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Spotlight 10-04.indd

This publication is a report of current activities and information from the ISM national
Special-Interest Groups and Forums and is provided to the ISM membership.
Association Management Forum
Corporation in Norcross, Georgia, as director of materials and also serves on the board of directors for APICS in The Association Management Forum (AMF) has devel- oped a new Web site, which can be access through the Gary Staab, C.P.M., is the chair-elect and has over ISM Groups and Forums area of the ISM Web site or 20 years of experience in purchasing and supply chain directly at We management. His career has spanned a diverse range of will post upcoming events, a selection of speakers with industries including agricultural equipment, iron foundry, topics, a job seekers listing and other valuable tools to steel fabrications and custom-engineered material han- dling equipment. In addition to the traditional procure- The AMF seeks to expand the knowledge and skills of ment roles, he has served as safety director, government affiliate officers. Through the support and training of compliance manager and in a variety of manufacturing affiliate managers, AMF members seek to augment and engineering functions. Presently, Gary is president of develop leadership within the various affiliates. AMF also NAPM—Milwaukee, Inc., one of the largest affiliates in pursues new methods and technology in providing ser- ISM. In Milwaukee, he has served on the board of direc- vices for its respective affiliate members.
tors, chaired the Professional Development Committee, served as secretary/treasurer and held many other com- (a) To provide, through one body, for members of ISM mittee positions. Gary was selected to serve on the first having responsibility and/or interest for the supply ISM Affiliate Support Council created in 2001 and has management of coordinating and directing admin- been a regular and active participant in ISM’s Affiliate istrative functions, the opportunity to discuss and exchange information and knowledge on a coopera- Kathleen Perna is our support person who is currently the executive director of NAPM—New Jersey, Inc. She (b) To study, evaluate and impart knowledge supply is the chair emeritus of the Association Management management knowledge or problems and administra- Forum, a current member of the Groups and Forum Sup- tive responsibilities peculiar to the secretaries, execu- port Council and serves on the ISM Leadership Training tive secretaries and executive directors.
(c) To promote local and national programs that will If you would like to participate on the Executive Com- aid in the education and development of the AMF mittee or need additional information, please contact David Van Valkenburgh, chair, at 678/624-7768 or by e-mail at [email protected]. (d) To assist in the preparation of reports, studies or statistics of general interest and value to all ISM Submitted by David Van Valkenburgh, A.P.P.,
(e) To work in conjunction with the ISM Continuing Education Program to encourage and assist in the professional development of its members.
Federal Acquisition and Subcontract
(f) To strive by all legitimate means to advance the Management Group
supply management field in its specific business activities.
The Federal Acquisition & Subcontract Management (g) To foster and promote ethical and professional Group (FASMG) serves to facilitate the networking of those ISM members involved in supply management related to government agencies. Membership in FASMG is (h) To engage in any other activity which may be autho- free and is one of the benefits of your membership in ISM. rized either by ISM policies or the ISM Bylaws, which All you need to do is sign up — click the “join us” button is consistent with and in direct furtherance of the foregoing objectives of the AMF. To comply at all times with all existing laws, including antitrust laws, What will you get for your FREE membership? in accordance with the ISM Bylaws and Policies.
• Membership in one of the fastest-growing ISM Groups.
Meet the Executive Committee:
• Membership in the FASMG Group whose diverse membership base is actively involved at various stages The Forum chair is David Van Valkenburgh, A.P.P., who including the prime and subcontract levels of con- has over 20 years’ experience in the manufacturing and tracting for goods, software and/or services for ultimate production industry. He has worked as a design engineer, use by federal, state or local governments. Members are manufacturing manager and operations manager. David involved in domestic materials as well as in the inter- is currently employed at Micromeritics Instrumentation national markets including those governed by various ISM Spotlight on Groups and Forums 1 federal governmental regulations (e.g., FAR and DFARS). Hospitality Supply Management Forum
We also consider the “commercial terms and conditions and processes” which sometimes find their “genesis” in The Annual Spring Meeting held May 19-21, 2004, commercial item acquisition by the federal government.
