity, depth and nodularity of the lesion. Superficial to deep collection of vessels that are raised above the skin surface. Although these lesions may be present at birth, they are more commonly seen after the first few days to weeks of life. If left untreated, these lesions may grow and become disfiguring Red, raised, smooth scar, occurring after injury or surgery. Laser treatments will eliminate the vessels and may reduce the bulkiness of the scar and normalize the skin texture. 5. Poikiloderma of Civatte – characterized by telangiectasia characterized with atrophic changes in the skin as well as irregularity of pigmentation. Commonly found on the upper chest and lateral neck. It can be caused by chronic sun exposure and use of perfumes or colognes in this area.  Avoid sun exposure, sun beds and self tanning creams one month prior to treatment and throughout the course of your laser treatment. Apply sun block twice daily.  Patients with a history of cold sores (herpes simplex) should consider  Depending on the lesion and the skin color, the operator might do a test spot firstly to determine the tissue response and healing phase (approximately 6 weeks).  Most adults tolerate the treatment without the need for anesthesia, although treatment of large lesions may be less comfortable. Children and particularly infants may require a topical anesthetic cream (Emla) 45 minutes before treatment. Myprodol tablets may also be taken. Aspirin should not be used the day of the treatment.  Treatment with the Candela Laser is used to fade, reduce or eliminate vascular lesions. Results will vary with each patient. Therapy using the Candela Laser is not a cure for vein disease. Multiple treatments at 6 to 8 week intervals are often necessary.  No rubbing and/or scratching the treated area  No swimming while discoloration is present  Apply moisturizing cream or antibiotic ointment twice daily while  Do not shave the treated area if crusting is present  Do not pick the crusted area. Keep moist and let it fall off on its own.  Applying make-up is permitted if no crusting is present.  Discomfort may be relieved with ice packs  If the treated area is tender or red, contact the laser centre immediately.  Scarring, although rare, can occur following any laser procedure.  Blistering during a treatment may be an indication of sun exposure. Blistering can occur during the first three days following the laser procedure. Blistered areas should be treated with care, keeping the area moist with an ointment until area has healed.  Papules, similar to hives, may develop in some patients. This irritation  Scaling or scabbing of the skin is most often associated with higher energy  Hyperpigmentation (darkening of the treated area) or hypopigmentation (excessive lightening of the treated area) may occur. Reported pigmentary changes have been transient.  Atrophic changes are textural surface changes that have been occasionally noted in patients that have not been compliant with post treatment skin care instructions.  When treating veins, patients will experience some temporary reddening of



Allegra, Giorda, and Paris Reply: In our Letter [weaddressed the evolution of photon-number entangled statesstate of a harmonic oscillator in noisy channels describedA ¼ 12 Àð1 þ NTÞ, B ¼ 12 ÀNT, where À is the dampingfactor of the channel and NT the average number of thermalexcitations of the channel. Upon exploiting several non-equivalent separability criteria we found evidence tha

Microsoft word - head lice

ST. STEPHEN’S ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3669 HIGHLAND AVE., HFX., NS B3K 4J9 TEL: 493-5155 FAX: 493-5158 [email protected] PRINCIPAL VICE PRINCIPAL Makiko Chiasson Rebecca Campbell November 19, 2013 Dear Parent/Guardian : We are noticing with more frequency, cases of head lice in the school. As head lice can be spread from person to person, we r

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