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Microsoft word - material safety information - losp azole _azure_ treated wood.doc

H3 LOSP Azole Treated Wood Products

This document is not an MSDS. This information is provided by Arch Wood Protection in good faith for information only to help prepare MSDS or for other purpose. Arch Wood Protection does not manufacture the product described in this document. See comments under Product Source on page 3. IDENTIFICATION

Product Name
Vacsol® Azure treated timber, Tanalised® Azure timber (Tebuconazole / Propiconazole / Permethrin treatment – preservative No. 64 as per AS1604.1) LOSP treatment is used to protect timber from attack by termites, insects and fungal decay. The treated timber is used for exterior building and structural applications in above ground situations. Physical Description /Properties
Appearance & Odour
Sawn, finger jointed or laminated timber products that may have an solventodour (white spirits) fresh after treatment. May have a factory applied paint primer finish (pale blue or beige) or may have natural timber appearance optionally with a coloured dye (green) impregnated during treatment. Typically 450 - 650 kg/m3 depending on timber species and grade. Not applicable (for solvent - LEL 0.8%, UEL 6.0%) Auto-ignition Temperature 265 °C (wood) Volatile content Ingredients
Chemical Name
CAS Number Proportion % w/w
Commercial timbers such as radiata pine, slash pine, hoop pine etc. treated by vacuum/pressure impregnation method in accordance with AS1604 or other relevant standard or code. #Residual solvent (low aromatic white spirits) * Actual levels from piece to piece may vary depending on the application intended and differences in the timber itself.
# The level of residual solvent in the timber will vary considerably depending on the length of time after the treatment and the
drying conditions. Levels of up to 10% by weight may be expected immediately after treatment however this falls to negligible
levels within a few days at ambient conditions once the solvent is allowed to dry.
H3 LOSP Azole Treated Wood Products
Health Effects
Wood fibres may cause abdominal pain, nausea or diarrhoea. Unlikely to be a Dust or vapours from the treated timber may be an irritant. May cause conjunctivitis and dryness. May cause skin irritation. Contact with skin may result in allergic dermatitis. Wood dust may cause breathing difficulties. May irritate the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Inhalation of solvent vapours may cause headache, dizziness, nausea and confusion. The wood dust may cause skin irritation and breathing difficulties. May aggravate asthma, eye infections or affect wearing of contact lenses. Exposure to any air borne wood dust over long periods of time has been associated with the development of nasal cancer. Long term excess exposure to or abuse of solvent vapour may result in adverse health effects such as impairment of brain function and organ damage. Once the treatment is dry, wood working and wood dust are not expected to be routes of overexposure to the active constituent or the solvent providing that appropriate personal protection and hygiene measures are taken. First Aid
Do not induce vomiting. Seek medical attention. Hold eyes open and flush with plenty of water. If irritation or pain persists, seek medical attention. Eye wash, hand wash, bandages and antiseptic.
Advice to Doctor
Treat symptomatically. Regular medical surveillance for skin and systemic effects is recommended for persons handling wet treated timber or who work in the treatment plant. Note: Health effects of exposure to untreated timber (dust/shavings) may be the similar to the dry treated timber. PRECAUTIONS FOR USE
No exposure standards for this product has been set. Exposure limit standards for some of the constituents of this product are as follows: Constituent: mg/m3 TWA Low aromatic white spirits (LAWS) 525 Permethrin 25:75 See below Tebucoonazole / Propiconazole None set Wood dust (hardwoods) 1.0 Wood dust (softwoods) 5.0 Note: An exposure standard for permethrin has not been set. However, an exposure standard (TWA) of 5mg/m3 has been allocated for pyrethrum (or pyrethrins). Engineering Controls Mechanical (general) ventilation is recommended if working in enclosed MATERIAL SAFETY INFORMATION
H3 LOSP Azole Treated Wood Products
For normal work on dry treated wood a dust mask and goggles should be worn as protection from wood dust when machining or sawing. Soft leather or cotton gloves are recommended to be worn to protect against splinters and cuts. Use good hygiene practices such as washing hands after handling timber and before eating, drinking and smoking. When working with timber wet immediately after treatment (before drying), wear PVC or rubber gloves, an impervious work apron and work shoes. Where possible avoid working with freshly treated wood. Provide adequate ventilation to keep solvent vapours below exposure limits. Wash hands and arms before eating, drinking, smoking or using the toilet and at the end of the day. Launder work clothes separately from the household laundry. Use of a barrier cream to hands and arms may help alleviate skin dryness or sensitivity when working with the freshly treated wood. Some individuals may experience some sensitisation or skin irritation from contact with the freshly treated wood. The treatment solution itself may be irritating to the eyes and skin. Inhalation of solvent vapours irritate the respiratory tract and may cause headache, drowsiness and dizziness.
Storage and Transport Non-hazardous once timber is dried and chemical components are fixed.
Treated timber should be held on the treatment plant premises for a sufficient period (at least two to four days) to ensure surface dryness and fixation of the preservative. Storage areas should be well ventilated while the timber is drying after treatment. Tests have shown that LOSP treated timber is not significantly more flammable than untreated timber after the solvent has evaporated. Avoid handling or sawing freshly treated timber. No special clean up procedure required. LOSP treated wood waste is not a hazardous material. Dispose of treated wood waste in a normal landfill tip in accordance with local and state regulations. Do not use as cooking, BBQ or home heating fuel. Burning the wood waste may be done in industrial incinerators in accordance with local regulations. Avoid breathing the combustion fumes and bury any ash in approved landfill in accordance with local and state regulations. Fire/Explosion Hazard LOSP treatment does not significantly contribute to increased flammability or energy release from the wood once dry after treatment. During combustion treated wood may emit smoke and toxic fumes. Wood dusts may form explosive mixtures with air. Full protective clothing and self-contained breathing apparatus should be worn for fire fighting. Extinguish fire with water, fog, foam, carbon dioxide or dry chemical. Disposed of ash and burnt waste in approved landfill in accordance with local and state regulations. OTHER INFORMATION
Treated wood products are supplied by many independent producers
throughout Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere. This information is
provided in good faith for the users of treated wood products that
incorporate LOSP azole preservative chemical (Vacsol Azure) from
Arch Wood Protection. Your supplier should confirm that the wood
products supplied are appropriately described under this document. If
in doubt your supplier should provide their own MSDS

