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Paramedic technical certificate program

The information in this document is informational only and not intended to be contractual in nature. The college reserves the right to change, modify or alter without notice all fees, charges, tuition, expenses and costs of any kind; or any statement, written or verbal, in accordance with unforeseen conditions. The rules, regulations, and policies in this packet are based on present conditions and are subject to change without notice. Further, the college can add or delete without notice any course offerings or information contained in the packet. It is the applicant’s responsibility to be sure he/she is following the most current packet.
This application is used for both EMT-B and Paramedic programs, so please clearly indicate on the

application (page 13) the program for which you are applying.
June 30 for Fall (August) Ocala EMT and Paramedic programs November 30 for Spring (January) EMT and Paramedic programs (deadlines may be extended in order to fill classes call (352) 854-2322 x1313 for more information) SUMMER SEMESTER
EMT OCALA campus Day Program
Class and Lab: Tuesday and Thursday 9-6 pm.* EMT OCALA campus Night Program
EMT CITRUS campus Day Program
Class and Lab: Tuesday and Thursday 9-6 pm.* (Paramedic will be offered during the Fall semester)
August-August - Schedule TBA
WELCOME: The Emergency Medical Services Programs (EMT, Paramedic, AS Degree in EMS) are designed to prepare students for a career in pre-hospital emergency medicine. The programs are approved and accredited by state and national agencies. The programs will prepare the students for the certification exams for EMT and Paramedic. Skills will be developed for assuming the role as a basic life support provider and as a physician extender through a comprehensive program consisting of theory, skills laboratory, and hospital and field experience. The Emergency Medical Services programs involve challenging college level course work, critical psychomotor clinical skills, development of relationships with peers and patients, and unique ethical situations. In Emergency Medical Services, you will participate in the decision-making process of patient care to an extent shared by few other healthcare professionals. In recognition of this responsibility, grading and certification criteria are appropriately high. The EMS courses must be taken in sequence. Students must satisfactorily complete all assigned work in theory courses, skill laboratory courses, and clinical courses before enrolling in a succeeding professional course. EMT PROGRAM: This program is a comprehensive one semester (16 week) curriculum consisting of theory, skills laboratory, and hospital/field experience. The EMT program is offered three times a year: January-May, May-
August, and August-December. See page 2 for days/times. Skills labs and clinical assignments are in
addition to scheduled lecture class times. Additional class time is required on weekends for Weapons of
Mass Destruction, Emergency Vehicle Operators Course (EVOC), and Emergency Field Operations.

