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P. O. Box 964 Medford, NJ 08055 [email protected]
8th Annual Hope Alive! Benefit Concert February 24 - Success
Abel Civil, Hope Alive! Clinic
Administrator, came up from Haiti and shared a little bit of what’s going on at the clinics and
pharmacy stations. Talented musicians shared their gifts, and as always, everyone was blessed.
Abel filled two large duffel bags of vitamins and Tylenol donated at the concert to take back to
Haiti. 100% of the offering received will be used in Haiti to buy food, medicine, and give the
Gospel. Many thanks to Come Alive! Church and all who made the concert a success.
You probably know talented people, so why not consider asking them to help you host a Hope
Alive! Benefit Concert at your church or facility. Email us at [email protected].
Unlimited Ways You Can Help We are so grateful to people like Nancy S. who has been sewing
new clothing almost every year for about 25 orphans near Tricon Clinic. Bernadette H. had a yard
sale and donated the proceeds to sponsor a mom-tot. Melanie designed our logo. Bella ran an Avon
benefit fundraiser. Joy C. donated proceeds from her demonstration business. Joy also painted
beautiful murals on the walls of the Mariani Clinic. Joan S. will represent Hope Alive! to small
groups in her church in Florida. Theresa M. is knitting teddy bears for tots in the Mom-Tot program.
Nancy D. donated her beanie babies for kids with no toys. Elise donated new baby clothes and lab
supplies. Amy ran a sneaker drive at her church (100’s of pairs). Jolene W. bought children’s shoes
on clearance at WalMart. Beverly H’s photography gift enhances the website and benefit concerts.
Lissy donated photocopying for a newsletter. Steve O. donated a photocopier. Sharon H. convinced
Keri to donate cases of skin lotion. Cornerstone Christian Academy in Colorado took a missionary
offering. Some organizations who ran successful medicine drives: New Beginnings Fellowship,
Prince of Peace Lutheran, Crossroads Assembly Beacons, Provident Presbyterian, Come Alive!
Church, Blue Anchor Methodist, Bethel Baptist School, Erial Community Church Christian School,
Women’s Club of Deerfield Beach. Space doesn’t permit to name all the many precious saints who
have given their talents, gifts, time and love. I’m sorry if we missed yours. God bless you and thank
you all! Please email your creative ideas how you can help Hope Alive! Clinic.
Change 4 Change in Haiti Another great idea is to collect coins. They really add up
Food and Medicine Keep their Hope Alive in Haiti
Please help us collect the following:
Rice or Beans (bags only), cooking oil, powdered milk, baby formula (powder only), multivitamins,
acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), anti-fungal medicine, antibiotic ointment, acid
reducers (i.e. Zantac, Prilosec), cough medicine, eye drops, prescription antibiotics, good sneakers,
and good summer children’s clothing. Medicines cannot expire before Nov. 2007. Please ship or
deliver items to Hope Alive! Clinic, 100 S. Main St., Medford, NJ, 08055, and include a donation for
shipping. We’ll package collected goods, and deliver them from Medford to Philadelphia. It costs
$50 for a small box and $70 for a large box to ship from Philadelphia to Haiti. If you want to donate
something that is not on the above list, please contact us first. Thank you!

God Has Kept Them Safe
We thank God that He continues to protect our staff and mom-tots.
Ma Maison Orphange Pharmacy Station Hope Alive! Clinic board member Catherine Pierre-
Rosia is bringing even more children off the streets to expand the orphanage she started a few years
ago in St. Marc, Haiti. Hope Alive! Clinic is helping provide food and medicine for these orphans.
Aquin Pharmacy Station – New Orphanage Our dear friend and volunteer administrator of
Aquin Pharmacy Station, Lise Laguerre, is now taking in homeless children in Aquin, Haiti. Your
donations help Hope Alive! Clinic provide food and medicine to these orphans.
Bedding Needed for New Orphans Please donate bed sheets (new or good used) (no pillows) for
Ma Maison and Aquin Orphanages. Please deliver or ship in the manner explained under Food and
Medicine on the first page of this newsletter.
Thank You Pharmacy Station Partners Your faithful gift of $10 each month continues to
provide the Gospel, food and medicine, often in areas where none other is available.
Mom-Tot Program at Parent Clinic Would you like to sponsor a child? Within the next few
weeks we will add a Mom-Tot Program at the Parent Clinic like the program presently running at the
Mariani Clinic. Babies in the program range from newborn to three years old (the age children have
the greatest nutritional needs). Enough food will be given to feed their whole family. Free medical
care will be provided for the mother and baby. Mothers will be taught how to care for your
sponsored baby. At 36 months, your sponsored child will graduate so you can give another baby a
chance for survival. Also, several children still need sponsors at the Mariani Clinic.
Thank You Mom-Tot Sponsors Thank you for your support of $25 each month. Please pray that
your baby will grow up to be healthy and strong in body and in the Lord.

Kolmini Building Clinic #4
Construction will begin April 1, 2007.
Laboratories in Mariani and Tricon After a long delay, lab equipment has finally arrived in
Haiti, and will soon be used to diagnose illnesses and increase medical care standards.
Upcoming Trip October 26 to November 2, 2007 you are invited to join us on a trip to
Hope Alive! Clinic in Haiti. Our group will meet in Miami, then fly together to Port-au-Prince.
Then we will fly from Port-au-Prince to Les Cayes, avoiding dangerous areas of Haiti. We’ll stay at
a nice American guesthouse and commute daily to the Tricon Clinic. We have gotten a good
response to this trip already. If you are interested, please contact us for more information.
Hope Alive! Clinic Informational Video on CD Please contact us if you would like a free copy.
In His Precious Love,
Frank and Leslee Jacobs


International Journal of Obesity (2004) 28, S54–S58& 2004 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 0307-0565/04 $30.00Body composition in adolescents: measurements andmetabolic aspectsG Rodrı´guez1*, LA Moreno2, MG Blay3, VA Blay3, JM Garagorri1, A Sarrı´a1 and M Bueno11Department of Pediatrics, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain; 2University School of Health Sciences, Univ


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