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Campaign price competition – greater manchester meeting - 26th april 2013

Campaign against price competition – Greater Manchester meeting - 26th April

Steering group meeting:
Matthew Claughton – Olliers Solicitors
Oliver Gardner – Howards
Jeremy Moore – Carter Moore
Richard Silver – Richard Silver
Kerry Morgan – MBC
Pat Harris – Clifford Johnston
Dan Weed – Burton Copeland
Louise Straw – Burton Copeland
1) We have identified additional support in the following areas:
a. Stockport – Simon Morton (Mortons) b. Trafford – David Campbell (Malcolm McGuinness) c. Trafford – John Mail d. Oldham – Sonia O’Brian (Norcross Lees) e. Salford – volunteers please f. Wigan – Peter Moran (SMS) g. Bury – Jo Grant, Crompton Halliwell h. Bolton – Darin Miller (CMA) i. Tameside – Tim Chapman 2) To reiterate the obvious, we need a massive plug for the following: a. Sign the petition and make sure everyone in your firm is asked to sign it and urge everyone in your firm to spread the word via contacts b. Everyone to write to a local or national newspaper and urge everyone in your firm to do the same - they will print! c. Everyone to write to MP’s – i.e. every member of staff 3) Targeting MP’s – 27 volunteers sought. (Oliver Gardner will coordinate) We want to target every single MP in Greater Manchester. There are 27 of them in the following areas: Graham Stringer – [email protected] Mark Hunter – [email protected] Lucy Powell – [email protected] 18. Oldham East and Saddleworth Debbie Abrahams Paul Goggins - [email protected] We want a volunteer for every MP and that volunteer then needs to collate the names and addresses of as many constituents as possible who are employed in our respective firms and arrange an appointment with the MP and lobby them re the consultation. Here we are looking for a lot of volunteers. 4) We are looking to get the flyer prepared by Crimeline into everyone’s client correspondence – please use it. Crimeline flyer – Communicating with clients. 5) Client Awareness Day – coordinator Dan Weed - 7 volunteers required We are also proposing leafleting clients in the magistrates court on a day in May (date to be agreed). The idea is to have members of our respective firms on duty at the entrance of the magistrates courts on the agreed day. We can take it in turns at each court, so it might mean quite a few people handing out leaflets to everyone who comes through the courts. We can agree on the design of the leaflets but it will warn them that, whereas today they will be represented by someone of their choosing, they may end up being represented by a solicitor located to them at random. We can make a big song and dance about this leafleting all 8 magistrates courts in Greater Manchester on the same day. We can alert local press and news and really make a big splash. It won’t be a day of action, instead it will be the day when we take the campaign to the clients. Volunteers to contact Dan Weed at Burton Copeland 6) Liaising with the Northern Bar – Matthew Claughton 7) We are looking to make contact with other areas letting them know where our opposition is up to and also adopt any of their ideas and share our ideas with them. If we are ahead of the game we can assist them and if they are ahead of the game they can assist us. Coordinator – Matthew Claughton/Oliver Gardner 8) We want make contact with the local and regional law societies to get our message out to the non-legal aid side of the profession. – Louise Straw will be coordinating. 9) Response to consultation – we are encouraging everyone in every firm to respond – ideally by email as opposed to filling in the online questionnaire. 10) We will keep Crimeline in the loop – Matthew Claughton 11) We are looking at a meeting at a central venue. Proposed date is the 13th May. 12) Everyone encouraged to respond to Law Society consultation 13) Finally, any observations or additional suggestions welcome This list is not exhaustive and does not prevent anyone in any of our respective firms from taking additional action. If you or a member of staff has a great idea – just go for it! If you have any other ideas let us know and they will go onto the agenda for the 13th May.


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