Persons successfully completing this program will meet the certification requirements for the State of Florida and
be eligible to sit for the National Registry Certification Examination for Emergency Medical Technicians.
Having a valid Florida EMT license by the application deadline is required to apply to CF’s Paramedic program. The program for Paramedic is offered as 3 semesters, 12 month, 42-credit hour curriculum. The
paramedic program is offered: January-December and August-August. See page 2 for days/times.
Students must attain a grade of “80%” or better in all EMS courses in order to graduate. Persons successfully completing the program will be eligible to sit for the State of Florida Certification Examination for Paramedics. While the College of Central Florida (CF) maintains an open door admission policy and consistently strives to provide programs beneficial to all students, the Paramedic program like most Health Sciences programs has a selected admission. Please check the current catalog to ensure you meet the admission requirements to the College. If needed, the Enrollment Services Center at CF can assist you with a CF application and any questions regarding your general college admission requirements. Students who choose Paramedic or EMS as their major must have a valid PERT score for admission to CF. The 73 credit hour program for AS degree in EMS encompasses general education classes, (if you are
degree seeking, depending on your placement test results, there may be prep courses required before some
general education classes can begin), the EMT semester, and the consecutive semesters of the Paramedic unit.
Being a Florida licensed EMT is a pre-requisite to the Paramedic unit. The general education classes may be
taken prior to, concurrent with the EMT and Paramedic classes (time permitting), or after the EMT and Paramedic
units. The general education courses are:
Intro. To the Humanities: Since the Renaissance Intro. To the Humanities: To the Renaissance To be considered for admission to the EMT and Paramedic programs, the applicant must submit a complete EMS application. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Criteria: You must complete a CF admission application and all requirements (online form at,
declaring a major code of EMT 6237, Paramedic 6232, or if applying for financial aid - AS in EMS
degree, 2234.
If you code 2234, you must have a valid PERT score before you can be registered for any
You must request and CF’s Admissions Office (Building 5 on the Ocala campus) must receive, evaluate and approve all official high school or a General Equivalency Diploma (GED) and college transcripts before registration can occur. It is the student’s responsibility to see that all paperwork has been received. Transcript request forms are available in CF’s Enrollment Services office in Bldg 5, Ocala campus. Applicants for EMT and Paramedic classes must take the Wonderlic test (see page 5) and obtain a minimum score of 16 or above in order to apply to the EMT and Paramedic programs. Attach a copy of your test scores to your EMS application. You must be a student in good academic standing at the College of Central Florida and not have any outstanding financial obligations to the college (parking tickets, tuition, etc.). You must submit a typewritten short personal one page resume (your choice of style and content). You must submit the CF national (federal) criminal background check fingerprint receipt (see page 6).
You must submit a Florida driver’s license copy (learners permits are not acceptable).
Refer to the check-off sheet on the last page of the EMS application.
For EMT and Paramedic program applicants: Complete the Wonderlic test and obtain a minimum score of 16 or above. Attach scores to your EMS application. For EMS Degree program applicants:
Complete the Wonderlic test and the PERT college placement test. If the PERT is taken outside CF,
submitted results must be in a sealed agency envelope and submitted to the Bldg. 5 Enrollment Services
office. Attach scores to your EMS application.

To schedule PERT TESTING: contact the CF Testing Center at (352) 854-2322, ext. 1395 for the Ocala
campus, or for the Citrus campus, ext. 6168, or for the Levy campus, ext. 2100.
To schedule the WONDERLIC TEST: contact Student Services at (352) 854-2322, ext. 1430 (Ocala campus).
EMT applicants: CPR certification will be offered to accepted students during the New Student Orientation
only which will occur before classes begin. Accepted applicants will be notified the date of this orientation.
OR you may attach a copy (front and back) of your current signed CPR card; (American Heart Association-
BLS “Healthcare Provider”, or American Red Cross “Professional Rescuer”, or American Safety and Health
Institute CPR Pro cards are accepted). CPR Pro cards must have a skills evaluator signature. If you do
not have a valid CPR card before classes begin, you cannot start this program.
Paramedic applicants: Submit a signed copy of the front and back of your current CPR card with your
application (card cannot expire before or during the program so plan accordingly). The American Heart
Association – BLS “Healthcare Provider”, or American Red Cross “Professional Rescuer”, or American
Safety and Health Institute CPR Pro cards are accepted. CPR Pro cards must have a skills evaluator

To schedule a CPR class, you may contact CF’s Continuing Education office at (352) 854-2322, ext. 1468. At
CF, you must specify the CPR class: American Heart Association – BLS “Healthcare Provider.” The American
Red Cross
phone number is (352) 622-3457. You must ask them for the “Professional Rescuer” class.
American Heart Association’s website:

NOTE: PLAN ACCORDINGLY! It is your responsibility to be sure your certification cards and Driver’s License does not
expire before or during the course of the program. You must provide the EMS office in Bldg. 35 Room 104 (Ocala Campus) a

copy of any updates. Failure to do so may impact your completion of these programs. You cannot attend clinical if
your cards have expired.

