Pathogenesis of and immunity to melioidosis
Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Uni6ersity of Calgary Health Sciences Center, Calgary,
Alta, Canada T2N 4N1
While Burkholderia pseudomallei, the causative agent of melioidosis, is becoming increasingly recognized as a
significant cause of morbidity and mortality in regions to which it is endemic, no licensed vaccine preparationcurrently exists for immunization against the disease. Therefore, one of the primary goals of our research has beento identify and characterize antigens expressed by B. pseudomallei isolates for the intended purpose of developing avaccine construct that can be used to actively immunize specific high risk populations against the disease. By utilizinga combination of biochemical, immunological and molecular approaches, our studies now indicate that some of themost promising candidates for this task include flagellin proteins and the endotoxin derived O-polysaccharide (PS)antigens expressed by the organism. In this review, we have attempted to summarize the current status of B. pseudomallei research while endeavoring to provide a rationale for our approach towards the development of amelioidosis vaccine. 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Burkholderia pseudomallei; Melioidosis; Pathogenesis; Virulence factors; Protective antigens; Conjugate vaccine
1. Introduction
particularly high in South-East Asia and northernAustralia (Chaowagul et al., 1989; Leelarasamee
Burkholderia pseudomallei, the etiological agent
and Bovornkitti, 1989; Dance, 1991). In north-
of melioidosis, is a Gram-negative, facultative
eastern Thailand alone, an estimated 20% of com-
anaerobic, motile bacillus that is responsible for a
munity acquired septicemia and approximately
broad spectrum of illnesses observed in both hu-
40% of deaths due to the complications associated
with bacterial sepsis can be attributed to B. pseu-
Leelarasamee and Bovornkitti, 1989; Sanford,
domallei (Chaowagul et al., 1989). Although the
organism is not strictly confined to the equatorial
demonstrated that B. pseudomallei is endemic to
regions, the probability of acquiring melioidosis
regions which typically border 20° north and
outside of these geographic domains is exceed-
south of the equator, the incidence of disease is
ingly low (Howe et al., 1971). Since the microbe isnutritionally diverse and is capable of resisting avariety of environmental extremes, it is puzzling
* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 1-403-220-2564; fax: + 1-
as to why a more uniform global distribution of
E-mail address: [email protected] (D.E. Woods)
B. pseudomallei is not more apparent (Smith et al.,
0001-706X/00/$ - see front matter 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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P.J. Brett, D.E. Woods / Acta Tropica 74 (2000) 201 – 210
1987). The organism can be readily isolated from
tables percolate the organism up through the un-
environmental niches such as rice paddies, still or
derlying soils to the surface thus enhancing their
stagnant waters and moist soils which predomi-
potential for exposure to humans and animals.
nate in the tropics, and it is believed that these
This route of transmission tends to explain the
habitats are the primary reservoirs from which
prevalence of disease amongst rice farmers and
susceptible hosts acquire infections (Ellison et al.,
their families who labor in the rice paddies with-
1969; Leelarasamee and Bovornkitti, 1989).
out the benefit of protective clothing (Chaowagul
The manifestations of melioidosis are com-
et al., 1989; Leelarasamee and Bovornkitti, 1989).
monly represented by acute, sub-acute and
Another important route of infection appears to
chronic illnesses, with the clinical indications of
be the inhalation and aspiration of contaminated
some forms of the disease often being mistaken
fomites. During the Vietnam war, a dispropor-
for malaria, plague, pneumonia and miliary tuber-
tionate number of helicopter crewmen succumbed
culosis (Howe et al., 1971; Smith et al., 1987;
to B. pseudomallei infections as compared to other
Leelarasamee and Bovornkitti, 1989). Resistance
soldiers stationed in the same regions. To explain
to a variety of antimicrobial agents including
this phenomenon, it has been proposed that the
helicopter rotors acted to disturb infectious dust
cephalosporins and many of the aminoglycosides
particles around landing zones and thus facilitated
is characteristic of B. pseudomallei clinical isolates
the pulmonary inoculation of the crewmen with
B. pseudomallei (Howe et al., 1971; Sanford,
Bovornkitti, 1989; Godfrey et al., 1991; Weinberg
1990). Alternatively, ingestion of the organism
and Heller, 1997). With this in mind, accurate
and human to human transmission, although to
identification of the organism, evaluation of the
much lesser extents, have been implicated as
severity of the infection and antibiotic susceptibil-
routes of inoculation (McCormick et al., 1975).
