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Microsoft word - go wild 7 parent letter.docx

Thursday, April 12th, 2012
Dear Grade 7 Parents
To complement our grade 7 science and outdoor education curriculum and to conduct a grade 7 leadership
retreat, a visit to Gambier Island has been planned for Tuesday May 8th to Friday May 11th. Located in
Howe Sound, off the coast of Gibsons, the Sea to Sky Outdoor School at Camp Fircom offers the optimum
environment in which your daughter can actively explore her connections to and dependence on nature,
apply her ecological literacy in an authentic setting, learn how to maintain a healthy and sustainable
community, and enhance her leadership skills and personal responsibility.
A leadership retreat and study of sustainability issues relevant to Crofton House School at this time will
allow the grade 7 student leaders to learn and to identify the issues they would like to explore during their
final year in the Junior School. All outdoor explorations will be conducted by Sea-to-Sky Outdoor School
educators. All leadership activities will be delivered by CHS staff. Accommodation is in comfortable
bunkhouse cabins that are shared by 12- 13 people and in water proof tents. Food is served family-style in
the Dining Hall. The girls will have the opportunity to have one overnight sleep out and take part in
community style meal preparation.
You and your daughter can begin pre-trip preparation by returning the attached forms by Wednesday,
April 18th
and by organizing the equipment necessary for outdoor school. Outlined below are a few of the
final details for preparing for this trip.
Travel Plans:

: Students will be asked to meet at school at 7:40am Tuesday, May 8th. Your daughter should
bring a lunch in Tupperware containers. Students and staff will depart by coach bus promptly at 7:45am, for
Horseshoe Bay ferry terminal. We will be transported by water taxi to Halkett Bay, located on the southeast
coast of Gambier Island. At Halkett Bay, we will join Sea to Sky educators to set up camp for our first
overnight sleep out and start our GO WILD adventure.
Return: On Friday, May 11th we will be taking water taxis from Camp Fircom back to Horseshoe Bay.
Students and staff will depart by coach bus at 2:15pm for Crofton House School. The estimated time of
arrival at CHS is 3:30 pm.
Approximately $400 per student. This includes all food, lodging, programming while at the Sea-to
Sky Outdoor School, and transportation to and from Gambier Island via water taxi. This will be billed to the
students’ accounts.
Supervisors: C.Beaty, C.Harris and 3 CHS staff members
Medical: Please return the additional medical and consent form to Ms. Beaty and Ms.Harris by
Wednesday, April 18th.

Equipment: See attached information. Remember to try to borrow as many items as possible rather than
purchase new equipment. It is critical the girls have the appropriate outdoor clothing as the majority of the
programme takes place outdoors. There will be a bag check on April 30th, 2012.

: Daily physical activities at Gambier Island (weather dependent) will likely include but are not
limited to the following:
- overnight camping in a natural, wooded environment - additional outdoor and indoor activities and games on the island campus (day and night time)
Risks: In addition to the risks inherent within such activities, additional risks may include but may not be
limited to the following:
- evacuation difficulties and remoteness
We are very excited to implement an integrated leadership and sustainability education program that will
enrich the lives of the students. We look forward to the knowledge and memories that the girls will gain
during their time on Gambier Island. The attached consent forms from Crofton House School and Sea
to Sky Outdoor School must be signed and returned by April 18th in order for your daughter to

Please be advised that staff will be taking a small supply of non-prescriptive drugs such as Benadryl, Tylenol, Gravol, and cough lozenges with her on the trip to Gambier Island. If deemed appropriate a teacher supervisor will administer such medications to your daughter. You will then be contacted by telephone to inform you of this decision. All personal medications should be placed in a ziplock bag with students name and clear instructions; this will be collected on day 1. All other medications will only be administered by a CHS staff member if written consent and/or instructions have been given beforehand or verbal contact is made via telephone. Please contact staff if you have any concerns or do not wish to have this procedure followed. It is important to make informed consent regarding all activities related to outdoor school. Please plan to
attend an information session with CHS and Sea to Sky Outdoor School staff on Monday, April 23rd at
in Ms.Beaty’s room, 304.
S. Hutchison C.Beaty C.Harris


NATIVES FOR PLANTING IN MENOMINEE COUNTY, WISCONSIN *see publication "Wisconsin Native Plant Sources" also**for more information and photos, go to SCIENTIFIC NAME MATURE SIZE CHARACTERISTICS decent ash for wetter areas, shade tolerantbeautiful, long lived ash that has hard woodpretty tree, but attacked by many insectspretty tree, but at

Microsoft word - richt-03.doc

RICHTWERTE Ergänzung zum Standard der baubiologischen Messtechnik SBM-2003 BAUBIOLOGISCHE RICHTWERTE FÜR SCHLAFBEREICHE Die baubiologischen Richtwerte sind Vorsorgewerte . Sie beziehen sich auf Schlafbereiche , das damit verbundene Langzeitrisiko und die empfindliche Regenerationszeit des Menschen. Sie sind die Folge tausendfacher, jahrelanger Erfahrung und orientieren s

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