If you anticipate applying for financial aid you must claim your major code as EMS #2234 or Paramedic #6232 on your college application. If you need to change your major code, the form is available in the Enrollment Services Center or from the website: search box - information update form. You must also complete a financial aid application. ( Due to federal regulations, Financial Aid availability is limited in the summer so plan accordingly. If there are more qualified applications than seats available, qualified applicants not admitted will be placed on an
Alternate Candidate List. Applicants will be placed on the Alternate Candidate List based on when their
complete application was received in Health Sciences. Applicants will be notified of placement on this
list. An application may be removed from the Alternate Candidate List due to the result of a Criminal
Background check. Applicants who have appealed their background check and have been approved will
be placed back on the Alternate Candidate List the date the appeal was approved. This may change the
Alternate Candidate List position of the applicant.
An applicant may be on more than one CF Health
Sciences Alternate Candidate List. However, when an applicant is admitted and matriculates to any College of
Central Florida Health Sciences program, his/her name will be deleted from other Alternate Candidate Lists.

All students entering a Health Sciences program must have a national criminal background check as part of their
application to a Health Sciences program. If this background check reports any felony history, admission to any
Health Sciences division program may be refused or revoked. Students with a felony history may not be eligible
for any CF Health Sciences program.
The criminal background check is valid for one year. Students cannot start any Health Sciences program until all
fingerprint report results have been received so plan accordingly.
1. Go to the CF Campus Cashier’s window (Bldg 5 Ocala campus) and pay the fee for the Federal Criminal
2. Once you have paid you will be provided with a receipt and a PINK Criminal History Record Check Waiver Agreement and Statement form. Complete these forms. 3. Take the receipt and completed forms to Building 31 (Criminal Justice Building), Ocala Campus, Room 108 during the times indicated on the forms. (NO exceptions).
While enrolled in a CF Health Sciences program, the student is also responsible for notifying the program facilitator of any arrests, regardless of adjudication, that occur after acceptance and during enrollment in a given program. Failure to promptly notify the program facilitator shall be grounds for dismissal from the program. After admission into the program of choice, the student must remain free of disqualifying charges or may be subject to dismissal from the program. All students enrolled in a health related program are required to be drug and/or alcohol free when at the college and while at “affiliating agencies” (including parking lots and grounds). For all “affiliating agencies which require students to be subject to the agencies Drug Testing policies, including but not limited to, when there is reasonable suspicion to believe a student may be impaired, or is using or has used illegal drugs and/or alcohol, the student may be tested in accordance with the “affiliating agency’s” policies. If tested by an “affiliating agency” the student shall provide his/her program facilitator with a copy of any test results. Failure to promptly do so shall be grounds for dismissal from the program. A positive drug or alcohol test shall also be grounds for dismissal from the program. This paragraph also applies to students already enrolled in a Health Sciences program at the time of the effective date of this policy. IMMUNIZATIONS REQUIRED FOR PROGRAM
Once you receive your acceptance letter stating you have been selected for a seat in the EMT or Paramedic program, you will also be required to complete and submit physical examinations forms. These forms will be included with your acceptance letter. Completed health forms with all immunization documentation must be in the EMS student file prior to entering any clinical experience. MMR
Documented proof of immunity to mumps, measles, and rubella is mandated by the state. Immunity to measles,
mumps and rubella is defined as follows:

Measles (rubeola)
documentation of receipt of two (2) doses of live measles vaccine after the first birthday and no less than one month apart. (inactivated vaccine was available in the U.S. from 1963 to 1967 and is not acceptable), or physician diagnosed measles with MD certified data including month and year, or documentation of immune titer (a blood test) proving immunity. Rubella
rubella vaccine given after one year of age, or documentation of immune titer (a blood test) proving immunity, or age greater than 40 years. Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap)
Tetanus immunization current within the last ten years (within 2 years if injured).
Tdap required as soon as it has been two (2) or more years since last dose of Tetanus/Diptheria. Then Td
booster every 10 years.
PPD (tuberculin)
chest x-ray good for one year (required if positive result).
Proof of history of or proof of positive titer, or current immunization.
All students must submit proof of current Hepatitis B vaccination, or must sign a stipulation declining

You cannot attend clinicals until your completed health forms with ALL attachments are in the EMS
office. If you do not meet your clinical objectives you cannot successfully complete the EMT and
Paramedic programs.

