Pharmacie française en ligne: Acheter des antibiotiques sans ordonnance en ligne prix bas et Livraison rapide.

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Maximum particle refinement is of the utmost importance to your products. It provides optimal
efficiency, preservability and physical appearance. These characteristics are readily archived with the
Collovelox high speed homogenizing colloïdal mill.
Efficiency: The Collovelox effects particle reduction through high pressure, utilizing hydraulic and
mechanical cutting, centrifugal impact, compression and friction to achieve desired effects.
These forces, coupled with extreme turbulences created in the pulverizing chamber, generate
cavitations which fall within the ultrasonic range.
Material being processed is impelled through the carrier blades of the rotor into the pulverizing
chamber, and is subjected to initial treatment in the rough pulverizing chamber.
The geared rotor and stationary stator, which provide an unusually large surface area among these
types of mills, then act to cut, while creating both friction and centrifugal impact, an effect which is
critical to the gentle handling of your products.
With a variable gap adjustment between rotor and stator, particle sizes < 1 µm are possible.
Adjustment of the gap can be accomplished while the machine is in use, without dismantling any part
of the Collovelox.
The new improved and special designed wide opening at the inlet to the rotor and stator of the
Collovelox colloïdal mills, don’t allow any product jam. An uniform particles reduction will be reached
during the product is passing the rotor and stator, by the continuous higher centrifugal impacts and
frictions. The pumping wheel, fixed to the rotor of the Collovelox colloïdal mill is responsible for the
feeding of the product. This is the reason for a very effective homogenizing and milling work of the
Collovelox colloïdal mill without using additional energy consumption.
The gap ranges for the smaller models (Proto/Micro) can be adjusted infinitely between 0 and 4.5
mm / 0 and 7.5 mm, and for the larger models between 0 and 25 mm.
Liquid and semi-liquid products can be pumped automatically through a by-pass into the hopper for
additional reprocessing through the mill by the corresponding position of the two-way valve. For
paste-like products, a special outlet is provided for the models with circulation pipe and hopper, which
may be readily installed.
Working principle: The special advantage of this Collovelox colloïdal mill is that it may be used as
an in-line machine, i.e. the Collovelox colloïdal mill may be employed for the continuous work in a
production line, or may be used with a hopper and a circulation pipe.
Models : Vertical executions with hopper and circulation pipe, speeds from 3'000 - 5'500 min-1, in-
line models, speeds from 1'500 - 3'000 min-1. The standard model is fabricated such that all parts in
contact are of AISI 316 L stainless steel and with double mechanical seals for the shaft and
integrated liquid barrier system. All Collovelox colloïdal mill models are sterilizable by floating steam.
The Collovelox colloïdal mills can also be delivered with hardened rotor and stator (degree of
hardness, 2'400 Vickers) for highly solid and abrasive products.
The special construction of the double mechanical seals don’t allow any contamination of the product.
It will flow into the liquid barrier system if the seals will leak!
Cleaning: The colloidal mill Collovelox is CIP-conform and is cleaned in-line by pumping over a
suitable solvent (alkaline or acidic), soap solution, hot water etc., with the help of the mechanical
force, as previously explained under „efficiency“. For inspection, the Collovelox colloidal mill can be
quickly and easily dismounted without any tools and will be emptied over a drain valve at the deepest
point of the product chamber, which is plane to the inner surface.
Space: The Collovelox colloidal mill requires little space and can be delivered for stationary or
mobile use. It is especially built for quiet and vibration free operation.


Pharmaceutical products: All kind of emulsions and ointments for the skin, zinc pastes, paraffin-oil-
emulsions, liniments, penicillin ointments and penicillin dispersions in oil, mixtures, syrups (cold
suspended), tooth pastes, solutions, finest milling and suspending of organic and animal weft in li-
quids, for the production of serum, ointment bases, cortisone, magnesium milk, mud products,
vitamines, filling agents etc.
Cosmetic products: Day and night creams, hand-, sun protection-, shaving-, peeling creams,
cleaning creams, lotions, shampoo, lip sticks and mascara, gels, hair colours, nail polish etc.
Paint and lacquer production: Dispersion colour, colours on caoutchouc base, casein colour, water
colours, filling agents, iron oxides, lead oxides, designer colours, binders, clear lacquers,
homogenizing and milling of oil colours, nitro cellulose, caoutchouc arabicum, ceramic colours,
leather colours etc.
Chemical-technical products: Shoe and floor cleaning products, building protection products,
furniture polish, silver and window cleaning products, car polish, pesticides, emulsions made from
mineral oils, animal and organic raw materials, emulsions from latex, sel milling, adhesives etc.
Soap production: Homogenizing of soaps and synthetic detergents.
Plastic production: Dispersions of resins, buna, polyvinyl acetat, silicon emulsions, titan dioxide
dispersions, filling agents etc.
Textile industry: Printing ink, impregnating agents etc.
Paper industry: Pigment dispersions, paper adhesives, carbon mixtures, paper colors, lacquer,
paraffine resin and linseed oil emulsions etc.
Food industry: Homogenizing of ice creams, cream in milk, production of milk cream out of milk
powder, production of baby food, infant milk, production of mayonnaise, ketchup, salade dressings,
sauces, choco drinks, egg cognac, liqueurs, cold suspended syrups, homogenizing of mead, cutting
and milling of fibres, homogenizing of chocolates, cheese, quark, suspension of salt, emulsifying of
milk and organic fats etc.

Additional applications in the caoutchouc-, ink-, imitation leather-, asphalt-, bitumen-, mineral pitch-,
oil-, butter-, nutrient fat and lubricating grease industries.
General: With a Collovelox colloïdal mill it is possible to manufacture products air-free. With this
kind of machine the production process can be accomplished quickly and easily. Most products are
improved using a Collovelox colloïdal mill, due to the colloïdal and high dispersion action in the
ultrasonic range.
By using a Collovelox colloïdal mill in your production, homogeneous quality control of your product
is guaranteed!
Not every mill is a colloïdal mill. Please advise us of your problems. We would like to help you.


Manual of patent practice

LICENCES OF RIGHT AND COMPULSORY LICENCES Section 46: Patentee's application for entry in register that licences are available as of right This section provides for the making of an entry in the register that licences under a patent are available as of right, thereby reducing subsequent renewal fees by half. Such entries in the register under s.46 may be made at the request of the propri


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