at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago was a great suc- • A free subscription to “Regulatory Updates” — an award- cess with more than 200 attendees, sponsors and media winning Internet-distributed newsletter providing a con- on hand. HSM attendees were treated to many dynamic cise overview of significant and current developments at speakers and networking opportunities, including fine the federal contracting/regulatory level, on those topics dining at the Art Institute of Chicago and a field trip to important to FASMG members. Current and past issues are posted to the FASMG Web site and can be delivered The upcoming fall conference looks as if it will be another great success. HSM’s fall conference is scheduled • A free subscription “ADR Tips” — a summary of Alterna- for October 14-16, 2004, to be held at the Hyatt Regency tive Dispute Resolution (ADR) cases, analyses, opportu- Orange County in Anaheim, California. The program nities, etc., to assist members in drafting better dispute schedule is packed with thought-provoking speakers, resolution clauses and understanding how to resolve workshops and networking opportunities, including an • FASMG posts articles of general interest on our Web The fall conference coincides with PMA’s Fresh Summit International Convention and Exposition, October 17-19, 2004. A “custom” Fresh Produce Academy designed for • FASMG hosts workshops and conferences in various HSM’s attendees will be available as an optional program. convenient locations in the United States for ISM affil- This program is made available from the Produce Mar- keting Association and is not part of the HSM conference • FASMG is developing a Speakers Roster as an adjunct registration fee. Visit for pro- • As the FASMG Web site develops, there will be a forum For additional information on the Hospitality Supply to pose questions and get answers from others involved Management Forum or the conferences, please visit the Web site:
• Networking will be made available at future ISM Inter- Submitted by Dan Crimmins,
• FASMG will continue to sponsor workshops of interest at each International Supply Management Conference — five programs in Philadelphia this year! • An electronic FASMG membership directory is planned Logistics and Transportation Group
The Logistics and Transportation Group’s mission is to provide, for its membership, networking opportuni- • Quarterly conference calls to discuss presentations and ties, educational programs and a forum for professional particular regulatory issues of general interest.
interaction in the fields of logistics and transportation • Coordinating with other professional organizations to for acquisition, contracting, purchasing, procurement obtain speakers to participate in affiliate workshops.
• Creating an FASMG newsletter that will be distributed In addition, we strive to become the leader within ISM for the development and education of acquisition, con- • Adding an area to the Web page to allow members to tracting, purchasing, procurement and supply management note and investigate special problems and challenges professionals in logistics and transportation subject-matter You receive all this and more for simply signing up! The Group will lead a presentation at the 2005 ISM The information and ability to contact your peers is price- Annual Supply Management Conference to be held May 8-11 in San Antonio. We are also actively pursuing joint presentation programs with local ISM affiliates and inde- Contacts:
pendent groups within the logistics and transportation Any person who is a member in good standing of ISM is eligible for to join the Logistics and Transportation Group. Our Group does not charge for membership. You may join online in the Members Only section of the ISM Web site or contact Melanie DePalma at 800/888-6276, extension 3062. Her e-mail address is [email protected].
Should you have questions about our Group, please feel free to contact Gregory Bunn, Group chair at Submitted by Charles Rumbaugh,
812/290-3344 or [email protected].