Florida Resident = $105.10 per credit hour EMT certificate (one semester) 11 credits Paramedic certificate (three semesters) 42 credits For EMS AS degree: 20 credits general education coursework = $2,102.00 plus EMT and Paramedic costs Admission Testing (PERT $10, Wonderlic $15) Estimated Total Program Cost (EMT)
Estimated Total Program Cost (Paramedic)
Note: Costs subject to change. Not all costs apply to each student. A liability insurance fee is part of the tuition fee. Personal medical insurance (not supplied by the college) is recommended. Students are responsible for their own medical bills.
Career Requirements:

Responds to emergency calls to provide efficient and immediate care to the critically ill and injured, and transport the patient
to a medical facility.
After receiving the call from the dispatcher, drives the ambulance to address or location given, using the most expeditious
route, depending on traffic and weather conditions. Observes traffic ordinances and regulations concerning emergency
vehicle operation.
Upon arrival at the scene of crash or illness, parks the ambulance in a safe location to avoid additional injury. Prior to
initiating patient care, the EMT-Basic will also "size-up" the scene to determine that the scene is safe, the mechanism of injury
or nature of illness, total number of patients and to request additional help if necessary. In the absence of law enforcement,
creates a safe traffic environment, such as the placement of road flares, removal of debris, and re-direction of traffic for the
protection of the injured and those assisting in the care of injured patients.
Determines the nature and extent of illness or injury and establishes priority for required emergency care. Based on
assessment findings, renders emergency medical care to adult, infant and child, medical and trauma patients. Duties include
but are not limited to, opening and maintaining an airway, ventilating patients, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, including
use of automated external defibrillators. Provide pre-hospital emergency medical care of simple and multiple system trauma
such as controlling hemorrhage, treatment of shock (hypoperfusion), bandaging wounds, and immobilization of painful,
swollen, deformed extremities. Medical patients include: Assisting in childbirth, management of respiratory, cardiac,
diabetic, allergic, behavioral, and environmental emergencies, and suspected poisonings. Searches for medical identification
emblem as a clue in providing emergency care. Additional care is provided based upon assessment of the patient and
obtaining historical information. These interventions include assisting patients with prescribed medications, including
sublingual nitroglycerin, epinephrine auto-injectors and hand held aerosol inhalers. The EMT-Basic will also be responsible
for administration of oxygen, oral glucose and activated charcoal.
Reassure patients and bystanders by working in a confident, efficient manner. Avoids mishandling and undue haste while
working expeditiously to accomplish the task.
Where a patient must be extricated from entrapment, assesses the extent of injury and gives all possible emergency care and
protection to the entrapped patient and uses the prescribed techniques and appliances for safely removing the patient. If
needed, radios the dispatcher for additional help or special rescue and/or utility services. Provides simple rescue service if
the ambulance has not been accompanied by a specialized unit. After extrication, provides additional care in triaging the
injured in accordance with standard emergency procedures.
Complies with regulations on the handling of the deceased, notifies authorities, and arranges for protection of property and
evidence at scene.
Lifts stretcher, placing in ambulance and seeing that the patient and stretcher are secured, continues emergency medical
From the knowledge of the condition of the patient and the extent of injuries and the relative locations and staffing of
emergency hospital facilities, determines the most appropriate facility to which the patient will be transported to, unless
otherwise directed by medical direction. Reports directly to the emergency department or communications center the nature
and extent of injuries, the number being transported, and the destination to assure prompt medical care on arrival. Identifies
assessment findings, which may require communications with medical direction for advice and for notification that special
professional services and assistance be immediately available upon arrival at the medical facility.
Constantly assesses patient en route to emergency facility, administers additional care as indicated or directed by medical