ity testing are of paramount importance in devis-
To date, there have been no reports of transmis-
ing an effective chemotherapeutic strategy. While
sion of disease between animals and humans
the newer therapies that utilize combinations of
(Leelarasamee and Bovornkitti, 1989; Dance,
ceftazidime – cotrimoxazole or amoxicillin – clavu-
lanate for treatment of disease are proving benefi-
A number of physiological abnormalities have
cial, the mortality rates associated with the acute
been correlated with the predisposition of certain
septicemic and pulmonary forms of melioidosis
populations to B. pseudomallei infections. In par-
are still unacceptably high (Smith et al., 1987;
ticular, during a 1 year study of patients admitted
Leelarasamee and Bovornkitti, 1989; Kanai and
to a hospital in north-eastern Thailand for treat-
Kondo, 1994; Weinberg and Heller, 1997; Ho et
ment of septicemic melioidosis, 32% demonstrated
al., 1997). Typically, prolonged oral therapy is
pre-existing diabetes mellitus (Chaowagul et al.,
also recommended to assure the full clinical reso-
1989). Similarly, it has been shown in a diabetic
lution of infections while reducing the potential
infant rat model of infection that such animals are
far more sensitive to challenge with B. pseudoma-llei isolates than are the healthy, non-diabetic rats(Woods et al., 1993). The reasons for this in-
2. Aspects of pathogenesis
creased susceptibility, however, are still being in-vestigated. Other health related factors which
Melioidosis is primarily acquired via the inocu-
appear to increase the probability of acquiring
lation of compromised surface tissues by soils and
melioidosis include impaired cellular immunity,
waters contaminated with B. pseudomallei; the
leukemia/lymphomas, HIV infections, renal disor-
highest incidence of disease occurring during the
ders, and debilitating afflictions such as alco-
monsoon and rainy seasons (Chaowagul et al.,
holism and parenteral drug abuse (Whitmore and
1989; Leelarasamee and Bovornkitti, 1989). It is
believed that during these periods, rising water
Leelarasamee and Bovornkitti, 1989; Tanphaichi-
P.J. Brett, D.E. Woods / Acta Tropica 74 (2000) 201 – 210
tra, 1989). Although B. pseudomallei related ill-
been shown to manifest in dogs, cats, rats, rabbits
nesses are documented in apparently healthy indi-
and numerous other species. Animals reported to
viduals, the organism is probably still best
be immune to this organism are fowl, cattle and
described as an opportunistic pathogen.