Submitted by Gregory Bunn,
Group Chair

2 ISM Spotlight on Groups and Forums Maintenance, Repairs and Operations Group
[email protected]. Don’t forget our new Web site,
We are in the process of changing our name! The MRO Group is becoming the Indirect-MRO Buyers Group, Submitted by Joel L. Thomas,
since more and more companies are broadening the MRO responsibility to include all indirect materials. In addition to MRO, the indirect spend responsibility often includes, capital equipment, energy and utilities, printing, office Materials Management Group
products, travel, logistics and more! The new Web site should be up and running by the time you read this. Come The Materials Management Group (MMG) promotes look — just go to
professional development, best practices and networking The Seventh Annual Indirect-MRO Conference is over opportunities in our broad profession. Our field encom- and was the best attended since we first started the annual passes all aspects of purchasing, production planning, event. About 150 professionals attended the conference inventory management, warehousing, traffic, transporta- and workshops at the JW Marriott in Las Vegas on August tion and other related activities. We are continuing to 30-September 2, 2004. This is the MRO Group’s high- revitalize the MMG and invite you to participate with us. light event of the year, bringing together knowledgeable We are in the process of establishing closer ties with ISM speakers and the best case studies and emerging indirect affiliates and increasing MMG enrollment. Our Web site material/MRO topics we can find. The speakers provided is Visit our Web site and send us your just the right mix of academic input and practical how- materials-related questions or issues for commentary. We to case studies. The attendees, representing more than have a panel of materials-management experts standing 90 companies, made for great networking and experience by to take your queries. We urge interested ISM members to enroll in the MMG through the ISM Web site at www. We want to hear from ISM members who would Maybe you can attend our Eighth Annual Conference! like to help represent the MMG in their area or partici- Plans for the 2005 Eighth Annual Indirect-MRO Group pate in planning at the national level. We need more vol- Conference and Workshops are underway. Don’t miss the unteers and more ideas on how we can add value for our next one (fall 2005 — probably Seattle or San Diego — as members and profession. We are open to co-sponsoring soon as we know more, we will put the information on The MMG newsletter features articles by leading pur- International Conference and Local Events
chasing and materials professionals. Our editorial staff The MRO Group sponsored five session workshops at welcomes your articles. Contact us with your materials- the ISM International Supply Management Conference in related problems and questions. Also contact us to be Philadelphia in late April. Planning is underway for the added to the newsletter distribution list or for general 2005 event in San Antonio and the Indirect-MRO Group will host a small reception for our members at one of the The MMG will sponsor several presenters at the 90th hotels. As the Conference grows closer, please visit our Annual International Supply Management Conference Web site,, for more details.
and Educational Exhibit in San Antonio from May 8 The MRO Group is also beginning the planning process through May 11, 2005. We will then sponsor a post- for presenting regional-based special events again, after Conference seminar in San Antonio on May 12-13: Mate- a short national economy delay. If your affiliate is large rials Management: Creating a Seamless Process. We are also enough and has an interest in working closely with us to planning an MMG Conference in Las Vegas for July 2005. promote a local area-wide conference and workshop event, We are moving toward closer cooperation with other please get in touch (e-mail: [email protected]). groups. Look for more co-sponsored events in the future. These conferences and workshops serve as a very good fund-raiser for your affiliate and as a great educational Submitted by Fred Lutz, C.P.M., CIRM,
and professional development event for the membership. Organization
Evaluation of the Indirect-MRO Group’s organizational Minority and Women’s Business Development
structure continues. This effort is especially timely with the new name change and an anticipated growth in mem-bership. We have operated for a number of years under a Mission Statement: The mission of the ISM Minority
Steering Committee organizational mode. This has been and Women’s Business Development Group (MWBDG) a very successful formula for growth and establishing a is to educate, motivate and provide leadership to ISM base for continued growth. Last year, an effort to evolve members in support of minority and women’s business to a more standardized organization began with the intent of providing for maintenance of current programs Pre-Conference Seminar: The Education Committee
and development for the future. To this end, the Steering has scheduled a special pre-Conference seminar on Sat- Committee continues to work toward development and urday, May 7, 2005, prior to the ISM Annual Interna- approval of a set of rules of management, along with suc- tional Supply Management Conference in San Antonio. cession planning, etc. This will, hopefully, provide for Developed especially for sourcing professionals who are continued service to our membership.
interested in a strategic approach to integrating supplier For any of the areas of service to our member- diversity into their company’s supply chain process, the ship, please send me your thoughts and suggestions at session will cover setting up a minority and women’s ISM Spotlight on Groups and Forums 3 supplier program that contributes to corporate objectives, Also during the 2005 ISM Annual International Supply as well as internal strategies that improve and support Management Conference, the SPPG will hold its annual membership meeting at which time the 2005-07 term Annual Meeting Workshops: The MWBDG will also
slate of officers will be voted on. Current Executive Com- sponsor several sessions on supplier diversity. A complete mittee officers are: Chair, Marty Rutkovitz; 1st Vice-Chair, list with times and dates will be published in the Con- Maureen Donnelly, C.P.M.; 2nd Vice-Chair, Les Long, C.P.M., A.P.P.; Secretary/Treasurer, Sandra Kinsey, C.P.M. Annual Meeting and Networking Reception: The
Please visit our Web site at for Annual Meeting of the MWBDG is scheduled for Sunday information regarding these and other SPPG activities.
