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Prof. Nilkanth R. Pawar
I.D.D. (Dairy Tech.), B.Tech (Dairy Tech.), M.Tech. (Dairy Chemistry) [email protected] Tel. : +91-2385-254754
Research and Teaching Activities:

Prof. Nilkanth Pawar joined this Department in 2011 as an Assistant Professor and since involved in teaching various subjects of Dairy Chemistry to the B. Tech. (Dairy Technology) students. So far he is actively involved in the teaching, research and Achievements:
 Secured 10th rank in All India Competitive Examination-2006 conducted by
 Recipient of Institutional Fellowship during M.Tech. Programme at NDRI,
 Qualified the National Eligibility Test (NET) – 2011 in discipline of Dairy Basic
Sciences conducted by Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB), New  Held the post of Cultural Secretary of All India Inter-University Youth Festival
Reverie 2010, held at NDRI, Karnal (Haryana). Papers Published in Journals
Nilkanth Pawar, Sumit Arora, Ram Ran Bijoy, Balbir Kaur Wadhwa (2012). The
effects of Asparagus racemosus (shatavari) extract on oxidative stability of ghee,
in relation to added natural and synthetic antioxidants. International Journal of
Dairy Technology
, 65:1-7
 Nilkanth Pawar, Kamal Gandhi, Akash Purohit, Sumit Arora (2012). Effect of added herb extracts on oxidative stability of ghee (butter oil) during accelerated oxidation condition. Journal of Food Science and Technology Nilkanth Pawar, Kamal Gandhi, Akash Purohit, Sumit Arora. Effect of
Operational Parameters of the Rancimat Method on Determination of the
Oxidative Stability Measures and Shelf-Life Prediction of Ghee. (Under
Abstract Published in Conferences/ Symposia: 12
2) Prof. Prachi A. Ghurde
B. Tech. (Dairy Technology)
M. Tech. (Dairy Chemistry)
Assistant Professor
(Dept. Dairy Chemistry)
[email protected]
[email protected]
Tel. : +91-2385-254754 (O)
Fax. : +91-2385- 253754
Career Profile:
Four months In-plant Training at “Katraj Co-operative milk Union, Katraj, Pune” with experience in processing of Market Milk, butter, Butter oil, Probiotic Buttermilk, Dahi, Awards/Achievements:
1. Secured 2 nd rank in All India Competitive Examination-2010 conducted by 2. Awarded Junior Research Fellowship by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (2010-2012) during M. Tech program at NDRI, Karnal. 3. Overall Divisional Topper in M. Tech. Dairy Chemistry (2010-12). 4. Awarded Merit certificate for academic excellence in M. Tech.( Dairy Chemistry) 5. Presented a research poster in Indian Convention of Food Scientist and Technologist Meet (XXI ICFOST- 2012) held at Pune and published abstract in the 6. Participated in national seminar on Novel Trends in Dairy Industry. Extracurricular activities:
1. Participated in National youth festival at NDRI, Karnal – 2008. 2. Winner team member of national youth festival at NDRI (2008). 3. Actively participated in Pulse Polio Campaign.


Hypothesis testing

• Goal: Make statement(s) regarding unknown population – Null hypothesis - Statement regarding the value(s) of unknown parameter(s). Typically will imply no association between explanatory and response variables in our applications (will always contain an equality)– Alternative hypothesis - Statement contradictory to the null hypothesis (will always contain an inequality)– Test

Tierärztliche Praxis Maik Löffler 96268 Mitwitz, Kronacher Str. 33, Tel. 0 92 66 9 77 – 7, Fax 0 92 66 9 77 – 8, Sprechzeiten: Mo, Di, Do, Fr: 11 - 12 und 17 - 19 Uhr, Samstag: 11 - 12 Uhr Mittwoch: Operationen nach Voranmeldung Trichomonadenbehandlung (hausinterne Anweisung, beruht auf Erfahrungen seit 1973) betrifft Behandlung Spironucleose/Hexamitose Schw

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