water buffalo (Smith et al., 1987). The latter
The manifestations of the various forms of
example is rather interesting since these animals
melioidosis can be loosely defined as either acute,
are frequently used to pull prows in rice paddies
sub-acute and chronic (Howe et al., 1971). While
and are, therefore, expected to encounter the mi-
the incubation periods of B. pseudomallei infec-
crobe on a regular basis. Epizootic outbreaks
tions are not well defined, a review of the litera-
have been documented in various regions of the
ture does suggest that they can range from as little
world. Notable examples include the death of 24
as a few days to upwards of 26 years (Mays and
dolphins in a Hong Kong aquarium in 1975, and
Ricketts, 1975; Leelarasamee and Bovornkitti,
an outbreak which appeared in the Caribbean in
1989). The acute form of the disease can be
1957 resulting in the death of numerous sheep,
subdivided into two groups; the acute pulmonary
pigs and goats. Accounts from northern Australia
and the acute septicemic forms. Acute pulmonary
also relate multiple outbreaks of melioidosis in
symptoms appear rapidly and are characterized
lamb flocks (Sutmoller et al., 1957; Ketterer and
by high fever and pulmonary distress. This is
followed by the appearance of visceral abscesses
Thus, melioidosis should be considered in any
and death within a few days if left untreated. The
febrile patient with a history of residence in a
septicemic type illness is also rapidly fatal and
major endemic region. If Gram-negative bipolar
displays a high mortality rate when similarly left
staining bacilli are observed in sputum, the organ-
untreated. Clinical indications of this form in-
ism can be readily cultured and identified (San-
clude malaise, meningitis, cellulitis, as well as
ford, 1990). In acute cases, blood and urine
cutaneous and subcutaneous lesions. In many in-
cultures are frequently positive, whereas, if
stances the acute manifestations of melioidosis are
chronic or sub-acute forms of the disease are
associated with an appalling mortality rate, even
suspected, biopsy may be required. (Sanford,
when vigorous chemotherapeutic intervention is
1990). Serological studies can be helpful for diag-
implemented (Howe et al., 1971; Leelarasamee
nosing active and recrudescent disease, and an
and Bovornkitti, 1989; Dance, 1990; Sanford,
immunoglobulin M (IgM) immunofluorescence
test is often positive in recent infections (Dance,
Sub-acute melioidosis is probably best charac-
1991). Also, indirect hemagglutination and com-
terized as a prolonged febrile illness. While multi-
plement fixation and tests are available, but re-
ple abscess formation can be observed on the
quire the testing of paired sera over several weeks
viscera, brain abscesses are seldom found. During
to confirm the presence of an active infection
the latter stages of the disease, the organism can
(Smith et al., 1987; Chaowagul et al., 1989).
be readily cultured from blood, pus, urine andother bodily tissues and secretions (Smith et al.,1987; Leelarasamee and Bovornkitti, 1989). In
3. Virulence factors and protective antigens
many instances, death occurs within a few weeksto months in the absence of clinical intervention.
Although B. pseudomallei isolates are capable
The sub-clinical or chronic form of the disease is
of expressing an impressive array of both secreted
considered to be the most common presentation
and cell-associated antigens, the role(s) of these
of melioidosis. It generally remains undiagnosed,
products in the pathogenesis of disease have to
however, until activated by a traumatic event or
date been relatively ill defined. One of the primary
upon post-mortem examination of the tissues
reasons for this has been due to the lack of
suitable techniques for genetically manipulating
B. pseudomallei causes melioidosis in animals as
the organism. Due to the recent application of a
well as humans. In endemic areas, disease has
Tn5 transposon based mutagenesis system for use
P.J. Brett, D.E. Woods / Acta Tropica 74 (2000) 201 – 210
in B. pseudomallei, we have begun to identify and
cross-reactive with this antigen (Sexton et al.,
characterize genetic loci which encode a number
of these putative virulence determinants and pro-
Most recently, via transposon mutagenesis, we
tective antigens (DeShazer et al., 1997, 1998).
have identified an 11.8 kb chromosomal locus in
Therefore, in the following sections we have at-
B. pseudomallei, that demonstrates a high degree
tempted to summarize the results of our most
of homology to operons which encode for the
current studies, as well as those from other
products of the main terminal branch of general
groups, in order to provide an overview of the
secretory pathway (GSP) (Pugsley, 1993). Further
antigens expressed by this B. pseudomallei.
characterization of the open reading frames in thislocus have confirmed that their orientation and
physical arrangement are virtually identical to thepul gene cluster of Klebsiella oxytoca (Pugsley,
The ability to acquire iron from host sources is
1993). Not surprisingly, the phenotypic analysis of
a prerequisite for the successful establishment and
the individual transposon mutants has also confi-
maintenance of most bacterial infections. Yang et
rmed their inability to secrete antigens associated
al. have demonstrated that 84/84 B. pseudomallei
with protease, lipase and lecithinase into the ex-
strains examined during their studies tested posi-
tracellular milieu. Interestingly, while we screened
tive for siderophore production using the chrome
more than 30 000 mutants for the loss of one or
azurol S (CAS) assay. A structural and chemical
more of the enzymatic activities, no protease,
analysis of the siderophore synthesized by B.