H3 LOSP Azole Treated Wood Products
The preservative is toxic to fish and wildlife but the treated timber is not considered to be a hazard as the preservative becomes fixed onto the timber. However timber treated with the preservative should not be used in situations where leaching is enhanced such as in ground or permanent water contact or in applications such as bee hives. Animal Toxicity Data Animal toxicity data is not available for the product. Toxicity data for some of the constituents are as follows: Permethrin LD50 oral, male rat - 1479 mg/kg LD50 dermal, male rabbit > 5000mg/kg LC50 (4 day) by inhalation (aerosol), rat >20 mg/m3 Chromosome aberration test in vivo - negative Ames test - negative Propiconazole Oral LD50 (rat) - 1517 mg/kg Dermal LD50 (rat) > 4000 mg/kg Tebuconazole Oral LD50 (rat - female) 1700 mg/kg Dermal LD50 (rat) > 5000 mg/kg Solvent (based on testing of similar products) - Oral Toxicity, rat = slightly toxic Dermal Toxicity, rabbit = slightly toxic Genetic Toxicity, negative Reproductive Toxicity, rat = negative (up to 400 ppm). Ecotoxicity data for permethrin 25:75: LC50 (96 hour), rainbow trout - 9 g/L LC50 (96 hour), catfish - 1 g/L LC50 (96 hour), mosquito fish - 15 g/L LC50, largemouth bass - 8.5 g/L Propiconazole, tebuconazole and permethrin are toxic to fish and aquatic life. Permethrin is toxic to bees. Vacsol and Tanalised are registered trade names of Arch Wood Protection
Technical Manager: +61 (07) 3888 2853


G:\md - intellectual property\abbott ii (declaratory judgment).wpd

UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS EASTERN DIVISION TEVA PHARMACEUTICALS USA, INC. Plaintiff, No. 04 C 2436 Judge Joan H. Lefkow ABBOTT LABORATORIES Defendant. MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER Plaintiff, Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. (“Teva”), filed this action seeking adeclaratory judgment that United States Patent Nos. 5,844,105 (�

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