J Cancer Res Clin Oncol (2004) 130: 25–28DOI 10.1007/s00432-003-0501-3
Maurie Markman Æ Fred Hsieh Æ Kristine ZanottiKenneth Webster Æ Gertrude PetersonBarbara Kulp Æ Ann Spicel Æ Jerome Belinson
Initial experience with a novel desensitization strategyfor carboplatin-associated hypersensitivity reactions:carboplatin-hypersensitivity reactions
Received: 17 June 2003 / Accepted: 28 August 2003 / Published online: 15 October 2003Ó Springer-Verlag 2003
Abstract Purpose: Carboplatin hypersensitivity is anincreasingly recognized toxicity in individuals receiving
>6 cumulative courses of this important antineoplastic
agent. We wished to determine if a novel multi-pronged
Considerable retrospective data have documented the
approach to re-treating patients with a high risk for this
clinical utility of platinum agents when employed as
potentially serious side effect could permit the safe
second-line treatment of recurrent ovarian cancer
delivery of this class of cytotoxic drugs. Methods: Five
(Markman and Bookman 2000; Gershenson et al. 1989;
patients with gynecologic malignancies who had either
Hoskins et al. 1991; Gore et al. 1990; Markman et al.
experienced a documented carboplatin hypersensitivity
1991). Objective response rates ranging from 20–70%
reaction (n =4) or had a ‘‘positive’’ carboplatin skin test
have been reported in this clinical setting, based on the
(n =1), received a multi-drug oral regimen administered
length of the ‘‘treatment-free interval’’ from the com-
over several days which was designed to block known
pletion of primary chemotherapy (Hoskins et al. 1991;
mediators of anaphylaxis. Four of these individuals
Gore et al. 1990; Markman et al. 1991). Due to its more
subsequently underwent treatment with either cisplatin
favorable toxicity profile, carboplatin is generally the
or carboplatin employing a ‘‘dose escalation’’ desensiti-
preferred platinum drug in this clinical setting (Mark-
zation schema. Results: Four patients underwent suc-
man and Bookman 2000; Markman et al. 1997).
cessful treatment with either cisplatin or carboplatin
Unfortunately, it is now well-recognized that patients
(3, 4, 5, 6+ total additional courses) without any further
receiving carboplatin as second-line treatment of ovar-
evidence of hypersensitivity. Conclusion: In this pre-
ian cancer have at least a modest risk for experiencing
liminary report of a limited patient population, we have
hypersensitivity reactions (Markman et al. 1999; Dizon
demonstrated the ability to safely deliver a platinum
et al. 2002; Robinson et al. 2001; Rose et al. 1998;
agent to individuals with either documented carboplatin
Chang et al. 1995; Weidmann et al. 1994; Hendrick et al.
hypersensitivity, or a high risk for this potentially seri-
1992; Morgan et al. 1994). The symptoms associated
ous toxicity of carboplatin. Further exploration of this
with this process range from a minor rash to diffuse
novel management strategy in a larger group of patients
erythroderma, severe anxiety, dyspnea, tachycardia,
hypotension, and (in very rare cases) death. (Markmanet al. 1999; Dizon et al. 2002; Robinson et al. 2001; Rose
Keywords Carboplatin Æ Hypersensitivity reactions Æ
et al. 1998; Chang et al. 1995; Weidmann et al. 1994;
Hendrick et al. 1992; Morgan et al. 1994; Zweizig et al. 1994).
Several management approaches have been proposed
to deal with this relatively uncommon, but potentiallyserious, complication of carboplatin treatment. Theseinclude avoidance of further administration of the drug
M. Markman (&) Æ F. Hsieh Æ K. Zanotti Æ K. Webster
following documentation of hypersensitivity, delivery of
G. Peterson Æ B. Kulp Æ A. Spicel Æ J. BelinsonDepartments of Hematology, Medical Oncology,
the agent by an extended infusion schedule, and use of a
Gynecology/Obstetrics, and Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine,
variety of ‘‘desensitization schema’’ (Markman et al.
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 9500 Euclid Avenue,
1999; Dizon et al. 2002; Robinson et al. 2001; Rose et al.
1998; Chang et al. 1995; Weidmann et al. 1994; Hend-
E-mail: [email protected].: +1-216-445-6888
rick et al. 1992; Goldberg et al. 1996; Broome et al.
Development of an effective strategy to prevent fu-
(Zanotti et al. 2001), where an attempt was made to
ture platinum-associated hypersensitivity reactions in
deliver further platinum treatment employing this
individuals experiencing such an event requires consid-
eration of the substantial clinical heterogeneity of thesymptom-complex, both in presentation and severity(Markman et al. 1999). In some patients the signs of
hypersensitivity develop immediately upon initiation ofthe drug infusion, similar to the almost universal pattern
observed with paclitaxel anaphylaxis (Markman et al.