Assists in lifting and carrying the patient out of the ambulance and into the receiving facility. Reports verbally and in writing their observation and emergency medical care of the patient at the emergency scene and in transit to the receiving facility staff for purposes of records and diagnostics. Upon request, provides assistance to the receiving facility staff. After each call, restocks and replaces used linens, blankets and other supplies, cleans all equipment following appropriate disinfecting procedures, makes careful check of all equipment so that the ambulance is ready for the next run. Maintains ambulance in efficient operating condition. Ensures that the ambulance is clean and washed and kept in a neat, orderly condition. In accordance with local, state or federal regulations, decontaminates the interior of the vehicle after transport of patient with contagious infection or hazardous materials exposure. Determines that vehicle is in proper mechanical condition by checking items required by service management. Maintains familiarity with specialized equipment used by the service. Attends continuing education and refresher training programs as required by employers, medical direction, licensing or certifying agencies. Meets qualifications within the functional job analysis. Emergency Medical Technician – Basic National Standard Curriculum, 1994 Career Requirements: The Paramedic must be a confident leader who can accept the challenge and high degree of responsibility entailed in the position. The Paramedic must have excellent judgment and be able to prioritize decisions and act quickly in the best interest of the patient, must be self disciplined, able to develop patient rapport, interview hostile patients, maintain safe distance, and recognize and utilize communication unique to diverse multicultural groups and ages within those groups. Must be able to function independently at optimum level in a non-structured environment that is constantly changing. Even though the Paramedic is generally part of a two- person team generally working with a lower skill and knowledge level Basic EMT, it is the Paramedic who is held responsible for safe and therapeutic administration of drugs including narcotics. Therefore, the Paramedic must not only be knowledgeable about medications but must be able to apply this knowledge in a practical sense. Knowledge and practical application of medications include thoroughly knowing and understanding the general properties of all types of drugs including analgesics, anesthetics, anti-anxiety drugs, sedatives and hypnotics, anti-convulsants, central nervous stimulants, psychotherapeutics which include antidepressants, and other anti-psychotics, anticholerginics, cholergenics, muscle relaxants, anti-dysrythmics, anti-hypertensives, anticoagulants, diuretics, bronchodilators, opthalmics, pituitary drugs, gastro-intestinal drugs, hormones, antibiotics, antifungals, antiinflammatories, serums, vaccines, anti-parasitics, and others. The Paramedic is personally responsible, legally, ethically, and morally for each drug administered, for using correct precautions and techniques, observing and documenting the effects of the drugs administered, keeping one’s own pharmacological knowledge- base current as to changes and trends in administration and use, keeping abreast of all contraindications to administration of specific drugs to patients based on their constitutional make-up, and using drug reference literature. The responsibility of the Paramedic includes obtaining a comprehensive drug history from the patient that includes names of drugs, strength, daily usage and dosage. The Paramedic must take into consideration that many factors, in relation to the history given, can affect the type medication to be given. For example, some patients may be taking several medications prescribed by several different doctors and some may lose track of what they have or have not taken. Some may be using non-prescription/over the counter drugs. Awareness of drug reactions and the synergistic effects of drugs combined with other medicines and in some instances, food, is imperative. The Paramedic must also take into consideration the possible risks of medication administered to a pregnant mother and the fetus, keeping in mind that drugs may cross the placenta. The Paramedic must be cognizant of the impact of medications on pediatric patients based on size and weight, special concerns related to newborns, geriatric patients and the physiological effects of aging such as the way skin can tear in the geriatric population with relatively little to no pressure. There must be an awareness of the high abuse potential of controlled substances and the potential for addiction, therefore, the Paramedic must be thorough in report writing and able to justify why a particular narcotic was used and why a particular amount was given. The ability to measure and re-measure drip rates for controlled substances/medications is essential. Once medication is stopped or not used, the Paramedic must send back unused portions to proper inventory arena. The Paramedic must be able to apply basic principles of mathematics to the calculation of problems associated with medication dosages, perform conversion problems, differentiate temperature reading between centigrade and Fahrenheit scales, be able to use proper advanced life support equipment and supplies ( i.e. proper size of intravenous needles ) based on patient’s age and condition of veins, and be able to locate sites for obtaining blood samples and perform this task, administer medication intravenously, administer medications by gastric tube, administer oral