evening, May 8, during the Annual Conference, which Submitted by Marty Rutkovitz,
will be followed by the annual Networking Reception. The reception provides the opportunity for Conference attendees to chat with Group members and guests about supplier diversity and to meet the MacDonald Award recipient. New Board Members: Four new members will be joining
Southwest Supply Chain Forum
the Group’s board of directors. They are: Tim Hanger, Sun A diverse group of purchasing and supply professionals Trust Bank; Steve Sims, NMSDC; Gwendolyn Turner, Pfizer; from many industries, with a wide variety of experi- and Valerie Nesbitt, Delta Air Lines.
ences and a depth of knowledge that covers the five state Strategic Planning: The MWBDG board of directors
areas of Kansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and will conduct its annual strategic planning session at ISM Texas, make up the membership of the Southwest Supply Headquarters in Tempe, Arizona, in February 2005. The Chain Forum. Our mission is to provide the highest session enables the board to integrate its mission fulfill- level of educational development opportunities to every ment with ISM guidelines and policies, as well as plan purchasing and supply management professional affili- educational programs and prepare budgets accordingly. ated with ISM within this five-state area and beyond. Speakers Available: ISM affiliates and other Groups and
Working with this Forum provides each of us with the Forums should keep in mind that most MWBDG board opportunity to broaden our own growth and experience, members are available to speak on issues revolving around help others in our profession and become friends with supplier diversity strategies — in particular, minority and women’s business development. The board is made up of The SWSC Forum provides value to our membership representatives from various industries, major corpora- with two major programs, the Southwest Purchasing Con- tions, educational institutions and the media. ference and the Excellence in Innovative Supply Manage-ment award.
Submitted by Ginger Conrad,
Group Secretary

Excellence in Innovative Supply Management (EISM)
This award made its debut in October 2003. Five out- standing companies received recognition at the South- Southeastern Professional Procurement Group
west Purchasing Conference in Dallas. In October 2004, five more companies will be honored in Oklahoma City. The Southeastern Professional Procurement Group This award recognizes and rewards innovation and orga- (SPPG) is dedicated to facilitating and encouraging the nizational excellence in the purchasing and supply man- free interchange of ideas and knowledge that are specific agement field. The EISM provides value not only to its to interests, industries and commodities within the geo- members but to the companies they work for. Achieve- graphical area of the Southeastern United States. ment of the EISM showcases the company’s innovative The purpose and mission of the Southeastern Profes- best practices and promotes the purchasing/supply man- sional Procurement Group (SPPG) is to provide an educa- agement department within the company and to the sup- tional and networking structure/forum for purchasing and pliers. All companies are eligible to apply for the award. supply management professionals. Membership is open to For details, visit our Web site at
any member of ISM within the geographical area.
Southwest Purchasing Conference (SWPC)
Sponsoring quality educational purchasing topics at The 58th Annual Southwest Purchasing Conference will the Annual ISM International Supply Management Con- be in Oklahoma City. October 14-15, 2004. We are pre- ference is one of the avenues SPPG uses to service its dicting another valuable and successful conference. This members. At the 89th Annual International Supply Man- conference is a superior educational opportunity, offering agement Conference in Philadelphia this year, members a lot of value for the cost. We are looking forward to the attended a greatly received session, “Negotiating After 59th SWPC in Galveston, Texas and the 60th annual Deadlock: Moving From Confrontation to Collaboration, conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico and hope you will be joining us for all three conferences. You do not Next year at ISM’s 90th Annual International Supply have to be a member of this Forum to enjoy educational Management Conference in San Antonio, SPPG will be programs, networking with colleges, the supplier exposi- sponsoring a number of workshop sessions, dedicated tion, golf tournament or any of the other offerings at our to bringing key topics and relative information to the attendees. SPPG will also be partnering with an affiliate We seek to expand the knowledge, skills and profes- within the SPPG region presenting a regional educational sionalism of our membership and any interested pur- chasing/supply professional through these two programs. 4 ISM Spotlight on Groups and Forums Come join us. For more information, call or e-mail me Utility Purchasing Management
at 972/205-2425 or [email protected] or visit our Group Forum
The Utility Purchasing Management Group Forum Submitted by Carol Cooper, C.P.M.,
(UPMG) hosted its 73rd annual conference September 26- 28 in Chicago. The conference was well attended, setting a record with nearly 500 in attendance.