The ‘‘desensitization’’ protocol consisted of a number of elements
2000). However, in others, the reaction begins when one-
designed to reduce the risk for the subsequent development of a
half or more of the treatment volume has been instilled.
serious hypersensitivity reaction, including:
Finally, in a subset of patients, minor rashes may be
1. Substitution of cisplatin for carboplatin: previous anecdotal
noted several days after therapy (Markman et al. 1999).
reports have suggested that patients documented to have
Further, while reactions can be quite mild in severity,
experienced hypersensitivity to carboplatin may be successfully
events of far greater consequence can occur.
treated with cisplatin (Dizon et al. 2002; Weidmann et al.
This unpredictable pattern suggests multiple immu-
1994; Hendrick et al. 1992). [It was planned that if a patient
nological and non-immunological mechanisms may be
was able to be treated with cisplatin without developing areaction, but systemic side effects were found to be unac-
involved in different patients experiencing carboplatin-
ceptable (e.g., emesis), subsequent treatment with carboplatin,
associated hypersensitivity reactions (Cromwell et al.
employing an identical protocol as described below, would be
1979; Orbaek 1982; Freedman and Krupey 1968; Zan-
otti and Markman 2001). As a result, it is not surprising
2. Delivery of cisplatin (or carboplatin) at escalating concentra-
tions: a standard management strategy designed to prevent
that prevention of this process has met with variable
serious immediate-type hypersensitivity reactions in patients
reported success (Markman et al. 1999; Dizon et al.
known to be highly allergic to a medication includes drug
2002; Robinson et al. 2001; Rose et al. 1998; Chang et al.
administration at progressively higher concentrations, beginning
1995; Weidmann et al. 1994; Hendrick et al. 1992;
with extremely dilute solutions (Table 1). [Our group, and oth-ers, had previously shown this strategy to be potentially useful in
Morgan et al. 1994; Zweizig et al. 1994; Goldberg et al.
a subset of individuals experiencing severe paclitaxel-associated
anaphylaxis (Markman et al. 2000; Essayan et al.1996)].
We have recently developed a novel ‘‘desensitization
3. Administration of several pharmaceutical agents prior to each
strategy’’ which attempts to block multiple biological
platinum treatment, each designed to block different immuno-
pathways potentially involved in the evolution of the
logical pathways potentially involved in the clinical symptoms ofhypersensitivity: these included: (a) corticosteroids (prednisone);
(b) H-2 receptor [famotidine (Pepcid)] and H-1 (diphenhydra-
hypersensitivity. In this report we describe the outcome
mine) blockade; (c) 5-lipoxygenase inhibition [zileuton (Zyflo)];
of five patients who either had previously experienced a
(d) cysteinyl leukotriene receptor-1 antagonism [montelukast
sodium (Singulair)]; (e) COX 1 and COX 2 inhibition (indom-ethecin); and (f) an oral beta-agonist [albuterol sulfate (Vol-
developed a ‘‘strongly positive’’ carboplatin skin test
max)]. The drug administration schedule and doses employedare outlined in Table 2.
4. Cisplatin/carboplatin skin testing: immediately prior to infusing
the first dilution of cisplatin/carboplatin an intradermal skin test
‘‘desensitization procedure’’. Each solution was administered in
was performed [0.02 ml cisplatin or carboplatin removed from
50 ml of normal saline (1st 30 min; 2nd 15 min; 3rd 15 min; final
the solution (‘‘undiluted’’) which had been prepared for treat-
30 min) with the next higher concentration delivered immediately
ment]. If a ‘‘positive test’’ (at least 5 mm wheel with a sur-
following successful completion of the preceding infusion. The
rounding flare) was observed, the planned platinum treatment
‘‘dilutions’’ were made from the solution prepared for drug
would not be given (Zanotti et al. 2001).
administration. (With cisplatin, the final concentration of drug wasadministered with 25 grams of mannitol)
All patients being considered for treatment with this program
who had previously experienced a carboplatin hypersensitivity
reaction, or who had developed a ‘‘positive’’ carboplatin skin test,
were extensively counseled regarding the potential for the devel-
opment of a serious anaphylactic reaction resulting from additional
platinum, despite the precautions to be employed to prevent such
an event. Further, alternative non-platinum-based managementoptions were discussed in detail.