medications, administer rectal medications, and comply with universal pre-cautions and body substance isolation, disposing of contaminated items and equipment properly. The Paramedic must be able to apply knowledge and skills to assist overdosed patients to overcome trauma through antidotes, and have knowledge of poisons and be able to administer treatment. The Paramedic must be knowledgeable as to the stages drugs/medications go through once they have entered the patient’s system and be cognizant that route of administration is critical in relation to patient’s needs and the effect that occurs. The Paramedic must also be capable of providing advanced life support emergency medical services to patients including conducting of and interpreting electrocardiograms (EKGs), electrical interventions to support the cardiac functions, performing advanced endotracheal intubations in airway management and relief of pneumothorax and administering of appropriate intravenous fluids and drugs under direction of off-site designated physician. The Paramedic is a person who must not only remain calm while working in difficult and stressful circumstances, but must be capable of staying focused while assuming the leadership role inherent in carrying out the functions of the position. Good judgment along with advanced knowledge and technical skills are essential in directing other team members to assist as needed. The Paramedic must be able to provide top quality care, concurrently handle high levels of stress, and be willing to take on the personal responsibility required of the position. This includes not only all legal ramifications for precise documentation, but also the responsibility for using the knowledge and skills acquired in real life threatening emergency situations. The Paramedic must be able to deal with adverse and often dangerous situations which include responding to calls in districts known to have high crime and mortality rates. Self-confidence is critical, as is a desire to work with people, solid emotional stability, a tolerance for high stress, and the ability to meet the physical, intellectual, and cognitive requirements demanded by this position. Physical Demands Aptitudes required for work of this nature are good physical stamina, endurance, and body condition that would not be adversely affected by frequently having to walk, stand, lift, carry, and balance at times, in excess of 125 pounds. Motor coordination is necessary because over uneven terrain, the patient’s, the Paramedic’s, and other workers’ well being must not be jeopardized. Comments The Paramedic provides the most extensive pre-hospital care and may work for fire departments, private ambulance services, police departments or hospitals. Response times for nature of work are dependent upon nature of call. For example, a Paramedic working for a private ambulance service that transports the elderly from nursing homes to routine medical appointments and check-ups may endure somewhat less stressful circumstances than the Paramedic who works primarily with 911 calls in a district known to have high crime rates. Thus, the particular stresses inherent in the role of the Paramedic can vary, depending on place and type of employment. However, in general, in the analyst’s opinion, the Paramedic must be flexible to meet the demands of the ever-changing emergency scene. When emergencies exist, the situation can be complex and care of the patient must be started immediately. In essence, the Paramedic in the EMS system uses advanced training and equipment to extend emergency physician services to the ambulance. The Paramedic must be able to make accurate independent judgments while following oral directives. The ability to perform duties in a timely manner is essential, as it could mean the difference between life and death for the patient. Use of the telephone or radio dispatch for coordination of prompt emergency services is required, as is a pager, depending on place of employment. Accurately discerning street names through map reading, and correctly distinguishing house numbers or business addresses are essential to task completion in the most expedient manner. Concisely and accurately describing orally to dispatcher and other concerned staff, one's impression of patient's condition, is critical as the Paramedic works in emergency conditions where there may not be time for deliberation. The Paramedic must also be able to accurately report orally and in writing, all relevant patient data. At times, reporting may require a detailed narrative on extenuating circumstances or conditions that go beyond what is required on a prescribed form. In some instances, the Paramedic must enter data on computer from a laptop in ambulance. Verbal skills and reasoning skills are used extensively. Emergency Medical Services-Paramedic National Standard Curriculum, 1999 2014 APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION
The purpose of your application is to provide necessary personal data to comply with State and Federal regulations, and academic data to support your educational achievements. Please complete the entire form by printing clearly and affixing your signature.