lipase or lecithinase structural genes were iden-
pseudomallei U7 confirmed that the molecule was
tified. In order to asses the significance of GSP
approximately 1000 Da in size, water soluble with
secreted products in the pathogenesis of me-
a yellow – green fluorescence and that it belonged
lioidosis, we compared the virulence of the secre-
to the hydroxamate class (Yang et al., 1991).
tion mutants to the wild type strain in the Syrian
Furthermore, studies have also demonstrated the
hamster model of infection. The results of these
siderophore was capable of scavenging iron from
studies indicated that while the protease, lipase
both lactoferrin and transferrin in vitro (Yang et
and lecithinase may play a small role in the
al., 1993). The name malleobactin has been pro-
pathogenesis of acute melioidosis, mutants defi-
posed for this compound (Yang et al., 1991).
cient in their ability to secrete these particular
It has been previously shown that B. pseudoma-
exoenzymes were not severely attenuated in their
llei isolates are capable of secreting antigens that
ability to cause a fulminating illness (Woods, un-
demonstrate biological activities consistent with
proteases, lecithinases, lipases and hemolysins
In the mid 1950s, several studies demonstrated
(Esselman and Liu, 1961; Ashdown and Koehler,
that filter sterilized B. pseudomallei culture super-
1990; Sexton et al., 1994). However, while these
natants were lethal for mice and hamsters when
factors have been implicated as important factors
administered parenterally (Nigg et al., 1955;
in the pathogenesis of the disease, only the
Heckly and Nigg, 1958; Heckly, 1964). These
protease has been characterized to date. Studies
results were consistent with the fulminating ill-
conducted by Sexton et al. have confirmed the
nesses observed in animals following inoculation
presence of a 36 000 kDa antigen with associated
with viable bacteria, and suggested that B. pseu-
proteolytic activities in B. pseudomallei culture
domallei strains might be capable of secreting a
supernatants. In particular, a protease expressed
lethal toxin. In studies conducted by Ismail et al.
by B. pseudomallei 319a was found to be a metal-
(1987) mouse lethal, thermolabile toxin was re-
loenzyme requiring iron for maximal protease ac-
portedly purified to homogeneity and character-
tivity and demonstrated optimally activity at pH
ized as a 31 000 MW protein. Haase et al. (1997)
8.0 and 60°C (Sexton et al., 1994). Furthermore,
have also described the presence of cytotoxic ac-
monoclonal antibodies (MAb) raised against a
tivity in culture filtrates. Their results, however,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa alkaline protease were
P.J. Brett, D.E. Woods / Acta Tropica 74 (2000) 201 – 210
and that the cytotoxic activity is this instance is
Haemophilus influenzae and Streptococcus pneu-
most likely due to the presence of a small peptide. moniae. These extracellular moieties enable bacte-
Recently it has been reported that a rhamnolipid
purified from B. pseudomallei culture supernatants
inhibiting complement activation and phagocytic
demonstrates a cytotoxic effect against HL60 and
mediated killing (Joiner, 1988). A review of the
HeLa cell lines (Haubler et al., 1998). Since this
literature also indicates that B. pseudomallei
activity can be neutralized by albumin, however,
strains are capable of synthesizing capsular anti-
it is unlikely to be of consequence in the patho-
gens (Smith et al., 1987; Leelarasamee and
genesis of B. pseudomallei infections. Curiously,
Bovornkitti, 1989), and that they may play an
while it has also been our experience that filter
important role in the pathogenesis of melioidosis.
sterilized B. pseudomallei culture supernatants are
While in vitro studies have determined that encap-
lethal for a variety of tissue culture cell lines, we
sulated B. pseudomallei strains are as susceptible
have been unable to reproduce these effects in
to phagocytic uptake by polymorphonuclear
animal models, even when using preparations
leukocytes (PMN) as non-encapsulated variants,
concentrated by lyophilization (Brett et al., 1997,
evidence tends to suggest that the presence of
exopolysaccharide confers upon them the abilityto resist the bactericidal effects of the phagolyso-
3.2. Cell-associated antigens
somal environment (Smith et al., 1987; Pruk-sachartvuthi et al., 1990). This is a feature of B.