Table 2 Multi-drug regimen employed to prevent generation of mediators of anaphylaxis
6 h·3 doses beginning the day (10 a.m.; 4 p.m.; 10 p.m.) prior to chemotherapy
Montelukast sodium (Singulair) 10 mg PO QD HS
For 1 day (10 a.m.; 4 p.m.; 10 p.m.) prior to chemotherapy
For 1 day (10 a.m.; 10 p.m.) prior to chemotherapy
only a corticosteroid) designed to prevent an immuno-
To date, a total of five patients (median age 58 years)with ovarian cancer cared for in the Gynecologic Cancer
program of the Cleveland Clinic have undergone anattempt
In this preliminary report of a small group of women
employing this ‘‘desensitization procedure’’.
with documented carboplatin-associated hypersensitiv-
All five women had previously been treated with
ity, or a high risk for development of such an event
carboplatin during primary therapy without experienc-
based on a ‘‘strongly positive’’ carboplatin-skin test, we
ing hypersensitivity. In three patients there was evidence
have shown that use of a novel multi-pronged manage-
of a both a biological and clinical response to second-
ment approach has permitted the safe administration of
line treatment with carboplatin when the allergic reac-
While it is unknown if alternative, and perhaps less
Four of these women had documented carboplatin-
complex, strategies might have produced similar favor-
associated anaphylaxis, while one had a markedly ‘‘po-
able results, it is the belief of our group that the potential
sitive’’ carboplatin skin-test prior to employing the
severity of carboplatin hypersensitivity in this setting
‘‘desensitization program’’ (Zanotti et al. 2001). In two
warrants major efforts to prevent reactions if this class of
patients evidence of carboplatin-hypersensitivity initially
agents is ever to be administered again. In this regard it
led to therapy with other cytotoxic agents before
is important to recognize that several deaths have been
attempting re-treatment with a platinum drug.
documented in individuals with known platinum-
All patients were informed of the potential serious
hypersensitivity who were retreated with platinum
risk associated with re-treatment with a platinum
agents (Zweizig et al. 1994; Dizon et al. 2002). Further,
agent, prior to proceding with the ‘‘desensitization
of eight patients with either documented carboplatin
hypersensitivity reactions or a ‘‘positive’’ skin test our
Two patients had the dose of oral prednisone reduced
group has attempted to re-treat over the last several
from 150 mg (50 mg TID), the day immediately prior
years with a less rigorous ‘‘desensitization protocol’’
to chemotherapy, to 50 mg, due to excessive anxiety,
(e.g., several days of high dose steroids followed by a
‘‘dose escalation’’ desensitization schema), five subse-
Four of the five patients were able to successfully
quently experienced an anaphylactic reaction (Markman
receive treatment with platinum-based chemotherapy
(two patients continued with cisplatin, two switched to
It remains unknown which biological pathway is
carboplatin) employing the ‘‘desensitization program’’
most likely to be implicated in the signs and symptoms
outlined in Table 2 (total additional platinum-cycles
of carboplatin-associated anaphylaxis. As previously
delivered: 3, 4, 5, 6+). One patient developed a ‘‘posi-
noted, the heterogeneity of the observed reactions argues
tive’’ skin test immediately prior to the first test dose of
for the conclusion that the pathophysiology of hyper-
platinum, despite the extensive pre-treatment regimen,
sensitivity to platinum agents is quite complex. Thus, in
and further attempts to employ a platinum agent were
this clinical setting, attempting to interfere with as many
known immunological and non-immunological path-
The clinical course of one of the five patients included
ways of anaphylaxis as possible would appear to be the
in this report is particularly noteworthy. The patient
The regimen employed in this patient population in-
reaction in the fall of 1999 (erythematous pruritic rash
cluded modification of the platinum species (substitution
on the legs, arms, face, neck). At that time an unsuc-
of cisplatin or carboplatin), general immunosuppression
cessful attempt was make to treat her with a similar,
and interference with both basophil and eosinophil
but not identical ‘‘desensitization program’’ to that
activation (prednisone); attempts to prevent mast cell
described in this report (4 days of oral prednisone,
degranulation (escalating concentrations of cisplatin/
followed by regimen of escalating concentrations of
carboplatin; oral beta-agonist therapy), interference
carboplatin). The patient developed a diffuse rash when
with H-1 (famotidine) and H-2 (diphenhydramine)
the final solution was being infused, and she was sub-
receptors, prevention of the formation, and inhibition of
sequently treated with several non-platinum based
the activity of cysteinyl leukotrienes (montelukast so-
cytotoxic regimens. With recent disease progression, the
dium, zileuton) and prevention of the formation of
patient elected to try this modified ‘‘desensitization
proinflammatory prostaglandins (indomethicin).
program’’. To date, she has received a total of six cycles
While the outcome of treatment for the individuals
of cisplatin employing this procedure, and has achieved
included in this preliminary report appears promising,
major symptomatic benefit from the agent. In addition
the number of patients managed in this manner is quite
to the use of cisplatin, rather than carboplatin, with this
limited and the overall success of this novel strategy
more recent attempt at ‘‘desensitization’’ the regimen
remains to be defined. As a result, we have initiated a
employs multiple pharmacologic agents (rather than
formal study to more critically evaluate the role of this
program in those patients with either documented car-
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