My application is for: (check one) SUMMER _____ FALL _____ SPRING _____ SEMESTER
(see page 2 for schedule of classes)

EMT: Ocala _____ Citrus _____ Levy _____ PARAMEDIC: Ocala _____ Citrus _____
SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER _____/_____/____ (Last) (First) (M.I.) (REQUIRED) CF STUDENT ID NUMBER ____________
MAILING ADDRESS _____________________________________________ COUNTY _______________ PHONE (_____) _______-________ (_____) ______-________ AGE: ________ EMPLOYER: ____________________________ RACE: (Check one): [ ] White (not of Hispanic origin) PERT Test Score: _____________ (attach results)
Wonderlic Test Score: _____________ (attach results)
Paramedic Applicants:
Which CPR copy did you attach? [ ] American Heart Association-BLS “Healthcare Provider” Exp. Date ______
[ ] American Red Cross “Professional Rescuer” Exp. Date _________ [ ] American Safety and Health Institute “CPR Pro” Exp. Date _______ ATTACH CURRENT COPY of current Florida EMT License. Did you graduate from CF’s EMT program? Yes ____ No ____ If yes, date graduated: ____________ Chapter 401, Florida Statutes requires that all applicants certify under oath that he/she is: a. ". not addicted to alcohol or any controlled substance." ". free from any physical or mental defect or disease that might impair his/her ability to perform his /her I HEREBY CERTIFY I AM A STUDENT IN GOOD STANDING AT CF AND I STATE THE INFORMATION IN MY APPLICATION IS COMPLETE AND ACCURATE. I ALSO STATE I MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 401, FLORIDA STATUTES. Agree (signature) _____________________________ Date: Date and time received in EMS office: ____________________________ Initials: ___________ NOTE: Only complete EMS applications will be accepted CF application:
______ Indicated major code of EMS 2234, EMT 6237, or PARAMEDIC 6232 on CF application.
______ Submitted the CF Application online ( and CF application fee to Enrollment
______ Requested all official high school or GED, vocational, and all other college transcripts be sent to CF Admissions Office and applicant has verified receipt.
______ Completed a CF college orientation (if required for CF application).
______ Completed college placement testing (PERT test for EMS degree seekers).
EMS (EMT/Paramedic) application:
______ Attached a copy of current, valid Florida Drivers License. A learner’s permit is not acceptable.
______ Attached a current short personal one page typewritten resume.
______ Completed Wonderlic testing (minimum score of 16). Attached score to your EMS application.
______ Attached current fingerprint receipt for the National Criminal Background Check.
______ Submitted copy of current required CPR card (signed and copied both front and back);
for EMT – before classes begin. For Paramedic – attached to your EMS application.
American Heart Association-BLS “Healthcare Provider” or American Red Cross “Professional Rescuer” or American Safety and Health Institute “CPR Pro”. ______ For Paramedic: submit a current Florida Certified EMT certification card copy by application June 30 for Fall (August) Paramedic and EMT admission November 30 for Spring (January) Paramedic and EMT admission (deadlines may be extended in order to fill classes. Call (352) 854-2322 x1313 for more information) Submit COMPLETED EMS application and attachments to: in person: CF Ocala campus, Bldg. 35, Room 104. Hours: Monday-Friday 8 - 4:30 p.m. (Note: Citrus and Levy campuses will deliver EMS applications to the Ocala campus.) by mail: EMS Office, CF Health Sciences Dept., 3001 SW College Road, Ocala, FL 34474


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