A number of previous studies have confirmed
pseudomallei strains that may help to explain why
that B. pseudomallei is capable of synthesizing an
these organisms are capable of remaining latent in
acid phosphatase. It now appears that the
molecule is a glycoprotein with optimal substrate
Recently, Steinmetz et al. isolated and purified
activity around pH 7.2 (Kanai and Kondo, 1991,
a high molecular weight capsular antigen ( \150
1994; Kondo et al., 1996). While it has been
kDa) from B. pseudomallei NCTC 7431 and suc-
reported by Kanai and Kondo (1994) and Kondo
ceeded in raising a MAb against it (Steinmetz et
et al. (1996) that the acid phosphatase can be
al., 1995). Via ELISA based techniques, they were
readily isolated from both whole cell and superna-
able to demonstrate the reactivity of both mucoid
tant fractions, we have found the enzyme to be
and non-mucoid strains with the MAb, thus sug-
predominantly cell-associated (unpublished data).
gesting that the capsular antigen is constitutively
Kanai et al. (1996) have also proposed that the
expressed by B. pseudomallei strains. Interestingly,
cell-associated form of the enzyme is a high
temperature appeared to have little effect on the
affinity receptor for insulin and that this receptor/
synthesis of the exopolysaccharide since B. pseu-
ligand interaction may be responsible for modu-
domallei strains grown at both 15 and 37°C re-
lating the enzymatic profiles of B. pseudomallei
acted with the MAb. Furthermore, an assay
isolates. Recently, while screening transposon mu-
utilizing a variety of Pseudomonas and Burkholde-
tants for their inability to hydrolyze the chro-
ria spp. as controls was able to confirm the spe-
cificity of the MAb for B. pseudomallei and B.
phosphate (X-P), we successfully identified a mu-
mallet strains only (Steinmetz et al., 1995). More
tant devoid of acid phosphatase activity (unpub-
recently, Masoud et al. (1997) have been success-
ful at elucidating the chemical and structural
chromosomal DNA flanking the transposon inser-
characteristics of a capsular polysaccharide iso-
tion demonstrated the presence of an open read-
lated from the virulent clinical isolate B. pseudo-
ing frame whose translated product was highly
mallei 304b. Their results demonstrated that the
homologous to an acid phosphatase expressed by
exopolysaccharide was a linear unbranched poly-
Francisella tularensis (var. novicida).
mer of repeating tetrasaccharide units having the
Capsular polysaccharides are a common feature
(1-3)-b-D-Galp-(1-5)-b-D-KDOp-(2-). P.J. Brett, D.E. Woods / Acta Tropica 74 (2000) 201 – 210
Nimtz et al. (1997) have demonstrated that a
is required for the synthesis of the Type II antigen
structurally identical capsular antigen is expressed
and conferring the serum resistance phenotype
by B. pseudomallei NCTC 7431. Studies by both
(DeShazer et al., 1998). Using the infant diabetic
groups have also shown that patient sera reacted
rat model, we have also confirmed that Type II
strongly with the purified carbohydrate antigens
PS is probably a significant determinant in the
indicating that this carbohydrate polymer is most
pathogenesis of melioidosis since the LD50 value
likely expressed in vivo (Steinmetz et al., 1995;
associated with a Type II PS mutant is approxi-
mately 140 fold higher than that of the wild type
Previous studies have confirmed that the lipo-
strain (Woods et al., 1993; DeShazer et al., 1998).
polysaccharide (LPS) antigens expressed by B.