As usual, attendees lived up to the UPMG motto of Women in Leadership Group
“Forging Strategic Relationships Since 1924.” Utilities and their suppliers learned from one another about best prac- Established in August 2000, the Women in Leader- tices, new technology and future directions. This informal ship Group exists to provide an opportunity to educate discourse was a great supplement to the formal program, members and companies on how to better develop and which covered similar topics and included motivational advance women within the supply management profes- and humorous presentations as well. Spouses and guests sion. The focus will be on strengthening leadership skills, thoroughly enjoyed the program and camaraderie, too.
learning how to network effectively and mentoring. We UPMG has always had a following of nearly all sig- will provide ideas on how to better leverage and integrate nificant electric investor owned utilities and has been diversity within the workforce to gain greater value for working hard to attract more public power, municipal, our businesses. Group membership is open to all ISM co-op and even non-U.S. utilities. Each year we see more members and we encourage participation by men and interest from these. If you represent one of these, a gas women equally to enhance our learning process. utility or an investor owned and haven’t yet attended The Women in Leadership Group would like to thank one of these extremely cost-effective conferences, please our members for participating in our recent election of check the Web site ( for details of how to officers. The newly elected officers are: participate. This Forum affords you an excellent opportu- nity to learn from practitioners, identify new sources and products, and renew existing relationships with peers and This year’s theme was “Harnessing the Winds of Change.” Formal presentations were made on: • Improving Personal Performance (“Stuff Happens and Jo Anne Zingo-Hargis, Secretary/Treasurer • Crisis Management (security in this world of turmoil) • Outsourcing at BC [British Columbia] Hydro We are now in the planning stages for the upcoming • Strategic Sourcing … Template for Success year. At this time, we are soliciting ideas from members • Performance Benchmarking = Strategic Success regarding activities that would be useful to Group mem- • Supply Chain Effectiveness — Charting the Score bers. Please submit your ideas to Lori Sisk, Group Chair, at [email protected] or Melanie DePalma, ISM Affil- • Successful Service Contract Management Submitted by Lori Sisk, C.P.M., A.P.P.,
The first optional extra half-day benchmarking meeting was held following the main conference. Data collected from utilities earlier in the year were compared and discussed.
If you are in supply chain management, please feel welcome to join us and consider bringing someone else from your organization representing a key relation.
The next UPMG conference will be held in Los Angeles, October 2-4, 2005. Be watching our Web site at for conference details and registration information.
Submitted by Philip Arbuckle,
Forum Conference Manager

ISM Spotlight on Groups and Forums 5 GROUP AND FORUM CHAIRS
Southwest Supply Chain
Minority and Women’s
Association Management
Business Development
Federal Acquisition and
Subcontract Management
E-Mail: [email protected] Steel Buyers Forum
Northeast Supply
Hospitality Supply
Management Group
Management Forum
Global Group
Utility Purchasing Manage-
ment Group Forum
New York/New Jersey Forum
Services Group
Logistics and Transportation Peter O’Reilly, C.P.M., A.P.P.,
Petroleum Industries
Buyers Forum
Southeastern Professional
Procurement Group
Maintenance, Repairs and
Chemical Group
Operations Group
Pharmaceutical Forum
Women in Leadership Group
Materials Management Group Phone: 586/764-3139
Eastern Purchasing and
Supply Management Group
Rail Industry Forum
Kansas City Southern Railway Phone: 410/677-4571 Medical Industry Group
Electronic Commerce Group
For a complete listing of Group and Forum officers, visit the ISM Home Page (; move cursor to
Members Only; on foldout menu, select Association Governance — you’ll need your ISM ID number —
click on National Officers Directory, scroll down to Groups or Forums.
To access an ISM
To access the
Group or Forum Web site:
Discussion Forums:
1. Go to
1. Go to
2. Move cursor to Members Only
2. Move cursor to Members Only
On foldout menu, select Affiliates,
3. On foldout menu, select Discussion Forum
Groups & Forums
Scroll down and choose the Discussion of your
4. Select Affiliate/Group/Forum Web Sites
5. Select ISM Group and Forum Web Sites
Then select the Group or Forum of
your choice
Consider the benefits of belonging to one of ISM’s Special-Interest Groups or Forums. Complete the attached
form and return it to ISM. You will be added to the membership roster of the Group or Forum
indicated on your enrollment form.
