The Club Championship is IOM only scratch racing. There will be two series with four rounds in each.
Ten races are to be sailed in each round. If the ten races can’t be completed by 4.00pm then the
racing can be extended by consensus for up to an hour so racing can be completed. If racing isn’t
complete by 5.00pm the number of races for the day will be those completed by 5.00pm. To allow
boat tuning there will be a five minute break (if needed) after the first, second, fourth, sixth and
eighth races. Medals or trophies will be awarded to the top three in each series. Points will
accumulate throughout the year for the Club Championship Shield.
The Club Point Score is IOM only handicap racing. There will be two series with four rounds in each.
Ten races are to be sailed in each round. If the ten races can’t be completed by 4.00pm then the
racing can be extended by consensus for up to an hour so racing can be completed. If racing isn’t
complete by 5.00pm the number of races for the day will be those completed by 5.00pm. To allow
boat tuning there will be a five minute break (if needed) after the first, fourth and seventh races.
Medals or trophies will be awarded to the top three in each series. Points will accumulate
throughout the year for the Point Score Shield.
After each race, handicaps will be altered for the next race using this method;
1st will have 30 seconds added to their handicap
2nd will have 20 seconds added to their handicap
3rd will have 10 seconds added to their handicap
If there are less than 10 entries to a round, the last finishing boat will have their handicap
If there are 10 to 15 entries in a round, the last 2 finishing boats will have their handicaps
If there are more than 15 entries to a round, the last 3 finishing boats will have their
handicaps reduced by 30 seconds, 20 seconds and 10 seconds
If a boat has a DNS or DNF then their handicap remains the same.
In the event of a postponement of Championship or Point Score days, racing will be rescheduled to
the next Open Day unless otherwise notified.
Open Day is an informal day with racing, but no results are recorded. Any class and visitors are
To compete in Club Point Scores and Club Championships Skippers must be associate members of
Racing commences at 1:00pm Sharp in ESST and 12:00 Sharp in EST. Race fees are $4 per day,
All skippers are asked to help with the club duties. These include setting the course, bringing in the
marks and washing and putting away the Tuff Tender and motor. If you can’t stay after racing,
please come early and help. If you can’t come before racing, please stay afterwards and help.
When KBSC has a working bee, help out for an hour if you can.
It seems from time to time we have a few skippers who get angry when racing. This in turn riles up
more people or worse, drives them away from the Club. It is very important that we sail within the
Racing Rules of Sailing and that we act like gentlemen on the water.
We sail from a public park and often there are spectators including elderly people, children and
Kogarah Bay Sailing Club members. A complaint to Kogarah Council could easily have us banned
from sailing at Dover Park. Swearing and antisocial behavior is bad for KBRYC, KBSC and radio sailing
in general. We want to attract people to the sport, not drive them away.
Yelling and screaming should not be the norm and it will not be tolerated. Just because you
were involved in an incident at one end of the course does not mean you have the right to be angry
with every other skipper. When we sail within the rules, everyone wins. But when we forget, or
worse, ignore the rules we all lose. When tempers flare, everyone is affected by it.
The use of foul language, threats of violence (or violence) towards another skipper or the OOD
cannot be tolerated. This behavior serves no purpose. It rarely changes the outcome of the situation
and, in most cases, spurs on more yelling and anger which can carry forward to the next week. When
you are involved in an incident, all that is required is polite conversation on the matter followed by
one party protesting and the other acknowledging the penalty or requesting that it go to the
Even the best sailors will once in a while put their boats in a situation that results in a protest.
Acknowledging the mistake and doing the penalty turn is usually the outcome and that skipper will
call out that they have completed the turn.
KBRYC is about having fun with your friends. Winning races in a friendly competition is just
added appeal. Charging through the fleet and aggressively yelling at all in your way is not part of
what we do and it will not be accepted by anyone.
Skippers who create an atmosphere of uneasiness or anger will be taken aside and spoken to. They
will be asked to control their behavior and understand what they are doing. If their behavior
continues to be a drain on the morale of the rest of the skippers, then there can unfortunately, be
only one option left and that is to be asked to leave for the day and if there is no improvement in
Please remember that we are not competing for money or great rewards. This is a hobby to
be shared with friends. Competition is good and a winning attitude is encouraged but not when it is
thrust in your face. Sail like gentlemen and we all win.
Prospettive del trattato Libia-Italia Il 3 febbraio è stato definitivamente approvato il disegno di legge che autorizza la ratifica del Trattato “ Amicizia, partenariato e cooperazione ” tra Italia e Libia, firmato a Bengasi il 30 agosto 2008. L’unica forza politica ad opporsi, al senato, sono stati i radicali; come c’era da aspettarsi, hanno fatto leva sulla solfa dei ‘diritti uman
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