Microsoft powerpoint - presentatie_tap_inputlog_iris_isabelle.pptx

“[…] the appropriateness or ‘goodness’ of a method dependson the research aims, and the choice is always a compromisebetween a number of factors, including validity, reliability, and the availability of subjects and resources” Susanne Göpferich & Riitta Jäaskeläinen (2009, 171) artesis 2011 | 2
• Impact of translation revision procedures on revision product and process • 4 comparable texts revised each time with a different procedure Goal: to compensate methods’ individual shortcomings • Product: all amendments in the final version• Process: • Duration: TAP (+ Inputlog)• Error detection potential: TAP + Inputlog Data collection
Data analysis
• Additional research questions on process: • Differences between successful and less successful revisers as to research artesis 2011 | 3
artesis 2011| 4
Example of TAP transcription: focus on duration Example of TAP transcription: focus on duration brush piles ok pourquoi y prend plus ça… oups… qualité j'avais 00:28:30
brush piles ok pourquoi y prend plus ça… oups… qualité j'avais Retranscription
alors ronfle tourne et vibre alors zoemen je vais quand même vérifier parce que… je connais pas spécialement ce terme … c'est 00:10:26
bien ça bon ben alors oui ronfle [pft] une brosse à dents qui ronfle ça fait bizarre At the time of the experience: Inputlog version with no possibility to start je vais regarder si je trouve pas un synonyme with a written text  copy-paste  Inputlog recording started earlier than une brosse à dents électrique sans doute artesis 2011 | 5
artesis 2011 | 6
Added value triangulation: TAP + Inputlog "de réputation mondiale" - Google zoeken - • Verbalisations of research strategies: • 615 item with no changes at all and no detection • Search strategies: used for 186 items at least detected • 38 sources: unambiguously verbalised + confirmation Inputlog (18%) • 75 sources: researcher intuition confirmed by Inputlog (36%) • 96 sources: identified thanks to Inputlog (46%) •  Inputlog necessary in 82% of the cases  E40 bruxelles la côte - Google zoeken - artesis 2011 | 7
artesis 2011 | 8
• Identification by Inputlog (R7T2PDI16): Pilot study about transediting in students’ translation processes:(4 participants, translation of American PIL into Dutch in compliance with EMEA- norm) 00:45:37 je sais pas si c'est une expression 1: What is the time spent on the different phases in which the translation processes of the participants are divided? 2: How are the participants’ translation processes segmented? INPUTLOG 3: Do the participants use transediting in their translation processes? And if so, (a) Which transediting strategies can be observed? TAP (INPUTLOG) (b) In what phase of the translation process are transediting strategies used? artesis 2011 | 9
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Pros and contras triangulation TAP + Inputlog • Rich sources of (primary or additional) Robert, I. S. (2008). Translation revision procedures: An explorative study. Paper presented at the Translation and Its Others. Selected Papers of the CETRA Research Seminar in Translation Studies 2007, Leuven, Belgium. ( Schrijver, I., Van Vaerenbergh, L., & Van Waes, L. (forthcoming). Transediting: an exploratory study of ST manipulation in students’ translation processes. Hermes. Arhus: Schrijver, I., Van Vaerenbergh, L. & Van Waes, L. (2011). Transediting in students’ • Unknown activities -> video recording translation processes. Artesis VT Working Papers, artesis 2011 | 13
artesis 2011 | 14



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