6 ISM Spotlight on Groups and Forums About ISM’s Special-Interest Groups and Forums
Minority and Women’s Business
Petroleum Industries Buyers Forum
Development Group
ship is open to all ISM Regular members.
Pharmaceutical Forum
programs providing business opportunities Chemical Group
for minority- and women-owned firms.
bility for purchasing within the research- chemicals, drugs, pharmaceuticals and allied Northeast Supply
Management Group
Rail Industry Forum
Eastern Purchasing and Supply
interest in the interchange of ideas and Management Group
knowledge that are specific to industries profession in the following areas, including Southwest Supply Chain Forum
but not limited to Pennsylvania, Maryland, Services Group
Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina, South Promotes a focus on providing “best prac- Carolina and the District of Columbia.
are either in service industries or who buy Electronic Commerce Group
highest level of educational development in all types of purchasing on the Internet.
Southeastern Professional
Procurement Group
Federal Acquisition and Subcontract
Management Group
in the interchange of ideas and knowledge Steel Buyers Forum
work with the steel industry, steel buyers and local steel buyers’ groups to promote a better understanding of the steel buying Women in Leadership Group
Global Group
Utility Purchasing Management
responsibility for the purchasing of global Group Forum
Officers, managers and employees of gas and electric utilities who are directly Logistics and Transportation Forum
United States who have responsibility for buying transportation or logistics services.
come together for the sole purpose of exchanging information and ideas about purchasing in that specific sector. Forum Maintenance, Repairs and
membership is limited.
If you are interested in
Operations (MRO) Group
Purchasers and others involved in the pro-curement of indirect materials and MRO Association Management Forum
volunteering for a leadership
supplies versus the raw materials directly involved, either as employees or volunteers, with the management of their affiliate.
position in an ISM Group
Materials Management Group
Hospitality Supply
or Forum, please contact
Management Forum
the corporate structure through training, Supply management professionals, including education and professional promotion.
Melanie DePalma at 800/
Medical Industry Group
888-6276, extension 3062,
New York/New Jersey Forum
or via e-mail
facturers and distributors of healthcare at [email protected].
ISM Spotlight on Groups and Forums 7 ISM National Group/Forum Enrollment Form
Groups and Forums offer their members the opportunity to promote the interchange of ideas
and discussion of mutual challenges in their special area of interest.
To become a member of a national Group or Forum, “X” the one that best represents your industry.
ISM Groups are composed of members with common interests for education and networking in various topics. Group membership is open to all ISM Regular and Direct members.
❑ Southeastern Professional Procurement ISM Forums are composed of members who purchase in a specific sector, and come together for the sole purpose of exchanging infor- mation and ideas about purchasing in that specific sector. Forum membership is limited.
After submitting this form, your name will be added to the appropriate Group/Forum membership roster.
Your ISM ID Number:___________________________________ Dr. ___ Mr. ___ Mrs. ___ Ms. ___ Miss ___
First Name:________________________________ M.I.:_____ Last Name: _________________________________________________
Organization Name:_______________________________________________ Title: __________________________________________
Mailing Address: Business_____ Home_____
C.P.M._____ A.P.P._____
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City:___________________________________ State:________ ZIP Code (+ four):_____________________- __________________
Telephone:__________________________________________ Fax: _______________________________________________________
E-Mail Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
ONLINE ENROLLMENTS: Visit; move cursor to Members Only; on foldout menu, select Affili-
ates, Groups & Forums — you’ll need your ISM ID number — select Group/Forum Enrollment Form.
MAIL OR FAX TO: ISM Affiliate Support, P.O. Box 22160, Tempe, AZ 85285-2160 8 ISM Spotlight on Groups and Forums


2004 APICS Programming Contest The 2004 Atlantic Canada programming Contest was held at University New Brunswick St John Friday Oct 15 2004. There were 22 teams of three students from 10 universities in the four Atlantic provinces of Canada. Each team of 3 students was given 6 problems to try to solve in 5 hours using one computer following the rules for the ACM programming contests. c. Mini

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