
lIFE ScIEncESQuébec: A partner at every stage An emphasis on quality research, a collaborative mindset and a strategic location are the main secrets to the success of Québec’s life sciences industry. Québec is one of the few places in the world where firms can cover the entire development cycle for drugs and medical devices, from initial research through to marketing. Moving forward, the sector will benefit from the Québec government’s clear, sustained position adapted to the industry’s new business model.
+ 350 companies and 26,400 jobs representing every link in the drug and
+ 43% of canadian R&D spending by innovative pharmaceutical companies.
+ More than 10,000 public and parapublic health sector researchers
+ Over 5,000 graduates per year in biopharmaceutical-related programs.
+ Over 300 health-focused public research groups and 75 active research centres.
Tap into high-quality public and private research.
+ Recognized fields of expertise:
+ Main success factors for the biopharmaceutical and medical supplies sectors:
• critical mass of companies and research facilities working together within a dynamic, efficiently organized network; • large pool of specialized labour with one of the highest per capita university student populations in north America; • robust research infrastructure and significant investments planned for research facilities and major university hospital centres.
+ Egrifta™ is the first and only treatment approved by the u.S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) for the reduction of excess abdominal fat in HIV-associated lipodystrophy. The product, developed by Québec- based Theratechnologies, will be distributed worldwide. + Singulair™ (montelukast sodium) is a significant innovation in the treat-
ment of asthma. It was discovered and developed by scientists at the Merck Frosst centre for Therapeutic Research in Montréal. + The Flulaval® vaccine for seasonal influenza was developed in Québec
+ lamivudine (3Tc®, Epivir®) was developed by a Québec biotech com-
pany. Initially marketed by GSK, lamivudine is an active ingredient in several HIV therapies such as combivir®, Trizivir®, Kivexa® and Epzicom®. lamivudine is currently marketed by ViiV Healthcare.
+ labopharm markets two products developed in Québec and approved
for use in canada and the united States. The first is once-daily Tramadol®, an analgesic designed to treat moderate to severe pain. The second is Oleptro™, a novel formulation of trazodone used in the treatment of major depressive disorder in adults.
+ Medtronic cryocath developed and markets the Arctic Front® catheter,
a safe, effective device for treating cardiac arrhythmia by cryoablation.
+ TSO3 developed STERIZOnE®, a sterilization system for heat- and
The life sciences industry has been at the core of Québec’s emergence
as a creative and innovative economy. not surprisingly, this industry has
also made the best use of the powerful business and financing synergies
that drive this economy. The sector can therefore rely on a clear and firm
commitment from the government in this regard.
The Québec consortium for Drug Discovery (cQDM) is a pre-competi-tive research consortium jointly funded by the Québec government and six prominent pharmaceutical firms (Pfizer, Merck, AstraZeneca, Eli lilly, boehringer Ingelheim and GSK).

Source: http://www.export.gouv.qc.ca/documents/export/Excellence_Quebec_anglais_life-sciences.pdf


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