Flagella are commonly recognized as important
pseudomallei strains are highly conserved through-
virulence determinants expressed by bacterial
out this species (Pitt et al., 1992). In fact, serolog-
pathogens since the motility phenotype imparted
ical evidence suggests that there may be only one
by these organelles often correlates with the abil-
serotype of B. pseudomallei (Bryan et al., 1994). In
ity of an organism to cause disease (Penn and
order to investigate this phenomenon, Perry et al.
Luke, 1992; Moens and Vanderleyden, 1996).
has characterized the LPS antigens isolated from
Therefore, we have focused a great deal of atten-
a number of B. pseudomallei strains (Perry et al.,
tion towards determining the relative importance
1995). Their results demonstrated that B. pseudo-
of motility in the pathogenesis of melioidosis. In
mallei strains coordinately express two distinct
previous studies we have demonstrated that a
somatic O-antigens (PS) on their cell surface. The
significant degree of size and antigenic homogene-
Type I antigen consists of a high-molecular weight
ity exists amongst flagellins expressed by B. pseu-
unbranched 1,3-linked homopolymer of 2-O-
domallei isolates. Furthermore, we have also
shown that flagellin specific antiserum is capable
residues, while the Type II antigen is an un-
of passively protecting diabetic infant rats against
branched heteropolymer consisting of (-3)-b-D-
a B. pseudomallei challenge (Brett et al., 1994).
Curiously, however, in recent studies we have
(1-disaccharide repeats (L-6dTalp:
found that there was no significant difference
between the virulence capacities associated with a
lated) (Knirel et al., 1992; Perry et al., 1995).
wild-type strain of B. pseudomallei and non-motile
While the simultaneous expression of two or more
mutants in either the diabetic infant rat or Syrian
LPS moieties is not an uncommon feature associ-
hamster models of infection (DeShazer et al.,
ated with Gram-negative bacteria, the degree to
1997). Thus, taken together, these results indicate
which the two PS antigens are conserved amongst
that while flagella and/or motility may not be
B. pseudomallei strains is quite remarkable (Perry
major virulence determinants in the pathogenesis
of melioidosis, purified flagellin may still serve as
It has been previously reported that B. pseudo-
a protective immunogen against B. pseudomalleimallei strains are resistant to the bactericidal ef-
fects of normal human serum (Ismail et al., 1988). Recently, we have established that the presence ofType II PS is essential for conferring this resis-
4. Conjugate vaccines
tance phenotype. Via the application of the trans-poson mutagenesis system, we have identified a
Previous studies have demonstrated that both
number of mutants that demonstrate a marked
polyclonal antiserum and MAb’s raised against B.
sensitivity, in comparison to the parental strain,
pseudomallei flagellin proteins, LPS and a tetanus
to the bactericidal effects of normal serum. Se-
toxin-PS glycoconjugate are capable of passively
quence analysis of the chromosomal DNA flank-
immunizing diabetic infant rats against challenge
ing these transposon insertions has enabled us to
with B. pseudomallei (Brett et al., 1994; Bryan et
identify a 17.5 kb region of the chromosome that
al., 1994). While these initial results were encour-
P.J. Brett, D.E. Woods / Acta Tropica 74 (2000) 201 – 210
aging, it had become evident to us, however, that
only the PS portion of LPS and not the toxic
an active vaccine preparation would be the most
component of LPS, namely lipid A, conjugated to
practical for immunizing high risk populations
flagellin protein obviates the toxic side effects of
against melioidosis. Therefore, with this in mind,
LPS but takes advantage of the protective re-
we synthesized a glycoconjugate molecule that
sponse to the PS moiety. Furthermore, the coordi-
incorporated both flagellin protein and PS anti-
nate presentation of multiple protective antigens
gens. Based upon the preliminary success of these
has served to enhance the immunological reper-
studies, we believe that this preparation is a rea-
toire of the vaccine recipient while providing im-
sonable vaccine candidate for actively immunizing
munity against a number of B. pseudomallei
against the disease (Brett and Woods, 1996).
It has been well documented that T cell-inde-
Since the size of the saccharide components
pendent type 2 (TI-2) antigens such as bacterial
displayed by a conjugate molecule appears to
polysaccharides are capable of eliciting protective
influence the immunogenicity of the preparation,
antibody responses in adults (Dintzis, 1992; Jen-
a heterogeneous combination of PS antigens were
nings, 1992), but act poorly as immunogens in the
covalently linked to the flagellin protein carrier
elderly, in immunocompromised populations and
(Dintzis et al., 1983, 1985; Jennings, 1992). The
in children less than 18 months of age (Gold et
incorporation of larger PS fragments act to in-
al., 1977; Robbins, 1978; Jennings, 1983). In adult
crease the size of the conjugate molecules such
populations, TI-2 antigens typically stimulate the
that the cross-linking of B cell mIg’s is maxi-
synthesis of antigen specific immunoglobulin M
mized. At the same time, the larger PS molecules
(IgM), but often fail to evoke augmented immune
also tend to retain conformationally stabilized
epitopes which appear to be critical in the design
boosting with carbohydrate preparations. This
of a successful vaccine (Jennings, 1992). The
phenomenon is primarily due to the inability of
smaller oligosaccharide fragments appear to be
activated B lymphocytes to recruit CD4+ T cell
critical for stimulating immunoglobulin responses
(Th) involvement via major histocompatibility
against terminal epitopes of the carbohydrate
complex type II (MHC II) restricted events
(Hodgkin and Basten, 1995; Mond et al., 1995).
In order to remedy this situation, a number of
raised against the glycoconjugate conjugate reacts
bacterial carbohydrates (such as capsular polysac-
with both purified flagellin protein and both Type
charides or somatic O-antigens) have been cova-
I and II PS; a situation that is obviously critical if
lently coupled to protein or peptide carrier
the immune serum is to be effective against a B.
molecules in order to facilitate T cell-dependent
pseudomallei challenge. This confirmed that native
(TD) immune responses against the particular car-
epitopes displayed by the precursor molecules
bohydrate moieties (Cryz et al., 1986; Insel and
were maintained during the synthesis of the conju-
Anderson, 1986; Winter et al., 1988; Watson et
gate molecule. Furthermore, passive immuniza-
al., 1992; Fattom et al., 1993; Konadu et al., 1994;
tion studies have demonstrated that the IgG
Lett et al., 1994). The presence of T cell epitopes
fraction purified from the immune serum was
inherent to peptide or proteinacious carriers is
capable of protecting diabetic infant rats from a
believed to facilitate these events (Braley-Mullen,
challenge with B. pseudomallei (Brett and Woods,
1996). Based upon the success of these prelimi-
Therefore, by conjugating the PS moieties to
nary studies, we are currently characterizing the
the flagellin carrier, we have been able to elicit
efficacy of this vaccine preparation in active im-
augmented immune responses against the PS com-
ponents of the vaccine while concomitantly evok-
Since B. pseudomallei isolates have been shown
ing desirable immunoglobulin (Ig) class switching
to express both the Type I and II PS antigens (an
events (Brett and Woods, 1996). More impor-
exception being 824a which displays only the
tantly, the use of an active vaccine containing
Type I antigen) and the flagellin proteins appear
P.J. Brett, D.E. Woods / Acta Tropica 74 (2000) 201 – 210
to be antigenically conserved, we expect the con-
Dance, D.A., Wuthiekanun, V., White, N.J., Chaowagul, W.,
jugate molecule to afford protection against the
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O-antigen moiety of Burkholderia pseudomallei
polysaccharide is required for serum resistance and viru-
lence. Mol. Microbiol. 30, 1011 – 1081.
DeShazer, D., Brett, P.J., Carlyon, R., Woods, D.E., 1997.
This work was supported by the Canadian Bac-
Mutagenesis of Burkholderia pseudomallei with Tn5-
terial Diseases Network of Centers of Excellence.
OT182: isolation of motility mutants and molecular char-
P.J.B. is the recipient of an Alberta Heritage
acterization of the flagellin structural gene. J. Bacteriol. 179, 2116 – 2125.
Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR) Stu-
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